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  • Commissioned by Ethan Really

I want to preface this story by saying that, I’ve never had great luck with girls. From my teens onward I was an exceptionally awkward blonde-haired little dork. I’d developed a lengthy history with all the girls at my old university… none of it good. Bad jokes, things that were largely never taken as jokes, just general faux paus… I was never trying to come off as creepy but I guess I had the tendency somehow. Even after graduating, the reputation I’d built up persisted… it’s a small town I live in, so a lot of the women around here recognized me and largely didn’t wanna give me the time of day. 

My name is Perry, and perhaps just because of the alliteration, I’d been called Perry the Pathetic Pervert more times than I’d care to recall, and it stung a little more each time. 

What I’m getting at is, at the time this story happened, it’d been a loooong time since I got any sort of attention from a lady. Well, any sort of positive attention anyway. I was in a rut and at the risk of being really vulgar out of the gate, I was… feeling it. In my pants. No matter how much I tried to handle it myself I never seemed to get the yearning out of me for longer than an hour or so. Sometimes you just, really need to get laid, what can I say?

I was certain I’d gotten better at talking to women by that point, but if none of them wanted to talk to me to begin with, then… what was a guy to do? Honestly, I’d sometimes thought about trying to find sex workers but I’m a little too cowardly to go near that, and besides I… well, I wasn’t destitute or anything but I didn’t have money to burn on stuff like that. 

I was pretty miserable until I happened to overhear something that would turn out to change my life. Oh God, that sounds like one of those clickbait headlines, doesn’t it? Maybe I’m overselling it… hmm, no, I think it’s fair to say it really was that kinda moment.

See I was at a restaurant one evening, sitting at an outdoor table. I don’t even remember the name of the place now but I’ll never forget her… there was a woman sitting at the table just next to mine. She was right behind me, so I could hear all too clearly as she spoke, “Ahh yes, I have loved my stay here so far. Despite stereotypes, it is much more quiet than where I am used to. I am glad I had a penpal like you to help me find my way around.”

Her voice, it just… how do I put it? I’m no poet, but… well, it just kissed my ears. Her tone so soft, serene, dulcet… the kind of voice people would pay to listen to and soothe their souls, even if she was just reading off a phone book. She spoke in perfect English, maybe a little unnaturally so really, but that just added a subtle mystery to her. And that accent, I was a little too ignorant to place it right away but it mystified me to no end. Before I even saw her, already I had a stirring in my aching loins.

Obviously I didn’t want to make a scene in such a public place. There was no way to just subtly look back at her without getting noticed, atleast there wasn’t for a guy like me, I’d blow that no doubt. So instead I just sat there and tried and failed to act natural as I ate my meal at a snail’s pace, never doing anything that might keep me from hearing her as she continued chatting with her friend.  

I eventually found out through context that she was actually Japanese, and had just recently moved to the US. It was impressive how good her English was considering, but she’d planned on it for quite a while so I guess she had been preparing diligently. She lived in Kyoto for most of her life, one of the biggest cities in Japan. But she obviously had some issues with her family with the curt way she spoke with them, and she hated the hustle and bustle of such a densely populated area, which is why she decided to live in Bumfuck, Nowhere, to get away from it all.

Finally, I heard her name mention her name… she was called Kairi. Not one I’m familiar with, but it was probably the prettiest name I’d ever heard. I hadn’t even seen this girl and I was fascinated by her. Not least of which because… she just got here! She had no idea who I was! The reputation of Perry the Pathetic Pervert couldn’t possibly have gotten to her yet! Finally, a girl I could make a good first impression with… I’d been waiting for that opportunity for so long. 

I just kept quietly listening in, until the time came that the two of them got their bill and rose from their chairs. As they made their way to leave, I knew it was now or never, I had to get just one little glimpse… I peeked over as she strode towards the exit, and mentioned, “My housing is not so far away, I will save money and walk. I shall see you soon! Goodbye.”

That was just enough to confirm that it was really her that I was looking at. I was glad she didn’t notice me because I had the most gobsmacked look on my face. She was easily the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. Those piercing dark eyes belied by her innocent smile, that gorgeous flowing jetblack hair billowing from her white sun hat, a matching white sundress that flowed just past her thighs, and lengthy black boots, covered in white poofy faux fur. And her body so shapely, so firm… what a sight, I was not ready for her at all.

