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  • Commissioned by superblue

It was a dark and stormy night… wait, where are you going, don’t click away! It was! I can’t help that, it really was in fact very late at night with intense precipitation!

The young, two-tailed fox aptly named Tails was unlucky enough to be caught in the storm, in mid-air no less! And he didn’t even have his airplane’s protection! It was daylight when he started his flight, and the thing about casually flying a biplane everywhere is that there weren’t exactly a million places to land the thing… it was usually much easier to travel via his freakish mutation that everyone tries not to talk about so much.

Still, the budding teen-that’s-what-he-is-in-these-stories-don’t-question-it was understandably absolutely petrified to be in the air during such a tumultuous, sudden storm, especially when a bolt of lightning came dangerously close to frying his whiskers, accompanied by a huge explosion of thunder! 


With a yelp, he reasoned that there was no way he could stay airborne through this. He scanned the ground beneath him and noted that he was above a residential district. 

He flew down to the first home that he was familiar with, which happened to be the house of Vanilla the Rabbit, mother to his old friend Cream. She was always such a kindly woman, he figured she’d have no problem with him stopping by to get out of the rain. When he came down on her doorstep, struggling not to slip on the wet concrete, he reached out to knock but found that his arm was trembling…

The poor boy was shaken from his near death experience out in the dark clouds, so much so that when he went to knock, he barely even made a sound with his knuckles timidly brushing against the door. He sighed, weary of his weakness. He went for the doorbell instead but just before he touched it, a particularly loud, one might even say thunderous round of thunder clapped behind him, sending an icy dagger of fright into his heart.

Instinctively he just grabbed for the doorknob and thankfully for his blood pressure, it turned out to be unlocked as he threw it open, darted in and slammed it shut behind him. He stood against the door, his chest heaving as he panted in terror. 

“H-Hello…?” he meekly spoke but he couldn’t muster the courage to speak very loudly. His legs were still shaking as he walked towards the den; he considered himself lucky he could even recall the house’s layout, he was that shook.

Over in the living room, two women lounged by the fireplace, a coffee table separating them. Vanilla, as expected, was on the couch in her usual conservative pink dress and red high heels, a plate of steaming tea in her lap, but also Rouge the Bat… she laid back on the loveseat, her legs crossed, black yoga pants and what amounted to a large matching sports bra, except it was rather low-cut, considering… with a cleavage like hers, it couldn’t be hidden, really. 

The busty house guest was in the middle of regaling Vanilla with a story when Tails quietly walked in.

“...and then, right when he was at his peak… BAM!” Rouge yelled, pantomiming a kick, and smirking at seeing Vanilla yelp and jump. (Not noticing Tails doing the same…) “Just like that, right between his legs… the look on his face was amazing.”

“W-Wow...” Vanilla gasped, taking in a sip of tea to calm herself. “And um… he paid how much for that...?”

“Enough to be owed another half a session whenever he gets out of the hospital...” Rouge shrugged.

Vanilla shook her head. “I don’t understand people at all these days...”

“M-Mrs. Vanilla…?” Tails squeaked, water dripping from his fur as he stood meekly in the doorframe.

The two ladies’ heads shot over to see him, and the homeowner stood straight up, set her plate down on the coffee table and hurried her way over to him. “Oh my! Tails, are you alright? Aww, your nice little coat is soaked… were you caught in that dreadful storm?!”

He weakly nodded, adding, “I-I know it’s rude to let myself in unannounced but I w-was really scared out there… I hope it’s okay...”

“Oh nonsense, don’t you worry about a thing! Come, sit down by the fire and dry yourself, poor dear...” she cooed. 

She gave him a little hug, and these days she didn’t need to kneel down to do it… though he was still shorter than her, enough that he ended up with the side of his face in her chest, much to his visible blush. 

“Um… um, wh-where is Cream…?” he bashfully asked, wanting to direct attention to anything else.

“Oh, she’s spending the night with Amy, apparently she has a lot of new tricks to teach her… not sure what she meant really, but I’m sure they’re having fun.” Vanilla shrugged. “But nevermind that dear, let’s get you nice and toasty!”

