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  • Commissioned by Superblue

After a lengthy day of off-screen ambiguity, Tails returned home to see his best friend and idol zipping around on a hoverboard in his yard. “Hey! How’s the testing been going, Sonic?” he called out as he approached. 

“YEEEAAAAH!” the free riding Sonic howled as he spun through the air. He performed a series of daring tricks and stunts, handstanding on the board, looking quite flashy though likely proving little about what the board itself was capable of.

“...Okay, ‘yeah’ doesn’t exactly answer my question, but I’ll take it that it’s going well.” the smol fox replied. 

With a very necessary flourish he came to the ground. “Heh, it’s handling great, Tails. Should the fate of the world ever depend on winning another hoverboard race, I think we’re in good hands!”

“It should sound like you’re mocking me, but I know you’re not!” Tails cheerily replied and the two shared laugh about how utterly ridiculous their world was. Speaking of which...

“Heeyyy Sonic~” came a familiar voice that made the Blue Blur’s skin crawl. He glanced over to see Amy Rose in her regular red dress, waving at him as she walked by. Or no, actually on closer inspection, she was skipping by, maybe to show off the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra as her firm, perky tits were bouncing madly with every little hop. 

I of course only mention it because it’s important to the story. Obviously. After all, for those who don’t know, the pink hedgehog was madly in love with Sonic, infamous for her stalkery tendencies. Of course they were but young teens when it all started and at that age it was only mildly creepy. But it’d been going on for several years at this point… and only got more and more uncomfortable, especially as her body was developing so well. Especially her ass! I mean the skirt on that dress wasn’t even that short, but she sure made it seem that way with how her hips were shaping up.

...That is also very important to the story. Just trust me.

Fortunately for Sonic on this occasion she was merely walking by on her way to her scheduled mountain climb, which I’m sure has no relevance to the plot at all. The blue hedgehog said nothing, simply returning her wave with a half-hearted one of his own before looking away.

“...Sonic, is this really still a thing?” Tails quietly asked, gesturing towards Amy as she skipped off. “I mean come on, she’s gotta grow up eventually, this is getting creepy… we all know you’re not interested, just tell her already!”

“I know, I know should, I-I just… when she looks at me with those eyes, it’s so hard to tell her how I really feel.” he explains, scratching his spines. “I never wanted to break any hearts and I don’t think there exists a way to say it that won’t destroy her.”

“Maybe not, but it’s for her own good, and yours too.” the young two-tailed fox explained, nodding knowingly with the wisdom of any 13-year-old. “She’ll get past it. But it’ll only hurt more and stick with her longer the more you draw it out.”

“Ugh, I guess you’re right… heh, I miss the days when you didn’t know anything about this stuff.” he replied with a heavy sigh. “Okay. Okay, next time I see her, I’ll… I’ll set things straight and put an end to this. I hope it doesn’t screw up any of our friendships...”

“Well you know whose side I’m on!” he chirped, putting a friendly hand on his shoulder. “Heheh… um, anyway I really need some privacy, puberty is hitting like a brick, could you um....?”

“Oh. Oh yeah, no, that’s fine.” Sonic sheepishly replied as he turned and walked off. A little smirk spread on his face as he called back, far too loudly, “Have fun tinkering with your fem-bot buddy!”

“That’s not a thing!” Tails yelled back, offended. After Sonic rushed out of view, cackling to himself, the budding fox muttered to himself. “...Not a bad idea though...”

---Three Minutes Later--

“Help! Ohh goodness me, help!” Amy screamed, her legs shaking from fright. 

For good reason too; she found herself standing on a ledge of a huge mountain - hey that actually was relevant, what do you know - when an earthquake hit… a rockslide commenced, raining stones all around her, and it was all she could do to dodge them. And if that wasn’t enough - and by all means, it seemed to be more than enough! - the small clifface she stood on was shaking under her long, red, white-striped boots. It was going to give way at any moment, sending her careening down to her doom!

“How did I get myself into this mess?!” she loudly asked nobody in particular. Actually, maybe she was asking me. It’s a funny story really, you see she was- oh God, why am I digressing right now?! She could die any minute! Obviously we keep the proverbial camera on her to catch it when it happens, geeze! Amateur! Imagine if it happened off-screen? What a putz of a narrator I’d be!

