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  • Commissioned by superblue

“You should’ve been there… I teased him relentlessly. It was a real rush, seeing the power I held over that pitiful little man.” Rose explained, reclining backwards in her chair, taking a dainty sip of her margarita. “Mmmm, he was begging for release. I think by the end of it, he’d begun to like all the abuse. There’s a masochist slowly emerging in there. I half-expected him to come back to my door pleading for another beating...”

“Haha, wow! Not bad for a first-timer… you know, beating up masochists and healing them afterwards, that could be a nice little racket for you. Oughta charge for a night like that!” Selene teased, twirling her own drink in her hand. “That little fanboy’s always fun to tease. If he’s getting into it, maybe I’ll drop by his place sometime… I do so love seeing a new sub emerge.”

“Can’t believe Mia likes that guy…” Rose sighed, shaking her head. “Still, whatever makes her happy. Perhaps I can set something up between them, let her beat him senseless some more herself. After fitting him with a chastity belt, of course...”

As the two of them conversed, a few seats away, two men were having a much more formal discussion. One a rather thin man in a suit and tie, albeit a bit of a cheap one. The other, bulky and muscular, dressed in a more grungy outfit. The first, Vinny, spoke up, “You’re on a roll, I know. But ya can’t get cocky now that you’re the champ. There’s a big target on your back now, everybodies’ gonna be gunning for ya. In particular I can tell ya that-“

The other man, who nowadays was only ever referred to by his nickname, Cheif, cut him off by raising a hand. With a befuddled look, he slowly turned his ear towards the two women and listened in, just as Rose was pantomiming kicking the man known in some circles as “the VIP” in his very important privates. 

“First crotch kick of my life!” she proclaimed. “And I got him dead center!”

“Guess you’re a natural ballbuster, hun.” Selene replied, chuckling. 

“That laugh… I know that laugh. I know that voice...” Chief pondered, turning around in his seat to take a closer look. “And I know that face…!”

It just so happened, some time ago Chief had caught her guest appearance at a wrestling show on television. She dispatched of several men, including the famed wrestler Karbon. But that isn’t the incident that had Chief getting out of his chair in a huff.

He stormed over, whilst a distraught Vinny warned, “Wait, hold on!” and followed. Chief stepped right up to Selene and glared daggers through her, much to her confusion.

“You… you’re Selene, aren’t you?” he asked, barely contained rage seeping from his mouth.

“Depends. You looking for an autograph or a date…?” she playfully replied.

“I’m looking for a piece of your ass!” he hollered, successfully getting the attention of the handful of other patrons in the bar. 

Selene giggled. “Well I guess that answers that… and I’m afraid you’ll have to get in line.”

“Chief, don’t do anything stupid here-” Vinny tried to intervene, but Chief was having none of this. He put his hands on the table and flexed his arms as he bent over to look Selene in the eye, trying his best to be intimidating. It’d probably work on most people, but Selene was far from most people. 

“I know all about you… and what you did to my friend. You got a whole crowd chanting ‘Hair Trigger’, and that video?! You’ve ruined his damn life!” he growled. 

This caused Selene to crack up. “Oh, the Minigun video? I had nothing to do with that… but I was a very big fan.”

On the farside of the bar a random lady spoke up, “Oh God, me too! That was HILARIOUS! And pretty hot...”

That didn’t do much for Chief’s mood. “It’s NOT funny! He became a recluse because of you, and he’s been in therapy ever since that video went viral… you’re a piece of shit, and it’s high time somebody made you pay.”

“Aww, you gonna stick up for the one pump wonder?” Selene prodded, leaning over on the table so as to show off her magnificent cleavage. “For your sake, I hope you’re packing a bit more heat than he is… or I’ll end up making you famous too.”

“I AM famous! I’m the heavyweight champion of Bellator MMA and I’m not afraid of anybody, especially not you!” he spat. “You had plenty of fun taking on amateur fighters, but I’d like to see how you handle a professional… you and me, little lady, let’s go! We can do it in the parking lot, we can do it any ring you want, I don’t give a damn!”

Selene was about to reply when Vinny stepped in, trying to pull Chief away from the table. “Dammit champ, don’t be stupid! Ya have nothing to gain from stunts like this! If ya lose, you’ll be a laughing stock, and if ya win… you’ll just be the asshole that beat up a woman!” he reasoned. “I know your friend doesn’t want to see that happen to ya… you’ve got the whole world in your hands, don’t do this!”

Chief wasn’t happy with that one bit. “You think I could lose to her?!” 

“I… well, I mean anything’s possible in a combat sport.” he explained. “And she seems like a dangerous opponent for anybody but, I just meant to say that it’s lose-lose, so ya really shou-”

“I don’t care what anyone thinks, I AM BREAKING THIS BITCH’S PRETTY LITTLE FACE!” the MMA fighter hollered, slamming his fist on the table. In the process, he caused the women’s glasses to jump, and Rose’s ended up spilling all over the front of her white, cotton shirt. She was drenched to the point of being rather revealing of the lacey bra underneath and looked aghast as she crossed her arms to cover herself.

“Oh now, see what ya did?! Your temper’s getting the better of ya!” Vinny snapped, as he reached for a cloth. “Sorry about that, here lady, let me get that for ya...”

He bent over the table and reached with the cloth. Rose uncrossed her arms as if to allow this, but as he inched closer, her leg lashed out from under the table and sailed right into his groin. Without warning, she’d kicked the simple MMA manager right in the balls! Reflexively his upper half jerked down and he ended up slamming his own face into the table before collapsing in a heap on the floor. 

Despite the unwarranted nature of this, the fairly drunk local barflies all cheered this spontaneous nutkicking, as Rose calmly echoed, “Dead center.”

“Hey, what the fuck, he was just trying to help!” Chief screamed as he shifted his attention to Rose. He actually reached out to grab her, but Selene’s firm grip on his wrist denied him that. 

“Stop. I accept.” Selene curtly declared. “Meet me in the boxing gym afterhours, later tonight. I’m a bit of a folk legend there, so they’ll let me in if I ask, and I’ll let you in. We do this thing in secret, that way your little reputation won’t take a hit, beyond the wild rumors spread by all these drunkards… and not only that, but if you win, I’ll see what I can do about getting that Minigun video taken down.”

Still cradling his groin on the floor, Vinny croaked, “N-No, it’s a traaap...”

But Chief wasn’t listening. “You’re on, you little slut. I’m undefeated and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. You’re going to regret everything you’ve ever done in a ring...”