The two girls went their separate ways past the gate and I made sure to get a good bead on which way Kairi was going as I hurriedly paid for my meal and left the restaurant, practically at a full sprint. And let me tell you, it’s not easy to run with an erection. And it’s even worse to trip with one, but that’s a story for another day…

I rushed out through that same gate and went the way she was heading at a brisk jogging pace until I caught sight of the billowing skirt of her dress. Slowing down, so as not to make so much noise, I nonetheless made sure I was going a little faster than her to try and bridge the gap. She hadn’t looked back so I figured she didn’t notice me yet. I wasn’t looking to make a lot of noise so instead of calling out to her I figured it best to just wait until I was right next to her to strike up a conversation.

I was busy thinking up an icebreaker when I realized she was suddenly walking a lot faster. I’m a very oblivious guy so I really thought nothing of that, aside from the fact that I also needed to speed up. 

The two of us were merely a few yards apart and she had just come to a curb when she abruptly turned around and glared at me. Her hair caught the sheen of a nearby street lamp, a spotlight zeroing in on her like a model on a runway. I stopped myself, trying to stammer out a greeting but the nerves hit me like a brick the second her eyes met mine, and whatever dumb thing I was going to say got lost in my throat.

After a tense seconds of staring, she asked, “What are you doing? Why are you following me?”

“Uh, uh I wasn’t really… I mean, no, okay, I was following you but not like a stalker thing, I… wasn’t gonna stare at you in the bushes or anything like that, um… hehe, those days are long behind me...” I smirked. She didn’t laugh. They never did for me… shaking that off, I continued. “Listen I just, wanted to talk I mean uh… I wanted to introduce myself, since I hadn’t seen you around before, pretty tightknit community, y’know? Heh, I’m uh, my name is Perry...”

Her dark eyes burned through my soul as she stared at me, her arms crossed. She weighed me up, regarding me quite suspiciously before loosening up a bit. “...It is not a good practice to sneak up on women at night. That is a very scary situation.”

Dumbly I looked up at the night sky like I’d never seen it before. “Huh, yeah, I guess it has gotten pretty dark, I suppose we were eating longer than I thought...”

“What do you mean, ‘we’...?” she asked.

“Oh well we were actually at the same restaurant just now, heh… I just saw you in there and, I mean I wasn’t staring or anything, it just kinda happened.” I struggled to explain. “Uh listen Kairi, I think we’re getting off on the wrong foot-”

“You know my name?!” she exclaimed, taking another step back. 

“Uh… oh. Yeah, I mean… I heard it, from your friend in there and…” I began and quickly trailed off as I went hunting for a way out of this situation. 

“So not only are you following me but you have been eavesdropping as well?” she curtly inquired. With a dismissive wave of her hand she turned and walked across the street.

“No! Noo, I mean… not, at first.” I blurted out, before following closely after her like a puppy after it’s master. Why am I like this? “Wh-what I’m saying is, like, I just happened to overhear you and… and um, kept listening from there because I was, just so curious about you and...”

She turned her head back to me as we kept walking together, silencing me for a moment. My head bowed I finished, “...You have a beautiful voice, Kairi.”

“You’re a pervert.” she commented with a casual sigh.

“Er… what? What do you mean?” I asked, oblivious. “I haven’t done anything pervy… um, maybe you’re confused as to what that means? Maybe it’s a language barrier thing?”

“There is no language barrier, I know exactly what it means.” she swiftly interjected, sounding progressively aggravated. “You are Perry, the Pathetic Pervert... that is all. Now please go away.”

Hearing that again made my eye twitch… it brought back so many echoes of feminine voices, a dulcet chorus singing along to her song… a song dedicated to my awkwardness and inadequacies. To know that so swiftly the first new woman to come into town in forever already had this opinion of me was just devastating. 

I swear I was never gonna do anything to hurt her, I just felt the need to speak up for myself. That was my only though when I grabbed her by the shoulder and shouted, “Hey, hold on!” as I pulled her around to make her face me.

Immediately I was made to wish I hadn’t. She turned on a dime on one planted foot, whilst firing the other forward in the form of a snap kick, the instep of her heavy boot slamming into my groin. Kairi reacted so quickly, I didn’t even realize what’d happened until her foot had been rammed deep into my testicles. It only stayed there for a fraction of a second as this was a very swift kind of kick, but from my perspective it felt like it grinded my nuts into my pelvis for a full minute. 