Anyway, what was I saying…? Oh right, there she was, the back of her hand to her forehead as she leaned back in a classic damsel pose. “Ohh, if only a big strong handsome hunk could save me...”

But alas, it was only Sonic that appeared out of nowhere, hopping up the falling stones in needlessly flashy fashion before landing on the ledge. “I caught your subtle hint...” he joked, a small smirk on his face.

“Ohhh, Sonic~” she swooned as she quickly threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace as she smooshed her cheek up against his. He rolled his eyes somewhat but he was used to this treatment. Which is good, as he had no time for distractions, considering his added weight was causing the ledge to crumble off of the mountain much faster. In fact it was due to break riiight after she landed on him. 

“Yipe!” Amy squeaked, her legs momentarily dangling in the air as the cliff gave way and began to fall down the mountain, only her grip around Sonic’s neck keeping her from plummeting. 

“Don’t worry, just hold on!” Sonic remarked, returning her embrace and pressing her up against him, just to make sure she was secure, one hand on her back and the other a little lower… not that he was focusing on that, he had to steady his wobbly legs on the surface himself. Thankfully the bottom of his shoes seemed to have an unnatural friction to them that made this relatively easy.

With a smile on his face and some irritatingly catchy buttrock playing in the distance, he rode the falling ledge like a skateboard as it slid down the mountain, gradually shrinking from it’s edges. Somehow he actually managed to steer it, avoiding several stone outcroppings that would’ve otherwise shattered it. After a minute or so of this rapid decline, the two hedgehogs came to rest at the bottom of the mountain, the ledge nary but a couple of pebbles beneath Sonic’s sneakers at that point. 

Yannow, honestly, I’d call these folks’ world out for being unrealistic, but being a disembodied voice that casually describes fetishistic destruction on a regular basis I really can’t talk. 

Anyway, he stepped forward with a laugh, “Haha, woo! That was fun! But it’s nice being on solid ground again… you okay, Amy?” he asked, gently pulling her away so as to see her face.

She had an enormous smile, and gazed at him with what could only be described as bedroom eyes as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Ohhh, I feel just fine, hmhmhm… the real question is, how does my ass feel in your hand, hero~?”

He gasped as he realized he’d been absentmindedly fondling her on the way down. Jerking his hand away he swiftly let her down and backed up a few steps, blushing. “I-I thought you felt a lot softer than last time… err, th-that was a complete accident, you know that, right?”

“Oh, of course, of course… I know what a gentleman you arrreee… but it was a happy accident, wouldn’t you say~?” she asked with a wink, twisting her torso back and forth, puffing her womanly chest out at him. “It’s okay, don’t be shy… tell me, did it feel nice?”

Sheepishly he scratched the back of his head as he muttered, “Y-Yeah… but listen, I actually wanted to talk to you about that...”

“About my ass?!” she gasped, licking her lips. “Do you wanna see it?!”

“N-No! I mean, that’s not what I meant...” he stumbled, his hands out as he tried to keep the ridiculously thirsty pink hedgehog at bay. “Look, it’s… it’s about us. I need to talk to you about, us.”

“Yeeees~?” she replied, stars in her eyes. 

“This… thing we’re doing… this thing we’ve BEEN doing for as long as I can remember…” he began. “You know, you getting yourself in trouble, me saving the day, you chasing me no matter how fast I ran, no matter how many times I said no… it was, I guess cute for a while? When we were teenagers? But we’re older now. We’re... past the point of that being acceptable, okay? And I think it’s time it stopped. It’s time I got serious...”

“Ohhh Sonic, I absolutely agree! That’s music to my ears!” she responded, her heart a-flutter. “Mmm the answer is YES! I will absolutely marry you, my sweet Sonic~!”

She lunged forward for a hug, but he managed to evade it, darting it to the side, leaving her stumbling for a moment.

“No! You’re still not hearing me!” he yelled. “I… I’ve tried to be gentle about this forever, but I need to make this clear. I am NOT going to marry you. I am NEVER going to marry you. It’s just… not going to happen. I don’t feel that way about you, and if that hasn’t changed by now, it’s not going to, okay?”

