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“Not to say I told you so, but...”

“Not now, Vinny.” Chief groaned.

The two men sat there in the lobby, waiting for their flight with matching icepacks on their groins, hidden under towels. Chief had been on a trip to visit his friend who had secluded himself in his home for some time. He just wanted to console him after several women had given him a deep humiliation beyond his imagination and scarred him for life. And when he happened to stumble upon Selene, the one that started it all, his intent changed to that of revenge. 

He was certain that he, a renowned MMA fighter, the current Bellator Heavyweight Champion, would be able to mop the floor with her, to try and gain some measure of payback, to try and give the man the internet now knew as “Hair Trigger” and “Minigun” (cool nicknames until you consider that both are in reference to his extreme premature ejaculation problem) some kind of comfort in the knowledge that she got what was coming to her.

Instead, he found himself on the end of a much more brutal beatdown, and his cock became the plaything of Selene and her friend, Rose. He’d been proud of his enormous genitals until that day. But his powerful penis only served to further his helplessness, and as he cringed with every shift, he found himself almost wishing his balls weren’t quite so big, so as to not make for such easy targets.

“Fuck, of all the days not to bring my custom-made jock...” he muttered. “Those act like a suit of armor for my, ugh, testes… even having their support would feel great right about now.”

“I’m serious, Chief. You’ve got an- oh God...” Vinny winced tearfully after a sudden surge of pain. He didn’t get off scott-free himself, although in comparison to what Chief went through, Rose’s one kick to the balls from underneath a table seemed meager. Of course, he wasn’t a trained fighter, and was allegedly said to have ‘glass nuts’ by the nurses who worked on him. “...Mmmph, you’ve got a title defense in a week, and you’re out picking fights, it’s ludicrous! Really, you have to be more sensible… if you want to save your, oh, your career, and keep your title, please, relax for a while okay?”

“Trust me, I’m not looking to get into any more fights anytime soon.” Chief murmured. “Ngh, can’t wait to get home… to that jock...”

“Does it… really work that well, even after the fact?” Vinny whimpered.

“I once got a bruised ball after a car accident… it, wasn’t pretty.” Chief recalled. “Put that thing on and it felt like nothing happened. It was like some kind of magic, honestly.”

“Ohhh my… maybe I should look into getting fitted for one myself.” Vinny croaked.

“Yeah that uh, seems like it might be a good idea.”

A voice over the PA declared, “Flight 16-B, boarding now. All passengers make your way to the corresponding shuttle. I repeat, Flight 16-B, boarding now.”

Chief and Vinny both struggled to stand, with the latter being brought to tears by the sheer motion, desperately clutching his groin and needing to lean on the bulky MMA fighter just to stay upright.

“This is gonna be a long flight...” Chief sighed.

Indeed it was, full of more than a few curious looks as neither men seemed comfortable taking their hands off their crotches. But nonetheless, they survived the trip, and later that night, Chief made his way into his house. He felt marginally better, his most stinging pains dulling to an underlying ache, though he was still limping his way through the halls.

“Ugh, need it… right now...” he moaned, whilst tearing off his overshirt and letting his pants fall to the ground as he slowly made his way to his room. Everything he wore felt heavy on his battered body, even the fabric pressing against his wounds was hard to take. So he got down to merely a tank top and boxers by the time he’d gotten to his door. 

“Finally. Ngh...” he croaked as he opened the door, his free hand beginning to slip his boxers right off. But he froze in place, pulling them swiftly back up as he gasped at what he saw in his bedroom.

There, his fabled, legendary jockstrap was being spun on the finger of a beautiful woman as she sat there playfully on his bed. What she wore looked like regular clothes but was actually stylized wrestling gear. She had on a topknot and a miniskirt that just barely hid the high-cut booty shorts she wore underneath, all made out of a matching, reflective purple material. Her kneehigh black boots with purple trim bobbed up and down as she crossed her legs. 

“Looking for this…?” she asked, presenting the jockstrap to him.

“C-Cameron…? What the fuck?” Chief murmured.

“D’aww, you remember me. How sweet.” Cameron replied. “Say… what the hell happened to you, Chief? You look like you’ve been hit by a truck.”

He winced a bit, annoyed that she got to see him like this. He barely managed to look at what had become of his face after his time in that boxing ring. Not missing a beat though, he fired back, “And you look like you’ve had a helluva lot of work done.”

Cameron narrowed her eyes at him, following his gaze down to her chest. Her breasts were always quite perky and pretty, but they were unmistakably about three times the size they were the last time the two of them had met. Growing to proportions that almost matched the likes of Selene and Rose, they threatened to tear right out of that tight-fitting topknot. 

“Hmph. So I did. All the boys say they feel real though, and look it too if I do say so myself...” she cooed, raising her arms up and swaying her torso back and forth, causing them to gently jiggle along with her. “State of the art! Heheh, science is a wonderful thing...”

The minor rise that got out of him was actually a bit painful at the moment, so he looked away. “What are you doing here…? In fact, how did you even get here?”

She saw no reason to answer, staying quiet as she hopped off the bed. As though extending an olive branch, she stuck the jockstrap out as though she were offering to hand it to him. But when he went for it, she pulled away and instead stuck up two middle fingers his way. Giggling, she rushed up and surprised him by sliding between his legs. He reached down to grab for her, but his reflexes were a bit weakened, and she ended up standing behind him. 