The MMA champion helped his manager off the floor and supported him as they walked away. After they left, Selene turned to Rose and whispered, “Why DID you kick him in the nuts? Aside from target practice anyway...”

She donned a devilish grin. “With any luck he’ll be nursing them all day… which means he’s not going to be there. And nobody will be able to stop what we do to that brute...”

They giggled and raised a toast. “To another man, lined up to be knocked down!”


Later that night, Chief walked alone into the gym. Just as Selene said, she’d left it unlocked. No sooner than he stepped inside, did he pull off his athletic shirt. He was now in his pure MMA attire, and just for effect, he had his Bellator Heavyweight Championship around his waist as he walked past the dimly-lit reception desk. 

Stepping into the hall, he simply followed the light coming through the doorway to find a spacious room filled with several boxing rings, spaced apart evenly. On each of them he noted the spare sets of boxing gloves hanging from the ringposts.

There, in the nearest ring, Selene stood, leaned against the ropes. She wore her usual attire, glorified lingerie, pure white. Her calm expression didn’t change at all when she noticed Chief walking in. Continuing to attempt his headgames all the same, he took off his championship belt and held it up high in the air as he walked up the steps that led to the ring apron. Selene simply scoffed and rolled her eyes at this display. The proud champion neatly folded up his belt and gave the plate a kiss as he laid it against apron and stepped between the ropes.

From here he noticed that she had a pair of pink boxing gloves, tied together by string, hung around her neck. They rested at either side of her humongous breasts, framing them perfectly and squeezing them together slightly. She was bent over a bit as well, creating the most tantalizing cleavage he’d ever seen. He was tempted to just stare into that expanse of feminine flesh, but he had a point to prove and a friend to avenge. 

Two, actually… Vinny was still holed up in the hospital, having his testicles looked after. He came close to losing them after Rose’s kick… Chief couldn’t help but think he had particularly fragile nuts if a shot like that nearly did them in, but nonetheless, it was a fate he didn’t deserve at all. His anger focused on him as he glared at Selene. “You want this to be a boxing match…?”

“Yes, I was thinking, since I was being so nice as to protect your rep and all, you could do me a favor back and let me pick the match.” she answered, her seductive smile spreading. “But of course I know boxing isn’t your sport. If you find that unfair… if you don’t think you can win, well I’d understand if you want something else...”

“Tch. Smug little thing, aren’t you?” He answered, his arms crossed. “My standup game is as solid as everything else. I can take you in any style of fight.”

Selene seemed to like the sound of this. “Ah, is that so? So you’d be okay with this being no holds barred, then…? Hmhmhm...”

“I’d prefer that, actually...” he replied with a devious grin of his own.

“Well then, get your gloves big boy.” she replied, pointing over to the corner to her right.

He didn’t take his eyes off of her as he stepped over, clearly not trusting her. Chief glanced to the corner just long enough to pick up the blue boxing gloves she’d prepared for him, and look through them to make sure there was nothing shady about them. 

As he did this however, he noticed that on the outside, Rose was standing there next to the ring, as though she were Selene’s cornerwoman. The purple-haired massage specialist was wearing a pink nurse’s outfit, fit with the hat and black pantyhose that ran from her thighs to her feet. Which was quite evident, since she wasn’t wearing any shoes.

Rose gave Chief a playful wave. “Don’t mind me. Just here for moral support.”

He eyed her warily as he pulled on the gloves, then turned towards Selene, who’d already finishing putting on hers. The two fighters walked towards the center of the ring. Chief just grimaced as Selene sent a wink his way. They proceeded to take a few steps back from each other, the customary distance.

Chief put his gloves up, hopping from foot to foot, ready to dive into that boxing mindset. Selene did much the same, her stance involved slight twists of her body in addition to the hops, causing her breasts to bounce up and down as well as swaying from side to side. They looked like they could just come flying right out of that corset she had on… with tits like those, it blew Chief’s mind that her ass tended to steal all the attention. It made him wonder what it looked like from upclose… but no, no time for thoughts like that! He had a fight to win.

Rose politely cleared her throat, before clearly declaring, “Ding… ding!” and blushed a bit, as though she felt silly for doing that.

Still they took it as the cue to approach each other, coming back to the center of the ring and circling slowly as they looked for an opening. Chief was the first to strike, looking for a series of jabs, Selene managed to evade them with swift moves of her head. A straight right was aimed at her chest, this one she hopped to his side to avoid. 

That put her in a good position, as she delivered a couple of light, almost mocking backhand shots to the side of his head. He didn’t take kindly to that, grunting as he aimed a left uppercut towards her face. Selene hopped to his left side, and countered with an uppercut of her own, her shot slamming solidly into his side.

That… was a much harder punch than he expected, and actually doubled him over sideways in a very odd position. She followed up with another brutal uppercut to the side of his head, and he didn’t see that coming at all. He staggered back and saw a little flash before his eyes, actually knocked a little loopy already.

Selene whirled around in front of him and delivered a wicked uppercut that sunk into his gut. She actually twisted her glove to dig it in further, before launching him up into the air. He wasn’t sure what was happening to him as he saw himself rise a few feet off the canvas, it took a moment to sink in that she actually hit him that hard. The pain in the pit of his stomach formed slowly but surely, and was amplified as before he landed, Selene followed up with a straight right to that same exact spot on his stomach.

The force of that one shot him backwards, and he found himself bouncing off the ropes. Off that, he found himself on his hands and knees, trying to catch his bearings. “Wh-what the hell…?” he muttered to himself, trying to figure out whether or not that actually just happened.

He pulled his head up in time to see his opponent leaning down to look him in the eye. Her pendulous breasts dangled tauntingly but he forced himself to look her in the eye. “Down that quickly…? I suppose you and Hair Trigger fit together, heheh...”

This gave Chief a quick burst of anger. “Don’t you call him that, you little HUSSY!” he shouted as he shot up to his feet and launched another uppercut towards her pretty face.

She blocked his blow, her glove halting his own. Chief tried to pull it away only to realize she was holding on tight. Selene had quite the grip, and more strength than he knew, as he really couldn’t break free from her. She gave him enough time for it to dawn on him as she reared her other arm back, shooting a lightning quick jab to his face that rocked his head back.

Selene let loose with a flurry from here, a left hook to his stomach, a right cross to his face, a left uppercut to his side, a left hook to his face, a right hook to his face… he ended up leaned against the ropes, trying to block with both gloves on his face. In that moment it was all he could do to just weather the storm.