And lo, her heart sank. It rose only to fall… wait, scratch that. It Amy Rose, only to fall. Hah! I’m a wordsmith~

“You… don’t feel that way about me?” she echoed, her eyes beginning to well up. “You don’t th-think I’m pretty...?”

“That’s not it at all. I… I think you’re beautiful. Honestly… you’re ridiculously hot, especially now! And if that’s all this was about, I might be all for it, really...” he conceded, awkwardly looking away. “But, obviously, that’s not all it is to you. You want a lot more than a fling… this whole time you’ve been looking to make me your husband. And I just don’t share your feelings. I know that if I got into a relationship with you I’d just end up hurting you. I’d never want to do that to you...”

She stared at the ground, gears turning in her head as she processed this. Just before she was about to reply, another earthquake hit. Twas the season, it seemed. The two struggled to stay upright, spreading their legs wide to keep their balance as the ground beneath them shook violently. As Amy noticed this, she got a particular glint in her eye…

“S-S-S-Sonic, I-I-I underst-a-a-and!” she answered, her voice sha-a-a-a-a-a-aking as much as the foundation beneath their feet. “But I wa-a-a-a-a-a-ant to gi-i-i-i-ive yo-o-o-ou a pa-a-a-arting gi-i-i-i-i-ift! Close your e-e-e-e-eyes!”

“Wha-a-a-at…?” he uttered, surprised to see that she suddenly wasn’t so upset. Maybe she was actually a big fan of earthquakes. 

“Ju-u-u-ust trust me-e-e-e! I wa-a-a-ant to g-i-i-i-ve you a surpri-i-i-i-i-ise!” she replied with a smile, wiping a tear from her eye. 

The constantly vibrating hedgehog - oh NOW I see what she sees in him! - shrugged and did as she said, closing his eyes. 

“Hmmmm… oka-a-a-a-y, you can o-o-open ‘em!” she declared with a little giggle.

When he opened his e-e-e-eyes, what he saw was… well a bit hard to make out thanks to the constant quaking, but she seemed to have taken out her famed Piko Piko Hammer, the absolutely enormous gold and red mallet that she loved so much. 

The shaking finally stopped in time for him to clearly see that she indeed had pulled the novelty-sized, yet very solid hammer out, and was in the process of swinging it like a golf club between his still widely spread legs. For all his speed, he wasn’t quite quick enough on the draw to figure out her ruse, and for that, he got to know what a giant block of metal crashing into his groin felt like. 

He wanted to scream but all the air just gushed from his lungs on impact. She didn’t go easy on him either, hitting him with enough force to take him off of his sponsored sneakers, so for a few precious seconds he was just straddling the sledge head of the hammer, watching as his mildly insane love interest smiled wickedly.

“I know it seems cruel but this is for your own good...” she cooed. “And I’m gonna take good care of your poor boys, don’t fret~”

The pain was too much, too sudden. He’d never been hit low before, in fact it was quite up to debate whether he even had testicles to begin with. But he absolutely did, and they got absolutely hammered, pardon the pun. The force was unlike anything he’d ever felt and he blacked out on the spot, completely unconscious before he even hit the ground after she finally took the hammer away from his crotch. 

“I knew I lugged this thing around for a reason. It never really helped prevent me from being abducted, but it sure helps me keep my man from running away~” she chuckled. She proceeded to quite tenderly help the limp Sonic up to his feet, and just pretended he was walking with her as she pulled him away, his shoes dragging across the ground. “Come on big guy, mommy’s gonna take you to the nurse’s office~”

An hour or so later, the Blue Blur was slapped awake, his vision a bit foggy as he came to. The first thing he noticed was that he was shackled by his arms and legs to a wall, forced to stand upright. “Urrggh, wh-what the fu-” he began, before remembering he was a character in kid’s games. “...What the heck is going on?”

His vision returned to him and… oh. Well, nevermind that whole ‘kids’ stuff, because Amy was standing in front of him in a skimpy leotard, that she seemed to have specifically cut the edges of to reveal more of the bottom of her large, supple ass and the sides of her perky, firm breasts. The only other thing she was wearing were her large high heeled boots and a smile… a smile you’d love to wake up to in bed, maybe less so in a dungeon. 