Believe it or not, for all my failings with women, I’d never been kicked in the balls before. And I’d never been hit that hard in my life either. From her petite frame I’d have never guessed the power she hid in those legs. The pain was unreal and in truth, if that were a fight I’d have already been beaten. I began to double over, my hands on my crotch and I was struggling to keep from falling on my knees, but Kairi was far from finished with her assault.

Her next move was a punch, one with the knuckles on her middle and ring fingers raised slightly, that landed right in my adam’s apple. Before I could even begin my hoarse groan, I got two thumbs, one for each eye, her lengthy fingernails threatening to gouge my eyeballs out. Immediately I was tearing up, my vision clouded. But I could see her next move clearly enough, as she took a painful grab at my ears and roughly yanked my head down, so as to collide with her swiftly rising knee. I tried to raise my hands to block it but I was much too slow, and I could just see her bared kneecap getting bigger and bigger until it blasted me right between the eyes. She hit me with enough force that it probably would’ve stood me straight again if not for her tight grasp on my ears.

My fleeting moment of anger failed to outlast this opening barrage, and by the time she’d pulled me in closer, getting me in a headlock with an arm under my chin, I found myself desperately wishing I had a second to apologize, and also the air in my lungs to say it. Sadly, what I got instead was another knee, this one rising up between my forcibly spread legs. Her rocksolid knee bashed my balls with merciless power and precision.

To my horror, that wasn’t enough for her, and with her grip on me she could’ve kept me up for as long as she wanted, the control she had over my body was complete and absolute. The angelic Kairi turned into the ballbusting bitch from hell as she sent another brutal knee into my nethers, and from the position she held me in I couldn’t even cover myself. I wanted so badly to plead for her to let me go, but all that came out was a wail of anguish.

She bit her bottom lip, a loud grunt of effort escaping her luscious lips as she capped off with a third knee to the balls, this one even more devastating than the last, a loud thud echoing throughout the cool night air. 

You would think that’d be a good time for her to drop me to the sidewalk and leave me for dead in the streets, but she wasn’t feeling that merciful. Instead, she dragged me to my left and slung me against the wall of the nearby building. Just before I could fall she racked me with a couple punches, a right and a left, one for each of my cheeks. I started to slump down the building but she stopped that by grabbing onto the front of my shirt. She pulled me slightly towards her as she jerked her head back and then launched into a vicious headbutt, rocking me and shattering my nose. The back of my head slammed into the building off the ricochet, a double dose of concussion.

She released me just so she could take a step back and then, as though she had some kind of fetish, went low once again, a wicked front stomp to my crotch, thrusting the bottom of her heeled boot into my genitals. This had the added effect of pinning me to the wall as she kept her foot rightly in place. My vision had somewhat cleared up, enough for me to realize our eyes were locked, she stared right through me as her foot continued bearing itself onto my nuts. 

“...Never attack a woman again.” she instructed me. “You will learn your lesson today.”

I was about to issue a well thought out retort, but it just came out as “ARRRGGGHH” when she began to grind her boot deeper into my tender testes, slowly sliding her foot down as well, guiding my body as I slowly slumped down the building until I was sitting on my ass, her boot still planted firmly onto my most sensitive spots.

Finally, she gave me some reprieve, taking the pressure off of my genitals, though her foot remained pressed down against them. “Tell me, what have you learned?” her beautiful voice rang out. 

Looking up at her, and recalling the hell that I was just put through in the past few moments - they sure seemed like minutes but I think it was really just a matter of seconds - I honest to God muttered, “Y-You’re incredible… ugh, that was… amazing… owww...” 

She gave me an odd look in response to that. I continued, “I guess you... ngh, know kung fu, huh…?”

To that, she gave me another quick grind, earning a yelp from me. She scolded, “No, I do not! You think just because I am Japanese that it must be kung fu?!”

“N-Nooo… that’s not what I meeeaant...” I whined.

“I learned Krav Maga… self-defense training, so I can deal with perverted creeps such as yourself.” she curtly explained.

“I’m not a creep...” I groaned.

“Only creeps get their nuts stomped like this!” she argued, before raising her foot up only to bring it down hard, smashing as much of her weight as she could onto my poor, poor balls, to the sound of a vile crunch and a loud, blood curdling holler from me. 

By the time she finally took her foot back, I was an absolute mess, I could taste my own blood coming from my broken nose, I was battered and bruised, tears flowing as I sobbed in a pitiful little fetal position, my hands desperately clutching my groin for dear life. She had done a hell of a number on my balls, they were absolutely on fire. I had never felt a pain like it before and it simply wasn’t fading in the slightest. 

