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  • Commissioned by Joey

There was a stark hustle and bustle to the large, expansive cafeteria, filled to the brim with colorful - and hungry! - young teens. Each and every one of them was a unique and talented hero in the making. Indeed, it might have looked like a regular school setting from afar, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

For you see, this place is what is known as a Hero Academy, the best one around in fact; the one and only U.A High School. Taking in specially gifted youngsters with powers that they refer to as ‘quirks’, they aspire to cultivate the next generation of great and powerful superheroes, giving them the training and wisdom they need to take on whatever life throws at them and help those in need.

Of course, for many of them, it’s more than just pure skills they have to sort out…

Katsuki Bakugo was a student that was becoming renown for being, well, a bit of a jerk. Arrogant, aggressive and inconsiderate, he’d been making enemies within the school for quite some time. And today was no exception, he seemed to be a particularly foul mood as he trekked through the cafeteria, picking on every younger hero in training that he knew was too weak to fight back against him. 

Ruffling hair, smacks to the backs of heads, general taunting and for some unlucky few, shoving their lunch trays off the table, spilling their food all over the place. He cackled as he did it, blowing off steam for lord knows what, some minor infraction or misstep that pissed him off to no end. Sadly, they were used to his nonsense at this point, but those he targeted genuinely did believe him when they told him he was the strongest around, they didn’t dare try to fight back or speak up for themselves.

However at one point his torment made it’s way to a less than meek target… when he angrily slammed his fist upon the table to spook one of their smallest students, she dropped her spoon just before it reached her lips. It fell into the soup, and the red liquid ended up splashing onto the uniform of the girl sitting next to her.

Now with a fresh stain on her uniform, Momo Yaoyorozu stood up. She turned and glared at Bakugo, her dark, onyx-colored eyes staring a hole through him. “You have a lot of nerve, huh? You ever gonna grow out of acting like an ass, Katsuki?”

“Psht… wasn’t trying to pick on you.” he grumbled, dismissively. He yanked at the hair of the poor sod he was messing with. “It’s this little shit who messed up your uni! You should say sorry to the nice lady.”

Momo reached out and grabbed his wrist, halting what he was doing. He shot a vile glare back at her. Suddenly, the students weren’t tuning this out quite so much, staring at the two of them. Unflinching, Momo remarked, “If you want to be a hero, you should really start acting like one. Being a bully isn’t going to get you anywhere. And if you have to pick on someone, atleast pick on someone your own size!”

After a few moments of staring, Katsuki leaned forward, and the girl’s eyes went wide as their foreheads pressed together. “Well now, look at that, seems we’re about the same height...” he laughed. “Convenient...”

The girl scoffed and shot back, “I believe I’m a little taller, actually.” 

He didn’t take too kindly to that bit of information, shouting, “We’ll see where we stand after I cut you down to size you useless little bi-!” 

Just as his temper was truly flaring, a bell went off, signaling the end of Lunch period. The two continued to glare at each other as the surrounding students uncomfortably rose, the first to file out from the room. Momo spoke up, “You want to finish that sentence some time?”

“You’re lucky… saved by the bell. Heh...” he chuckled as he ripped his hand from her grasp. He turned and walked off, storming down to no doubt find his next victim. 

Once he made his way completely out of the cafeteria, Momo scanned the room to see who was left, quite a few were taking their time getting up, finishing up their meals or waiting for someone to make their way over. Feeling a well of inspiration building up, she stepped up onto the table bench to make sure every student left could see her. “Everyone! You all saw what just happened… you all saw, that Katsuki’s bullying issues are getting worse! Many of you experienced it firsthand… it has to stop. The time has come to put an end to this!”

Many a head was turned, every eye glued to her even moreso than when she was in her superhero outfit. They seemed uncertain but listened as she continued, “He’s not going to stop as long as we keep letting him get away with it, as long as we keep just accepting that it’s how things are! Someone needs to teach him a lesson. And sure, he may be a little scary, but we’ve all got powers of our own! We’ve all been in our fair share of fights! There’s no way he can do anything to us when we’re together!”