With a gentle hand on his back she guided him over to the couch and had him sit next to where she was. Her delicate touch was calming, and the fire soothing. 

“You just wait right here with Ms. Rouge, I’ll go fetch you a towel!” she declared before scuttling off. 

Tails sat down across from Rouge, and the moment he laid eyes on her, he froze in place. She always made him a little… on edge, but it’d been quite a while since he’d last seen her. Puberty had hit him hard since, so he was much more of a little hornball, and she was a full-blown adult… while she’d certainly developed early to begin with, she was even more curvaceous than he remembered now. And it didn’t help that she was dripping wet herself, the rainwater glistening on her skin, illuminated intriguingly by the flames.

Safe to say, the fox was feeling foxy...

“Happened to you too, eh? I had to get out of the rain myself.” Rouge spoke up. “Not a good night for flying, I suppose...”

The fox boy was trying his damnedest to fight his urge to stare at her tits, constantly catching himself and looking back up into her eyes as he shuddered, “Y-Yeah...”

She smirked at his nerves, and knowingly began to lean in, bending over to give him a lovely angle of her full cleavage… he couldn’t do anything about it now, his eyes were locked on, his mouth agape as he watched a little droplet of water stream down her chest, right between her thick, enormous breasts…

He noticed a slight giggle and then shot back straight, his eyes wide as he looked back up in time see her giving him a coy grin. “I-I-I’m so sorry, I was just...”

“You’re just a growing boy is what you are. Don’t fret about it, honey.” she assured him, waving off his concerns. “Believe me, I’m more than used to it...”

She leaned back, lounging casually, but even though she stopped going out of her way to tease him, still he was staring and fidgeting uncomfortably. His lip quivered as he realized the slow rise he was feeling between his legs…

“Here you are, poor dear, make sure you don’t catch cold.” Vanilla announced as she stepped up to him, holding a big white towel.

She handed it to him and he hurriedly accepted it, wrapping it around his waist just in time to hide his gradually growing erection, having exposed itself from his fur. 

“My word, you’re jumpy… that must’ve been such a fright.” Vanilla calmly deduced, sitting down right next to the fox and placing a tender hand on his cheek. 

As she leaned in, her elbow gave the slightest brush to his hidden member. She didn’t notice this nor did she think much of his little gasp in response. He may have had it covered but it felt so blatant, as it throbbed under the towel with such ferocity that he was certain it would tear right through it. 

Still, as Vanilla’s soothing touch caressed his face, he did find himself growing more comfortable… until the raging storm outside intensified with another soul-shaking explosion of thunder that struck into his core. 


In his fright, he instinctively leapt up from the couch with a scream and came up into the air, flying via his propeller tails. The towel flew off in the process, exposing his member as he hovered up there unknowingly, his chest heaving as he seemed completely lost in fear for a moment. 

“Oh… oh dear…!” Vanilla gasped, her hands clasped over her mouth as she looked up at him.

“Huh… not bad.” Rouge remarked with a tilt of her head.

This put him back to reality and he was quick to realize that his cock had been revealed. Blushing madly he sunk meekly back down to the couch, keeping his hands protectively over his groin until he could retrieve the towel and wrap it around himself again. “Nnngggh sorry! Oh God, I’m so sorryyy… I didn’t mean to... !”

“Oh honey, don’t worry about that, it… happens.” Vanilla assured him. “I’m just shocked to see how much the thunder truly affects you, I didn’t realize you had it that bad! Poor thing, c’mere…”

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his midsection, pressing her cheek into his… attempting to show him as much affection as possible, she even placed her leg onto his, her thigh uncomfortably close to his manhood.

“Uh… u-ugh...” Tails shuddered under his breath.

As if that wasn’t unmistakably sexual enough to him, Rouge stood up from her loveseat and walked up, sitting on the opposite side of him. “Don’t worry sugar, it’s not a big deal. Now that you’re in-doors, it’s not gonna hurt you...”

