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  • Commissioned by Joey

“Ohhhh watch out, watch out…! TIDAL WAVE WOOAAAHH!” Ibuki shouted as she splashed her own little wave from the giant bath tub.

Celeste stepped back and lifted a leg up into the air to narrowly avoid the assuredly destructive onrushing water. “Ugh. Honestly Ibuki! It is a bath, not a swimming pool...” she scolded. “Must you treat every room as though you are in a theme park?”

“YES! Every place is a place of fun!” she snapped back with a sincere intensity. “As far as I’m concerned this IS a theme park! Waterslide!”

Ibuki capped off her statement by diving headfirst into the water which, was probably a bit too shallow for that to be advisable, but she seemed to come out of it okay. The big splash this created washed over Sonia as she lounged against the side of the tub.

“Hm, I see. So in this country, theme parks consist of people getting naked and scrubbing each other.” she mused without a hint of irony. “Perhaps Japan has more in common with Novoselic than I thought!”

“Guess they might be like that.” Akane asked, throwing practice punches and kicks into the air. “I’ve gotten kicked out of every theme park I’ve ever gone to before I could see everything… hmph, why even have a strongman if he’s not taking any challengers?!”

These four were absolute dreams, each of them… four delicious different flavors in that hot, steamy bathhouse. Oohhh, how lucky I was to find this mischievous little hole in it’s wall. I’ve peeped on my fellow students through this baby many a time, but never have I had the fortune to see a group quite like this before… ah, how I loved my normal, Daily School Life.

Ibuki Mioda was a talented but extremely wacky musician, and certainly looked the part. Her hair was undeniably striking, going all the way down to her hips. It was jetblack, but with a number of highlights, several white stripes going down the length of it, blue and pink stripes across her bangs, and the top of it was styled into what I can only assume were meant to be cat ears. Typically she wore a schoolgirl’s outfit, a pair of asymmetrically colored, holefilled leggings, and a lone armband, black with pink stripes.

Of course today she was thankfully wearing absolutely nothing as she lay facefirst, floating lifelessly on the surface of the water. The only hint that she was still alive were the little bubbles coming up from her head. I had no idea what she was doing, but I didn’t mind the view of her smooth, supple ass that it was giving me...

After a few moments she burst out from the water, gasping for air. “Hoooh! Hahah, that’s what it would’ve looked like if I were drowning! Did I scare ya? Huh?!”

Celeste rolled her piercing red eyes. “It would be more accurate to say you got my hopes up...”

Celestia Ludenberg, if that is her real name, was also easily identifiable from her hair. Long, dark pigtails that ALSO spiraled down to her hips. She was deep into the gothic lolita style, which shone through in her pale skin as much as it did the dresses she usually wore. She was known for being a hugely successful gambler, and some call her the Ultimate Liar… though I can tell you this, those hips definitely don’t lie… she had a towel on, covering her torso, having teasingly avoided the water so far.

As though they were taking turns speaking up, Sonia rose a little bit out of the water - much to my delight - and applauded. “Ahhh, wonderful, Ibuki! Now I see what ‘stage dives’ are all about… how fun!”

Sonia Nevermind, and yes that’s really her name, is believe or not an actual princess… and a foreign exchange student, if you haven’t gathered that already. She hailed from a country called Novoselic, which always sounded stranger and stranger the more she described it. There’s no doubt she had the classic princess look though, blonde haired, blue eyed and absolutely gorgeous. She also had a great rack on her though I’m not sure if that’s a prerequisite.

Meanwhile Akane Owari just continued with her shadow boxing. She had lengthy, messy brown hair that matched her eyes and suntanned skin. Somehow she might’ve actually been the most eccentric one there. Despite a body that seemed specifically designed for sex, she was an athlete through and through, and had a real passion for fighting. More than that… how can I describe it? She had this tendency to act a little… animalistic. 

She too was frustratingly wearing a towel, but even still as she kicked and occasionally even jumped into the air, I was treated to several peeks at her long, thick, powerful legs, those thighs that just begged to be grabbed… but even that paled in comparison to those tits! They were definitely the biggest in the school, absolutely mindblowing, and her towel just hung on them, barely high enough to cover a nipple… no matter where my eyes wandered, and they wandered plenty, they always came back to stare at that wild cleavage of hers, how badly I wanted her to just strip that stupid thing off and let those babies loose…

Suddenly she stopped, her leg still hung in the air as she jerked her head around. She seemed to be… sniffing the air? “Hey, what’s… what is that, that musk… that fleshy smell...‘

Sonia remarked, “It’s not me… I haven’t put on my flesh-scented perfume today.”

Akane continued working her nose, even getting down on all fours… it was odd, but the incredible look down her cleavage was quite the bonus. “God, it’s just so… distinct, I… what could… huh...”

Abruptly, Ibuki burst from under the water right in front of Akane, startling her and sending her falling back. The rockstar grinned, “Stop with the sniffin’! Start with the soakin’!”

Ibuki casually swam backwards as Akane hopped to her feet, literally growling. “What’s the big idea?! You want to go, Ibuki?! I’ll take you on!”

Aggressively, she ripped her towel off and let it fall to the ground, and it was all I could do to stop myself from loudly cheering as finally her enormous breasts flopped free! They were even more perfect than I’d imagined, no hint of sagging despite their remarkable size, and jiggled madly with every movement as she flung herself into the water.