Chief turned around in time to see her walking off. He entered the hallway as she skipped away, stopping at the end of the hall to look back at him, hike her skirt up and give herself a smack on the ass. As it jiggled immensely, he realized that it seemed to be a bit bigger than he remembered as well… 

Officially pissed off, Chief barked, “You picked a bad day to mess with me, bitch! Come back here or I’ll rip your head off!” as he staggered his way after her. Eventually, his anger and adrenaline hit a point where he managed to ignore his pain, and his limp ceased as he rushed after her at increasing speed.

On the way there, he couldn’t help but reflect on how their ‘relationship’ had soured…

Cameron was a professional wrestler, but honestly never a very good one. Although inexperience had a lot to do with that, there was seemingly an underlying lack of passion as well, as she seemed more interested in money and notoriety than anything else. And giving the nerds she mocked little stiffys, of course…

After a few years in WWE, it became apparent she didn’t have much of a future there, and even a short-lived NXT stay failed to bring much progress. Since her release in 2016 she hadn’t been heard of much. 

During her stay there though, she got a spot on a reality show known as Total Divas. And much to his begrudgement, but Vinny’s insistence, Chief happened to land a guest spot on a certain fated episode. 

“Get out of my face.” Chief gruffly warned a cameraman, staring right in the lens. “I don’t want to be associated with this show anymore than I already have been. Total Divas… more like Total Crap.”

Strangely that didn’t make the final cut when the episode aired. But what did, was what happened immediately after. Cameron, having overheard him, walked into the room a bit of a smirk. She wore an unzipped casual jacket and of course, a pair of booty shorts. She had a fondness for them.

“Not afraid to speak your mind, eh? I like that from a man.” she noted with a wink, and a brush of her hair. 

Chief had gotten a few hints that he’d caught her eye before, but he wasn’t moved, simply replying with, “Nice to know.”

“I bet it is.” she beamed, apparently ignoring his curt attitude. “Mm, you’re a big boy, aintcha? Just look at those arms...”

She was being as forward as possible, laying hands on his shoulders and caressing his biceps. Chief had been fawned over before though, and he merely rolled his eyes at this. 

He had just been through a nasty break-up, so he was far from ready to get back on the scene. And besides, he had a feeling she was just playing it up for the camera anyway. This was, after all, a reality show, so it was safe to assume everything on it was fake. Or at the very least, highly exaggerated.

Insistent on making a moment for herself however, she went full-on, literally throwing herself at him, burying her head into his chest. “Mmm… I feel so safe with a big, powerful man like you. I could just live on your chest forever...”

With a sigh, Chief gently pushed her away, saying, “Lady, please… no offense but, personal space, okay?”

With a put-on pout, she playfully whined, “Come onnn… I like you! Just gimme a chance, one date, mkay? I promise you won’t regret it...”

“Sorry… you’re pretty and all but I’m really not interesting in dating right now. I just want to focus on my career.” he calmly explained.

“You’re kidding me.” Cameron hissed. She found herself clenching her first, progressively agitated as she worried this scene wouldn’t make the cut. She couldn’t have that, she needed that spotlight, dammit! So in an instant, she tore her jacket open, exposing the skintight top underneath, and slowly ran her hands up her curves. The slight jiggle of her then-smaller breasts indicated that she was going braless. “You’re telling me you’re not interested in alllll this?!”

Chief raised an eyebrow. She was definitely a looker, but ultimately he was pretty staunch in his convictions. “Afraid so.” he said with a shrug. 

Cameron nervously glanced at the camera, and noticed the staff member manning it was stifling his laughter. It hit her then that this scene probably WOULD make the episode, but only because of how desperate and foolish it’d make her look. That certainly wouldn’t do much for her status.

Her attention back to Chief, she felt her anger rise at this embarrassment, turning her down in front of an audience of roughly a million viewers. Biting her bottom lip, she knew there was only one way to salvage this.

“What are you, some kind of eunich?!” she hollered. “What do you got no dick, huh? You got no balls? That’s the only way any man wouldn’t be into me! Dickless fuck, how dare you talk to me like that?!”

That took Chief off-guard a bit but he recovered fast, shaking his head. “If that’s what you gotta tell yourself...”

“Yeah that’s right, no nuts in those pants at all.” Cameron asserted. “Well that’s good, that means this shouldn’t hurt a BIT!”

She punctuated that statement by rearing her leg back and kicking him full force in the crotch with her high heeled stiletto. Surely laying out a rising MMA icon would get her that star-power she’d been seeking.

For a few moments, her foot simply stuck there in his groin… before she found herself collapsing to the floor, holding her foot, rolling around in agony. “Aaggh… wh-what the shit?! How…?!”

Chief snickered. “Saved by that jock strap, yet again...”

His enormous balls were spared on that day, and it made for a true disaster of a segment for Cameron. This humiliation only further lowered her reputation among fans of wrestling and the Total Divas show alike, and may well have contributed to her being let go just a year or so later. As Chief walked away, the scene ended with her declaring, through grit teeth, “I’ll get you back for this, you bastard...”

He did hear her say that, but he never imagined she’d actually come back to screw with him again. In a damaged state or no, he knew she was no threat to him. She had some athleticism, but she was barely able to put on a show-fight, let alone the real deal. That, combined with his increasing ability to ignore his soreness spurred him to follow her all the way to his specialized training room.

Inside, in addition to the standard machines and punching bags, there were several rings of different shapes and sizes. Some were four-sided, some were octagons, some had cages and others ropes. 

Cameron happened to be sitting on the apron of a six-sided ring, still twirling that jock as she leaned confidently against the ropes. “What took you? Heh, you’re not 100% today at all… that’s really too bad.”