Seeing his elbows clasped together, Selene shocked him with an uppercut that smacked into them both and sent his arms flying out of the way. 

In the next two seconds, she unleashed a wicked flurry of rights and lefts, jab after jab pounding his chin, cheeks and nose. All he saw was a blur of her pink gloves, and occasional flashes of her red eyes and jiggling breasts. ‘What the fuck is going on?!’ he thought, between painful punches. Finally, she finished this onslaught with a vicious uppercut to his reddening abs.

This doubled him over and caused him to fall… which thanks to positioning, meant he landed facefirst in her cleavage. His head sunk into her welcoming, inviting breasts, his whole body being held up by her sizeable tits. That took her off-guard a touch, but she regained herself quickly, quipping, “Comfy in there…?”

He wouldn’t admit it of course, but… he was. He really really was. But he couldn’t afford to let himself melt into that cleavage, no matter how much his already aching body was demanding he do just that! He made an attempt to pull his head out from betwixt her tits, but he made zero progress before she put a hand to the back of his head, keeping him firmly entrenched. “No no, by all means, stay right there…” she remarked as she reared her free hand back.

Selene delivered a devastating hook to his gut… and then proceeded to repeat that attack, again… and again, and again, and again. She made sure to push his face further and further into her cleavage until his whole head was being smothered by thick tiflesh, all the while her rockhard, gloved fist pounded his midsection relentlessly. 

Chief quickly found himself groaning and shouting in pain as she kept on hitting the same spot, softening it up to the point where every shot seemed to hurt more than the last. Selene giggled, tickled from the feeling of his breath against her breasts. She showed no mercy, as this kept up for almost a solid minute. Halfway through, she taunted, “How you holding up…? Heh, this must be humbling, but hey, atleast you’re not Hair Trigger, or Minigun, or whichever he prefers. He’d have shot his load by now… how about you? How close are you? Hm? Heheheh...”

After 50 straight shots to his bruising stomach, she paused and let go of his head. Chief noticed that, but found himself struggling to will up the strength. He simply hung limp, his face still buried in her cleavage, that being the only thing keeping him standing.

Selene shrugged and sighed, “Guess you DO like it in there… I’m shocked.” and proceeded to deliver one last shot to his gut, this one echoing throughout the arena off the incredible impact. There was a bit of a crunch as well and Chief was immediately convinced she’d shattered a rib. The force again sent him into the ropes where he bounced off, entirely limp as he fell… facefirst into her tits again, as though her breasts were his prison. 

It truly gave new meaning to the term “Marshmellow Hell”...

“D’awww, you must really like them… just can’t get enough, huh?” she teased, a gentle, patronizing hand on his shoulder. Chief wrapped his arms around her to try and help pull himself up, shoving his face that little bit further in the process as he tried to use her body to get to his feet. Selene chuckled at this, “Gosh, that’s so sweet… wait, no. No, it’s just creepy. Get out of there, you’ve had your fill.”

She put a hand to his forehead and shoved him away, comically having a bit of trouble just because of how tightly her breasts embraced his face. Selene made enough space to be able to land a solid left cross to his face that forced him off of her, and sent him slamming against the canvas. It was there that he realized that boxing ring canvases are very different from in MMA or even in pro wrestling, which is to say they had absolutely no give to them. They weren’t made to be landed on, it felt like he’d fallen onto concrete.

Not that he planned on being knocked down over and over, but he made a mental note to avoid that as he pulled himself up against the ropes. “You… perverse little… little whore...” he grunted as he leaned himself against the lengthy turnbuckle pad in the corner. “Think you’re gonna… gonna beat me with… a big pair of tits…?”2128

Selene smirked. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Tell you what, knock me down just once and you’ll get to motorboat ‘em all you want.” she offered, mockingly gesturing for him to hit her.

Angrily he grunted and rushed forward. Four attempted jabs, four utter failures to make any contact. With his last, their chests ended up brushing together and she managed to look him right in the eye. Her expression was just, so calm… it’s not that she didn’t fear him, but that she didn’t even seem to be breaking a sweat as she was toying with him.

That next instant, she caught him with a right hook to the cheek, a left uppercut to the chin that lifted him a few inches off the ground, a right cross to his side, and a furious left jab to his bruised gut that sent him right back into the corner.

Chief slumped, his arms around the top rope being the only thing keeping him on his feet. Selene didn’t relent, a ruthless series of rights and lefts rocked his head back and forth, and her next combo sent shot after shot, alternating between his face and stomach, each blow wickedly powerful, the thuds ringing out like a symphony of suffering.

This onslaught finished with a fierce uppercut right to his chin that threatened to send a tooth flying from his mouth. Chief’s legs went wobbly as he again fell limp against Selene’s shapely, soft, smooth, supple body. Though with the sheer size of her breasts, that was where most contact was… she wrapped her arms around him, catching him as he seemed to be entirely out from that last one, his head falling back, his eyes glazed.

“Heh, you okay? Helloooo? Chief? Mr. MMA Badass?” she called out. Chief meekly looked up at her, barely able to summon up the energy to even do that much. Her mockery continued, “Aww, poor guy, you look like you’re in a lot of paaaain… mmm, I bet you could use a hug...”

Selene indeed gave him a sweet little hug, delicately squeezing him, just to show off the fact that they were hardly even fighting at this point. Giving him a gentle pat on the back, she murmured, “There, there… you’ll be okay...”

His fists shook, a new surge of rage bursting through him. He couldn’t let this happen to him… he was a damn Heavyweight champion, an MMA great, the best of the best! His pride fed him a burst of adrenaline, and he lashed out, responding to her playful embrace with a full-on bear hug. His muscular arms locked around her, and he administered as much force as he could muster, trying to snap her like a twig.

A surely shocked Selene swiftly started shouting, “SSHHHIT!” as a severe squeeze sought to sever her spine. 

Chief chuckled meekly, finally finding an advantage. “Maybe you’ve got speed, but I’ve got power! The power of an ALPHA MALE!” he hollered, his arms clamping down even further.

“RRRRGGHHH NO! Oh, please stop… ohh, you’re such a big burly man, please no! You’re almost… augh… you’re almost...” she weakly eeked out, sounding like she was about to cry. “...you’re almost hurting me.”

Suddenly she broke her facade and looked him dead in the eye, a stonefaced expression. Chief was stunned to see this, and even more so when she reversed the situation, ensnaring him in a bear hug of her own. “Hahah, you didn’t really buy that little routine, did you? I’ve gotten tighter cuddles from puppies. You’re a lot weaker than you look...”