I probably don’t have to tell you this but the whole time this was going on, I had my pants around my ankles and was furiously masturbating. Seeing Akane’s tits in all their glory just about sent me over the edge… I was quietly moaning as I came closer and closer and closer and…

Without warning a pair of massive hands clamped over my mouth and around my jerking wrist, stopping me dead-on. That startled the hell out of me, and I quickly found myself struggling. But my assailant’s grip was much too strong, otherwordly so.

“Get off on spying on unsuspecting women, do you…?” came the gruff voice growling in my ear. And during that, I was actually slowly lifted into the air! Whoever found me was overwhelmingly powerful, and the fear caused my erection to shrivel, that climax I was so close to reaching literally slipping from my grasp...

Forcefully I was shoved away from my glorious peephole, just as Akane began wrestling around with Ibuki in the water… I found my back pressed to the opposite wall of the hallway, and now, staring me down was by far the most intimidating student in Hope’s Peak Academy. 

It was the one and only enormous, musclebound Ultimate Martial Artist, Sakura Ogami, her eyes burning with a quiet menace as she glared down at me. She was several inches taller than me and her entire battlescarred body was simply rippling with power. Her flowing white hair framed her intense face, and her innocuous schoolgirl’s outfit made for quite the contrast. 

She took her hand off my mouth and asked, “Have anything to say for yourself? You’ve been caught with your pants down...”

Sakura looked down contemptuously at my shrinking member as she said that. It was immediately clear that there was no disputing what I was doing… looking away from her I simply said, “I-I’m sorry...” 

She let me go but kept me crowded against the wall. “It’s not ME you should be apologizing to. Imagine how they’ll feel when they learn about this...”

“N-No, no, don’t tell them!” I spoke up. “If this gets out, it’ll be the end of me, please!”

This didn’t seem to sit well with Sakura. “You’re lucky I didn’t just rip you in half the moment I saw you! This can’t go unpunished, you little bastard...” she declared. “...I have to make sure you’ll never even THINK about doing this again.”

Seeing her mounting anger frightened me, and I really didn’t like where this was going. Quite foolishly I sidled away and turned to run, even with my pants around my ankles. That was a bad move as before as I even made my first step, Sakura’s reflexes kicked in and she grabbed me by the arm, taking me down onto the floor. One powerful hand was again at my wrist, and the other just above my elbow as she twisted my arm. 

The pain was immense and immediate, and I found myself shrieking. To quiet me, she adjusted, pulling my arm down to be held at the wrist by her locked knees instead, using her freehand to again cup my mouth. I felt like my shoulder was about to pop right out of it’s socket, and with her face up next to mine she whispered. “If you want me to keep your secret, you’re going to have to accept the consequences in another way… you’re going to let them get you back for it, even IF they don’t know about it...”

I could only assume that meant more pain like this… and I wanted none of it. When she took her hand away again, I desperately eeked out, “Noooo…!”

Sakura released me and let me roll onto my back, clutching my arm. But she quickly put me into another hold, her legs wrapping around my midsection and squeezing into a vicious scissor. Good God, those limbs were enormous, more powerful than I’d ever imagined and I could tell I was feeling just a fraction of her full might as she bore down like a vice on my body. During this, Sakura shouted out, “That’s my final offer! You let THEM punish you, or you let ME do it… which do you think will be worse?”

She ramped the pressure up gradually, and I felt like my ribs were about to shatter. Trying my best to hold in my screams so as not to let the whole school hear, I meekly forced out, “O-Okay, okay! I’ll do it! Just p-please let me gooo…!”

I didn’t like the thought of being pounded on by four different girls all day but there’s no question Sakura by herself could dish out far more punishment. So I accepted my fate and Sakura let me go, letting take in a deep breath and sigh in relief… 

But before I could do much more than that, she leapt onto my face. Her skirt billowed up during her jump so when she landed, my nose ended up pressing into her panties and her enormous inner thighs cupped my head to the point of muffling my hearing. She didn’t put any pressure on but just the display of this made me feel utterly helpless to her might.

Sakura warned, “Try and get out of this, and I will crush your skull… is that clear?”

“Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!” I affirmed, barely even able to move my mouth in that position. Thankfully she stood up without destroying me, and stood over me, not seeming to care about the upskirt she was giving me. 

“Give me a day to set it up… tomorrow, every last one of them will get a turn with you.” she calmly stated. “Try to run… and I’ll find you.”

With that she walked off, leaving me utterly stunned, trying to catch my breath. What the hell just happened? After so many occasions of being so sneaky, so stealthy, I got found out by the most dangerous person here, and now those four fantasy women were gonna be doing God knows what to me… my mind raced as I slowly sat up.

But upon doing so, I was a bit surprised to find that during that legscissor, my erection had returned to me… I didn’t even know I liked that kind of thing. I really am the Ultimate Perv.


I was dreading coming to Hope’s Peak the next day. But there was no getting out of it, I could tell how serious Sakura was about hunting me down. Sure enough when I arrived, she was right there in the doorway waiting for me as the other students cautiously avoided her on their way in. Meekly I stepped up to her and waited for her to say something but she simply handed me a slip of paper and walked off.

On it was essentially my schedule. I had gotten a call the night before telling me I was exempt from a number of my classes that day. I could only guess how Sakura managed that one. In those windows of time, I was to visit a specific girl in a certain place. First Ibuki, then Sonia, then Celeste and lastly Akane. This… was going to be an extremely long day.