“Tch, I could take you out from a hospital bed.” Chief growled. “Last warning… give that back, and get out of here, or I’ll hurt you.”

“Try me.” she goaded him on with a grin.

He was stunned at her arrogance, but shrugged it off. “Fuck it, I could use an excuse to blow off some steam...” he grumbled.

WIthout a second thought, he charged at her with stunning speed in spite of everything he’d been through. In a matter of a couple of seconds he’d just about closed the gap between the two of them and was assuredly about to rip her asunder. But at that last second, he was taken entirely off-guard when a figure slipped out from beneath the ring, coming out right in front of Chief.

He got a glimpse of a second one following from outside the ring, but it was hard to know for sure considering the first was tackling him directly to the ground, a shoulder to his demolished stomach as with ease the attacker had him pinned to the floor. 

Only from there, as he tried to wrestle his assailant away did he get a good look at them. It was a raven-haired woman, her locks going past her shoulders. She was dressed in a power blue tanktop that looked as though she had cut it herself to show off her curves, and a matching bandana wrapped around the crown of her head. Her dark green baggy jeans were wide at the ankles, her tanned skin and piercing dark eyes would be distracting on anyone else, but it was hard to focus on anything other than her enormous breasts, especially considering they were grinding against his torso as she kept him pinned down. 

Chief was shocked enough at this, but it amplified considerably when he saw the aforementioned other figure, and what a hulking one it was. This woman’s adorable little face was in contrast to her menacing frame, as she was an intensive bodybuilder, with arms and legs that each looked as though they could crush a man’s skull all on their own. Her bulky yet toned form was shown off well by the skintight, black leather bodysuit she had on. 

Mystified by the sight of her already, this was only strengthened when she turned around and he got an enviable view at her incredible ass. It was overwhelmingly enormous, the biggest he’d ever seen by far, remarkably round and hugged lovingly by those clinging leather pants. Without warning she kicked her legs out from under her, and that ass only seemed larger as it cascaded closer and closer, before slamming down painfully onto Chief’s face. 

As the two women were double teaming him, keeping him well and truly helpless on the floor, Cameron hopped off from the apron and walked up to the three. She reached down, grabbed Chief’s ankles and lifted his legs up into the form of a V, before landing a wicked knee drop right into his groin, her solid kneecap threatening to crush his enormous testicles. Chief howled miserably into the powerhouse’s ass as that one shot immediately revitalized the blinding agony from the night before. 

Cameron snapped her fingers, and at her command the two attackers stood up, the three women smugly staring at Chief as he writhed on the floor. “Wh-who the fuck…? What is this?! Nghh...”

“Meet Jade…” Cameron began, a hand on the buxom woman’s shoulder. “...and Jen.” she added, her opposite hand on the brute’s shoulder. “They’re my new best friends, at a price of course… but it looks worth every penny so far.”

“Oh hell yeah, I’ll be your friend for life if the money’s good enough.” Jade smirked, as she bent over to get a closer look at Chief, her swinging breasts showing off that deep cleavage a little bit more. “And I hope you know, that was just the appetizer, little man. We’ve been hired to beat your ass senseless.”

“And we’re real good at our job...” Jen warned.

Cameron snapped her fingers again and the two of them went back on the assault. Jen went down to the ground, rolling Chief onto his front and putting her weight on top of his back, her arms hooked around his neck and her bicep between his legs. She pulled his torso a few inches off the ground, making just enough space for Jade to show off her patented soccer skills.

The busty hired gun smirked as she stepped back, so that she could charge forward and deliver a wicked punt kick to Chief’s ribs. This woulda sent him rolling off the sheer force, but thanks to Jen holding him down, he stayed right where he was, his body absorbing the full brunt of the impact. 

Chief grunted and groaned painfully as Jade repeated this, charging forward and kicking him soccer-style a second time, and then, off the third time, Jen lifted him off the floor, making use of the natural momentum. In one fluid motion, she hopped up to her feet and tossed the MMA champion over her head, letting him fall wildly to the floor, landing brutally on his shoulder as he slammed into the concrete.

“Weren’t you supposed to be tough?” Jen prodded, and proceeded to perform a hideous leg drop, landing her weighty thighs across Chief’s throat, choking him maliciously as she laid there for a bit, watching and chuckling as she saw the helpless man flailing his legs.

As this went on, Cameron had rolled into the ring and was currently leaning on the ropes, watching with an ear-to-ear smile. Eventually she snapped her fingers once more, prompting Jade and Jen to grab the battered bruiser and throw him into the ring. They followed him inside, and proceeded to hoist him up to his feet, supporting him via forcing his arm around either of them. That Chief was perilously close to copping a feel on both of them was sadly not something he was in position to appreciate.

He was thereby forced to stare Cameron right in the eye, meeting her villainous glare. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time… you humiliated me, you ruined me. And now, I’m going to ruin you.” she hissed. “I know you’ve got that title defense right around the corner… you’re so proud of that belt and everything that comes with it. Heh, I also happened to catch the rumor that you got utterly decimated in some brawl just the other day. If you thought you were in bad shape now, believe me… we’re gonna make damn sure you’re in no shape to fight come pay-per-view time.”

“You’re… urgh, you’re a fool if you think I’m done already...” Chief growled as with no further warning, he shot forward, escaping from the hired guns’ grasp and rushing towards Cameron. He didn’t get very far however, as Jen reached out and caught him, grabbing him by the back of his boxers. 