She crossed her legs as she leaned back, and in the process reached an arm around his far shoulder, pulling him in towards her, casually pressing her deep cleavage against his near shoulder, letting him get his first feel of the sheer, thick, smooth softness of her enormous breasts.

“Ohhhhhhh…” he moaned softly, before gritting his teeth, trying his hardest to contain his burgeoning ecstasy, his member twitching against the simultaneously soft and rough fibers, the towel offering a surprising amount of stimulation. His mind raced as he realized it wouldn’t take much at that stage to make him… well… BA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM under that towel, if you know’m sayin’...

Cream’s mother, seemingly oblivious to the young man being about to cream himself, again placed a hand on his far cheek as she leaned in and gave a sweet kiss to the nearest one. He’d felt this from her before and it was always nice, but this one was elongated, felt deeper against his skin and came with a pronounced moan. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuah~♥”

That was enough. Uncontrollably, he began to grunt and moan and yelp as his cock erupted. They couldn’t see the semen filling the inside of that towel, but they saw his body jerk, they heard his orgasmic noises, and they noticed his eyes darting back and forth between the two of them, a guilty expression on his now bright red face. Momentarily taken off-guard, the two ladies pulled away from him during his spasms, and then just sat blankly, a few seconds of awkward silence.

“Oh... oh no..” Tails muttered pathetically as he hid his face in his hands, dreadfully ashamed. 

But he was surprised when Cream’s warm hand again came to his face. “Mmm, that must’ve been embarrassing… sorry love, we weren’t trying to put you through that.”

Rouge smirked in a speak-for-yourself kind of expression, but Vanilla ignored it. She rose from the couch and instead sat on the coffee table in front of the fox so as to look him in the eye. From there, she continued, “We just want to make you feel comfortable, and now you couldn’t be further from that… it’s really on us.”

The horny teen’s cock quickly shriveled after his hard climax, contributing to how small he felt in that moment. Rouge’s mischievous smile faded as she gave a resigned sigh. “Hey, I’m sorry too. Don’t feel too bad, you’re brand new to all this… and believe me, it ends before it starts way more often than you’d think...”

She stood up and walked behind the couch, reaching down and gently touching his shoulders. Her skillful hands began to give him a shoulder rub. This took effect quickly, loosening him up with a little moan escaping his lips, and his legs, which had been tightly clung together to try and hide his shame, came to spread before Vanilla.

Still the fox protested, “NNgh, I… l-let you see it… and thennn… mmgh...”

Vanilla kicked off a shoe and slowly rose her bare foot up the inside of his leg. She whispered, in a surprisingly seductive little hushed tone, “It’s not your fault… it’s very, very natural, my dear...”

He gasped and then, was completely silent as her foot ran teasingly up to his inner thigh. Rouge chuckled as she watched, her fingers tenderly massaging the young man fox’s back, whilst Vanilla’s soft, barefoot came up slowly under his towel and pushed into his balls. He shuddered deeply at this, the first tender contact any woman had ever made to his genitals.

“Wh-wha...” he uttered, a pleased smile playing on his lips for a moment before he remembered how flustered he was supposed to be. “What are you doing…?”

“If you want me to stop, you can just say so...” the mature rabbit lady noted, momentarily taking her foot away, gazing longingly into his eyes. 

He didn’t say to stop. He didn’t say anything at all, in fact, he just kept on blushing, trying and failing to hide his grin as what was happening was slowly dawning on him. She gave him a little wink as she nodded and pushed her foot back into his crotch, letting her toes tickle his masculinity. 

Tails didn’t fight it at all, simply leaning back and enjoying the dual sensations of Rouge’s hands and Vanilla’s foot… and before long, his member hardened to Vanilla’s tender touch. She smirked with a hint of pride at how easy it was to get his dick to rise again so soon after an orgasm.

“Mmm, does that feel better now, dearie?” she cooed, as her toes clenched gently around his shaft. “Don’t you feel… bigger now? Hmhm… that mean old thunderstorm can’t hurt a big man like you… isn’t that right?”