Per the schedule, after my first class finished up, I headed off to the music room where Ibuki awaited me, sitting on an amplifier, strumming away at a guitar. In spite of her wearing a skirt she didn’t seem to care about crossing her legs… though I tried not to stare up it, as I didn’t need to give any more reason for her to hurt me. 

When she looked up at me, her purple eyes sparkled with glee and she hopped up with excitement. “Heyyyyyyyoooooouuuu!” she chirped, pointing at me with both hands. “Ahahaha, yooooouuu, uh... I forgot your name. But hey, Ibuki Mioda always says ‘who needs names?!’, just a label! Better off without ‘em.”

“Y-Yeah…” I answered.

“Anyhey! I really appreciate you going out of your way to do me a favor like this!” she remarked, giving me a friendly little side hug. “I was a little skeptical at first when Sakura said beating someone up would improve my drumming skills but hey, I’ve done weirder tricks!”

I raised an eyebrow at that, but she didn’t seem to take note as she took me by the hand and guided me to the center of the room. “Hmmm, okay, pretty cluttered place I know but we should have enough room for a good ‘ol scrap here...”

“Uh… right.” I muttered, giving her a nervous glance. “Listen, can we just… establish a few ground rules her-”

“BEGIN!” she shouted, wasting no time in tackling me. Before we even hit the ground, I felt the stinging pain of her biting into the side of my neck. Next thing I knew, she was on top of me, pinning me down, her teeth comfortably settled around my flesh. 

“Augh, what the hell?!” I shouted. Not sure what I expected Ibuki to throw at me but being eaten hadn’t crossed my mind at all.

“Heheh, didn’t know I as a vampire-in-training, didja?!” she replied through her grit teeth. 

Thinking about it, I was SUPPOSED to get beaten up so my marching orders were probably to just let it happen. Still by instinct I struggled, and managed to pry her hands off of my shoulders. Thankful I was dealing with a regular girl now… well, physically if not mentally, I wrestled my way to being top of her but she just rolled with it, quite literally, and pinned me right back.

Ibuki just giggled and continued biting me as we rolled around. Uncomfortable and embarrassing it was, feeling her body pressed up against mine felt pretty nice… eventually I managed to take control long enough to stand up.

Instead of going to her feet, she crawled on all fours as she approached me. “Meeeoowww~ Heheh, lemme bite ya, lemme bite ya!”

“Geeze what is up with you…?!” I remarked. “I… oh. I guess I SHOULD let you. You’re supposed to be able to just do whatever you want to me, aren’t you?”

Certainly I wanted to resist but I didn’t dare go against Sakura’s orders. Ibuki was wiping her face with the top of her fist as I said that, but she paused upon hearing it. “Hmmm? No, I was under the impression you’d be fighting back...” she replied. “Sakura said it’d be like fighting a training dummy otherwise and it’d mean nothing.”

“Wait, what…? I’m allowed to resist…?” I asked.

Ibuki nodded, before sheepishly noting, “Of course, she also said that there’s no way you’d be able to defend yourself anyway. Eheheh… little harsh.”

That changed the game completely. Maybe Akane’d put up a little fight, but Ibuki, Celeste, Sonia... there’s no way they’d be able to take me! A newfound confidence lit up in me and I gestured for her to bring it. 

The eccentric rockstar smiled and lunged forward, still on all fours as she approached me. Finally standing up she gave a playful little swipe my way, easy enough to avoid. Not fooling around myself, I shoulder bumped and sent her to the floor. She seemed a bit surprised as she looked up at me. “Oof, not looking for fun, huh…?”

I waited for her to hop to her feet again and went for a clubbing blow, but she ducked it. “Watch out, now… I’ve been in a lot of mosh pits!” Ibuki added, before countering with a hard elbow that sent me on my back.

“IBUKI POUNCE!” she yelled as she dove onto my left leg, mostly bared since I came to school wearing gym shorts today for obvious reasons. I regretted it a bit when she proceeded to bite into my thigh. 

Yelping in pain a bit, I barked, “Stop that!”

In response, Ibuki barked… literally, that’s what she did. After that, she singled out that leg, her own legs wrapping around my hip as she grabbed my ankle and started painfully twisting it as she wrenched the rest of my leg backwards. 

“Heheheh, whatcha gonna do now?” she laughed as she put a little extra torque on my ankle. I tried to sit up and reach for her, but every time she leaned back, it made me feel like my hip was about to come out of place and I reeled back in agony. 

All I could do was watch as she pulled off the shoe and sock from that foot, and started running her fingers along the bottom of it. “Tiiiiiickletickletickletickle!”

I felt like an absolute idiot as I lay there, my forced chuckles interrupted by surges of pain. Ibuki just had her way with me, whether I allowed it or not.

After a few more moments of this she relented, giving me a reprieve before she actually dislocated anything. I could tell she wasn’t really trying to hurt me, but that just made it all the worst that she was genuinely kicking my ass. She came up on her knees between my legs and seemed to be contemplating her next move when she came upon a discovery.

“Ooooh… you’re liking this action, huh?” she remarked, giving her patented double point to my crotch. I was again surprised to find I had become aroused. “Eheheh, l’il freakayy, are ya?”

“I… n-no, that’s just, I-” I stuttered, trying desperately not to give myself away.

