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  • Commissioned by Paterbernhard

Kim Possible, for those who aren’t aware - and this most certainly is on a need-to-be-aware basis - is a high school student who happens to secret as a double agent. Er, no, she doubles as a secret agent. With her flowing orange hair, glimmering emerald eyes, black croptop and beige cargo pants, she’s shown herself to be a lot tougher than she looks. And a lot more exciting than anyone wearing beige should ever be. Of course in this story, she’s in nothing but her bra and panties...

I should know, I’m the lowly evil henchman who saw her tear through my leader Dr. Drakken’s facility. I took her on in rather one-sided combat in which she kicked my ass until she found it was turning me on. She would then get me to confess the location of our second base, via her foot in my mouth and more pertinently, a second foot on my cock. In a good way, a very sexy, satisfying way. So yannow that’s a pretty respectable piece of existence I’ve got. 

Longfully, I stared out the window as she made the long, perilous trek to the entirely identical base on the other side of the road. I was admiring how nice she looked in her underwear, especially considering she’d probably be the last pretty thing I ever saw, as I was gonna be in some incredible trouble if my colleagues found out about my betrayal. But ah well, I’ve done crazier things for some tail.

After she finished all twelve of the harrowing strides on her jog to the door and barged in, that was the last I saw of her progress. I certainly didn’t follow, and so I know absolutely nothing of what happened in that building. 

That said, I am fully prepared to recount every detail of it to you. 

Whilst Kim rapidly made her way through the halls at double the speed and urgency of her last raid, two henchmen were helping another along, carrying him on their shoulders. Henchy #1 declared, “Don’t worry, Gus. We got you out of there, away from that brutal woman. You’re safe and sound now...”

“It was sad to see what happened to you.” Henchy #2 glumly added. Actually thinking about it, I believe THIS was Henchy #1 and the other is Henchy #2, the order they spoke just got me mixed up. I wasn’t that close to those two, sorry. Regardless of who he was, he finished with, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Aww don’t worry fellas, I’m just glad we’re all alive. Life is a wonderful, beautiful thing, never to be squandered by worrying about things we can’t change.” good ‘ol Gus replied, a triumphant speech between coughs. “Sure, the past saw me choked out between a ladies’ thighs, but we’re off into the future now, and the future could contain anything!”

Henchy #1 and #2 were pleased to hear the old dude’s ever unflinching (similar to unyielding, but less hip and cool) words of wisdom and positivity. They were however less pleased to hear the distinct sound of Kim Possible kicking open the doors to that very room. We all know the sound, right? A homely, familiar bit of the modern day zeitgeist if ever there was one. 

Deep into a lengthy day of fighting, expert footjob-giving and devoutly hunting for her kidnapped boyfriend, she was absolutely enraged. Henchy #1, or wait, no, it was definitely Henchy #2 who first broke away from the group. “Shit, she’s here… don’t worry ‘ol Gus, I’ll protect you!” he yelled as he stood in front of her, his arms spread. “You’re not getting past m-”

Kim swiftly ran up and blasted him with a haymaker that sent him spiraling into the wall besides them. He landed, unconscious. 

“Well that, does not bode well for me.” said the other henchman, I’m not gonna pretend I know which really. “But I can’t let you hurt our most beloved partner, you fiendish hero! Nay, have at thee!”

Yea, and so he had at her, charging full speed towards the super spy with what is colloquially known as the Idiot Rush. Kim reacted by merely rolling onto her back and shoving her foot into the man’s stomach as he neared, launching him off with a judo-style throw, sending him barrelling painfully through the metal door, incapacitating him in a single move.

Kim rolled back up to her feet and ominously marched at a deliberate pace towards Gus. He was already at a limp, but stayed calm as he could as he took up a praying stance. “I understand your plight and anger, and bear no ill-will towards you. But I mustn’t sell out my master or my friends by telling you anything you wish to know. Nonetheless, I won’t fight you. Do what you will... what shall be done, shall be done.”

The scantily-clad, still sopping wet maiden replied to his peaceful gesture the way anyone would. She rushed up to him and punched him viciously in the face. The only reason he wasn’t sent flying like the first was due to Kim holding onto him by the collar, keeping him stood up as she sent her fist crashing into his face time and again, all the while backing him up to the massive double door that led to the main lab. 