With a big dumb smile growing on his face he simply nodded in response. She continued on, pushing the bottom of her foot into his member and slowly caressing it up and down, much to his gasping delight. He wasn’t even close to accustomed to something like this. 

Perhaps thanks to that first orgasm, he was able to last a few minutes… but only a few minutes, before his cock began to twitch against Vanilla’s soft, delicate foot. And then, most teasingly, she pulled her foot away right before he was about to reach the peak…

“Hmhmhm… I hope you don’t think we’re finished that quickly.” Vanilla quipped, looking up to Rouge. “Or am I being presumptuous by saying ‘we’...?”

“Oh, I couldn’t imagine doing anything better right now… I could use some fun tonight.” Rouge replied. The two women shared a wink, and Tails’ mind raced as to what they were going to do with him.

Every possibility he could think of excited him…

“In that case, why don’t you two come with me upstairs…?” Vanilla inquired, shooting him a devilish look as she sashayed her way up the steps. Rouge elegantly flew up and spun towards Tails, giving him a come hither look and a matching gesture with her finger to follow them.

Rouge wore this side of her on her sleeve, if she even wore that much on a given day. But to see Vanilla acting this way was brand new for him, a part of her he didn’t know existed. It’s unexpectedness made it all the more provocative for the horny young fox. 

Needless to say, he was extremely quick to hop up off the couch, throwing the towel away as he whisked up the stairs, following the sultry women into a bedroom, lavish and comfy, much to his delirious delight. Vanilla pushed down the dimmer switch, to a more romantic shade… they turned and saw the unbridled glee on his face, he was actually shaking with excitement. They both began to giggle at the sight.

“God, what a cutie...” Rouge remarked, shaking her head. “He sure is looking forward to this.”

“I would certainly hope so! We’re about to give him a night he’ll never forget, hmhmhm...“ the ever-so-sweet and innocent, classy lady laughed. 

With that, they began to strip right before his eyes. He was floored, staring agape as Vanilla slowly undid the ties to her dress before letting it fall callously to the floor, and Rouge peeled off her top, taking a moment to fan off her still glistening cleavage.

At one point he couldn’t help himself and he started absentmindedly reaching towards her, but the sultry bat put him in his place with a playful smack on the wrist and a little wink as she finished sliding off her pants.

They didn’t stop until they were down to their undies, which happened to be lacy lingerie… revealing as could be. Rouge in black, Vanilla in white, but otherwise matching, as though they’d planned this. As Tails’ jaw hit the floor, Rouge marveled, “Wow, girl… I had a feeling you were more twisted than you looked, but I would not have guessed we went to the same shop… heheh...”

Rather than reply, she gave a mocking little curtsy in response, giving Tails an ample view of her ample cleavage in the first place, and the sight damn near knocked him down. 

With her usual conservative, restrictive dress sense, it was actually hard to get a gauge on what her body was like. He never would have guessed she was so well-endowed… in fact, her figure even rivaled Rouge, which many would’ve thought impossible.

The now fully verified MILF coquettishly batted her eyelashes at Tails. “Are you ready to start the fun big boy?”

Playing it cool, he suavely replied, “YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!”

This earned a laugh from both of the two ladies who quickly approached the lustful fox from either side. His eyes darted back and forth excitedly… large bouncing breasts, thiccc swaying hips - yes, that’s THREE c’s, that’s just how thicc they were - coming in on all sides. 

After taking a few moments to tease him with their lithe, jiggling bodies they swarmed in and sandwiched his body swiftly between their enormous breasts. Together they actually managed to press against his entire torso, and juuuust barely touch each other on the other side… the horny young man was nowhere near ready for that, a soft warmth enveloping his entire body. 

As he began to melt between their titties, Vanilla grabbed at his nearest with a mischievous smile. Rouge just played along, grabbing the one closest to her as well, and in that next second the two women flipped him up in the air, showing some impressive power as they easily held him aloft, upside down, a few feet off the ground. 