But then, it wasn’t a dungeon… it was actually a tornado shelter that Tails had built in case of emergencies. Many had erroneously assumed that it was actually a hangar for his series of airplanes/mechs which happened to all be called some variant of ‘Tornado’, but that’s an understandable misnomer as it’s actual- yeah sorry, I’m digressing again, Sonic was being held against his will in a very isolated building is the point here. 

“Ohhhh Sonic… Sonic, Sonic, Sonikkuuuu...” she moaned, a gentle hand to his face. “Such a poor, confused boy… you worry about hurting me because you don’t think you’ll be a good husband… you don’t trust yourself to treat me right. Poor, poor boy...”

“That’s not… ngh, really what I said… oh God, my balls...” he groaned. “I can’t… believe… you did that… I thought you were just, nggh laying me out to get me back for breaking your heart… but what is all this?!”

“Hmhmhm… I’m here to help you with your problem.” she answered, leaning in to tenderly press her forehead against his, even as he desperately jerked his head away. “I’m here to teach you the kind of man you really are, my sweet, sweet Sonikkuuuu...”

Sonic’s weird, kinda conjoined eyes with pupils that sometimes drifted into the wrong socket widened at that. It’d been a long time since she called him “Sonikku”, that was pretty frightening. Yes, moreso than anything thus far.

“Why are you so damn horny today?!” he exclaimed, as she absent-mindedly stroked his chest. 

“Mmm, well how could I not be when the big boy’s hanging sooo low right in front of me…?” she winked, as she glanced down at his crotch.

Sonic yelped as he looked down and realized that all the fur around his groin had been shaved. It was meant to hide their genitals, until they were ready to use them, at which point they could have them jut out. That’s how it works for them, shut up, you don’t know that it isn’t! Either way, there was no hiding his member from there, plain for all the world to see. And even though under the blue fur was a typical skin color, his balls were already looking black and blue… blur. Hah! Totally unearned title drop!

“Okay, this officially isn’t okay!” he yelled. “Not a bit of this is okay!”

“Mmmm, you’ll come around to to the idea… trust me, Sonikku~” she moaned, running her hand up her womanly torso. “After tonight, you’ll be begging to be chained up again, hmhmhm...”

“Wh-What are you going to do…?” he asked, seeming a bit trepidatious for some reason.

“Nothing you don’t secretly want me to~” she answered, holding her arms above her head and giving her chest a shake, letting her tightly confined bosoms jiggle. “I’m going to convince you that we’re meant to be, one way or another. You WILL be mine, and you will love every moment of our life together. Nothing will stop me from getting to that dream, not even your silly, unwarranted insecurities. I like ya, and I want ya… now we can do this the easy way or the, mmm, hard way… either works for me~”

“We’re not doing this any kind of way!” he yelled. “I’m only going to say this once… let me go! Get me down from here right now!”

“Hmph… I see you’re choosing the hard way.” she smirked, before suddenly unleashing a brutal front stomp, her solid, particularly lengthy heels smashing into his already wounded testicles, slamming them against the wall and threatening to crush them. If he had any rings on him, by all means every last one of them would’ve fallen out of him at that point. Sonic screamed massively, his entire body spasming from severe pain. 

“Urrgh… you’re… insane...” he grunted.

“Wellll now to be fair… you’re chained to a wall getting your big ‘ol nuts kicked and still talking back… so who’s truly insane here?” she answered, with a little giggle as she put a delicate finger up his chest, before tightly gripping his shoulders. She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss, whilst turning to the side a bit and pushing her hip into his groin, grinding against his manhood. “Mmmmm, do you like thick thighs, Sonikkuuu…? If you don’t I can get rid of that in a heartbeat… but doesn’t it feel so nice against your huuuuge balls…?”

He didn’t want to say yes, but his low grunts gave away that it indeed felt quite nice. She giggled at this, before turning to face him, pressing her breasts against him, her hands still on his shoulders. “Mmmm… maybe if you felt ‘em a different way...”