But Ibuki waved it off. “Hey don’t worry about it, I ain’t judgin’. I mean I can’t! You couldn’t imagine what I’m into...” she remarked with a wink as she stood back up. 

I tried to crawl backwards to get some distance, not sure how well I’d be able to stand on that leg right away. But I couldn’t get far before I ended up with my back to some kind of instrument. 

“Oooh… that gives me a great idea!” Ibuki chirped as she rushed over, grabbing me by the shirt and forcing me to my feet. I tried to struggle out of her grip but she didn’t give me time to, leaping up and basically chestbumping me with enough force to lay me out onto what turned out to be a xylophone.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled it up to expose my stomach and proceeded to pick up a couple of rhythm band mallets. Whilst playfully smacking them together, she commanded, “Suck in that gut for a sec!”

“Wh-what…? Why woul-”

“JUST DO IT!” she shrieked with a sudden intensity. I went with it, inhaling deeply… enough to show off a faint hint of my ribcage.

After stylishly twirling the mallets above her head, she proceeded to smack my ribs with them a few times, and this got me coughing up… it was actually a lot more painful than I expected. Ibuki bowed her head, disappointed. “Aww… just made a little thump-thumpy noise. I was hoping I could play your ribs, like in the cartoons. Ah well...”

Sitting up on the xylophone board, I yelled, “Y-You’re crazy…!” and grabbed for the mallets. She didn’t seem to expect this and just let me take them from her grip. I wildly swung them her way and when she evaded it, they ended up slipping from my hands and falling to the floor. 

Ibuki turned her back to me and jumped up backwards onto the xylophone board, a comical bang of notes playing as her feet hit the keys. “Prepare for my finishing move, evildoer! Ibuki Buttbomb Special!!!” she yelled as she lifted up the back of her skirt… and to my amazement, she had nothing on underneath. 

Her ass was entirely bare and up-close, it looked even nicer than it did through the peephole. Ibuki hopped up and landed assfirst on my face as the force of this sent the both of us falling off that xylophone, with me falling to my back, my legs splayed across the instrument and Ibuki’s lovely ass sitting on my face, her skirt engulfing my head. 

“Haha! Just try to get out from this!” she smirked and gave her ass a little shake. “Mmmm, feels nice… hrm, too nice. Hold on...”

She put her hand to her asscheeks. “Aw man… what a day to forget my panties again!” she remarked, seeming embarrassed for just a moment. “Oh well, no biggie. You get a freebie, I guess… probably don’t mind, right?”

Rather than pull away like I expected, she just pressed that sweet ass further down onto me. Lord almighty it felt heavenly… as I was lost in her cheeks, she leaned forward and commented, “I know YOU don’t mind!” as she seemed to be staring at my erection, plainly displayed in my thin gym shorts. “Heheh, how ya doin’ little buddy?”

To my shock she actually reached out and grabbed my bulge, gently manipulating it as she spoke, her voice raising a few octaves, “Ohh I’m doing real nice now that a pretty girl’s got me in her clutches!”

This was incredibly embarrassing, but it also felt wonderful… it made me pine to feel her touch directly. Ibuki stopped to giggle and in her normal voice stated, “Aww, what a flatterer! Such a nice dick~”

“How could I not be nice to someone like you?” she responded to herself, continuing to give my member a little shake as she pantomimed it’s voice. 

“Awww, what a charmer… I could just pinch your little head!” she spoke up as she gave my cock a playful little squeeze. This, combined with her ass right up in my face… well it got me going, no doubt and as she kept on playing with my penis I felt that familiar sensation coming on… I was about to cum in my shorts and I had no idea how I felt about that.

I mean that’s demeaning as hell but, it was sure to feel absolutely amazing and this girl seemed nice enough not to tell anybody… oh what the hell, I needed that kind of release. I just laid back and waited for it, as I was mere seconds away…

As though she was reading my mind, suddenly she stopped. “Oh! Fuck, what am I doing? Just up and started playing with your dongle without even thinking! Sorry, that was real messed up, I don’t know what came over me...”

She lifted her beautiful ass off of me and looked down to ask, “Um, are we cool…?”

Actively able to feel my orgasm leaving me once more, I sulked, “Yeah… I guess...”

Sheepishly poking her fingers together, she declared, “Well, I guess that’s a good cue for us to finish up here. Think the next class is about to start.”

She offered me her hand and I took it as she helped me up, and as expected I winced the moment I put any pressure on the leg she went after. To think this was just the first of my encounters today… atleast Ibuki was friendly about it, helping me stand with an arm draped around her as she walked me to class.

“Yannow seeing as I stole a feel back there, I guess it’s only fair you cop one yourself...” she murmured, giving me a smirk. 

I was about to jump at that opportunity, but just as we entered the hall I saw Sakura glaring at me, having waited for us to finish. Ducking my head down I sadly had to say, “No thanks...”


After my next period I limped my way to the library, where Sonia was sitting just reading some book as I walked up to her. I didn’t pay attention to what it was, certain it was some hum-drum regal fare. 

“Hrm… I see...” Sonia muttered to herself as she read. “So many of this countries’ serial killers like to base their crimes around song lyrics, how odd...”

“Uh… Sonia, I-”

“Eep!” she yelped, obviously startled and without looking at me she tossed the book right in my face, making for quite the humbling introduction. “Oh! Oh, you’re the one Sakura setup this exchange with! My apologies. I saw a glimpse of you out of the corner of my eye and assumed you were some sort of pedophillic child strangler…”


Sonia nodded. “That’s what my people call tax collectors. Anyway, shall we um… ‘throw down’, as they say…?”