He was so struck by his ecstasy that he almost didn’t notice, but then those gargantuan breasts came back again. If they came any harder they’d have threatened to crush his comparatively tiny physique, but instead they hugged him with a loving embrace, four huge, bounding breasts smothering his entire frame. His manhood peeked out just above them, the top of it pressing delicately against their tits… it felt wondrous and yet, horrifically teasing at the same time.

The women smiled and leaned in, each of them pelting his genitals with sweet, tender kisses… he moaned openly at the sensation… Rouge had on red lipstick, Vanilla with purple, and by the time they were done, his dick and balls were covered in lipstick marks of each color, proof of how deep each smooch was.

They let go of his legs at some point, and now he was just suspended in the air via those anatomically impossibly enormous tits… they were so much bigger than they looked downstairs. How they even walked with them was a mystery.

The truth is that their round of kissing alone whilst their tits held him in place probably would’ve made him cum eventually. But suddenly the two women came apart, callously letting him fall to the floor. Thankfully for his twitching erection, he fell backfirst. Rouge then lorded over him for a moment, letting him watch as her leg slowly swung across to where she was now standing above him, her legs spread, one foot on either side of him. Gradually she came down to straddle him, mounting his stomach and leaning down to quickly brush his face with her pendulous tits. She didn’t go deep into a smother, just enough to give him a taste… literally, as he couldn’t help but kiss and lick her feminine flesh as it came across him.

Rouge then pulled back, sliding her ass against his dick in the process as she leaned in to give him several more kisses, smooching all over his face. Vanilla knelt down behind him, getting onto her knees and lifting his head up so that she could rest it against her crotch, letting him feel her warm pussy as it slowly became wet. Rouge kissed deeper when that happened, using her lips to press him further into Vanilla’s panties…

After a few more beautiful moments of this, Rouge stood up and Vanilla slid back, so that she could instead lean down and give him a few dozen kisses of her own… his face now matched his cock in lipstick markings, whilst Rouge stepped back and gently placed her bare foot on the bottom of his pulsating member. She pushed it down against his stomach and slyly slid her toes up and down the shaft. 

He began to groan and gasp, and Vanilla went in for a deep, long kiss on the lips right when Rouge gave him a strong solid pump, and just like that, he came again, all over his own stomach.

Vanilla smiled warmly as she rose up and saw him gasping for breath with a satisfied grin on his face. “Mmm, did you like that little warm-up, dearie…? I hope so because you’re getting so much more than that...”

He was elated to hear that, and didn’t resist in the slightest as she grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him into a seated position, before pushing her enormous breasts into the back of his head. He let out a longing sigh at the loving sensation.

“Mmmm… don’t try and tell me you’ve ever rested that cute little head on a better set of pillows honey-bunny~” the MILF winked. 

He shook his head, confirming that he never had and in the process slid his head against them. And he was absolutely overjoyed when Rouge knelt down beside him, her own huge pair of pillows shaking before him. “I think I can give you a run for your money...”

With that, this time she came down hard, smothering his face with her massive mammaries. Now tits were enveloping his entire head from both sides, Vanilla and Rouge’s breasts pushing against each other. They each began to giggle, a little tickled by the sensation, so they happily continued, each tit stroking the other, their stiffening nipples either running across the teen’s head or touching with each other…

As he was again held tightly by their womanly chests, Vanilla reached down and grasped Tails’ cock, which hadn’t softened at all from it’s second ejaculation. She quickly began to pump his dick, and his screams of lust were muffled heavily by their heavy breasts.

But now he was perhaps taking a bit more time to reach his peak… so Rouge helped out, running her fingers along the head of his prick, teasing as could be. His lower body began to spasm forward, entirely unable to contain himself as he again came, all over the ladies’ hands this time. 

They seperated and stood up. Tails looked up to see them holding their hands down, making sure that he could see what he’d done. For a moment he thought they were maybe upset that he made such a mess on them… but then they let him watch as they licked the cum from their fingers, hungrily sucking their hands dry.