“Hey now, she’s not ready for you yet… don’t you dare try and skip our turn.” Jen warned as she yanked upwards, giving him an equally painful and humiliating wedgie, as she actually lifted him up into the air by his undies. 

He squealed a bit as his hands fleetingly reached out for Cameron who just gave him a mocking little wave as Jade whirled around and stood in front of him. She took up a wide-legged stance, clearly prepared to kick the shit out of him as Jade pulled him up that little bit higher, the fabric tearing into his ass and groin. Just as he started to involuntarily tear up from the sensation, Jen released him, and as he fell, Jade caught him out of the air with a brutal roundhouse kick to the face. 

That naturally took him right to his back, aided by Jen going down on her hands and knees, using her body to trip him up and let him fall to the canvas. The powerhouse proceeded to stand straight up and leap up into the air, coming down with her full considerable weight onto the MMA icon’s body, flattening him against the ring. 

The air immediately knocked right out of him, Chief was in a world of trouble as the brute once again yanked up to his feet. He didn’t even notice that Jade had hit the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, building up an incredible head of steam before jumping into an incredible high knee strike, blasting him square in the face.

Chief stumbled back into the ropes, using them to support himself, the only things keeping him upright. Through his blurred vision, he saw Jade hopping back and forth, gesturing for him to bring it on. “Come on man, I thought you were supposed to be legit! Atleast throw a punch or something, little pussy!”

Willing up his anger, he did just that, launching himself forward in a flurry of blows. His speed was far from max however, so she didn’t struggle too much in getting her arms up to block his attempts. After a little while of this, she fired off a snap kick to his side that staggered him after everything that’d been done to his midsection. A follow up high kick that saw the sole of her boot slam into his face just about dropped him.

He was in a daze as the woman kept hopping back and forth like a boxer, her breasts swaying freely. “I thought you were supposed to have something worthwhile between those legs… you fight like you ain’t got a damn thing down here!” she mocked, grabbing her crotch just in case her point wasn’t clear.

Furious, he rushed forward and feinted a punch, only to surprise her with a leg kick that actually stung her. This opened him up to deliver a haymaker to her pretty face, and he seemed to have gained an advantage. No sooner than it happened however, did he find Jen rush up from behind, flinging herself at him as she slammed her torso into his back, flattening him against the canvas once more. 

“Urrgh… fucking… cheating… bitches...” he moaned.

“Hah! You should be thankful, you could be in a lot worse pain right now.” Jen declared. “We’re on strict orders to spare your balls, for now.”

“That’s right.” Cameron called out, sitting on the middle rope as she watched this carnage unfold, slowly caressing her own, recently burgeoning breasts. “I want them alllll to myself… I’ll break those big nuts, Chief, I promise you.”

“Shit, if not for that, I’d have punted them into space by now...” Jade complained.

“Mmm, now that we’re talking about it, I’m getting impatient...” Cameron moaned. “Finish him off. Make sure he’s good and softened up for me.”

The two of them nodded, as Jen grabbed him by his boxers and the nape of his neck whilst rising to her feet. The powerhouse hoisted him up into the air, a few feet above her head. “Hope you don’t value that body of yours, friend. We’re about to break it.” she boasted, before tossing him up even higher. 

Chief fell several feet, whilst Jade combat rolled towards him, landing on her back with her legs outstretched. The MMA champion ended up landing ribs first on her feet, smashing brutally into his core.

He wheezed pathetically, already thoroughly beaten. But they didn’t relent, as Jen ran to the side, bouncing off the ropes whilst Jade pushed off with her feet, launching Chief and leaving him in a standing position. He didn’t stay like that for long, as Jen rushed up, her arm outstretched, as she powerfully smashed her meaty forearm into his face with so much force, he found himself backflipping and landing facefirst on the mat. 

Mercilessly, Jen lorded over him, making him dread the next move as she stood over him for a few seconds, her feet at either side of his ribs. She promptly hopped up and her massive ass came crashing down onto his lower back, crushing the once proud warrior’s bones yet again, nearly severing his spine.

His head jerked up from the impact, and the brute made sure it stayed that way, as she tightly grabbed his temples. This lined his skull up for the most vicious shot yet, as Jade bounced off the ropes for extra momentum and dashed full speed into another wicked punt, this one directly to his face. 

Jen let go of him just as her foot met his forehead. Chief’s head rocked back hideously from this shot, and it knocked him out almost instantly.

He wasn’t allowed to be unconscious for long though, as he came awake to a rather nauseous smell. After his vision cleared, he realized that Cameron had shoved the inside of his jock right up against his nose, giggling at his humiliation. He was hanging limp, once more held up by the two hired guns who had just obliterated him in a matter of minutes, and they had taken off his tanktop, leaving him in only his undies.

“Urrgh, you’re sick...” he groans.

“And you’re about to lose your most prized possessions...” Cameron warned with a deceptive smile. Without anymore warning then that, she rose her knee up between Chief’s legs, smashing solidly into his wounded testicles. 

As he groaned, he saw her mockingly dangle the jock in front of him whilst walking backwards. “You’d really like this NOW, huh…? Hm? You want it…?”

She of course capped this off by turning around and callously tossing it from the ring. “Too bad… but maybe this will ease the sting.” she purred, grabbing her skirt and in one fell motion pulled it right off, flinging it like a stripper out to the non-existent crowd. This showed off how well those booty shorts hugged her firm, supple ass which rippled with this movement. 