She pressed his back against the door, and slammed one fist wickedly into his face, using that to hold him in place as she reared back her opposite fist and sent it barreling into his gut once, twice, thrice... f-fourice…? Fivice? Iunno, but she did it five times, effectively knocking every last bit of the wind out of him. 

Kim’s assault on the practically defenseless man continued as she grabbed onto his shoulders and rammed her bare knee into his groin with a devastatingly loud thud. 

Now some of you may recall that during our fight, if you want to call it that and for my dignity’s sakes, I ask that you please call it that, she got me in the nuts by accident and actually felt really bad about it, suggesting that she doesn’t particularly like going for low blows. That might make it seem odd that she went below the belt with such little provocation here, but to that I can only say that, A) again, I wasn’t actually there, just telling you details that I’m making up, and B) I’d like to think her reaction was purely because my genitals are special to her, and that deep down she wanted them all along. So she hated to damage mine, but would happily whale on anyone else’s. 

That’s my headcanon and you’re not debunking it.

Anyway, what was I saying? Ah yes, she pinned Gus against the door and kneed him viciously in the crotch. His howling shout of misery was cut off when she immediately followed up with a headbutt, blood immediately gushing from his nose. Finally a double palm strike to his chest pinned him all the more fiercely against the doors. 

The peak of intensity, she hissed, “Where is Dr. Drakken?”

Meekly, with a much more high pitched voice, he acquiesced, “In the next room.”

“Thanks.” she sincerely offered, before launching into a handstand, sending her legs coiling around his head as she supported herself on the floor. Her thighs clamped down around his ears once more, this time entirely bare as her crotch smothered his face for several seconds. Turned out, there was another vicious headscissor in his future all along, and being short of breath already from last time, his struggle didn’t last long before he passed out.

Not letting up though, Kim pulled him away from the door with her vice grip on his neck, walking on her hands to gain some distance and drag his limp body along with her. She proceeded to show her wicked strength, as with her thighs still clamped furiously onto his head, she whirled her legs around, spinning his body like a lifeless ragdoll, showing off to an audience of none. 

Kim then finally finished the poor man by releasing him in time to send him hurdling towards the door. He hit it with such force that the enormous lock shattered, and the heavy metal double doors went flying open, his beaten facedown figure a quivering mess on the floor.

Dr. Drakken looked up from his console, horror flashing on even his face. “Oh, man. Poor Gus… it’s sad to see that happen to Gus.” he lamented.

“You think that’s bad?!” Kim yelled as she stomped into the room. “It’s nothing compared to what I’ll do with you if you don’t give me my boyfriend back!”

“Hah! You think you can scare me?! I- hold on, you mean you won’t hurt me at all if I release him?” he inquired. “I mean I’m, again, definitely not scared, but uh, just curious. Asking for a friend, really.”

“...I, well no, I’d definitely still beat you up a bunch. Probably in really inappropriate ways since I’m just, in a bit of a mood today.” she admitted. “But I’ll do it a lot MORE if you don’t get away from him!”

Kim pointed towards the pod next to Drakken. In it, Ron was floating in a curious glowing liquid, in nothing but his boxer briefs. To absorb the mind-controlling fluids of course, and not for any particularly pervy reasons, obviously. Goes without saying, really. And if you assumed anything else, then maybe you’re the dirty one, did you ever think of that?

“Mrm. That’s a problem, my mind’s really set on ‘no beatings’ period, right now.” Drakken sighed. “Ah well, in that case, no deal! It’s time for me to destroy you, once and for all! And I’m going to use your very own lover to do it! Muahahahaha- haha, wait, why are you in your underoos...?”

“Because I’m in a bit of very sexualized fan fiction.” Kim casually answered. Wow, okay, go against the narrator, sure, that’s not rude or anything. 

“Ahhh, of course! Ahaha, that makes sense, you’d want to capitalize on THIS much sex appeal!” Drakken remarked, with a pinup pose. “But enough stalling! The time has come for your demise...”

The mad scientist proudly turned towards his incubation pod, only to be surprised to find that it read ‘1:00’, counting ever slowly down from a minute. “...Oh. Turns out that wasn’t enough stalling after all. Shame.”