Somehow through my suffering, I noticed her reaching into her pocket and pulling out a cellphone, glaring at me as she did it. A pang of fright hit me as a realization set in. And she quickly confirmed it when she muttered, “9-1-1... that’s what I’m supposed to call for police, yes?”

At the sound of that, I desperately launched myself off the sidewalk and towards her, my hands extended as I tried to reach up for the phone. Showing off her reflexes, she caught me with a knee to the face that stopped me dead in my tracks. I ended up on my knees, holding my already broken nose as I nearly bent over backwards from the impact. She of course followed up by taking a step forward and launching a vicious punt into my brutalized groin. 

I once again slumped over, a death grip on my tortured nuts as I mewled pathetically, my tears staining the sidewalk. 

“You can not prey on women and get away with it, no matter how weak and unthreatening you are.” she coldly declared, as she dialed those three dangerous numbers. “You belong in a cell. And I shall take you there.”

“Noooo… nnngggh just l-let me explaaaaaainnn…” I groaned.

“What is there to explain?!” she exclaimed.

She sounded like she’d be impossible to convince, but she did hesitate on her call. She didn’t confirm it yet, instead she just put her hands on her hips as she waited to hear a reply from me. Groggily I struggled back to my knees, gasping for air as she looked down on me, increasingly impatient. 

“I… ugh, I just wanted to talk… I promise.” I began. “Urrgh, I-I didn’t mean any harm, I’m just... really... REALLY bad at talking to girls. I… nnggh, always have been. All the other w-women in this town… hate me. But you were n-new here, so I thought… aagghh...”

The tears just kept on flowing as I was suddenly spilling out my guts out like I never had before. I explained to her my history with women in all levels of schooling, how my constant screw-ups at hitting on girls followed me wherever I went until my reputation spread throughout the whole damn town. I even had to tell her about how often they liked to call me Perry the Pathetic Pervert, and how much that came to hurt. 

Surprisingly she never interrupted, she just listened, her suspicious expression unchanging until I finished my sob story. 

“...And when you grabbed me?” she asked. 

“I just… wanted you to look at me when I defended myself.” I answered, back in a seated position by this point. “I was never going to hurt you, honest...”

“Obviously not.” she replied, a little smirk forming on her pretty face. She was atleast a little proud of dismantling me. “Hmmm… okay.”


Kairi hit a button on her smartphone, cancelling that 9-1-1 dial, earning a sigh of relief from me. She then declared, “I will let you go… on one condition.”

“A-Anything… um, what is it?” I replied, immediately regretting that kneejerk reaction. NEVER say you’ll do anything…

I was taken off-guard a bit when she abruptly smacked the thick toe of her boot into my stomach, albeit playfully. She giggled at my little gasp all the same. “You are… very fun to hurt. You can not hide your pain at all. I would like to try a few more techniques on you and see how effective they are.”

Well everything about that sentence was demeaning. But I was already in more pain than I’d ever felt before, how much worse could it be?

“Um… o-okay… but can you try not to break anything else?” I groaned as I gave my nose a slight tap, wincing.

She didn’t reply to that, instead messing around with her phone for a moment. I was worried she maybe opted to dial 9-1-1 after all as a punishment for asking that, but instead she turned the phone around to show me the screen. It simply read ‘10:00’ in big bold typing. 

“Ten minutes… I shall do whatever I want to you for ten minutes.” she stipulated. “And after that, I shall let you go. Are you okay with this?” 

“I… guess I have to be.” I sighed. Women abusing me just seemed to be my lot in life sometimes…

She offered me her free hand, delicate and dainty… reluctantly I accepted it and she helped me up to my feet. Even this was painful, it was pretty hard to move without rubbing up uncomfortably against my swollen, torturously tender balls. That did remind me of something else I should’ve thought to say sooner, though.

As she tapped the screen of her phone, starting the timer with a little chime, I muttered. “Oh yeah, um… could you also please lay off my-”

She cut me off by lashing her leg forward, bringing it up swiftly right between mine. I yelped in sheer terror, jumping back, only to find that she’d stopped short of bashing my balls. As she put her foot back to the ground, she giggled at my clear fright at what her legs could do to a man’s scrotum. Suffice to say, this was a pretty humiliating day…

For a brief moment, I let my shoulders slump as I started to relax. In that instant, she actually leapt up into the air, her legs pumping one after the other as she fired her bare knee up into the bottom of my chin with remarkable force.