The ex-diva licked her lips as she whipped around to face him, her hair flinging back, her breasts swaying violently. She took her time, savoring the moment as she sauntered up to Chief with an exaggerated sashay of her hips, her enlarged titties bouncing with every step. In that moment, he found himself really wishing he’d taken her up on that date… especially if she looked like that when they got to it.

Once they were face to face, she leaned in and whispered, “Time to unleash the beast...”

She slid a finger down his boxers, slowly bending over as she gradually pulled them down to his ankles. At first this displayed her incredibly deep cleavage, and eventually she’d bent down so much as to give him a wonderful view at that ass… right as she finished taking off his shorts. 

His lengthy dick and enormous, swollen testicles hung freely and she raised an eyebrow as she stared at them. “Damn… if I didn’t know any better I’d think you had some work done yourself.” Cameron remarked, as she delicately fondled his genitals, even the slightest touch of his testes proving painful in that state. “Shame a dick like that has to go to waste… oh well~”

She lowered a hand, formed a fist and sent an uppercut up towards his groin, only to stop just short. She feigned the blow just to watch as he yelped and clenched his legs together. Cameron laughed at his fear as she stood upright, then made a little gesture to Jade and Jen. 

They nodded and grabbed his legs, spreading them widely, his arms already hooked by their womanly bodies, leaving him all too open. Cameron gazed hungrily at his member, before turning around and once again bending over, showing off her remarkable ass to him once more. She gave it a little wiggle, letting him watch it sway.

“You like…?” she teased, as she began to twerk, popping her booty up and down, hypnotically. Chief found himself in a bit of a trance watching it, that was only broken when she sidled a couple inches backwards, sending her bouncing ass into his testicles. He moaned at this relatively delicate strike, feeling like sheer agony in his weakened state and she didn’t relent, busting his balls through a simple dance as her enormous swaying ass smacked them time and time again. 

She upped the pace, twerking violently as it landed heavily in his groin relentlessly, but for as painful as it was, he couldn’t possibly look away, and each blow was a reminder of how firm her backside truly was… and so, he found his girthy member slowly rising in response, her ass smacking the underside of his cock at one point as it hardened and jut out in salute to her dominance.

Cameron turned around, intrigued by this discovery. “Mmm, I guess you like this kind of abuse… heh, well you’ll love what comes next.”

Rearing back her hand, she brought her palm down ruthlessly with a slap to his nuts, then came back around for a backhand to the balls as well. Chief groaned in misery as Cameron grabbed his nuts tightly, pulling them to the front of his scrotum, squeezing until her hand formed a fist behind his protruding, swollen testicles. She reared back and fired that teased uppercut into his prone nuts, before following up with a horrific knee. With nowhere to go, his balls absorbed the full brunt of every impact.

Though she wasn’t attacking with near the force Selene might’ve managed, at this point it was hard to tell the difference, his battered balls were in no state to endure this kind of onslaught from anyone. She let go of his balls, only to grip his shoulders and put everything she had into the next blow, burying her knee deeply into his crotch. 

“Having fun yet?!” she howled, as she reared her leg back and blasted her shin into his groin. She backed up a step before sending a devastating toe kick into his testicles. 

“St-st-stooop...” he pleaded. 

Cameron pretended not to hear him, unleashing a flurry of snap kicks, each one stinging his nuts. Thanks to her lack of training, one arrant blow sailed into his dick, rattling his erection. But even after it stopped bouncing from the impact of this, his cock still twitched… Chief couldn’t understand it himself, but this ballbusting beatdown was very much getting him off. Not that Cameron noticed as she fired off another kick that caught both balls head-on.

She again grabbed his balls, one in each hand this time, squeezing and pulling them as far away from him as she could. Cameron proceeded to send her left knee into his right ball, and then her right into his left, repeating this pattern without a shred of compassion. “You love it, you little bastard!” she hollered as her marching knees pounded his groin.

In truth she was more right than she knew, as amid all this, as Chief wailed in anguish, his dick erupted with the fervor it was always known for. His climax was powerful, firing his seed directly into her face, and then sputtering out onto her chest and stomach. 

Needless to say, this took her completely off-guard. She gasped, appalled as she stepped back and assessed the damage. Jade and Jen stifled giggles, before the latter compassionately cooed, “Oh no, do you need help cleaning that up…?”

Cameron shook with rising rage, before rushing forward and lashing out the most vicious kick yet into his crotch with power she never knew she had. Chief’s cry echoed throughout the large room as she walked off. “I’m gonna find a towel… in the meantime, I’ve decided to lift the ban.” she coldly declared, without looking back. “Go crazy on that asshole’s nuts… he deserves the professional touch!”

“Awwww shit yeah he does!” Jade shouted, quickly letting go of Chief and darting out in front of him. Jen rolled her eyes as her friend assertively forced herself first in line, but didn’t complain as she hooked Chief’s arms, holding him in a full nelson as Jade hopped back and forth on her feet, excited at the opportunity. She wasted no time in firing off a kick into his groin, yelling, “Take THIS, punk bitch!”

The sheer swiftness of her attack was unreal, her leg a dark green blur as it swung into his crotch. Chief emitted a high pitched squeal at that strike, as Jen chuckled. “Not bad… but I can top it.”

“Heh, go for it.”

The two of them traded places, Jade holding him as Jen walked in front of him. She went down to her knees and blasted a devastating punch into his testicles, unleashing her overwhelming strength into his tortured groin. Chief found his voice growing hoarse as her knuckles threatened to shatter his nuts. 