He pulled a nearby lever, and from the ceiling dropped a 20-foot tall vaguely humanoid mech. It landed on it’s knees, but menacingly stood tall after slowly getting to it’s feet, lording above Kim. Drakken called out, “Stallbot, you know what to do! Haha, you’ll never win now!He has but ONE weak spot, and you’ll never find it in time...”

The machine lurched forward, swiping with it’s claw hands. Did I mention it had claw hands? It had claw hands. It swiped with it’s claw hands, but Kim showed off her speed, deftly dodging the left, than the right. She stood between his legs and looked up… whilst the robot tried to straighten itself out, Kim bent down and put everything she had into a vault jump. Forming her body into a torpedo, she smashed headfirst into the groin of the mech.

Now of course, this machine had no reproductive organs, or organs at all, it was entirely smooth down there. We call it “Ken doll” on occasion. It hates it. But anyway, despite it’s lack of balls, the mech reacted very much like a man with balls, clutching itself and falling heavily to the floor, mewling pathetically. 

It’s mechanical voice cried out, “Whyyyy must I have pain receptors…?! And biologically accurate ones?! Urgrghh...”

It quickly overloaded from the pain and short circuited, turning off with a loud droning sound. Kim confidently turned to Drakken, whose eyes nervously darted back and forth. “Huh… uh, well that, was much faster than I’d hoped. Barely stalled things at all...” he muttered.

A ding went off, similar to what you might hear from an oven timer. Drakken smirked, “Ahh, but it stalled just long enough!”

Automatically, the glass pod encasing Ron rose up into the ceiling, his juices splooging all over the floor as he collapsed in a spent heap. Hrm, maybe this is a bit oversexualized… ah well. The young man slowly pushed himself to his feet as Kim rushed over to his aide. 

“Ron! Ron, are you okay? Are you with me?!” she asked, grabbing him by the shoulders and keeping him steady. She wiped the fluid away from his closed eyes, and slowly they began to open.

But now, his pupils were gone, his entire eyeballs glowing a fierce shade of green, the official color for evil mind control. Many believe it to be red but no, that was actually voted out years ago. I myself voted for fuschia but you can’t always get what you want, a hard lesson I learned that day.

“Killllllll...” he groaned.

“Oh thank goodness, you’re okay.” Kim breathed a sigh of relief. “Come on, let’s get you out of here before things get weird.”

She took him by the hand and began to guide him to the door, but he pulled back, forcing her to face him. He promptly punched her in the face, which to me, seems mildly uncharacteristic. “Ow, what?! That’s the thanks I get for saving you from his mind-controlling scheme?! Of all the- oh. Oh, okay, I see what happened.”

“Killll!” he shouted, as he went for another punch. It was remarkably telegraphed though, considering it was basically being thrown by a zombie with very little combat training. Kim easily ducked out of the way of it, and backed off to avoid his next blind flurry of swipes. “Killllll, killlllll, killllll…!” 

“Nyaha, how will you deal with this, the greatest foe of all: the love of your life?!” Drakken hollered, giggling maniacally. 

Hm, no, that didn’t feel right. Let me do that again.

“Nyaha, how will you deal with this, the greatest foe of all: the love of your life?!” Drakken hollered, chortling maniacally. 

Much better.

Anyway Kim remarked, “You DO realize he could absolutely never take me in a fight, right? Like, not even close.” as she easily dodged his belabored attempts to strike her. 

“Ah yes, but can you hurt him?” the not very good doctor asked. “Heheh… I’m, I’m really sorta banking on that, so I hope not.”

Kim stared quite nervously at the out-of-control, nearly nude mindslave as he continued to advance on her, the two of them so wrapped up in this that neither noticed they were trampling over Gus. Poor Gus... 

“KILL!” Ron wittily remarked as he went to grab her around the waist. She of course dodged out of the way of this, deftly leaping over Ron’s head with a very necessary frontflip. She landed with both feet smashing into the back of Gus, his unconscious body jerking reflexively from the sheer force. 

Gazing right at the honesty pretty bad doctor, she growled ominously, “Fix him now, or this will be you!” as she lifted her bare leg up and stomped heartlessly onto the back of Gus’ head, blasting him into the steel.

“Hmmmm, tempting, tempting...” Drakken conceded. “But I think the much better option is ADARINGGETAWAY!”