Selene held him closer and squeezed him tightly, her powerful arms clenching around his waist, compressing his ribcage brutally. The air just seeped from his lungs as he felt his ribs slowly cracking. The brutal pain was in sharp contrast to how soft her enormous tits felt as they dug deeply into his chest.

“Mmmmmmmmmm!” Selene moaned, as she shook him in her arms, giving him the kind of impassioned embrace you might give to a lover you haven’t seen in weeks. He was pressed against her tightly enough that he felt her entire torso now, and between bursts of agony, marveled at how solid and toned she felt when she really cranked on the pressure. 

“Mmmmmwha…?” she stopped, looking down at his groin. “Oh my… not bad at all.” she remarked, staring at the sizeable bulge which was currently pressing into her hip. 

“D-D-Dammit...” he croaked, embarrassed as well as hurting. 

“Hey now, atleast you’re packing some manhood… in your pants, not so much your arms...” she snidely replied, his attempts at prying her arms away proving entirely fruitless. “Mm, it’s really nice though. I can really see the whole outline now, in fact, your balls are even bigger… heh, too bad you’re such an asshole, or I mighta given you a ride. Ah well, just ‘cause it’s big doesn’t mean you don’t cum quick like as your little buddy...”

Without warning she let go and gave him a little chest bump to back him up against the corner. He was again limp against the pad as he stared at her, her breasts bouncing madly off the impact of that little thrust. “Mmm, well that was fun… back to the fight!” she declared.

With that, she let loose a series of left hooks to his midsection, giving him fresh new bruises; he worried his whole torso would be purple by the time he was done. She reared back between each crushing blow which atleast allowed him to slowly slide down the corner. When he got to his knees, she switched it up and delivered her last punch directly to his nose, shattering it.

Chief fell right on his ass, out of it. But he was still conscious enough to hear her mockery. “Boy I really did you a favor, imagine if we were an arena full of people. You’d be an even bigger laughingstock than your friend... after all, you had so far to fall. Hahah, look what’s become of the proud pit fighter! Pathetic!”

She turned around and shook her ass in his face, giving him his first good glimpse at it. And ‘good’ was a massive understatement, his eyes went wide with marvel as her huge, supple cheeks swayed hypnotically before him. Her ass had put many a man in a trance, rendering anyone with a cock - and even a few without - entirely under her feminine spell. Chief realized his hands seemed to be moving forward on their own, as they reached out to try and grab for them, but he managed to stop himself.

‘Dammit, Chief, you aren’t a horny little teenager anymore! You get plenty of ass, save the libido for later!’ he internally yelled at himself. ‘...Not that any ass I’ve ever seen compared to that one… b-but whatever!’

Using the ropes he pulled himself up to his feet as Selene again goaded him on to strike. It was a direct replay of earlier however, as his flurry of shots missed pathetically, and her countercombo landed brutally, his face and stomach taking another vicious pounding. Desperate to stop this as he was being slammed against the corner, he tried to lunge out and grapple her, but she seemed to avoid this entirely by accident as she geared up for her next punch.

Said punch was an uppercut that sunk deep into his tortured midsection, his impressive, defined abs seemed to be turning to mush at her hands. Another uppercut struck him in the chin and sent him airborne. He landed backfirst on top of the lengthy turnbuckle pad and then bounced off, slamming facefirst onto the hard canvas.

Chief groaned, in agony from the torment up to that point. This wasn’t going anywhere near how he envisioned it… could it be? Was she better than him? No, not just better, but THAT much better that he wasn’t even a threat to her?

His pondering was interrupted by a pair of hands grabbing him by the ankles. To his shock, Rose had taken hold of him and pulled him under the ropes until he was halfway out of the ring. His lower half dangled precariously over the concrete floor as she held his legs in a wheelbarrow position. Chief glanced back at her to see her sweet little smile, and that’s all he had time to do before her leg lashed out, her pantyhosed foot landing firmly in his groin!

“Auuugh, what the fuck?!” he howled as he clutched his manhood, struggled out of her grip and crawled back into the ring. 

“Heheh, sorry! Just couldn’t resist! Really, it was you I owed that crotch kick, not that poor manager of yours. Only fair I deliver...” Rose answered, snickering at the venomous look on his face as he glared at her. “Hey, you agreed to no holds barred! I suppose that doesn’t necessarily tell you interference is allowed but, it is~”

He seethed with rage more than anything; her kick certainly hurt, but in comparison to Selene, well… he’d prefer her kick to the nuts to Selene’s punch to the face, which tells you all you need to know. Suddenly it occurred to him that he allowed her to distract him though, and he darted around, expecting to see Selene trying to take advantage. 

Instead all he saw was her taking off her gloves and tossing them down. “Maybe it’s the gloves that are messing you up… you aren’t used to fighting with them after all. Here, let’s try bareknuckle for a while, see if you’re more comfortable with that! Aren’t I nice~?” she sarcastically quipped. 

Chief eyed her warily, taking the time to catch his breath before slowly standing and peeling off his boxing gloves. Mockery or no, it was true, bareknuckle was a lot closer to his speed. He approached her, both of them with their hands up in front of their faces. He noticed Selene still had on gloves, but closer to the kind one might wear to a dress party or to an opera house. They were very feminine in other words, a little reminder that a cute little girly-girl was beating the everloving shit out of him.

He kept a close eye on her hands now that he could see them, having gotten a full taste of how dangerous they could be. Seeing an opening, he went for a jab to her face… but was barely able to comprehend what happened next.

She leapt up into the air and wrapped her legs around his neck, figure four style, and brought him right down to the mat with her. “Haha, you were so focused on my hands you forgot about my legs! And now you’ll pay for that…” she purred as she squeezed her legs down on his head, letting him see that they packed just as much power. 

As she pulled him in tighter in this snug submission hold, he realized his face was being forced right into her pussy now, he was close enough to smell it… and it smelled wonderful. Even as her thick thighs threatened to crush his skull, that was on his mind. She really DID have a power over him and it seemed to only be growing. 

“Mm, you do know how this one works, right? You SHOULD as an MMA fighter...” she scoffed. “When the pain gets to be too much… like say, right NOW!” another sharp jerk of her hips, a tightening clench. “...you tap out. Tap to show that you’re beaten. Tap out to give up… tap out to show your submission. Submit to me, Chief… you know you’re done.”