She hopped down to the floor, her eyes becoming a bit fiery with passion as she looked at her fellow students. “As Vice President of Class 1-A, I decree that we take it upon ourselves to humble him! So, who’s with me?!”

They all exchanged glances, but nobody stepped forward. After some apologetic murmurs, they all simply left. Momo stood, frozen in her triumphant stance even as her expression turned to dejection. Slumping her shoulders, she sat on the bench and lamented, “Ugh… they’re just too afraid. I guess I can do it myself… but, I’m not sure just one person beating him down would get the message across...”

Just then, she noticed a hand with lengthy fingers tugging on her sleeve and looked up to see the same girl who was being picked on when she intervened. A rather unique looking one, she was quite short, with long green hair tied in the back with a bow, big ovular eyes, and her tongue hanging limply out of her mouth. 

“...I’ll help.” Tsuyu Asui offered.

Momo smiled. “Ahh, of course! You want payback as much as I do, right?!”


“...Right.” Momo nodded. “So uh, just the two of us, huh? Well, it’s a start. Let’s go lay down the gauntlet!”

Momo raised her hand up for a high five. Little Tsuyu hopped up a few feet in the air to accept it, and with that, they made their way out.


Hours later, a sneering Katsuki stomped up to where the two of them waited, just behind the school building. All three of them had changed into their superhero costumes for this, since naturally they were far more durable and ready for action than their much more mundane school attires. 

The temperamental boy ran his hand, adorned in enormous gauntlets fashioned to look like grenades, through his spiky, dirty blonde hair, his fierce red eyes peeking through his dark mask. “Hmph… thought for sure you two were bluffing, but shock of all shocks, here you are… you must be really eager for a beating today if you’re seriously calling me out. But that’s just fine with me...”

“Oh, no, actually we were hoping to beat you up.” Tsuyu spoke up, a gloved finger to her mouth. Her green skintight outfit was reminiscent of a frog in pattern, and much morso in her curious footwear, like flippers on a wetsuit styled with lengthy, singled out toes. It was more flattering on her than it sounds, though...

“It’s long since been time somebody taught you a lesson!” Momo declared, standing with her fists at her hips. Her dark hair had been fashioned into a big spiky ponytail, slanted towards the right side of her head, a lone thick bang streaking down just next to her right eye. Her outfit consisted of a rather revealing crimson leotard, cut with a gap that went from her neck to her bellybutton. 

“Hmph, whatever you say.” he scoffed. “Well, you two ready to get demolished? I can take you both on at once!”

“That would be very silly to try, Katsuki-chan.” Tsuyu shook her head. “And we want to keep it 1-on-1 anyway… taking turns.”

“Hah! Your funeral… in that case, let’s start with you, runt!” he shouted, as he rushed towards Tsuyu. 

She braced for impact, but he instead slammed his fist into the ground in front of her; she hopped back just in time to avoid the explosion he caused which created a solid crater in the ground, a fiery opener to be sure.

“Hold on!” Momo cried out. “We can’t go causing destruction like that around here, and those explosions are way too loud! Before you flew off that handle like that, I was about to say that we will NOT be using our quirks in this fight! We’d have to go somewhere else for that… but for now, it’s just a regular brawl!”

“Hah! Are you kidding me?! Wow, I knew this would be easy but come on!” Katsuki chortled. “This doesn’t even sound fun now. Without powers, you guys aren’t gonna be a fight… this’ll just be sad. How about *I* refuse to use my quirk, and give the two of you little girls a handicap instead…? Heh, maybe then it’d be competitive…”

Momo shook her head, and to illustrate her conviction, took off her utility built, letting it fall to the ground. “I’m not playing around. This is gonna be hand-to-hand, I think that’s the best way to humble someone.”

“Momo-chan, if you didn’t plan on using it, why did you even put that belt on?” Tsuyu asked, tilting her head.

“So I could make that statement just now!” Momo proudly answered. “There’s a lot of power there in taking it off as a show of good faith!”