Drakken slammed onto a nearby button and the platform he stood on rose into the air as a wall of glass formed around it. In a flash, it flew up through the enormous escape-pod-Drakken-left-in-shaped hole in the roof overhead. And you’ll never believe this, but it was a perfect fit through that opening.

Kim rushed forward, her kicking feet mindlessly battering Gus’ body as she started to run. Sadly she just missed being able to grab onto the bottom as it sailed off to his mysterious third hideout that even I knew nothing about. The long-standing suspicion is it’s the bathroom at the nearby Denny’s but I can neither confirm nor deny this.

“KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!” Ron unstoppably howled as he clambered near Kim, who turned to him with a look of sheer desperation.

“Ron, come on now, I don’t want to hurt you.” she pleaded. “I’m sure you’re in there somewhere, that’s just how it works in cartoons. So hurry up and get out, we’ve got a date in an hour! And I will NOT be stood up by a zombie! Never again...”

“Murderrr… errr, no, I mean uh, killllllllll…” he groaned as his repeated attempts to hit her continued to fail.

“Dammit, don’t make me hit you!” she snapped. Continually she would simply back up and avoid his fleeting strikes rather than hurt him, eventually being backed up against the wall. “Nngh, aw man… alright, you asked for it…!”

She half-heartedly slapped him across the face. He froze in place, then uttered a sad, “Owwwwwwww…”

“Oh! Oh no, I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, putting a gentle hand to the offended cheek. “Are you okay? Is it bleeding?!”

Ron of course answered with an uppercut to her jaw that actually rocked her head back a smidge. Only a smidge granted but a painful smidge to be sure. Maybe. I dunno, I can’t feel what she feels.

“Ugh… I can’t do this!” she yelled, rushing away, circling the ovular control room, letting the shambling Ron follow after her, as though she were hoping this was merely temporary. All the while, the brave henchmen of unknown numbers (aside from #24 over on the left, me and him go way back) cowered under their desks, hoping that the secret agent wouldn’t see them and scissor them between her wicked awesome, bare legs. Thinking about it, maybe they’re the weirdos here…

This very slow chase ended when Kim came to the giant, 50 feet high, 50 feet around, electrical current pulsing water mill that stood in the corner of the room. Dr. Drakken of course used this to charge his cell phone. When she came up to it, she glumly turned around, a tear in her eye as she saw her boyfriend stumble towards her.

Her arms outstretched, she offered herself. “Fine… if this is how it ends, then so be it. I won’t hurt you. Do your worst, Ron… I love you.”

She closed her eyes and simply waited for the slow, slow, unreasonably slow inevitable as he limped her way. As this happened, the mill continued to spin and Kim just so happened to lean back an extra inch too far… the very, very tip of one of the rudders managed to snag on the back of her bra, in just such a way as to perfectly undo the clasp and send it barreling to the floor, letting her pert breasts free to the collective gasp of the several gawking henchmen that were staring.

Kim didn’t seem to notice or care about this, still just standing there as Ron came closer, his fist reared back… but his face turning, inquisitive. The superspy felt a unique, familiar sensation betwixt her tits and opened her eyes to find that Ron was getting motorboating her lovely bosoms. 

She gasped with a delighted smile. “Ohhhh, Ron! You really ARE still you!” she cooed, wrapping her arms around him and sending his face a little further into her boobs as she hugged him. “Mmmm, I’m so happy~”

But even though his face was lodged square in her womanly chest, his arms still flailed as his hands weakly smacked against Kim’s head and shoulders. He cried out a very muffled, “Killllllll…!”

“Oh no, you can’t fool me! I’m gonna get the real Ron back, and I know just how to do it...” she smirked, as she pushed him away only to plant a big kiss on his lips. “Mmmmuah~ Teehee, our first kiss still feels like it was only yesterday...”

“Mmm… mmm, kill…” Ron contemplated, nostalgically. 

“You know what, babe? I think I’m finally ready… it’s time for our second first kiss!” she stated, with a wink.

He stared blankly, as zombies were wont to do. 

“It’s, uh, it’s an innuendo.” she tried to explain. “Come on, you know I’m not good at them, I’m talking about- nevermind, I’ll just do it.”

She got down on her knees and stripped off his boxers, revealing his already full erection. “See, look how ready you are for this! Don’t try and play coy with me, mind controlled or not, I control this guy!” Kim boasted, gently grasping his rock solid cock. 