His cock didn’t even finish softening before it sprang up again at the sight, much to their delighted giggle. Vanilla knelt down and gave him a motherly kiss on the forehead before sitting him up on his ass. She wrapped her arms around him from behind in a sweet embrace, pulling him towards herself and going down onto her back with him atop her… he moaned as he felt her solid nipples digging into his back, her breasts sliding down his form… until they were able to curl around his backside. So enormous were those titties that the inside of them managed to juuust rub against the sides of his manhood. 

“Nnnnggh…!” Tails’ eyes shot wide when they came into contact with his solid member. So soft, so smooth, so warm… Vanilla reached down and grasped her titties, pretending to strain to bring them closer and fully embrace his cock, but the truth was she could do that easily… she was just teasing the poor fox.

And to make it worse, in came Rouge on top of him, going out of her way to bring her tits precariously close to his throbbing dick as she crawled forward and rested them upon his torso. He felt like his entire body was overtaken by these four giant breasts… because frankly, it had been. 

“Do you need it…?” Rouge asked in a hushed tone. “Our tits… hugging your friend down there, do you need it…?”

“Yeeesss...” Tails moaned, gasping and twitching in delight already.

“Well then, why don’t you be-” she began to retort.

“Pleeeeeeasseee!” he shouted, beating her to the punch. “Nnngh I’ve never needed anything more in my life, please Ms. Rouge give me your luscious breasts… aaaugggh I’ll die if I don’t feel it...”

“Mmm… my, what a lovely little boytoy he makes.” Rouge marveled, before looking down at her cohort for the night. “Tell me, do you think he deserves to get what he wants…?”

“Ohhh, well I’d sure hate for someone so adorable to die on us...” she smirked. “It’s a worthy sacrifice to keep him alive~”

The busty bat nodded and brought her breasts sliding down his frame, just as Vanilla pressed her tits together, both pairs simultaneously enveloping his cock. As the thunder raged on, the rain pounding relentlessly against the window, his screams of ecstasy drowned out the roar, and from the intense sensation he swiftly came, his semen filling the cleavages of his more mature mates…

He came so powerfully that a little actually managed to eek past all four tits and land on Rouge’s cheek. Without hesitation, she gave her cheek a lick, happily tasting his cum once more. She then leaned down and gave him another sweet little kiss on the lips, giggling as she saw the little trail of cum between their faces that this created.

From there, his lust was too much and it all became a blurry whirlwind of sex and feminine bodies. The next thing he knew he was lying down with his head again cradled betwixt Vanilla’s tits as Rouge laid on the floor next to him, his cock in her hand as she gently caressed and gradually increased the intensity to a relentless degree… but she stopped just shy of making him cum this time, laughing at the bewilderment on his face. 

Moments later, he found himself tied by his wrists to the ceiling, as one lady was in front of him and the other behind him, each getting down on their knees. Rouge intriguingly kissed and licked inside his ass, taking him by complete surprise… meanwhile Vanilla took his still ever-raging member into her mouth. 

She licked and suckled and even deepthroated him once, but when she felt his member twitching in her mouth she quickly ceased, milliseconds before he would’ve cum… she too began to snicker at his desperate reaction to this sudden blueballing. That they were even able to give him such a sensation after so many orgasms was one hell of a testament to just how much power they held over his genitals.

He hung there, helpless to do anything but watch and endure this relentless teasing until they came together once more… this time Rouge was in front, Vanilla behind, and he got their enormous bosoms from both sides once more. But this time, Vanilla held him by the hips and forced his lower body up, making damn sure that Rouge’s tits met and embraced his cock. The blueballing severely intensified his climax as once more Rouge’s tits were filled with his cum. 

In his haze, he didn’t even notice when or how he got cut down from the ceiling, but the rope binding him was gone. Instead, he saw that he was being forced to sit on Rouge’s knee, as she held his arms back. His position forced his legs to be spread out, his genitals hanging just before the sultry bat’s leg.

Looking forward, he saw Vanilla sitting her sweet ass on a stool, her legs spread, the upper one bouncing up and down just between his thighs. A devious smile played on her face… she reached forward and caressed the horny teen’s face, looking into his eyes to make sure he was lucid enough to hear her.