He pounded the mat, but with fists rather than his open palm, showing nothing but frustration and defiance, far from submission. He screamed gravelly into her crotch, and she seemed to like the vibrations. Chief struggled, trying to pull himself away, but he couldn’t escape, her leg vice was just too strong. He grabbed at her legs to try and force them to part, but all he did was make himself look pathetic.

Still, he had no quit in him. He stayed in that hold for several minutes, her legs choking the life from his throat as his air was smothered by her womanhood. Selene was actually surprised to see how long he was hanging in there, his legs still kicking. “Gotta say, honestly impressed to see you surviving… but there’s no escape. You’ve lost… doesn’t matter how tough you are.”

Indeed she was right, but his male pride was just too strong to let him even think about submitting. He COULDN’T tap, simple as that, even when he felt himself fading. Instead, after another minute passed… he slowly but surely fell limp between her legs. He’d passed out… 

Selene saw his struggling cease and after giving it a few seconds, hesitantly unclenched her legs to see him lying there, entirely unconscious. “Ha! What an idiot...”

She stood up and glanced over at Rose. “He’s out. Get the smelling salts for me.”

Rose nodded and knelt down to reach under the ring where she indeed came up with a bag of smelling salts, which she tossed to Selene.

Selene proceeded to toss a chunk of it into his face, forcing him awake in a coughing fit. Chief rolled around on the mat, his lungs begging for air as he gasped deeply. “Wh-where am I?! What the fuck happened?!

He looked up at the sound of Selene’s giggling. “What HAPPENED is you passed out in my pussy, pussy!” she joked. “My vagina alone can take you in a fight! You’re nowhere near man enough to handle it, not that there was ever any doubt about that...”

Chief was blushing brightly, his face flushed with shame and anger in equal measure as he tried to storm up to his feet, but swiftly found his equilibrium was not in a great place and subsequently fell right back down, to another round of laughter from both Selene and Rose. This was a definite lowpoint for him...

“Ahh, I will give you this though. You showed some guts… no brains, but some guts.” Selene admitted. “Rather pass out and risk brain damage than tap to me… maybe those big balls aren’t just for show.”

“No, they’re for kicking!” Rose added.

Selene chuckled. “Passing out would be a loss in any combat sport out there, but since you were so brave, and since you’re so damn fun to beat down, I’m gonna say this fight won’t end until somebody goes down for the count. Does that sound good to you?”

“Sounds perfect...” he growled. “...because I will never submit to a high and mighty, self-centered, disingenuous, unfeeling little SLUT LIKE YOU!” he hollered as he shot up to his feet and tried for another punch.

Selene hopped up high into the air to avoid his punch and he could barely even follow her with his eyes as she landed with her hand on his shoulder, propping herself up like she was performing a gymnastics routine. She pushed off, raising herself several feet higher in the air. Chief looked up in time to see her breasts… already enormous, and they seemed to be getting bigger and bigger…

It seemed to happen in slo-motion, as from maybe ten feet up in the air she dove titsfirst onto his face. They’d already entirely engulfed his head by the time the force of the attack brought him to the mat. 

Now that he was firmly pinned beneath her bosoms, she replied, “Listen here. L’il Hair Trigger? He came onto me, got turned down and wasn’t gonna have it. He wasn’t taking no for an answer, he just kept hounding me. I’m not saying he was going to do anything monstrous but the fact is, he was harassing me. Considering we were technically co-workers that night, a serious offense if I wanted to make it one. Instead I started teasing him, just to mess with him. Gave him a little butt bump to the groin and then he up and came in his pants. That’s how this all started.”

Chief tried to grab for her shoulders to shove her off. She grabbed him by the wrists and forced his hands behind his back. His own weight now pinned his limbs down, as her breasts proved too heavy for him to even lift his head off the mat, let alone his back.

With that, Selene went on, “So I figured I should let the other girls know not to waste their time with such a pathetic little loser. He barged in right after I finished explaining that to them and got laughed out of the locker room. Dude tries to summon up whatever masculinity he had to challenge me to a fight in the most laughable way possible, almost came himself again before he made it out of there.”

Selene’s hands now free, she caressed Chief’s bruised, damaged abs and her hand wandered over to his crotch. It was a tad sore from Rose’s kick, but all he felt was pleasure the moment her soft touch came to his genitals. 

“So I decided, ‘fuck his masculinity’. Because you see, masculinity is nothing but a toy to a girl like me. A plaything, puddy in my hands...” she continued, taking a finger down the visible length of his shaft. Even with his MMA trunks in the way, her touch was absolute magic, lightning strikes of pure bliss erupting from his groin. “With that in mind, I absolutely crushed his. Not only did I beat him, not only did I display my superior strength right there in the ring, in front of thousands, but I made it clear how superior I was to him sexually as well. He was at the mercy of my ass, as I made him cum over and over and all the while, he had to know that there was nothing he could possibly do to retake that power. Because a so-called man like him could never satisfy me, let alone dominate me.”

She gave his erection a few playful taps, having her way with Chief’s member wholeheartedly. After boring of that, she switched to full-on cupping his groin, her palm delicately taking in his manhood. All the while, she was giving occasional shakes to her shoulders, grinding her titties furiously into his face.

“So the guy became a punchline. And you’re right, I don’t care. I couldn’t possibly care less about someone that thinks they’re something they’re not. Someone that thinks they’re an alpha until they come up against one. And then, and only then, do they find out that their precious male pride… is very FRAGILE.”

With that she gave a sudden squeeze to his genitals, making his legs bolt up in sudden pain. Selene laughed and gave a few more occasional squeezes. “Hmhm, don’t worry, I’m not trying to destroy them, not yet. Just wanted to give you a little taste of what I can do to a man. I can give him the sexual thrill of his life, or ensure he never has one again without a second thought. And for most men, either one could happen in record time… honestly, men only last with me for as long as I want them to.”

Selene alternated between sweet, gentle caresses that made his whole existence nothing but ecstasy, and merciless squeezes that reminded him that for all their size, his balls were about as weak as your average man’s. 

“Anyway, the dude finds himself harassed by a bunch of girls, karma if I ever saw it, I’m sure I was far from the first he perved on… and ended up getting an even bigger ass-kicking and an even bigger humbling than I’d served him. At which point he learned that not only was he weaker than me, but indeed weaker than most women. Because he’s not only less than an alpha, he’s a full-on omega male.” another vicious squeeze, and another soft fondle punctuated that, as she muttered. “By the way, how did Rose’s kick feel…? Hmhmhm, you’d be amazed what an ordinary lady can do when she’s pushed...”