She stood up and I eyed her up and down quizzically. What could Sakura possibly have told her to make her want to fight? Ibuki being kinda scrappy isn’t the biggest surprise in hindsight, but this literal princess? What was she supposed to do to me?

Honestly she was so prim and proper looking I felt awkward about even trying to hurt her. All the same, I slowly placed my hand on her shoulder. 

To my shock, she grabbed me by the wrist and past my elbow just like Sakura did and painfully adjusted my arm. Before I could comprehend that, she kicked my feet out from under me, tripping me facefirst into the solid wooden table before us. “Wh-what the fuck?!” was all I could mutter before her next act, leaping onto the table, still holding my arm. She wrenched it back, bending it over my torso as she held it tightly between her legs. 

Sonia continued putting on the hurt as she explained, “As royalty, learning self defense is vital! I haven’t been given the chance to practice in ages, I was worried about slacking… you are very much, ‘the bro’ for volunteering!”

She held on tightly to my wrist with hands she pulled my hand out further, ripping it away from my shoulder. The back of my hand ended up pressed into her bosom but it was a bit hard to enjoy that when she was going out of her way to dislocate limbs!

I was stunned by how relentless she was… after one last vicious yank, I heard a ‘pop’ and screamed hideously as I actually felt my arm coming out of socket. Only then did Sonia let go and roll off the table, to the floor where she stared at me expectantly. 

“That was good! Now, attack me again.” she demanded. 

Meekly I pulled myself off the table and to my feet, looking at her feebly. Suddenly I wasn’t too keen on approaching this woman. Sensing my hesitation she put a hand up and shouted, “NOW!” with a distinct authoritative tone that made me want to do whatever she said.

So I did just that, charging at her, trying for a tackle. But she simply caught me, her arm coming around in a front facelock as she brought me to the ground. I was on top but she was entirely in control, and she amplified that by bringing her legs around my waist, locking me in a tight bodyscissors. I tried to move but found I couldn’t budge from that spot. She had full mastery over my body. 

“Yes, a blind fool’s charge, a perfectly common situation...” she remarked. “The perfect thing to practice! You have the ‘seventh sense’ for this… have you done this before…?”

Even if I had a snappy comeback to that, her forearm clenching around my throat cut off the possibility of spouting it. She seemed quite pleased with herself and the dominance she was displaying over me, her legs tightening painfully around my ribs. 

What did all these girls have against my ribs?!

Eventually she let me go and stood up, waiting for me to do the same. But after that I needed some time to catch my breath. I attempted to inform of her of this, a passive hand on her ankle as I wheezed, “Sonia, I… think we should-”

She pulled her ankle away. “EEP! A-A grapple from the floor… I never trained for such a thing! Wh-what do I do, what do I do…?!”

Her eyes darted back and forth in a panic. Before I could explain that wasn’t happening, she hopped onto my face, her crotch straddling me, forcing me to get intimately familiar with her panties. As she did this, she leaned forward and clamped her thighs around my head, applying a tight headscissor this time. Her hands on the floor, she pressed her upper body up to give her more leverage, unnecessarily tightening her scissor that much more. The pressure on my head was immense as I howled into her groin.

“O-Ooh...” she seemed to shudder, though that might’ve just been my imagination. Not like I could hear very well from where I was. “Uh… pay no mind to what I’m about to do.”

Her saying that made it impossible not to focus on her actions as she pulled up my shirt, another common trait it seemed, and began to grind her knuckle into my bare flesh. This caused a second holler, and this time there was no mistaking it, she moaned passionately as she felt the friction of my pained scream meet her loins.

At first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but the gentle wetness on the front of her panties that spread as it grinded against my face made it pretty obvious what was happening. And Ibuki said she was freaky…

“Nngh… nngh…” Sonia groaned, but suddenly she gasped and released me. “G-Goodness, how unladylike… I’ve made myself wet and here I am lying on a man with an erection...”

My cock wasn’t going to stop making appearances anytime soon, it seemed. She rose to her feet and stepped away, leaning against the table, apparently embarrassed at her outburst. I knew the feeling…

Picking myself up, I put a hand on her shoulder as I explained, “Don’t worry… I think everyone here’s a little-”

That was stupid of me, she was still in full self-defense mode. Without warning she grabbed my wrist and judo tossed me right onto… no, make that right THROUGH the table, shattering it in half and leaving me in a heap of splinters.

“Hooh! That one actually took me by surprise… wonderful job!” Sonia declared, clapping her hands together with a bright smile. She proceeded to walk off, calling back, “I think that should be good for one day... tell Sakura I said this was erm, most… tight!”

With that, she just left me to pick up the pieces of my broken body. Now my back was aching in addition to the damage done to my arm, and I was still walking with a limp from Ibuki’s leglock. It was a miserable time making my way to class… I decided then that I would skip right to begging for the next one. 


Later I trudged on up to the rec room where Celeste sat, a cup of tea in her hand as she propped her feet up, her legs crossed. She looked more like a princess than Sonia in some ways… albeit, an extremely gothic princess. 

“Uh… Celeste?” I spoke up as I stepped through the doorway, trying to get her attention.

