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Lana has a wickedly evil plan to pass the upcoming test, and the answers are written all over "Book Worm Betty's" pretty little feet. Together with her friend Devin they plan to take the sensitive nerve on a wild ride she'll never forget. Knowing the poor nerd's ticklish shame, how far is Lana willing to go to get what she wants? Can Betty hold out? Buckle up.


* F/F tickling

* M/F tickling

* Foot Worship

* Humiliation 


It took another 45 minutes, but finally ”Book Head Betty” exited the school. With a comically large stack of readings in hand, she tried her best to maneuvered her way to the bus stop.

Passing Mr. Gabriel’s test was child’s play compared to this. With her book bag being stolen earlier in the day, the adorable nerd had no idea how she’d make it home.

That’s when Lana and Devin struck. Cooly, the henchman hunk pulled the car up to the struggling nerd. Betty could only see her own reflection in the darken windows of the car, until the passenger side’s rolled down to reveal Lana’s pho friendly smile.

“Betty! Surprised to see you here this late. Did security have to get the nurse to surgically remove your lips from Mr. Gabriel’s ass??” The bratty cheerleader joked at her expense.

Betty’s face flushed red. Not just from the humiliation, but from seeing Lana so soon after their exchange in the girl’s locker room. She tried to shrug it all off.

“C-come on Lana, can’t you see I’m trying to get home?” Betty whined. Hoping the cheerleader would get bored and move on.

“I can actually. Need a lift? Devin was driving me to a cheer meeting thing, and I’m sure he doesn’t mind dropping you off on the way.” The burnet motioned to her friend. Putting him on the spot.

“.....” The handsome young man just sat there blankly. Unaware it was his turn to speak. Eventually, Lana jabbed him with her elbow. “OW!... Oh! Um, yea. I’d love to...”

Betty bit her bottom lip as she weighed her options. Sure a ride home would be a life saver, but did she really want to spend a car ride with Lana? Especially after what happened between them? Her body still shivered from the sensations....

“Weeeeeeeeell?~” Lana sang, knowing she had this loser cornered. “What’s it gonna be? Tick tock, tick tock.”

The adorable dork grimaced as the decision was dangled over her head. She didn’t know what to do, but she was afraid they’d leave her in their dust if she took too long to respond.

“Ooooookay!~ See ya later Bet-“

“NO WAIT!... I-I mean. Thanks Lana. A ride home would really help...” Betty thanked shyly.

“Then come on! We’d be tickled to help you...~<3” Lana gave a Cheshire like grin as Betty got into the car.

They had her. And with that, they drove off.










Love it! Steller work my dude. The colors are awesome and the story is so good!


Very pale soles.