The mindslave seemed to blush at this truth. And he was doing a lot more than that once Kim took his penis into her mouth. This was her first time ever giving a blowjob, but it’s my fantasy so let’s say she’s an absolute natural at it and gave him the kind of work you’d expect from a veteran hooker, her head bobbing back and forth as she sucked him relentlessly, driving him mad in mere moments.

“K-K-Kill…! KIIIILLL!!” he shouted, his whole world quickly becoming enraptured in pleasure so overwhelming, for a moment atleast it managed to completely drown out Drakken’s voice which was ceaselessly demanding that he kill.

Kim moaned passionately, forgetting her situation and getting lost in the blowjob herself, deepthroating his dick with all she had. I want to note that Google Docs’ spellchecker just corrected ‘deep throating’ to ‘deepthroating’. I’m glad they had my back on that one. Anyway, through the corner of her eye, she peeked up to see how he was taking it. She was surprised when she saw his hands were raised and clasped in the form of a double fist - yes, the very same one and only double fist of legend… - about to bring them down onto her head in an axe handle blow.

She just managed to whip her head away in time to avoid this assault. Standing up, the topless spy had her hands ever-frighteningly on her hips, as she yelled, “Dude, that would’ve hurt you a LOT more than it would me! What is the matter with you? I know you’re braindead and all, but are you actually braindead?! Do you WANT me to bite your dick off?! Because like, I want to satisfy you and everything but that’s honestly asking a bit much!”

“...Kill?” he asked, quite confused. His manufactured rage and genuine lust were very much at odds with each other. 

“Come on, Ron… don’t you remember?” Kim asked beggingly, as she took his wrists and forcibly placed his hands on her ass. This may well have been the first time this action was ever done in such a sad way.

“K-Kill...” he grunted, as his hands took a deep squeeze of her gorgeous backside. “Kill… ngh, k-kiiilllllmmm…? Kimmmlllll…?”

Her eyes lit up when he heard that hint of her name in his groggy voice. “Of course… the ass was always the key!”

She turned around and in the process, took her ass away from his grasp. Angrily he shouted, “KILL! Kill, killl! Ki-”

He was cut off when she bent over and took off her panties. His green glowing eyes clearly enjoyed what they saw, and Ron found himself bending over looking to get faceful of dat ass as it was now bare in all it’s glory.

Teasingly, Kim stepped forward, evading his attempt. She strode a meter ahead of him and bent over once more, wiggling her perfect ass his way. Like some kind of,  well, mind-controlled zombie, he followed along with her taunting to the letter, scrambling as fast as he could manage after the booty. He practically dove facefirst into it…

Kim smiled, as nothing could’ve played into her hands better. She went into wheelbarrow position, her hands supporting her fine body as her legs went back and wrapped around Ron’s head, pulling his face right into her ass as the both of them went straight down to the metal floor. The now totally nude secret agent woman’s patented headscissor was locked firmly on her beleaguered boytoy.

He struggled for a moment, but only for a moment. His nose was lodged in her ass crack and it only took one good whiff for him to start murmuring, “Kim… ohh yes, Kim… nngh, I love you so much...”

Kim’s heart nearly skipped a beat. “Ron! Oh Ron, it worked, thank God! Are you okay back there?!”

“Ohhh I’m awesome back here babe...” he answered, entirely relaxed, his voice muffled by her big, luscious asscheeks. “Mmm, my hard-on’s kinda angled weird lying facedown like this though…”

“Oh right! Of course...” she sheepishly replied, releasing him and letting him roll onto his back. He seemed too worn out to stand, but he did scan the room a bit.

“What…? Hold on, where are we? What have I been doing? Why am I naked in front of a bunch of gawking henchmen?” he asked, woozily getting through every question that popped into his head. “And… and why on Earth am I so, unrelentingly horny?! Wow, that just hit me like a truck! A really sexy truck…”

Oh boy do I know some sexy trucks. I’d go mud-ridin’ with them anyday, oh mercy, mercy me… er, ahem.

“Oh, poor baby, let me take care of that.” she cooed as she scooted herself forward and again wrapped her legs around his head, but this time her sweet pussy pressed against the back of his neck as her powerful legs slid down his bare torso, and finally, those sweet, delicate, tasty feet came around his rigid member.

“I… this is, so weird and needs so much explaining...” Ron remarked. “But, fuck it, take me to another universe, babe...”