“Tails, dearie… do you remember that one time, years ago, you had that experiment that malfunctioned, and Cream’s little chao Cheese ended up shaved bare…? Do you remember how angry she was with you?” she asked, giggling quietly. “I’m sure you recall what her… kneejerk reaction was, yes…?”

“Whaa…?” he dazedly replied, barely unable to form a cohesive thought let alone go back in his memory very far. Although he did have a vague sense of a certain feeling that he experienced for the first time that day…

Suddenly, Vanilla’s leg jerked forward… the top of her bare foot smacked into his testicles with just enough force to make them bounce. He shrieked and jerked, but mostly through instinct… she didn’t exactly kick very hard.

“Hmhmhm… she hit a lot harder than that, but otherwise it’s pretty close.” she smirked. “Poor boy, you were in tears… you never felt that before, didn’t you? So much pain… and yet when I went down to check, I was quite surprised to see the… little stirring you had in response...”

She delivered another playful kick to his balls that earned another stunned gasp from him, and sure to her word, his cock began to harden yet again, quivering.

“Mmmmhmhmhm… I know I scolded her quite a bit when you were looking… but you want to know something?” she continued, a deep lick of her lips. “The second I had her behind closed doors, I gave her a biiig high five~”

A third shot smacked loudly, if still relatively lightly against his nuts. They were so tender after all this lovin’, it hardly took much to have him squealing…

“What do you think, Rouge? Would someone pay for this?” Vanilla winked as she delivered another light shot. 

“Sure… a real wimp who can’t handle a serious kick might go for it.” Rouge smirked as the MILF suddenly fired off with three swift, glancing blows in a row, taking Tails off-guard. She was far from full-force but it was really beginning to sting… and yet his dick was lurching madly from the ordeal. Rouge continued, “Now a big, strong boy like Tails… I don’t think he’d be satisfied until he got the real deal.”

Vanilla nodded and without warning, stood up and reared her leg back. This time she didn’t hold back at all, firing her leg like it was launched from a cannon, her foot on a collision course with his tender testes...


An explosion of thunder echoed out at the very moment her equally thunderous kick landed. And while he howled in pain, he also had a huge smile on his face as his cock erupted like a storm itself. He never put it together that he had any interest in being kicked in the nuts until he came at the feet of Vanilla.

Rouge let him fall to the ground and he twitched and quivered, yet didn’t see any need to protect his freshly devastated nuts. She laughed, “Not bad… I can show you a thing or two you can fix with that form, but not bad for a rookie at all...”

Vanilla just smiled kindly towards her and then knelt down behind Tails yet again. She sat him up and curled her long, and as he just learned powerful legs around him tightly. As her thighs pressed into his sides, her crossed feet pushed against his inner legs, spreading them widely, making plenty of space for Rouge as she turned around lowered her prominent ass right onto his genitals. 

Calmly she ran her ass up and down his shaft, and it quickly sprang to life. Her soft, thicccccc with SIX c’s flesh curled around his erection… he stood no chance. 


His final drops of cum geysered out of him and didn’t finish until the rumbling ceased…

All he could recall after that was the familiar situation of being sandwiched deeply between their breasts and a constant barrage of kisses, they even began to lick and suckle his neck and cheek and occasionally plunged their tongues into his mouth until finally the exhaustion of their relentless working over of his body got to him and he passed out in utter bliss…

--- 3 Months Later ---

Tails burst from the door of his house, hopping and cheering with delight as he’d just found out his heroes were coming to town within a few days! Eager to get some autographs, he rushed out to make sure he had a pen and paper, when he peered up to see the dark clouds gathering overhead. A few trickles of rain fell upon his whiskers and then…


An ear-splitting burst of thunder pierced the air. It’d have made him jump out of his skin not long ago, but now? The sound just made him blush as he thought back to the time Rouge and Vanilla dominated his existence… with that sweet feeling in his heart, he fearlessly flew off into the stormy sky, refusing to be afraid of the lightning and the thunder ever again. 

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