After finishing her monologue, she again ran her finger up his shaft, and saw it twitch as she continued her caress, her teasing finger running tenderly up his battered abs and to his manly chest. “Mmm… such a waste of a solidly sized penis to be stuck on a man like you… deep down, you’re an omega male too.”

His world seemed to fade again, as when her hand left his groin, all of his senses became her breasts. His only sight, his only smell, even all he could hear for a moment was the sound of her soft flesh brushing against his ears. It was a paradise… one he desperately wanted to avoid being swept into, but a paradise nonetheless. For no matter he fought, there was a part of him that truly wanted to submit to her tits and stay in them forever… and that part was growing, and twitching, every second…

For a brief moment Selene raised up just to look into Chief’s glazed over eyes. “Hahah, don’t pass out on me again, not yet anyway. I like the feeling of your breath on my flesh, I like how your face feels against them as you squirm… hmhmhm. Go on now, take a deep breath while you can...”

He was absolutely miserable when he realized that all he could do was obey. He took as big an inhale as he could manage, and then before he could exhale she plopped her plump breasts onto him again, lying on her side as she did it this time. It was as though he were about to go underwater, but instead he was swimming in a sea of titty… ridiculous though it may sound, that’s about what it felt like.

Selene placed a hand on her tit as she pressed it down with all the more pressure, giving him a smothering he’d never forget. “Heheh, I’d love to see the look on his face if he saw this. How truly disappointed he’d be…” she cruelly mocked. “Perhaps it would finally teach him that it was his very gender that was the problem, that men are just kind of useless that way. Think about that. Defining your entire gender with your failure...”

This sparked a bit more rage in him, enough that he was able to slide a hand out from behind his back. He swung his fist towards her face, but she responded by performing a handstand and pushing herself up into the air once more. All he could do was watch as she performed an elegant front flip, and this time landed assfirst on his face. Selene cackled with delight as she wiggled her ass, grinding it against his broken nose and battered cheeks. She took ‘rubbing it in’ to a whole new level…

Chief pounded the mat in anger and tried to shove her off, to no avail. His hands gripped tightly as he pushed with all his might, but all he got was a nice handful of her asscheeks. His fingers sunk into her sweet flesh and when that hit him, he found himself moaning, overwhelmed by how nice they felt in his grasp. He couldn’t help but give them a delicate fondle… 

But Selene stopped that when she hopped right up to her feet. She glared down at him menacingly. “Piece of shit, how dare you… I’m the one who has the power here, I decide if you have any satisfaction!”

To drill her point home, she proceeded to hop up into the air and slam her gorgeous rump right into his face, her full body weight coming down hard. Chief found himself howling… how could something that felt so soft and cushiony generate such devastating force?! Her ass was truly unreal… in a few ways.

Now Selene was sitting on his face yet again and whilst this was all going on, Rose had snuck into the ring. She gave a little shush to let Selene know not to spoil it as she grabbed Chief by the ankles and raised them up into the air. The massage therapist stared down the V shape at his tempting, sizeable nuts and savored the moment as she raised her leg up into the air, ready to stomp them to pieces. 

At the last second though, Chief got enough wits about him to see this coming and kicked out, knocking Rose to the mat. A sudden surge of adrenaline urged him to try another kick, this one aimed up towards Selene’s face.

Sadly for him, she swiftly caught his ankle and pulled his leg painfully forward, resting an elbow on it to keep it in place. She proceeded to do the same to his other leg and now, she had nothing but his genitals right in front of her pretty face. Selene smiled deviously and gave another wiggle of her ass. “You’re in for it now, you little bastard… get ready for the next phase of our ‘fight’...”

Selene took hold of his testicles through his trunks and this time there was no short bursts, she gripped his nuts firmly and gave them a vicious squeeze. All Chief could do was scream into her ass as she twisted and pulled his balls, showing off her might as her arm flexed with feminine power. 

“Anytime I wanted! Anytime I could go full strength and then, pop… there goes your nuts!” Selene shouted. “I haven’t ruptured a scrotum in ages… maybe you’re the one. Maybe yours are the two!”

“Save some for me!” Rose aggressively barked. 

Selene looked up at her and gasped to see that Chief’s kick did more than first thought. Not only did it bring her to the hard canvas, but the way his feet hit her chest, it ended up tearing her top open, exposing her absolutely enormous breasts, barely contained in a thin, lacy, black lingerie. Rose was as pissed as she was mindbendingly sexy.

“Well, by all means...” Selene replied as she relented her hold on Chief’s nuts.

Their reprieve didn’t last however as Rose wasted no time, angrily storming up and stomping between his spread legs. As planned, her foot smashed viciously into his huge testicles with a pulse-pounding crunch. Chief screamed deeply at that one, it was much more cruel and angry than her kick… not to mention his testicles had been sufficiently softened up by Selene’s squeezes.

“Hmph. Jerk.” Rose commented, trying to pull the tattered parts of her top together, to no avail; her bust was prominently on display.

Even before Chief finished screaming his agony into his main tormentor’s asscheeks, Selene’s hand flew right back to his groin, her tight grip mercilessly threatening to flatten his enormous balls as her grasp twisted and ground them to paste. He really WAS puddy in her hands… or atleast, he was about to be!

Without warning Selene again released him, only to rear her fist up into the air. She delivered a crushing hammer blow, her fist coming down and smashing right into his erection! He didn’t expect that one and cried out in fear as much as anything, worried that she’d snapped his cock. As she hopped off of him, she lorded above him, letting him stew and roll around for a bit, his hands cradling his crotch. At the very least, he was able to tell that his dick was in one piece and didn’t seem to be bent.

He looked up at her with tears of pain forming, though he tried to fend them off. All he got in response was a count. “1! 2! 3…!” Selene began.

Chief tried to just roll onto his front and bolt right up, but the pain forced his legs to lock up before he could fully stand and he collapsed again.

“4! 5! 6…!”

Desperate, he crawled over to the ropes and grabbed hold.

“7…! 8…!”

Chief struggled to pull himself up to his feet…


At the very last second, he managed it, using the rope to keep himself upright. He had to peel himself away from them but, wobbly or not, he was standing on his own two feet, meekly putting up his dukes.

Selene shook her head. “You really DO have balls… for now anyway. I should really look into fixing that...”

Chief’s will was undeniable, as after all this he was still willing to go for the first punch. Sadly, it was his most telegraphed yet. Selene ducked right under it, going down to a knee… and while she was there, she wound up for her next shot, a vile uppercut that blasted right into his bulbous package. 