As the two trade places once more, Cameron made her way back to the ring, rolling in with her towel. She finished wiping herself off, managing to get the semen off her face and skin, but found herself looking contemptibly at what remained of it on her clothes. So, she began to strip down, removing her shorts to reveal the thin panties underneath, and taking off her top to show that, unsurprisingly, there was nothing underneath, her enormous titties coming free. 

Meanwhile, Jade goaded Jen into lifting Chief up into the air, until his balls were level with her head. She took a few steps back, before leaping forward, tilting her head forward for a destructive flying headbutt, another use of her soccer skills. Nothing but a pathetic screech eeked out of Chief as the wind was knocked out of him with this nut-crunching assault.

Jen sat him back down, only to reach between his legs and grab his nuts from behind. Squeezing tightly, she proceeded to effortlessly lift him into the air by the balls. He found his voice quickly, his scream gradually emerging from his throat in a raspy holler. As this went on, Cameron stepped up closer, her natural-looking, enormous titties jiggling wildly, glaring at him with utter murder in her eyes.

She didn’t have to say anything for Jen to know she wanted another turn, so she released Chief. With relentless timing, she lashed out her leg, meeting his swollen balls as he fell crotch-first onto her shin. Chief was all too helpless as he rolled off her leg, falling to the canvas.

The three girls lorded around him, as he curled into the fetal position, clutching his nuts and cursing under his breath. Jade kicked him in the chest, forcing him onto his back. Cameron leaped forward, landing painfully on Chief’s wounded ribs, mounting him with increasingly quivering titties. Despite everything he couldn’t help but stare at them, they were absolutely immaculate.

“Do you regret turning me down yet? Huh?! You regret making a mockery of me?!” she shouted. “Good luck defending that title asshole, ‘cause we’re gonna be here everyday wearing your ass out until y-”

She was interrupted when, to her shock, she felt something large and solid creep up against her ass. She turned to find his erection had returned, pressing snugly into her thinly-covered crack.

“Wow… heh, so much testosterone, even now.” Cameron remarked, smiling as she glanced back into his eyes. “...We’re gonna be fixing that. Isn’t that right, girls?”

Jade and Jen nodded as she stood up and came over to them, whispering into their ears. They seemed quite pleased with whatever it was she told them...

Chief was an absolute wreck, beaten beyond all sense. He couldn’t even register the fact that Jade was walking up to him or untying her bandana. Without a word, she pulled him up into a sitting position and used her bandana to tie his wrists together. She released him and he slumped back down to the mat, unable to put up any resistance after the few days he’s had. Despite this, Jade cheekily called back, “Hey, I think the guy’s got a lot of fight left in him, we should soften him up to make sure he doesn’t get out of her grasp...”

“Hah, you’re absolutely right honey.” Cameron replied, sashaying up closer, her mammoth mammaries rippling with sensual power. She reached down, grabbed Chief by the ankles and lifted his legs up into the form of a ‘V’. The other two women gathered around her, as the group eyed his balls with devilish intent. Even in that delirious state, Chief knew to fear for his loins.

Cameron began, lifting her leg high up into the air and bringing it down into a horrific stomp, her boot reaching the apex of his legs and of course smashing his bare, brutalized balls. As Chief croaked in misery, Cameron casually passed Chief’s legs to Jade, who happily took her place. 

“Suck on this, you jacked up prick!” she yelled, before leaping several feet off the canvas, getting quite impressive amounts of air. “Unnngh!” she grunted as she landed a wicked leg drop, her thigh landing hard against Chief’s testicles. “Yeeeaah, how do you like that, FLATTENING your big bad balls!” she cheered, wriggling her leg, grinding it against his crotch.

Naturally once she rolled away Jen took her spot, holding Chief’s legs up into the air… before nonchalantly dropping them. She tapped the edge of her elbow, giving the man a brief bit of warning he couldn’t possibly comprehend. The beautiful behemoth proceeded to hop forward, delivering a stunning elbow drop to his groin, putting quite a bit of her weight into a destructive strike that’d pop a lesser pair of balls.

Chief felt like crying, the pain was so absurdly intense. But on some level he was still aware that he was sharing a ring with three women, one of them Cameron, a lady he’d quickly grown to despise. He couldn’t bear the shame of being reduced to tears before them, nor did he want to give them the satisfaction of knowing they’d brought him to that level. So he fought back his sobs as much as he did the burning sensation that was welling up in his gut with every added groin shot, since it was safe to say that throwing up before them would be quite humiliating as well…

Now that he was properly subdued, atleast enough for Jade to concede it as such, the three women grabbed him by the arms and legs and lifted him together, hoisting him up to a seated position on the middle rope. They positioned his arms to stay bound and useless behind his back, and forced his legs to remain spread wide, draping them on the ropes. Somewhat overkill, the fight was gone from him.

However his cock remained alive, and it would only continue to twitch with what happened next. As Cameron stood before him and teased him with a little belly dance, occasionally pausing to turn around and twerk a little more, the other women began to strip down as well. 

Jen slowly peeled the black leather off her massive, muscular yet feminine form until she was down to nothing but her bra and panties, the latter of which was a greatly undersized g-string. The back of her panties seemed to disappear in her heavenly treasure of an ass. Now that it was finally laid bare, it became apparent that with every slight motion her perfect supple cheeks rippled like a puddle in a storm, the soft, beautiful flesh was in endless motion.