Without looking up at me, she replied, “For today you are to call me ‘Mistress Celeste’.”

“Um… okay, Mistress Celeste.” I conceded. “Listen, I wanted to tell you that uh, I’m really not up for what’s about to happen here right now...”

To this she rose her head up and gave me a sweet smile. “No. No, you’re really not.”

She extended a beckoning hand my way. “Help me up.”

I did just that, taking her hand and aiding her as she stood. I explained, “I hope you understand, I’ve… had a long day. So what Sakura told you, uh… maybe we could do that some other time. I’m really not up for fighting you right now...”

“Ohh, you poor broken little bird...” she replied, putting a gentle hand to my cheek. I sighed with relief, finally shown mercy today…

That’s what I thought right up until her leg lashed out… I never saw it coming, barely even realized it until the pain slowly set in. She’d just kicked me full-force in the crotch, the point of her ruby red high heels stabbing into my groin. This was intensely agonizing and sent me sprawling onto the floor, clutching myself. It was all I could to do to keep from throwing up as the sensation spread all throughout my body. 

Not letting up, she stomped furiously on the back of my head, her heel digging in as she shouted at me with a fury I’d never seen from her, her German accent disappearing. “Stupid little CUNT! I don’t know what Sakura told you, but this isn’t a fuckin’ fight! Your job today is to be my personal bitch! You got that?!”

Lifting her foot up, she proceeded to stomp repeatedly across my head and battered back. Having no strength to defend myself, I yelled out, “Okay, okay! I’ll be your bitch, Ms. Ludenberg!”

“Mistress Celeste!” she spat, stomping down on the back of my neck and grinding her foot in as though she were putting out a cigarette.

“I’ll be your bitch, Mistress Celeste!” I desperately howled.

Finally she let up and as she spoke to me, her accent seemed to return. “Hmph. You are hardly a harem of vampire henchmen, or even the type of man that I would want in it… but I suppose I must work my way up to that.”

Turning back to the chair, she picked up the footstool she was resting her feet on and promptly threw it against the wall, shattering it. Suffice to say, I was now very much afraid of this woman. Peering down at me as she again sat in the cush chair, she said, “It appears I am in need of a new footrest… that is your job now.”

Begrudgingly, I followed along with that, crawling up on all fours and letting her rest her feet against my tortured back. She simply lounged there, not saying a word to me for some time as she casually picked up her teacup and slowly sipped away. 

So this was what I was reduced to now... atleast the view was nice. That’s what I told myself as I stared at Celeste. She really was beautiful, cold though she was. And her legs looked magnificent in those black stockings… inevitably my eyes drifted to admire them. Seconds later… I found myself staring between them, adjusting myself gradually so that I could look up her skirt. The lacy lingerie was a welcome surprise, it looked absolutely wonderful…

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by the pair of shins that locked around my head. Mistress Celeste had me tight in her grasp, as she scolded, “Such a pathetic little worm you are, to try and indulge yourself on me of all people. It’s almost as though you think you’re the master… hmhmhm...”

I attempted to struggle out of her grip, but she barked, “STOP SQUIRMING!” and I had to follow along with that. I just… I just had to.

She grabbed me by the hair and forced me closer in so that she could squeeze my head between her thighs for a few moments, a trend I wasn’t sure if I minded or not. My penis certainly didn’t seem to judging by how things had been going…

Still, though she was doing the same thing, she did it with a certain blase flavor that made it even more demeaning. She sat back in her chair, finishing her tea as she crushed me with her headscissor… like she wasn’t even aware it was happening. As though my suffering was entirely incidental to her.

After a few moments she released me and let me catch my breath as she stood up. My reprieve didn’t last for long, as she grabbed me by the hair and forced me to lay uncomfortably with my head against the seat. Staring coldly at me, she declared, “It’ll be hard for you to peep if you can’t see anything. So now you get to be my new throne.”

“W-Wait-” was all I got out, before she sat right on my face. Now all I was in this big world was Mistress Celeste’s little seat… she seemed to struggle to get comfy on me, judging by how often she adjusted herself, wiggling her hips, rubbing it in all the further. 

This continued for a full minute and I found myself thinking, ‘Well, at the very least, I can’t possibly sink any lower than this…’

That very moment, she stopped and stood up. She stared down at my groin and then looked back at me with a cross expression. I didn’t have to guess why… my erection was back again in full force. Damn that libido of mine…

Her voice at a disturbingly calm whisper, she inquired, “Did I say you were allowed to be aroused in my presence?”

“Uh… n-no, Mistress Celeste.” I nervously responded.

She pointed at my bulge. “This… this is unacceptable. And you will take care of it at once.”

I wasn’t sure what she was getting at there. “T-Take care of it? Do you, want me to go to the bathroom for a few minutes or-”

“No, you fool. There are icepacks in the cooler over there.” she explained as she pointed to it, though it seemed to be locked. It had the same little dollarslot you’d see in vending machines. “Go over there, buy one and extinguish that miserable erection.”

She stepped aside to make room, and I knew there was no use arguing this. So I got up and sadly walked over to do just that. As I took my wallet out it occured to me that there was no way she didn’t have way more money than I did, and she was the one that wanted this anyway, yet here I was paying so that I may ice down my dick. I really was her bitch…

With a sigh I put in the dollar bill, opened the unlocked cooler and took out a pack of ice, watching as it shut and locked automatically afterwards. I turned away from her and began to put it down my shorts, but she called out, “No! I must see it.”