“More like a show of good hips...” Katsuki muttered, pointing out that she was now exposed that little bit more. ”Anyway let’s get this bore over with. I said I’d take froggy first, so hop on up, why don’tcha?”

“Speaking of which… it’s a bit hard for me to move in a fight without using my quirk.” Tsuyu admitted as she, indeed, hopped up closer. “But uh, no tongue or toxins or anything like that… does that suffice?”

“Whatever… bring it on, weak little girl.” he taunted, gesturing for her to come at him. “I’ll give you the first one for free! Do your worst.”

Tsuyu nodded and rushed up, as the boy brazenly held his arms out, allowing her the initial strike. She took advantage, leaping up and basically just slamming the crown of her head into his chest. Katsuki grunted in surprise as she managed to tackle him to the ground without much trouble. 

“Gaah, what the-?!” he spat, scrambling to try and shove her away. “Get off of me you little weirdo!”

Tsuyu quickly hopped up to her feet, and in the process slammed them right down onto Katsuki’s stomach, knocking the air out of him immediately. Seeing the effectiveness of this, she began jumping up and down, her feet landing hard on his chest, face and gut as she hopped from spot to spot. 

The angry young man was hollering all the while, slapping at her legs to try and stop her, but she didn’t get off of him until she saw fit. With a particularly aggressive “Ribbit!”, she came down on his face once more, and this time stayed there, sidling back and forth to grind her feet deeper into his cheeks and nose. 

All he could do was groan, his protests muffled by her webby shoes. Fortunately from that position he couldn’t hear Momo’s stifled snicker at his predicament. Finally, Tsuyu stepped off of him and peered down at him with her big, wide open eyes. Somehow the tongue hanging limply from her mouth seemed particularly mocking in that moment, and he was boiling with anger as he scrambled to his feet.

“You think that’s funny you little… uh, reptile?!” he shouted, as she stepped back to gain some distance. Katsuki wiped his face off, as though he worried about being tainted by her touch. “Let’s see how well you do when I’m taking the fight to YOU!”

He rushed forward, diving down low to try and clip her legs out from under her. Usually, he’s pretty damn fast but perhaps the embarrassment of being stomped on made him lose focus. Either way, she had the instincts enough to not only avoid this, but counter it, as when she hopped up just out of reach of his arms, she also brought her legs together, and they ended up clamping around his neck.

Much to Katsuki’s shock and dismay, the two of them ended up on the ground, with him facefirst in the dirt, deep in a headscissor, her calves becoming a vice around his throat!

He slammed his fists against the ground, absolutely enraged as he squirmed between her legs, trying desperately to escape. Tsu’s face showed absolutely no emotion whatsoever, she just leaned forward as her thighs, covered thinly by the rubber fabric, pressed deeply into his reddening cheeks. 

“This… proves… ngh, nothing!” he choked out, having incredible difficulty even talking in that state.

Tsu couldn’t have looked much more casual as she propped her chin up on her hands, her elbows digging into his back, whilst her legs wore him down and there seemed to be nothing he could do about it.

After fighting it for a bit, Momo began to laugh. “Haha, wow, big tough guy, huh? You’re right, this wasn’t a fight! You were incapacitated in like, two moves! Man I wish the other students could see this...”

Katsuki attempted to power out, clawing at the ground and pushing himself up. He did manage to show some strength, standing up with Tsu still firmly attached to his neck, supporting her weight alongside his own.

“Oh, that’s not bad, Katsuki-chan.” Tsuyu noted. “I guess this is a good time to scissor you for real, then.”

She wrapped her legs up in a figure four position, intensifying her leglock around his neck. She was actually choking him now, and after a few moments of stumbling, this brought him to his knees and then, again to the ground.

His movements slowed, and his body started to become limp. 

“I… uh, think he’s about to pass out.” Tsuyu uttered as she released him, and hopped to her feet. Leaning down, she asked, “You okay down there?”

Katsuki weakly gasped for air, coughing a bit before taking in deeper inhales. Groaning miserably, he pulled himself up to his feet, staggering in Tsuyu’s vague direction, his hand outstretched. 

