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Well, that was fast. I expected that review to take atleast three days or so, but nope, after just one I'm back! 

If you missed my last post, check "Changes" for what I'll be doing going forward to avoid letting that happen again. Otherwise, we shall be operating business as usual~



What happened?


I can't access the free stories and the changes announcement

Femdom Fanatics

Sorry about that, Changes was Patron Only because at the time, only Patrons could see what I was saying. But basically the banner's silhouetted nudity got me in trouble. So now the images have been altered, and I'm back. As a precaution the stories on this page are now also Patron Only, but everything that's been released for free and would be released for free otherwise will be rolled out onto my Tumblr as a compromise.


Some of the other free content like open challenge 1 is not on tumblr yet