Turning back to her, I uttered, “P-Pardon…?”

Her accent disappeared again. “TAKE OUT YOUR FUCKING COCK!”

My hands trembled as I pulled my shorts down, and she stared right at my manhood as I hesitantly put the icepack to it, forcing it to slowly shrink and shrivel into a pathetic state. Her expression remained cold and unflinching, and her gaze never drifted from my prick as she walked over to study it up close. She placed a finger to it, poking, prodding and even giving a little smack, just to see how it reacted. I’d never felt less like a human being in my life.

“Hmph… I suppose that’s sufficient.” she murmured. “I shall let Sakura know that you were adequate. Sad, but adequate… out of my sight.”

“Y-Yes, Mistress Celeste...” I muttered as I pulled up my shorts and sulked away. Mistress Celeste, who I still can’t seem to referring to that way even in my head, sat back down where I found her, not bothering to acknowledge me as I left.


After three straight surprises, I was almost relieved to know exactly what I was getting into with my fourth and final ‘opponent’ for the day. Sadly, what I was getting into was an ass-kicking, no questions asked there. After the humbling day I’d had, I knew there was no way I’d stand up to Akane even if I were 100%. And I was nowhere near that… after my final class of the day, I felt like I was marching towards my demise as I walked to the olympic pool.

Akane Owari was there amongst the bleachers, running up and down them at a stunning speed. She had on her usual attire, a simple white button-up that she was likely physically incapable of buttoning up, showing an expansive cleavage, and a red mini-skirt. She chose to run barefoot though, for whatever reason. 

A dead man walking, I pulled myself over to them, but found myself afraid to say anything. She was right at the very top when she happened to look down and notice me. “Oh! Hey there!”

She jumped down directly from the top bleacher to the floor, landing right in front of me. That stunt took me off-guard nearly as much as her tits did, as they bounced so heavily from her landing that they actually smacked me right in the chin, like a busty uppercut. 

This left me gasping in shock as right away it became impossible to ignore how badly I wanted her, but she didn’t seem to even notice it happened as she lightly prodded my body. Stepping back to give me a once-over, she seemed discouraged. “What the hell… when Sakura told me about getting a new sparring partner, I expected someone more… manly. No offense.”

There was basically no way not to take offense to that but I knew shrugging it off was the best option. And… well like I said I really wanted her, so I did want to make a good impression here. With that in mind I explained, “I’m tougher than I look… I have a really high pain tolerance, that’s why she picked me.”

“Ohhh, I get it! So if I can hurt you, then I’m really doing good!” she smirked and nodded.

Sweet Christ why did I say that?! Why did my dick keep getting me into trouble?!

“Alright, I’m fired up now! Let’s do this!” Akane shouted, looking at me like a hungry animal. “5! 4! 3…!”

I took a step back. “A-Actually, I lied, I-”

“2-1-GO!” she howled before leaping up into a splits kick, the bottom of her bare foot blasting into my chest and sending me staggering back, before swiftly falling on the ground. 

“GET UP!” she shouted, an intense primal rage seeming to overtake her. It pained me to but I scrambled up in record time, only for her to dash at me and punch me straight in the face. I’d have fallen again but she grabbed me by the shirt to catch me and nailed me with another, before leaping into a spinning roundhouse kick that slammed against the side of my head. I was in a daze, stumbling, basically out on my feet. She didn’t let up, leaping up for another one, I could see it in slo-motion as her body twirled, her long, powerful, bare leg hurdling towards me before her shin blasted into my temple. 

The force of this sent me flying backwards. I had no idea where I was so it came as a surprise when I found myself engulfed in rather nippy water. Barely conscious, I just laid there after floating to the surface, half-watching Akane as she stared at me inquisitively. After a few moments, she took off her skirt… and her panties followed suit! She stood entirely bottomless! That got my attention back in a hurry, as I yelled, “Wh-what are you doing?!”

She looked at me like I was an idiot. “Uh, I don’t wanna get my clothes wet, duh...”

With that, to my absolute delight, she ripped her button-up right off, her incredible, tanned, shapely body on display for me. With an animalistic yell she got a running start and leaped into the water, her gargantuan, bared breasts flying right into my face as she landed on top of me.

We sunk to the bottom of the pool, and even there she was fighting me, sending elbows into my face and knees into my stomach. With the pull of the water she was generating a lot less force, but it was Akane, so it still hurt like hell. She pulled me up above the water, and kicked with her legs to swim me against the wall where she landed more punches to my face. 

She pulled me away from the wall, just enough to give her space to whip behind me. She wrapped her arms around my throat, her legs around my waist as she held me in a tight choke hold, the occasional water getting in my mouth making it even harder to breathe than usual. “You CAN fight back yannow!” she shouted at me, as she pulled me in further. Something soft, like an enormous set of pillows brushed against the back of my head and I realized I was now laying against her breasts. Akane growled, “Am I hurting you yet…? Huh?!”

Despite being in a debilitating, painful submission hold yet, I found some peace in her tits, enough that I felt no need to force a response from my choked throat. After a few moments without a response, she followed up, “I’ll take that as a ‘no’... damn water, it’s hard to fight in here! Hold on...”