I immediately felt like she had dislocated my jaw and just like that, I was right back on the ground. She had clearly not practiced this one much as she actually fell with me, landing roughly on top of me, her knees burying themselves in my solar plexus, knocking the wind right out of me. Kairi just laughed a dignified little laugh, covering her mouth as she giggled at my plight.

From her position on top of me, she adjusted herself until she was lying on her side on the pavement, her long legs coiling around my waist. She had me in a tight bodyscissor, bearing down and clamping on my torso with all the deceptive strength she hid in those thighs. I was screaming and writhing in pain, as never had I felt something like this firsthand. I did know enough to tap out to signal my submission, frantically slapping the sidewalk, but this got me nothing but more laughter.

She pushed her beautiful body off the ground, garnering a lot more leverage as her legs tried their best to slice me in half. After a couple of minutes of this, she added another wrinkle to it by stealthily reaching down my pants. I was so distracted by the fresh new agony being applied to my midsection that I didn’t notice until I felt her hand brush my cock… and then curl around my poor balls.

“NNNNNNNNOOOO!!” I shrieked as she gave my nuts a tight squeeze. She’d managed to find both of them, and had a real vice grip as they were slowly being crushed against her palm.

My whole body spasmed from the sheer pain, my nuts had been through enough already! And again her callous laugh was my only reprieve. Atleast it sounded sweet…

I can’t tell you how long she squeezed my nuts, because the seconds slowed to minutes slowed to hours during that agonizing new hell. But eventually she let go, slowly bringing her hand back out of my pants. 

“...Oh.” she muttered under her breath as she glanced quizzically at her hand. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but she promptly unlatched her legs and stood up, lording above me as I rolled around in pain, grasping my tortured midsection and tenderized nuts. 

I looked up at her just in time to see her hopping down on me, landing crotch-first on my face. I did get a peek up her dress as she did it though, she was actually wearing a black thong under that white skirt… and said thong proceeded to slam right into my injured nose.

As she straddled me, she started rolling over, forcing me to roll with her. I was on my front now, lying on the sidewalk as she again coiled her legs around me, this time scissoring my head. Her calves twisted together as her inner thighs clamped down around my ears.

The pressure was immense as she squeezed her legs together with all her might, the power of her hips fully unleashed on my head. I was reminded of these videos I often watched, purely for educational purposes, where ridiculously powerful women crushed watermelons between their thighs. Immediately I began to fear that my skull might implode the same way that fruit did! Admittedly that one was probably exaggerated, but it’s sure as hell how it felt to me! 

It was really absurd just how strong Kairi’s legs were. Or maybe I was just that big of a wuss. Maybe a little of both…

Either way, my screams were muffled by her panties as her thighs bore down powerfully on my head. All I could see was darkness, and my oxygen was running very low. As I kicked my legs fruitlessly, fearing for my life, it occured to me that if I was going to die… this is probably the way I’d chose to go out. I mean regardless of the circumstances, between a girl’s legs, pressed right up against her crotch… it was quite a place to be.

As I started to fade a little, I began to realize how nice her thighs really were. Even though they were squeezing me so ruthlessly hard, it was clear they were very, very soft… relatively thick on her otherwise rather skinny legs, almost cushiony really. The pain went away and I was just… comfortable there. There in her sweet, milky thighs...

The moment I felt at ease, she released me and I was suddenly back to reality, gasping for breath. She lorded over me… I glanced up, got an upskirt and promptly looked back down at the ground. Yet another giggle at my expense.

“You have played along with me quite well. This has been most amusing.” she nodded with a little smirk. “Stand now. I have one last technique I must do...”

“Nnggh, easier said than done...” I moaned. I crawled over to the nearest building and put my hands on the wall, using them to help pull myself up to my feet. Even then, it wasn’t easy… my body had been absolutely decimated. I had never been put through a beating like the one I’d gone through that day, not even close. Frankly I was a little worried my slowness would agitate her further but no, she just found it all the more amusing to see just how much I was struggling because of her.

How can someone look so cute and yet be so sadistic…? Who am I kidding, that’s the story of my life…

Eventually I stood, my back pressed against the building as I turned to look at her. There, I got another glimpse of her under the light of the lamp. The glow washed over her as she passed by it and approached me, and I was struck by her beauty all over again. 