At that, Kim’s feet clamped all the more tightly around his penis and began running up and down his shaft to immediate howls of sheer delight. Kim was a true sexpert when it came to her feet, as they stroked and teased his member greater than most hands could manage. To this, I can atleast attest to her skill in earnest, even her hesitant footjob with me was the greatest orgasm of my life. And here she was, with someone that actually mattered to her and whom she wanted to pleasure more than anything, so naturally she was about to give him a climax that far exceeded even my wildest of imaginations!

...Wow I just made myself sad on so many levels. What the fuck is my life, where that’s what I’m fantasizing about…

In any event, Kim’s feet absolutely ruled Ron’s cock, their pace gradually increasing to a rapid pace until that whole area was just a blur, as though it’d been censored out, as though it were actually happening on the show this was based on! She knew his member well, and timed this perfectly to where her max speed coincided with the peak of his ecstasy and moments later, his cock erupted in a geyser of cum.

Ron moaned in a much more natural, and more orgasmic way as his dick pumped wave after wave of seed, Kim’s feet gradually slowing to a stop before sliding away. Ron sighed contentedly as he rested his head into her increasingly wet pussy, “Ohhh you’re the best… not that I, have a big sample size, but… I’m pretty sure… my cum wouldn’t hit the ceiling with any other girl...”

“D’aww, such a romantic.” Kim joked as she uncoiled her thighs from his head and stood up, offering him a much needed hand so he could do the same. She kept an arm around her, supporting him as they walked.

“Thanks but, I’m fine, really.” Ron commented, before showing he could walk on his own, albeit meekly. He of course kept his arm around her anyway.

“Good. Well, I guess I should explain what’s going on then...” Kim began.

Ron’s finger to her mouth cut that off though. “Actually… after you got me off that intensely I’m more concerned with when I can return the favor.”

The two of them peeked down to Kim’s womanhood, which was very much begging for release itself. “Mmmph… I have had a, bizarrely sexual day. And a stressful one. I could definitely use your cock right now…”

“Name the time and place!” Ron quipped.

She scanned the room, still ignoring the wide eyes of the henchies who couldn’t believe the show they were getting. Henchman #24 of course was far too classy to indulge in such trash and left long ago. After taking a few pictures of course…

Finally, she called out, “The time is now… and the place, is on him.”

Ron followed her pointing index finger which was directed where else, but the unconscious form of poor Gus. The young man scratched his head at that. “Uh… excuse me?”

Kim grabbed him by the wrist and led him over there at a hurried pace, her titties jiggling subtly as she unleashed a punt to his unsuspecting loins, hitting with enough force to flip him onto his back. She proceeded to sit her bare ass down firmly on his face, as she laid back and spread her legs, gesturing for Ron to come get her.

“Take me…” she whispered.

He shook his head in bewilderment with a wide smile. “I fucking love you.”

With that, he went to the floor with her and the two proceeded to fucking love each other, right on top of Gus. They went on for hours, trying out a number of positions as all the other henchies watched and cheered them on raucously, naturally making for quite the stunning thing for poor ‘ol Gus to wake up to find. Especially as circumstances saw him coming to just in time for Kim to cum all over his face. 

Mmm… take the good with the bad, I suppose. 

The in-retrospect-less-than-ideal doctor got away, as he tended to. But all the same, his plot to use Kim’s boyfriend to destroy her was foiled in richly exploitative fashion. She got him back to his old self, and they coronated this with a lengthy sex session atop a battered man’s body, the classic Hollywood ending. 

And once they were done, naturally the naked pair proceeded to beat the everloving hell out of everyone watching and confiscate them of all the evidence they had that this event ever had. Sadly none of them were lucky enough to get a footjob out of the deal, merely an asswhipping. Thus, it’s memory lives on only in my 100% reliable recollection of these events which, again, I know nothing about. 

But I can tell you one thing that I most certainly do know, or my name isn’t Justin Yielding. In this world, there are two things that mean everything… sex, and absolutely nothing else. That’s a fact, and a moral the Disney flicks are too afraid to tell you, kids. And undoubtedly, for Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, their love and lust for each other was undeniable, unending… and above all, just. Un. Relenting.

...Or, or unstoppable, actually. That would’ve worked a little better, considering. Huh. Oh well.


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