For once, the proud MMA fighter’s howl of misery wasn’t muffled, his scream echoed throughout the gymnasium as just like that, he went right back down. He was practically in a fetal position, trying desperately to tend to his injured nuts. 

“1! 2! 3...!” Selene again called out. With each count, she waved her finger in the air, a common signal among officials.

Chief tried to move, though you couldn’t tell from watching. His whole body was frozen from the agony, as it seemed like even THINKING of budging would cause the welling burning in his balls to intensify.

“4…! 5…! 6…!” 

All the man could think about was that the blow he just received would probably destroy the balls of most men. And in that moment, he wasn’t entirely sure if she hadn’t just castrated him, he couldn’t be certain he’d ever get it up again. She really wasn’t kidding, in one blow she held the power to end his sex life forever!

“7…! 8…! 9…!”

Selene stopped, letting it hang there. Her finger was in the air, ready to be waved for the ten count but she wasn’t doing it. Chief looked up to her, grinning deviously. She was simply absorbing the moment, and mockingly giving him all the time in the world to try and pick himself up. But it wasn’t happening.

She’d won, and they both knew it. 

“10!” she shouted, and the foregone conclusion was official. 

Rose hopped around the ring with glee, her breasts bouncing as she rushed up and hugged Selene. Their tits seemed to intertwine for a brief moment, as they celebrated. “Awesome job, Selene! You really took him for a trip...”

“Heh, not like it’s all that impressive, the guy’s a total bitch.” Selene replied as she kicked him in his damaged ribs, flipping him onto his back. “I mean look, he just sits there and take it while I’m doing THIS!”

She hopped onto his torso, her ass grinding itself against his bruises as she proceeded to slap him silly, her palm and backhand smashing his cheeks time and time and time again. He couldn’t even see, his vision was blur, so swiftly and consistently was his face knocked back and forth from the sheer force of her every slap. 

“Bitch slap, bitch slap, bitch slap, bitch slap…” she repeated under her breath along with every single smack.

“Heh, yeah and he can’t do anything but enjoy THIS too...” Rose added as she stepped between his legs and sat gently against the mat.

Chief could barely comprehend the fact that she was stripping his MMA trunks off, setting his assaulted manhood free. “Ooh, they really are quite nice aren’t they… such a powerful looking manhood. Mmm, shame...”

As Selene’s hand assaulted him endlessly, Rose brought her pantyhosed feet up into his genitals, gently this time. Her dainty, silk-coated feet brushed delicately against his privates. Despite how much pain he was in, Rose’s touch was so tender, this didn’t hurt him… it just felt, nice, like a woman’s touch was supposed to in his mind. No, actually, much nicer than that… a foot ran up his shaft, her toes gently gripping the head… the other softly caressed his poor, battered balls. 

He moaned pleasurably, just as Selene’s hand met her face. In that next moment, Rose’s feet gripped his cock, amazingly hardening betwixt her toes, and she commenced working up and down his considerable length.

Chief’s groans couldn’t be cut off even from Selene’s devastating bitch slaps. All the teasing from earlier came to a head, every brush against her breasts and ass, every prodding of his pecker, every single little glimpse down her cleavage, it all came rushing right back to his devastated manhood. His cock came alive in a big way and swiftly found itself twitching violently. 

“Hmhm, Selene was right. Even an ordinary woman can do extraordinary things to a man...” Rose boasted as her feet sped up the tempo. “Something as simple and easy as this can get a man to be my slave… heheh. You’re my slave, right? Beg for a release, if that’s what you want… tell mommy ‘please’, okay?”

Chief resisted this humiliation, figuring he was about to cum anyway. But just as he was on the brink, Rose stopped. All he could feel in that next moment was Selene’s hand, solidly slamming into his ear. Just as the pulsing of his penis subsided, her feet went right back at it, expertly pleasuring his manhood.

Time and again this happened, she would get him to the brink but then cut him off, rinse and repeat. “You know what to do if you want to finish, sweetheart. Beg for mommy to get you off, and it’ll happen...”

It was the last thing he wanted to do to give up that last remaining bit of dignity, but… but it felt so wonderful. And every time she denied him, it was like… like he was about to ascend to heaven, only to be rejected at the pearly gates with a heartless slap to the face. It was Hell… and he wanted out.

“P-Please… please, mommy, finish me.” he pleaded, forcing out each word between a smack. “Your slave… begs… for… release…”

Rose’s smile was absolutely heartwarming, atleast it would be if she weren’t demanding a man submit their masculinity to her as it spread. “Hmm… I suppose that’ll do. You’re such a good little boy...”

As she promised, she worked her feet, alternating up and down his dick until he reached the mountaintop. Stars flashed before his eyes as Rose brought him to a magnificent climax. She gasped when she saw how far into the air he shot, his seed arcing and actually landing behind her.

“Wow! Selene, look at this!” Rose marveled.

Selene turned around in time to see the last few spurts of his member embark on their journey. “Oh my… that’s no minigun, this boy’s packing a cannon!” she quipped, and then burst into laughter as his climax came to a conclusion. 

Rose watched as his dick slowly shrank back to a flaccid state. “Hm, I think I want to see that again… do you think it’d be able to fire like that a second time? Or would he not have enough uh, ammo left…?”

“Only one way to find out… heh, come on, help me get him aroused again.” Selene answered, as she pulled him off the canvas. She actually laid him on her shoulder, easily hoisting him up as she carried him over the corner and leaned him against it. 

Chief barely even knew where he was at that point, instincts alone getting him to hold himself up with the ropes. He could only get his head up enough to see Selene’s ass, as she was bent over right in front of him. He watched in amazement as she pulled her panties down, showing off her bare backside in all it’s magnificence.

So huge… rippling and jiggling with every minute movement… it was supple and smooth and, it almost seemed to be glowing in the dimly lit boxing gym. Yes, radiating with feminine might and sensuality… it had an aura he couldn’t ignore, a power over him that no amount of stubborn pride could allow him to deny. 

That next instant, that perfect ass shot forward, a hip attack ramming right into his face. This took him down, as he sat in the corner, lining up perfectly for several more slams of her bare cheeks against his own…

After rocking his world yet again, she began to gently brush her bodacious booty back and forth against his face. Rose had slipped to the outside and was holding his arms, but that wasn’t necessary. He wasn’t fighting anymore, simply taking it as her lovely ass took him in, her sweet, sweet flesh seemed to be caressing him, a loving embrace from a truly legendary ass. He was overwhelmed with… sheer honor, reverence for it.