Why did I have to be so bad at this…? What I wouldn’t do to get on the good side of a girl like that...

She placed a hand on my chest and pushed me back, pinning me against the wall. She kept her hand in place as she gradually turned around, eying my crotch for a moment before looking out ahead. 

“I have not yet gotten sufficient practice at this move. And it is a very important one, for if I ever get attacked from behind.” she declared. I had an inkling about what this was and I was immediately dreading it, but I did nothing. It’s what I get for getting myself into situations like this, and being such a dumbass all the time. She continued, “It is what I would have used on you first when you grabbed me, but I did not believe I was prepared.”

I hated myself more than Kairi hated contractions.

She stood there for a moment, mentally preparing herself. With a loud yell, she shot her leg back, bent at the knee as her heel rose off the ground and soared up between my legs. My incredibly limited sex life flashed before my eyes as I feared for the continued existence of my manhood in that millisecond it took for her boot to find it’s target.

But that didn’t come; her heel instead smashed into my inner thigh. That was still actually pretty painful as she kicked really hard, but I’d certainly it over another shot to the groin. She glanced back looking a little annoyed with herself, obviously recognizing that she’d missed my balls. She took a little breath and again pushed me, ensuring I was firmly against the wall as she prepared for another go. 

I was seriously just standing there, praying for another miss. Which was silly really, just delaying the inevitable. She tried again, sending a furious back kick hurdling towards me, and this time it looked lined up perfectly. I’d have jumped in fright if not for her hand keeping me pinned down, and I suppose that was the real reason it was there.

But on this occasion, she just missed entirely. She didn’t extend her foot enough and after not making contact it just kept going higher until she lost her balance and fell forward. She caught herself on the pavement but was nonetheless pissed off with herself, hissing what I can only assume were Japanese swears as she shot back up to her feet. I’d tell you what she said, but… damn language barrier. 

This time she practically slammed me against the wall when she put her hand to my chest, turning away much more sharply than before. I could feel her hand trembling and hear her seeth through what sounded like grit teeth. I felt a cold sensation go up and down my spine, a little shiver at her mounting rage. 

“Oh God, oh God, oh God...” I mumbled to myself. The anticipation was just making this so much worse and her anger terrified me. 

She planted one foot firmly into the pavement as with a loud, ferocious “HIYYAA!” she launched an absolutely brutal back kick up between my legs and of course, it had to be this one that hit me square in the balls. Her stiff heel smashed dead on into my crotch, burying itself deeply into my nethers with so much force that I was lifted a few inches off the ground. 

Relentlessly, she just kept driving it further, it stayed there grinding into my groin for a good few seconds as I just stood there wailing in shrill, pathetic anguish. Finally she put her foot down and let me collapse into a heap where I belonged, clutching my nuts as I mewled pathetically. I heard a sharp exhale from Kairi, who turned to look down on my prone form. 

I looked through tear-filled vision to see her as she knelt down before me and reached out to give my hair a little ruffle. “You are a sad, sad man. Quite pitiable… I believe that is the word, yes?”

Between sniffs and sobs I croaked, “Yes...”

She sighed, and actually sat next to me on the sidewalk, much to my surprise. Her legs were bound close together, which reminded me of my time spent between them. She just stared out into the darkness as she quietly recalled, “You said that you have always had problems talking to girls. It is much easier for me now, but back in my hometown, I used to have similar trouble speaking to boys.”

“R-Really…? You?!” I uttered.

She glanced at me and nodded with a little smirk. “However, I never got myself beaten up by one...”

There was that giggle again. Now that she was done beating me up I was able to recognize how adorable it was. 

“I pity you, Perry.” she frankly admitted. “And… perhaps I went too far. So… allow me to give you something in return for helping me practice.”

I was quite confused by that statement, and then just outright bewildered as she turned to me and grabbed the waist of my pants, unbuttoning my jeans and unzipping my fly before pulling them down as much as she could with me sitting on the ground. 

“Wh-what are you doing…?!” I blurted out.

“Showing you pity.” she casually replied. “I am sure it will not take long.”

I was stunned into silence as she went ahead and pulled my underwear down until my manhood was exposed.

For the first time a woman was looking at my penis. And a wry smile crossed her lips as she stared at it. “Ah-ha… you say you are not a pervert, yet here you are completely aroused after being beaten.”