Her grip tightening, she shot her knee up, ramming her thigh into his groin with a deep, lustful moan. She bit her quivering bottom lip, as she brought it up hard again, and then a third time. Sonikku hissed wickedly through his teeth from the horrendous pain. She whispered into his ear, “Don’t worry… I’ll find out what makes you tick, babe, I promise...”

She stepped back and unleashed a brutal kick to his balls. It was then that Sonic learned a new fun fact; those were actually steel toed boots! Ask me how he came to know that! That’s right, because she drove the toe of that boot directly into his groin! Good job, you get a gold star!

Amy took a moment to catch a breath, sweat dripping down her lithe body… it wasn’t exhaustion that was getting to her, but the simple intensity that was her overpowering lust and yearning.

“Is… this… what I get… for always saving you?” he coughed. “E-Even today… ugh, I-I get you off that mountain… and you take a hammer to my nuts…?”

“Hahaha, ohhhh Sonikkuuu, if only you knew...” she answered, a lick of her lips. 

Weakly he picked his head up to look into her delirious eyes. “Knew what…?”

“I wasn’t in real danger. In fact, I haven’t been for a looong time.” she explained. “I stole one of egghead’s machines earlier… I made that earthquake happen. I started that rockslide on purpose… because I knew if I were in trouble you’d show up out of nowhere to be my knight in shining armor, like always. And it worked… just like always...”

“Y-You what?!” he blurted, with another cough.

“That’s right… I’ve set up a lot of situations like that. I knowwww, it’s naaauughty of meeee...” she remarked, a teasing finger to her lips as she shook her torso, again letting her titties jiggle a bit. “But to be completely fair… it’s the only surefire way for me to end up in your arms~”

I mean… it did work out that way, you can’t argue with her on that one. 

He was absolutely agape at this, shaking his head. “You... are absolutely, 100% certifiably the wORLD’S BIGGEST-”

She put her teasing finger to HIS lips now instead, cutting him off. “Shhh shh shh shhhh… careful now… don’t say something your nuts will REGRET!”

She blasted him with the cap of her knee this time, bouncing his balls off her knee like a friendly granddad. That probably doesn’t properly get across how vicious that shot was, my bad, it was a big one really.

As he groaned and moaned in agony, she crept behind him and adjusted the shackles on his arms, giving more slack to the chains. This allowed him to hang limply forward; it was clear that without the bindings he wouldn’t be standing at the moment. Completely ignoring his suffering, she knelt down before him, giving the head of his member a sweet, loving kiss and giggling as it twitched on contact with her lips. She proceeded to reach between his legs, intentionally grazing his tender testes with her arms as she did the same to the shackles on his ankles. This allowed him to fall to his knees, but that put him at the very limit of the chain’s give.

Their faces just inches apart, she again gave a little feminine giggle and couldn’t resist giving him a cute little peck on the cheek before starting to stand. But as she made her way up she paused, a mischievous little smile spreading on her face. She opted to turn around, and then stand up veerrry slowly, letting her voluptuous ass slide up his torso until it rested against his face, tenderly pressing up against him. 

Finally, they were cheek-to-cheek, just as she always wanted.

Sonic… didn’t necessarily protest actually, though with the look on his face he was clearly trying to act like he didn’t like it, even as she wiggled her ass into his face. “Mmmm… kiss it… kiss it once, for me~” she whispered, excitedly. 

“What…? N-no!” he groaned.

“Aw c’mooon, I didn’t have too much pride to kiss your huuuuuuge dick… least you could do is return the favor. I won’t tell anyone… kiss my ass, pleeeaase~?” she pleaded, grinding it deeply against his blushing face. 

It was round and supple, but had a definite weight to it, bouncing and jiggling right before his eyes. Despite his protests, his rising member gave away how he really felt about her ass, his erection finally emerging in spite of all his resistance. And you can bet Amy noticed right away, whirling back to stare at it.