Selene grabbed the ropes and sent her ass firmly down onto him, rolling her hips in a circular motion as her butt went to town on his face. The sultry seductress laughed triumphantly, fully aware of how enraptured he was in her ass, how thoroughly she controlled him. He was at her mercy… and lucky she was in a merciful mood now.

Glancing down at his groin, she saw he was fully erect and grinned. “He’s good to go.” she announced, before finishing with one last forceful hip thrust that rocked his head back. Chief was in an entirely different world at that point. 

Selene gave a little signal to Rose who seemed to understand her perfectly. Reaching down into her bra, she pulled out, of all things, a pair of handcuffs. Taking hold of Chief’s wrists, she promptly cuffed them behind the post.

Chief simply watched on with a blank stare as Selene took her time taking off her shoes, admiring her handiwork as she gazed at his considerable, rock solid cock. She really brought the best out of people…

Lording over him, she rose her foot into the air, wriggling her toes in front of his face to show off that now, her foot was also adorned in nothing but a silky, thin pair of pantyhose. After what Rose just did to him, he was… intrigued, to say the least. Selene pulled her foot away just in time to avoid him taking it in his gaping mouth.

Delicately she brought it down against his tender balls and proceeded to run the balls of her foot up the bottom of his shaft. Delicately she leaned her foot against the tip of his member, letting the bottom of it curl around his dick as she caressed his erection. His eyes quickly rolled in the back of his head as he shuddered with a helpless delight, brought into a realm of pure lust by her foot alone.

Selene had fun toying with his pecker, her toes gently squeezing his length as her foot made it’s way up and down, up and down… expertly, she tightened that grip just a little bit every time she made it to the bit just below the head, each time sending another overwhelming surge of pleasure to his brain.

This went on and on until he was there at the brink… and then, to his horror, he saw Selene lift her leg far up off the ground. She stomped down onto his dick, although not with the force he was expecting. Still it stung as she dug the bottom of her foot into his cock, but rather than stop his orgasm, this only strengthened it. 

His next ejaculation was even beyond what the last entailed, as his cum sailed up into the air, with Selene and Rose simply staring in wonder. It sailed higher and higher, almost reaching the ceiling… but at the last minute, curved back down and splattered against the canvas a few feet behind Selene. 

“Awww, so close…” Selene and Rose uttered simultaneously. They then locked eyes and started laughing upon realizing that they were both hoping for the same silly thing. Meanwhile Chief barely even heard them at that point.

“Ahhahah… mm, do you think it’s possible?” Rose inquired. “Was that his max, or… could we perhaps make him shoot hard enough to reach the ceiling?”

Selene put a hand to her chin and pondered, before coming to a swift epiphany. Rolling out of the ring, she whispered into Rose’s ear, which caused her to gasp in delight. “Ohh, you’re right, that’ll do the trick for sure!”

The two of them re-enter the ring and swarm on a beaten, battered and incredibly spent Chief, who was oblivious to them at that point. They forced his legs into that familiar V, contorting his body until he could almost suck his own cock. His shins were pressed against the middle ropes, and Selene pulled from her cleavage a second pair of handcuffs with an extra long chain. Never leave home without one in your bosoms, apparently.

After some fiddling, Selene managed to cuff each of his ankles, and also ensnare them to the middle ropes. Now Chief was well and truly trapped, and he slowly became lucid just in time to realize that.

Tauntingly he couldn’t see what happened next, but Rose and Selene both proceeded to strip off their tops and bras, letting their humongous bosoms flop freely. They wasted no time getting to the next step.

With that chain it was a tight squeeze, but Rose managed to sidle on in and sit on Chief’s face, her round, heart-shaped pillow of an ass perfectly outlined by her tight miniskirt as it forced it’s way onto him.

“Guess we should toy with him a bit more to get him back up...” Rose mused, as she poked his flaccid member.

“Nah, I don’t want to wait that out again, at this point it’d take a while to do naturally.” Selene answered. “Thankfully, I know a little trick… hold his balls up for me.”

Rose obeyed, outstretching his enormous nuts. Selene put a finger to a specific spot on their underside. “If enough force is applied riiiiight here, that will force an erection despite whatever else has happened. As long as they physically COULD get erect, it’ll happen, no questions asked.”

“Ooh, sounds interesting...” Rose added.

“Yes… hmm, of course...” Selene leaned down, making certain that Chief could hear her from underneath Rose’s generous ass. “...if I were to miss by even a centimeter, the force would simply rupture his balls!”

Chief squealed in terror, a high-pitched, emasculated screech that was buried under Rose’s backside but nonetheless made it’s way to both women’s ears. They shared a deep laugh at this, his facade was entirely extinguished. 

WIth that warning, Selene rushed over to the opposite corner and eyed her target. She gained a huge head of steam, her big beautiful breasts bouncing bodaciously. At a foot away from his nuts, she planted one foot and then sent her instep crashing into his testicles. Her toes stabbed into a specific section of his nuts.

Chief felt it like a normal crotch kick of course and screamed his voice hoarse into Rose’s ass, but as Selene asserted, his dick came alive, fully erect and ready for love making on-contact, like some sort of magic. 

Rose politely applauded this trick as Selene went down to her knees. “Would you like to go first?”

“Oh, I’d be honored~” Rose answered, before leaning forward, causing her breasts to hug Chief’s thick cock. She grasped her sweet tits and slowly ran them up his erection. His whole body shook with delight as he moaned into her backside. 

No sooner than Rose finished, her tits slowly sliding off his cock, did Selene’s replace them, her breasts lovingly embracing his member and gently sliding up it until they kissed the tip. 

Selene and Rose’s eyes met and they smiled sensually as they proceeded to bring their breasts forward at once. Now four humongous bare tits were utterly smothering Chief’s entire, engorged penis. They ran their tits up and down, time and again, at first in-sync, then alternating from each other. Gradually they increased their speed and actually began softly moaning in ecstasy themselves as their breasts pressed against each other just as much as they did Chief’s dick.

Before long Chief was screaming in pure pleasure, oblivious to how badly he’d been defeated, oblivious to how humiliated he’d feel when he came to learn what happened to him the next morning, oblivious to anything but how fucking good it felt to receive that double titjob from the two most stacked and beautiful women he’d ever met. 

Moments later, his dick erupted like a geyser, cumming powerfully enough that it knocked him right out. His seed had no trouble reaching that semen.

Yet they saw no reason to stop, their simultaneous titfucking persisting on as even in his sleep, Chief stayed fully erect. They milked him to his last, forcing his cannon to go off into the night...


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