As you could guess, I was blushing madly as I glanced down at my cock. “W-Well… eheh, to be fair, it’s really only semi-erect...”

It WAS fully erect back when I was being sandwiched between her legs, but that brutal shot to my poor, aching nuts brought it back down a fair bit.

I swear I saw her roll her eyes as she replied, “Ah yes, of course.” in a very unconvinced tone.

With that, to my absolute shock, she reached down and gently grasped my penis, letting it rest in the palm of her soft hand. Her touch was unbelievable and entirely unexpected, and as she fondled it, it grew fully erect in her hand. Never in my life had I felt bigger than at the slight gasp she let out at the sight of it.

“Oh my… you were telling the truth!” she admitted, gazing at my solid cock. “I… had assumed you would be smaller than this.”

Well that was... insulting in implication but also flattering as she was conceding it was bigger than expected. I was smiling, I wasn’t complaining when a beautiful woman was finally showing some attention to my aching, yearning penis. It was already twitching in her hand, I felt quickly just how long I’d been waiting for some contact like this, all the wasted years rushing back into my head, my body suddenly turning into a whirlwind of lust.

And then, she started pumping… her soft, tender fingers wrapping around my cock as she delicately ran her hand and down my… yannow what, let’s call it an enormous, engorged shaft! Hell yeah!

I laid back and began to moan and sigh from this unexpected but so very welcome pleasure. Even being openly exposed to the chilly night air couldn’t keep my erection from pounding. It helped that she seemed to have the warmest hands that had ever touched me… 

It’s funny really. If I was used to anything, I was used to a hand stroking my penis. But having a woman do it for you was a world’s difference. And as she gradually sped up, it slowly intensified… it was a remarkable sensation, giving me shivers all across my body. But mostly across my genitals.

After a few moments of this, she asked, “Are you almost done…?”

I said, “No… nnggh, absolutely not.”

She looked mildly surprised but said nothing, instead pumping a little faster and a little harder, much to my delight. She was expertly teasing and pushing me further, despite approaching it so casually and effortlessly. It was as though it came naturally for her. 

For a little while, every thirty seconds or so, she would ask me that again and I would say no. And she’d look a little bit more puzzled each time, before gripping my dick a smidge tighter and increasing the tempo yet again. I was openly moaning and groaning, but not nearing my peak yet. Eventually she just came to understand I was going to be a while, and went back to building speed slowly. 

My aches and pains left me… and then, all my embarrassment… every humiliation I’d ever suffered, every rejection, every scoff, every sideways look in a hallway, every offhand whisper that they thought I couldn’t make out… it all melted away as Kairi took hold of my cock and I swear to you, my only wish was that she would never let go.

Just to step it up a little bit further, after maybe fifteen minutes, she started grasping my dick with both hands and her jerking intensified even further. The friction was absolutely unreal… that girl sent me to heaven that day, and she was nice enough to keep me alive for it too. After a minute or two more of this, I finally started yelling, “I-I’M CLOSE! I’M CLOSE!!!”

For those last ten seconds she jerked me like she was looking to strike oil, and then at the last second that she possibly could’ve, she let go and rolled away in time to dodge the buckets of cum I fired with my orgasm. It was by far the most powerful one of my entire life, and it was as though my semen really had been building up my entire life up until that moment as it just kept coming and coming… or, well, I just kept cumming and cumming rather.

My body was still spasming a bit as I finished, slumping down against the building with a big goofy grin on my face. I left an enormous pool on the sidewalk… I didn’t envy whoever found that the next morning.

Kairi reached down and I gladly accepted her hand. She pulled me up to my feet, and with her supporting me I barely managed to stand on my wobbly legs. My pants around my ankles now, she continued staring at my genitals. “You… impressed me. You do not have a small penis… and you have a LOT of staying power. This is very surprising.”

She gave me a friendly side hug. “You and I… should meet again. We might have a future together...” she told me, giving me life. She also gave me a little kiss on the cheek which brought upon an an intense blush. “...Might. Hmhmhm, goodbye~”

With her cute little giggle, she walked off to her home, leaving me absolutely, utterly speechless. And quite frankly, that was the nicest thing any girl could ever do to me.

That happened very recently and we’ve yet to meet up again, but we’re planning on it very soon. I… have no idea how it will go, if she’d ever want to have anything to do with me long-term… but regardless of what happens, I will never, ever forget Kairi, the woman who rocked my world.


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