“Ohhhhhhh WOW!” she shouted as she went down on her knees to get a closer view. Tenderly she cradled his stiff cock in her hands as she marveled, “Mmmmmm, my goodness, I always imagined you’d be big but this is incredible… ohh, Sonikkuuuu… what a cock… it’s made for meeee~”

...It wasn’t THAT big. I mean, maybe it was for them, I can’t exactly say I know off the top of my head the regular size for a hedgehog. It seemed standard sized really, though I guess on that tiny frame it is pretty big… what I’m trying to say is, he’s definitely, absolutely, positively no more hung than I am and you can stop thinking he is now. Don’t lie, I know you were thinking it! Shame on you… 

That said, she sure seemed to see a footlong before her star-filled eyes as she gave it a gentle stroke. Sonic shuddered from the pleasure, but then croaked, “D-Don’t… this isn’t funny, seriously… don’t...”

“Mmm, you’re right… I wouldn’t wanna make a mess.” she smirked. “Gimme just a second darling!”

She stood and gave him a surprise snap kick to his testicles, just to laugh at his stunned yelp. Amy then rushed off, letting him see her ass yet again as it bounded mightily with her heavy steps. That last kick did just enough to stun him, ensuring he couldn’t even really attempt to escape his bindings. 

Moments later, she returned, holding a pillow and… oh lord, a box of condoms. She laughed, grinning hungrily as she put the pillow down right in front of his groin. “Good thing I got the magnuuuums~” she chirped as she sat down on the pillow with her legs splayed at either side and pulled out a rubber. 

“Amy, dammit, no…!” Sonic cried. 

“Shhh, don’t worry sugar, I’m not going to do anything you don’t want… until you’re convinced, you don’t need to do anything to me.” she assured him. “This one… is just for you. In the meantime, let’s get you comfy with these bad boys~”

She popped the rubber into her mouth, and proceeded to slide it blowjob-style onto his dick, giving him another brief shudder that he tried his best to contain. For the record, the magnum hung off just a touch, but she didn’t seem bothered by that.

Firmly she grasped his dick, and Sonic had to gasp at that. Amy licked her lips, “Mmm, let’s hope you don’t cum as fast as you run~”

As she continued to hold onto his penis, she adjusted so that she sat on her knees on the pillow, and then proceeded to push them into his nuts, which at this point were sore enough to be hurt by this. She leaned in and abruptly drove her knees deep into his groin, almost with as much force as her earlier knee to the plums! 

Amy seemed to tune out his cries of pain and desperate pleas as she repeated this, one knee for each nut, four more times. “...But, that doesn’t make it any less exciting for you, does it? Teehee~”

Okay, people definitely shouldn’t say ‘teehee’ while they’re in their sex dungeons. That just makes it weird, yannow? I mean here we were with a perfectly wholesome and rational time and then you gotta throw that out there...

With that out of the way, she began to stroke the length of his not-unimpressive-but-definitely-no-bigger-than-mine shaft, and his eyes went wide again - I mean they kinda stayed that way the whole time really, they were sorta just wide to begin with - as the intense friction came in to distract him from all his pain.

“Ugh! Nnnnnnngh ohhh God...” he shuddered, as her hand skillfully jerked at his well-protected member. 

“Hehehe, I took care of you babe… I made sure to get the best brand for you, feels like nothing’s in the way doesn’t it~?” she cooed, gradually pumping his cock harder and harder. “Mmmm, I trained for this too… you have no idea really. For years I’ve spent my free time preparing my body to satisfy you. This is just the tiiiip of the iceberg~”

All the agony slowly but surely faded away and he had nothing but ecstasy. Before long he forgot where he was… he forgot that he was taken against his will, forgot that he was chained to a wall, forgot that he ever didn’t want this… and certainly forgot that she ever took a giant hammer to his nuts. 

True to her word, Amy jerked his dick like she was trying out for the sexual olympics, a highly respectable and tragically overlooked event frankly. She grasped with both hands and grit her teeth, growling in sheer effort as her handjob reached mythic proportions. Finally, after showing some decent staying power considering the intensity - though no better than mine! - Sonic came, firing a thick load of cum into the rubber with a loud howl of sheer lust.

His tongue was hanging out as he was panting madly, a delirious smile on his face from his incredible climax. She smiled proudly as she took his condom off, holding it above her head, her eyes shimmering as she inspected it’s contents. “Mmmm, I’m definitely saving this… just in case, heheheh… but I could spare a drop or two...” she whispered to herself, before tipping it back and letting a little of his semen drop onto her tongue. 