“That… ugghghh… was a fluke...” he sputtered, holding his throat. He was slow to regain his composure, but his rage and fighting spirit didn’t seem to have been subdued in the least. “I’ll… ugh, I’ll prove it!”

He darted forward again, in the exact same manner, clearly believing his claim. Sadly, this ended in a beat for beat repeat, as Tsuyu leapt over his arms and wrenched her legs around his neck in mid-air. 

“...That was a bit dumb.” Tsu accurately stated. 

“This… proves… nothing!” he choked out, obviously not learning a thing. Truly the pure embodiment of stubborness. 

Just to break the monotony, Tsu laid on her side, her elbow to the ground as she rested her cheek in her palm. Still just as casual as could be all the same, whilst her legs choked him again. She went to the figure four immediately on the second go-round, and this time there was no gasp for escape.

“Is it okay if I let him pass out? ‘Cause he’s definitely right back on the verge of losing consciousness...” Tsu asked, watching as his face started to turn from beet red to an unhealthy blue.

Momo contemplated this for a bit, before answering, “Eh, I’m sure it’ll be fine, he’s made of tough stuff. A good way to take him down a peg too… besides, I think I have an idea on how to wake him!”

Shrugging with her free hand, she just laid back and watched as his squirming slowed to a meek tremble. Before too much longer, the fighting and choked howling stopped. His body went entirely limp between her legs.

Tsuyu let him go and stared intently as Momo walked over. The latter called out, “Wow, scary as he always made himself seem, I never thought he’d go down so easy… heheh, this will be even more fun than I thought!”

“Are you sure he’s okay…?” she asked, poking at his still form. “I’m not sure how we’d get him back up again...”

“Well, we agreed not to use our quirks to fight, but as far as I’m concerned this is between rounds and that’s entirely different!” she explained. “And so with that in mind, all I really have to do is…”

She trailed off as she reached for her arm, only to stop herself. “Hmm… hehehe, no I know a better spot...”

After looking around to make sure no one was looking, she put her hand past her hips and reached under her leotard, pulling it out just enough to give herself the space she needed.

Then, using her quirk - the ability to materialize things out of her bare skin - she pulled from her ass a box of smelling salts. Tsu stared blankly as Momo laughed at her own prank, before tossing a dash of the salt into his face.

He immediately jolted awake, gasping for air and rolling around on the ground. From the way he was squirming, it seemed he thought he was still locked in that headscissor. This actually got a bit of a laugh from Tsuyu.

“AHH! ARGH! Wh-what happened?!” he shouted as his eyes darted around, obviously having no clue where he was.

“Oh nothing, you just lost a fight to a ‘weak little girl’, in your own words.” Momo taunted, a satisfied smirk. 

“Wh-wha…?” he gasped. That loss of oxygen seemingly harmed his short-term memory as he yelled, “Impossible! That can’t be right, what did you do to me?!”

Tsuyu somewhat awkwardly pointed to her clasped thighs. “You passed out between here. After getting caught there twice in a row...”


“Th-that… oh God, that did happen.” he groaned. “Urgh, I thought I’d just dreamed that! Dammit!”

“You… have dreams like that?” Tsu asked, her head tilting inquisitively, her tongue sticking out down her chin. 

“NO! Shut up! That was, urgh, nothing but dumb luck… I want a rematch! Best two out of three!” he demanded. 

“Technically I already won two in a row, so…” Tsu answered.

“And I’m afraid your fight is with me now.” Momo announced, crossing her arms as she smiled confidently his way. “It’s my turn… although we can hold off on it if you’re not feeling up to it after that.”

“Tch… screw you, I’ve got plenty left for the both of you!” he hollered. “I’ll take you out in record time… and then I’ll deal with your little froggy friend! You can have all the dumb luck in the world, but I’m STILL better than you!”

Giving him a little of his own medicine, she gestured for him to come towards her as she stated, “Prove it.”