Jade meanwhile hurriedly kicked off her pants, ripped off her top and made sure Chief was looking as she grabbed latch of her bra, which happened to unhook at the front. “Boom!” she yelled, jutting forward as she unleashed her breasts. Tossing her bra to the floor, she shook her chest freely as she sauntered closer to Chief, letting her enormous bosoms wiggle madly. “How you like these puppies, huh?! All natural, baby!”

Cameron shot her dirty look, though she didn’t seem to notice. She shook it off quickly however, smiling as she backed up into the corner just opposite of where Chief was situated. “If you thought that trio of busts was brutal, you haven’t seen anything yet, big boy.” she warned. “We’re about to teach you the true meaning of ballbusting.”

After posing before Chief’s gawking, unbelieving eyes for a few more minutes, they proceeded to march over and join Cameron, the three of them grinning all too villainously as they glared at Chief’s tortured testes. Their defacto leader hollered, “Kiss your manhood goodbye! GO!”

With that she took off at full speed, her titties, real or not, bouncing and bobbing and swaying fiercely with her every stride. For someone that was infamous for a lack of passion, the hatred that burned in her eyes was as pure and genuine as any other. Truly, her passion was busting balls all along, and she unleashed that viciously, leaping forward at the peak of her momentum. Her titanic tits flew into Chief’s chest, just as her rising knee flew into his crotch. She stared right into his eyes as she devastated his balls yet again. 

His cock shook violently as it finally hit him just how badly he wanted, no, needed Cameron… but his opportunity was forever squandered. She hissed, “Suffer”, before falling to her back on the mat and rolling out of the ring. Her getting out of the way revealed that Jade was already in mid-sprint, rushing even faster towards Chief.

“Get ready for the Shattered Dreams, bitch!” she howled, even as her breasts threatened to smack her in the chin. “I’m about to kick those bad boys into the stratosphere!!”

At blinding speed, mid-stride, she slammed her instep into his groin with unbelievable force. Her accuracy was frightening as her toes powered into his nuts and if not for that pesky scrotum, they may well have flown right through the roof off that impact. Chief’s whole existence was pain in that moment, it overwhelmed his every sense. The myriad of beautiful flesh mixed with viciousness confused his subconscious, and while this kick caused an unreal surge of pain, it also carried an unmistakable, powerful wave of ecstasy that ran up and down his lengthy shaft.

“I fucking love my job!” Jade howled as she sauntered away, leaving the helpless Chief staring down Jen.

The powerhouse, as always, was quiet and thoughtful in comparison to her energetic counterpart. Taking her time, she turned around, grabbing the top ropes as she bent over, giving him a marvelous view of that ass that some men would (and have) killed for. “You want this.” she declared. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement, and a true one. “You can’t handle it… but you’ll get it anyway.”

She proceeded to turn and run at a surprising speed for her size. Chief’s cock seemed to be calling out for her, desperate for another release… and so she came, turning and hopping at the last second to deliver a hip attack that may well have made Selene jealous if she were watching. Jen’s massive, barely covered ass engulfed Chief’s entire crotch, as well as a fair bit of his stomach, but her aim was perfect, the arc of her ass blasting directly to his balls. 

Somehow they survived this crushing, the destructive yet blissful impact of her ass taking hostile control over his manhood to the symphony of the loudest scream yet. With full confidence, Jen stepped away and casually bent over as Chief’s cock wriggled and twitched out of control, before firing off again, his seed sailing high into the sky, going above Jen’s form and hitting the ceiling just like that fateful day…

Jen turned to him and with a simple yank to his shoulder, pulled him free from his confinement in the ropes, where he lay in a mess on the canvas. He moaned in lust and loss, his mind frazzled as pain and pleasure seemed to be melded together.

The two hired hitwomen, out to collect a bounty that’d been placed on the man’s nuts, stood over him smugly as he struggled more and more to fight back his tears. Meanwhile, Cameron rolled back into the ring… now once again holding Chief’s jockstrap. Heartlessly, the topless temptress held it out to him, dangling it before his eyes. “How badly must you want this right now…? How badly must you need this, hm?”

Chief stared at the protection his nuts so clearly lacked, aching for the support and relief it once gave him… after a mighty struggle, he managed to get his bound wrists out from behind him, forcing his hands out towards it. But of course, the merciless Cameron pulled it away at the last second, backing up. Even her mocking laughter caused her immense breasts to jiggle. “You want it on your balls, huh…? Sounds good to me…”

She took the jock up in each hand, pulling one side back as though she were holding a slingshot. Chief at that point lacked the wherewithal to even try to block this obvious attack, so when she released it, it slung forward, the solid diamond plating at the front of the jock shooting right into his balls with a wicked snap. 

His wail was as tortured as his genitals. Chief simply laid there with his beloved jockstrap on top of his nuts, though not for long. With a step, Cameron slammed her instep into his scrotum, simultaneously busting his balls and kicking the jock out of the ring. Another tear slipped down his cheek…

“Man, those things just don’t break.” Jade remarked as she gazed at Chief’s swollen, bruised yet still functioning pair of testicles. “I’ve never seen a pair of nuts survive Shattered Dreams… if that doesn’t do it, nothing will.”

“Yeah, that’s a shame. I promised and everything...” Cameron nodded. “But, if we can’t destroy them, than at the very least we can make damn sure they’re empty. Milk his damaged nuts dry, doesn’t that sound good?”

“Sounds like something we should charge him for.” Jen quipped. “Though after what we’ve done to his nuts, I bet cumming won’t feel very good...”