Whilst keeping one arm locked around my throat, she pulled us out of the pool, kicking a leg up to push herself to the surface before dragging me callously across the ground. As I looked up at her incredible frame, I saw the cold of the water had clearly gotten to her nipples, as they were rock solid and made her gigantic breasts look even more imposingly huge. I backed away, scooting along my ass, not wanting more pain. She slowly stalked towards me, her titanic tits jiggling with every movement.

“D-Do you… really want to… fight like that…?” I gasped, unable to stop staring. 

She paused and looked down at her body, as though she had briefly forgotten she was naked. “What’s wrong with that? It’s the most natural form of combat there is! It’s how the greeks did it… and that’s how we’re gonna do it! That’s right, wrestle me, come on!” she demanded as she hunched over, her hands outstretched like she was ready to grapple.

As remarkably perfect as I found her figure to be, it says something that I still tried to turn and run the moment I could get back on my feet. That was pointless though, she easily outran me and her hands grabbed me by the shirt and shorts. With one powerful tug, she ripped them both to shreds, leaving me exposed. I cupped my groin as she whirled around to face me, trying to hide my shame. 

The effects of that ice hadn’t fully subsided, and the cold water didn’t do my member any favors either, which was actually quelling my libido. Otherwise I’d have probably loved to wrestle with her like that, knowing I’d cum powerfully enough to make the pain worth it. However as I hid my genitals from her, I realized I was halfway there despite it all… that’d be a shock with most girls in most situations, but really shouldn’t have been here.

“WRESTLEEE!” Akane roared as she lunged at me, again soaring titsfirst at my face… they slammed heavily against me this time, engulfing my whole head as she tackled me to the ground. She grabbed my wrists and pinned them down above my head, as her long bare legs again came around my midsection in a tight bodyscissor.

Why did so many girls want me to scissor me now?! But… well I wasn’t complaining that time.

Aggressively she brushed her enormous, sopping wet tits across my face time and again, pressing them down with a fervor that just felt spectacular. I didn’t care at all that I couldn’t breathe under them, who needed air when you had her breasts? And I barely even noticed how much the tight vicegrip of her legs around me hurt, her bare pussy and thighs against my own flesh was just too much to ever want to struggle away from…

“Haaaah, my boobs are my ultimate weapons!” she cried out furiously. “You’ll NEVER escape!!!”

I had no problem with that. I’d spent all day fighting my lust, but now I was finally at peace with being dominated… my cock had made it perfectly clear how much I enjoyed it, no matter how much my mind resisted and really, that’s just silly. I just laid back and let her have her way with me, and she seemed happy to keep me pinned under there forever…

Until she seemed to catch a certain scent. Sniffing loudly, she raised off of me. “There… there it is again. What is that… what… is that...” she trailed off, crawling around as she searched for the source. I was in too much of a lust-fueled trance to offer any assistance. She spun around and followed her nose… until her face was pressed right up against my throbbing member, back at full mast thanks to her.

“This! THIS is what I’ve been smelling!” she declared, putting a hand to my cock as she took a big whiff to confirm. “Ohhh… that scent… I LOVE it! It smells delicious...”

After gazing at it for a few seconds, she gave a long lick up my shaft, bringing out an impassioned shudder from me. Pleased with the taste, she proceeded to take my cock into her mouth, sucking wildly, violently almost. Like a beast that’d stumbled upon the greatest meal of it’s life, she just devoured my dick… it was unbelievable, the bliss that she visited onto me. 

She moaned hungrily as she pumped her head back and forth, her greedy mouth and tongue overwhelming my erection. This was the absolute last place I’d expected this to go, but what a happy ending it was… and thanks to what Celeste had done to my manhood earlier, it was taking far longer than it usually would’ve, allowing me to savor every moment.

All the teasing, all the false starts, all the near climaxes, they’d all been leading up to this… every bit of now fed into what was the most intense arousal of my life. I was panting furiously as I came closer and closer and closer aaaaaand……….


I opened my eyes to see there, standing at the top of the bleachers, Sakura staring down at us, pure hatred in her eyes. “This wasn’t part of the deal!” she growled.

She leapt from the perch and came down from on high… Akane abruptly ceased her blowjob to look up at her, again taking my orgasm away in an instant. The behemoth amazonian landed right on my head, her thighs clamping down in an extreme vice before I could say a word, explain a single thing. I could actually feel my skull start to give way…


He lay on the ground, writhing, clawing at his head, entirely unaware of the VR headset that was forced around his eyes. Though a complete accident, he was considered a murderer nontheless, and when you're found to be a killer in this setting, well... you find yourself forced into a very unique punishment. What you've seen, happens to have been his.

“Geeze, what do you think is going on in there?” Akane asked, scratching her head as she looked on uncomfortably.

“It sounds horrible… I wish I could help him.” Sakura lamented.

“It's something befitting the Ultimate Perv, no doubt...” Celeste answered with contempt.

“That might explain the bulge in his pants!” Ibuki pointed out.

He rolled around in agony, groaning, “Scissors… why, always with the scissors…”

Sonia gasped. “Oh no! They’re ripping him apart with scissors?! How gruesome!”

“Awww, is that all it is?!” Monokuma lamented. “Darn... I was so sure that his most fitting punishment would be something far too lewd and graphic to represent our great school! But if it’s just being eviscerated by dozens of pairs of scissors, well that wasn’t worth going to the trouble of this VR business at all! Siiigh… oh well. Everybody, get ready for the next day of your Deadly School Life! Puhuhuhuhu~!”


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