She shuddered mightily at the taste, before asking, “Mmmm… so have you changed your tune, darling? Imagine what you just experienced, but multiplied by ten… and it happens every single day of your life. Could you live with that…? Hm? Heheh, marry me, my beloved...”

His smile slowly waned, his glazed over eyes regaining some clarity. “...I… I c-can’t… n-not for sex...”

She nodded before carefully putting the rubber away and pulling out another. Repeating her earlier process, she used her mouth to put the new one on, listening intently to the satisfied moan that came from his lips.

With a little chuckle, she warned, “I know sweetie, it feels gooooood… oh so good, and it’ll only get better, trust me… but from your speech earlier, I think you know that sex without love is a painful thing...”

Immediately she drove her knees into his balls again, repeatedly bashing his balls, grunting and groaning with maximum effort. She was almost as loud as he was with his screams of anguish. And before he even finished bellowing his pain, her hands were again on his cock, jacking him off with a fervor until he came even harder than before. 

His mind was a true blur. He didn’t feel his knees up against the stone floor, the tight shackles around his wrists and ankles or the ache in his head that came from blacking out from pain earlier. All he could feel was what she was doing to his genitals, the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

Again she replaced the condom and this time she waited for his high to wear off a bit before asking, “How about now? Will you marry me? Or do I need to jerk that massive, MASSIVE cock one more time…?”

“I-I…” he stuttered, his mind racing. This life seemed like a nightmare at first, but with every ejaculation it felt more and more like a beautiful dream. As though allowing her words to affect him for the first time, he looked at her with sheepish eyes. “...Do you… really think it’s that big…?”

“Ohhhh Sonikkuuuu… as far as I’m concerned it’s the single biggest dick in the whole damn universe...” she moaned. “I need it… I need it so badly. I’ve never masturbated before, did you know that? I’ve cum before sure… just from thinking about you, but usually I try to keep that from happening… no toys though, or even fingers... I’ve never had anything inside me. Because the only thing that deserves that spot is your cock… and I won’t let myself have it, I won’t have earned it until we’re on our honeymoon. On that night, Sonic, I will make up allllll that lost time...”

“...But I… don’t know...” he weakly replied. “It doesn’t… seem… right...”

She reacted the way most would, by again kneeing the everloving fuck out of his nuts, and then subjecting him to yet another mindblowing handjob. She just didn’t stop, milking and busting him, milking and busting him for hours. He never ran out of cum, her honed hands never seemed to tire, it never stopped feeling absolutely incredible… somehow her technique was such that no matter how hard she jerked he never felt raw. 

“Say it… say it Sonic… say you’ll marry meee~!” she yelled, her passion never once waning. 

She was the absolute master of his cock. She had taken complete control of him though his penis and he knew it. And he could only bow to it… so with a smile on his face and absolute delirium in his eyes, he finally uttered… “...I do.”

She was immediately bawling her eyes out, having finally won him over. And fair and square too! I mean you just can’t say fairer than that! She lunged onto him, kissing him deeply as she unlocked the shackles and freed him from the wall. Slamming him to the ground, she crawled between his legs and this time took off the condom with her teeth, tossing it aside with her mouth like a beast. 

That next instant, his entire rigid dick was in her mouth, she was hungrily deepthroating his cock with tears of joy streaming down her face. She sucked his dick with absolute mastery, and didn’t stop until the both of them passed out from exhaustion and a severe overload of lust. When he awoke that next morning, he saw her on top of him, a smile on her face, his dick still in her mouth as she slept…

---That Afternoon---

Tails burst from the door of his lab, looking around to make sure no one was watching before clutching his apparently quite sore groin. “Oof… fem-bot definitely needs some work before I try that again… maybe I still don’t know sex quite as well as I thought…”

Limply, he made his way over to his mailbox, wondering aloud, “I wonder if Sonic met up with Amy yet… hope she didn’t take the news too poorly.”

He opened the mailbox up and pulled out an envelope… he opened it up, stared at the contents… and re-read them a few times before uttering, “What the f-... I mean, what the heck?!”

It was an invitation for a wedding…



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