Katsuki growled as he lunged forward, aiming a punch towards her pretty face. But it seemed that his movements were definitely sluggish at this point thanks to his rushing right back into battle immediately after blacking out, and Momo was able to duck this blow with the greatest of ease.

Bakugo put so much force behind this blow that his momentum spun him into a full 360, and by the time he was facing Momo again, her crimson, high heeled boot was flying up towards his face. A roundhouse kick slammed into his cheek, rocking his head to the side and sending him spinning again, in the opposite direction. 

“HIYAH!” Momo yelled as she unleashed a knee lift, her bare kneecap meeting his stomach and doubling him over. A follow-up snap kick saw the point of her boot blasting him in the nose and putting him down on his back for a moment. 

Eager beyond all sense, Katsuki rushed to his feet a little too quickly. Eis equilibrium was so off from that last shot, he found himself punching thin air, and the momentum of THIS blow sent him right back in the dirt.

Both of the girls were fighting back laughter at that one, and he pounded the ground with his fist, infuriated about being made to look like such a fool.

“Man, all that boasting, and you can’t back up a word of it...” Momo sighed, shaking her head. All too ready to deal out more blows to his fragile ego, she railed on him, “The least you could do is try to make some kind of fight out of this! Maybe we SHOULD let your use your quirk, just to even it up...”

“Damn you...” he seethed, as he picked himself up off the ground. “You think you’re so great?! You don’t know who you’re messing with! I’ll show you… I’ll show you how damn beneath me you really are!”

He hollered with effort as he again lunged towards her, a fist sailing towards her chest. But in his anger he mistimed the distance, all Momo had to do was take a casual step back, and his arm simply failed to reach. Before he could try again, she uncoiled another snap kick, her long bare leg lashing out and meeting his groin.

Katsuki’s howl of pain echoed throughout the air as he doubled over, clutching himself. Seeing his head now at about waist level, Momo licked her lips as her next move crossed her mind. She lifted a leg into the air, bent at the knee. Showing off some flexibility, she lifted it high enough that she managed to stomp down onto the back of his head, sending his face directly into the ground. 

She bore her sharp heel into his head, wriggling her foot and grinding it in deeper, literally rubbing it in. “I’m sorry Katsuki, can you say again, exactly who is beneath who here...?” Momo leaned over, a hand cupped around her ear. “Hmm? Hello? Can you speak up, I can’t seem to hear you...”

His face buried in the ground, the only sound he could make was pained groans, muffled by the grass. This was quite the figurative and literal low point for him, as he seemed wholly unable to push her off of him, or push himself up off the ground. Once again he was pounding his fists on the dirt in frustration, and desperately kicking his legs as well, his entire existence rendered a feeble struggle.

“I feel like this a good time to mention, did you notice I woke you up with smelling salts? Just how DID that smell, hm?” she asked, giggling to herself. “I pulled those out of my ass, and that’s not just a turn of phrase! Hah~!”

“Heheh. Ass salt.” Tsuyu mused. “Hm… ass... salt. Assault…?”

With that epiphany realized, Momo stepped away from her once feared trampling victim. The angsty young man was a coughing mess as he got up to a sitting position, a protective hand going back to his crotch as he glared up at Momo. His free hand formed a shaking fist, righteous fury boiling within him. 

“Dirty little bitch… ngh, you dare throw ass salt at me?!” he croaked, which certainly got Tsu’s eyebrow raising. He continued, “And you’re supposed to be fighting fair! Ugh, going below the belt should be illegal!”

“Hey, we never established that rule.” she shrugged. “And I’ll be honest, I think you really had one coming...”

“I’ve had more than enough of this…” Katsuki mumbled as he got back to his feet, bewildered at how many times he’s had to pick himself up off the ground in the span of maybe ten minutes. “It’s about time I took you down… no more playing around!”

“Ohhh, you’ve just been playing around so far.” Tsuya piped up. “That explains everything, okay.”

Gritting his teeth, every word from either of the two compiling his sheer rage, he came towards Momo. Clenching his fists together, he swung a hammerfist to the side of her head like he was swinging a baseball bat, looking to knock her out of the park. Sadly this went foul as she ducked it effortlessly.