“Not really as fun as treating them like a kickpad but, if that’s what you want, I’ll do it.” Jade shrugged, before sidling over and getting down on her knees, spreading Chief’s legs once again. Of course after all that had just happened, spreading those legs was the last thing he wanted to do, but he didn’t have the strength to even try and resist. 

Jade crawled forward, letting her breasts dangle as she moved closer and closer, until finally her soft, cushiony bosoms came against his genitals. She merely gave her shoulders a light shake, letting them gently brush against his dominated dick and balls. It wasn’t long before his cock came back to life, growing gradually betwixt her tits, which was convenient as that’s right where she wanted them. 

She cupped her breasts and delicately ran them up and down his massive cock as he moaned lightly. Meanwhile, Jen came over and stood above Chief, giving him another all-time view at her glorious ass, before slowly, almost daintily sitting down upon his face. Of course she was still heavy but she made sure not to press too much weight down this time, letting him focus entirely on the fact that the largest, softest ass he’d ever seen was lovingly engulfing his head, whilst Jade gradually sped up her titjob. 

The buxom thug clenched her breasts together, working his penis into a frenzy, all the while Jen shook her ass, grinding it’s magnificence into his face. This time didn’t take long at all, his scream of ecstasy was muffled by the behemoth beauty’s ass as Jade’s fantastic breasts brought him to a raging climax. But despite no strikes to the groin this time, forcing this out of his damaged balls brought upon a surge of pain that almost eclipsed the orgasm itself. The broken MMA champion struggled mightily, his body and mind unable to come to terms on what was happening to him. 

“Hah, that all you got, you big ‘ol cock?! I can go WAY harder than that!” Jade boasted, and swiftly backed it up, working her titties up and down his shaft with incredible speed now. Her massive mammaries became a blur as the friction reached previously inconceivable levels. Meanwhile, Jen bounced her bodacious backside up and down on Chief’s face. This was far more than he could handle and he fired off another intense orgasm, this one barely any more lacking in seed than the last. It seemed as though he was an endless well of virility.

Jade continued to pump until Cameron placed a hand on her shoulder. “That’s good, honey. You two have been amazing. But he’s mine now...” she announced with absolute authority.

The two hired guns did as they were told and stood up, Jade’s bosoms, now painted in seed, sliding slowly off of his cock, which finally fell limp. Cameron stood between his helplessly splayed legs and simply stepped on his nuts, starting gently but slowly putting more pressure on them until she was damn near standing on his balls. What was left of Chief’s voice withered away in groans of anguish, but as she grinded his nuts into the mat, his cock slowly, weakly sprang back to life yet again.

Cameron stepped off of him and declared, “I have one last command for you two. Lift him up by the limbs for me...”

They did as they were told. Jen grabbed his bound arms and hoisted his upper half, Jade did the same with his legs, grabbing him by the ankles as he was accustomed. He was kept just a few inches off the mat, and all he could do was stare up at the dim lights of his expansive training room.  His body hung limp, he looked like he was being setup as a sacrifice, to be brought to an alter, or perhaps tossed down a volcano...

“Look at me.” 

Somehow that one line got through to Chief and he struggled to tilt his head down far enough to see that Cameron had gone down to her knees. From where he was positioned, that meant her face was now inches from his battered genitals. Delicately she grabbed one of his decimated nuts, pulled it out towards her and gave it a deep, slowwww lick, before taking it into her mouth. 

She simply suckled on his ball… normally that might feel very nice, but damaged as they were, he found himself croaking in pain and pleasure. After a few moments she alternated, instead sucking his left nut. And then, through sheer force of will, she managed to stuff his whole swollen scrotum into her mouth. This tight squeeze might as well have been a vice to him at that point, and her insistent sucking was horrendous and mesmerizing to his sense all at once… Chief had no idea what to think as he came once again. 

This time Cameron was wary, spitting out his balls and pulling her head away at the last minute, avoiding getting any of his propelling seed on her. Finally though, his mighty cock seemed to be weakening, as rather than the arcing cannon fire most of his climaxes turned into, this one just seemed like an ordinary ejaculation. 

“You still in there, asshole?” Cameron asked, as she took hold of his shrinking member, caressing it lovingly and pushing her breasts against his balls until his cock sprung right back to full mast before it even went soft. “I hope you’re lucid enough to realize something… you turned me down. You turned THIS down… you could’ve had this every night, and I’m about to show you what you’ve been missing, and what you’re gonna miss for the rest of your life.”

She released his dick and took a firm grip on his hips, squeezing tightly as she opened her mouth wide. Bringing her head forward, she took the head of his dick and the next few inches into her mouth, letting her tongue caress his erection. 

That was where most girls stopped, Chief had never found a woman who was able to get his entire cock into her mouth. Until this day… through great effort, Cameron managed to shove his engorged member down her throat and kept going, until she was down to the hilt. This alone had Chief quivering… but then, she began rocking her head up and down, her suckling mouth and wriggling tongue voraciously running up and down his member.

Chief was immediately enraptured by an all-consuming wave of lust and ecstasy, like nothing he’d ever felt before. It was as though he were having the greatest sex of his life fucking her face, but he wasn’t making a move, it was her mouth that was in complete control of him. In mere moments, with Chief’s body spasming, he reached his limit, cumming into her mouth… and she still didn’t stop. 

She skillfully deepthroated him relentlessly, for what seemed like hours, swallowing his seed until he had no more left to give… pumping his balls dry deep, deep into the night. She didn’t stop, even after he’d passed out to the overwhelming sensation…


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