Displaying a clear theme, the momentum spun him around and he ended up with his back to Momo. That wasn’t a great position for him to be in, as the superheroine was quick to capitalize, wrapping her arms around his neck. Crossing her arms she squeezed with all her might, swiftly applying a choke hold.

Katsuki stomped the ground and reached forward, trying to thrust himself out of Momo’s arms but she proved stronger than he realized, and in his beaten state he was simply no match for her, she had him at her mercy at that point.

And she showed very little mercy with her next move, as she took him to the ground with her. Laying on her back, she had his head thrust firmly against her womanly chest as she continued on with her rear naked choke.

“That was nice of you. He looked really uncomfortable so you gave him some pillows...” Tsuya remarked.

“Heh, quiet you.” Momo answered, snickering.

Obviously far from comfortable, Bakugo tried his best to pry her arms off his neck but he couldn’t budge it. His upper body seeming useless, he instead focused on kicking his legs forward, swiveling his hips, trying to wriggle and shove his form out of her grasp by any means possible. 

“I think this would be easier on you if you just calmed down, buddy. You’re not getting away.” Momo warned.

To cease this struggle, she wrapped her legs around his waist, securing him all the more tightly and keeping his body all but still within her grasp. 

“FUUUUCK!” he yelled, forcing his voice through his throttled throat. “I won’t… accept… defeat...”

Momo’s bared arms and legs clamped down powerfully, and before long, Katsuki’s furiosity dwindled down to nothing. His eyes slowly rolled into the back of his head, as his whole body gradually went limp. Once again, he was out like a light, and only then did Momo let him go, releasing the hold, allowing his body to lie motionless atop her own.

“Look at this… it’s hard to imagine he was giving everybody so much trouble just a couple of hours ago.” she shook her head.

“And now, he’s just a beaten man, lying within the breasts of a would-be victim...” Tsuya observed.

“Stop drawing attention to that...” Momo pouted, as she shoved him off of her body, to the ground. 

Picking up the box of assault as she put it, Tsuya threw a handful of it into his face, forcing him awake in another barrage of coughs. Katsuki clearly tried to scramble to a standing position for the umpteenth time, but couldn’t manage it, only able to sit up.

“Need some help…?” Momo asked, offering him her hand. 

Understandably he stared at it warily. But she smiled at him quite genuinely, “If nothing else, you’ve got a lot of fighting spirit, and I admire that. Hopefully you’ve seen where being a jerk gets you… and if so, I’d be happy to be your friend from now on.”

Tsuya grinned as sweetly as she could manage as she nodded, “Ribbit~!”

After staring at Momo’s hand for a moment, he instead grabbed her by the wrist, pulling himself up with her arm, rather than let her help him directly. And once he was up, he shoved her arm away. 

“Fine… today, you guys beat me.” he grumbled. “But that doesn’t mean anyone else in that school is worth my time. They’re beneath me, all of them! I’m still the best, this was just a bad day for me… I’ll get you two back for this, I promise you!”

He turned and stormed off… atleast, he tried to, it’d be more accurate to say he limped off. His head and his whole torso was killing him after the chokes and stomps, and his nuts were still pretty sore too. Yet even as he staggered his way out of sight, his temperment didn’t seem to be leaving him. 

After a few moments of silence, Tsuya spoke up, “That was fun but, it seems like that didn’t really work at all.”

“No… no, it did something, I’m sure of it.” Momo stated, a small smile spreading. “We’re in his head. And that’s only gonna grow from here.”

“Mmm… maybe if we had more students on our side…” Tsuya speculated. “That’s what you said before, right? If he gets beat up by a whole bunch of ‘em, that’ll change his tune and he’ll never be able to push any of them around again.”

“Not just students… but girls.” Momo corrected, crossing her arms. “The more women we have pounding him, the more humbling it’ll become for him. He’s that kind of dude, you can just tell, know what I mean?”

Turning towards the academy, her smile widened. “And after they hear about this, I think plenty more will want to join in...”


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