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“So remind me what we’re doing again.” Devin asked bored, wondering out loud why he skipped practice to just sit in a car and wait.

“Do I really have to explain it to you again???” Lana sighed impatiently. She was taken a back, but by no means surprised by her friends obliviousness.

“One more time. With feeling.” The muscular swimmer shot back sarcastically.

“URRRGH! You’re hopeless.” The bratty young lady grumbled. “Like I said: Cindy told Alice, who told Stefan, who told Randy, who told Peter, who told Alice, who told ME that she saw Betty in Mr. Gabriel’s room taking the test early.”

Devin looked at her friend blankly, as if she was speaking a different language, he then squinted. “ And that means? Wait, you said Alice twice.”

Lana only face palmed. “Two different Alices, dip-shit.” The feisty burnet rolled her eyes and just kept explaining. “That means he’s chosen her to help tutor other kids on the test.”

“I SKIPPED PRACTICE SO YOU CAN ASK BOOK-HEAD BETTY TO TUTOR YOU!?” The handsome young man gripped the wheel in realization.

“DEVIN! LISTEN! This means that dweeb knows where the answers are!” She looked at him with her eyebrows raised. Seeing if that was enough to jog his memory.

Devin just looked back at her until all the peaces came together in his mind. “Oooooooooh!.... So what? You just plan to bully her the whole way home until she gives them to you?”

“Devin it’s a good thing your gorgeous, because you have the attention span of like, a snail.” The exhausted cheerleader said dryly. “I’m done repeating myself. You just leave it all to me. I know exactly how to get what I want out of that little dork.”

With that, Lana again laid back in the passenger’s seat with her feet up on the dash board. No longer paying her friend any mind she went back to tending to her nails.

Meticulously, she filed them into the perfect deadly weapons. Patiently waiting for her target. Humming to herself the entire time.~


It took another 45 minutes, but finally ”Book Head Betty” exited the school. With a comically large stack of readings in hand, she tried her best to maneuvered her way to the bus stop.

Passing Mr. Gabriel’s test was child’s play compared to this. With her book bag being stolen earlier in the day, the adorable nerd had no idea how she’d make it home.

That’s when Lana and Devin struck. Cooly, the henchman hunk pulled the car up to the struggling nerd. Betty could only see her own reflection in the darken windows of the car, until the passenger side’s rolled down to reveal Lana’s pho friendly smile.

“Betty! Surprised to see you here this late. Did security have to get the nurse to surgically remove your lips from Mr. Gabriel’s ass??” The bratty cheerleader joked at her expense.

Betty’s face flushed red. Not just from the humiliation, but from seeing Lana so soon after their exchange in the girl’s locker room. She tried to shrug it all off.

“C-come on Lana, can’t you see I’m trying to get home?” Betty whined. Hoping the cheerleader would get bored and move on.

“I can actually. Need a lift? Devin was driving me to a cheer meeting thing, and I’m sure he doesn’t mind dropping you off on the way.” The burnet motioned to her friend. Putting him on the spot.

“.....” The handsome young man just sat there blankly. Unaware it was his turn to speak. Eventually, Lana jabbed him with her elbow. “OW!... Oh! Um, yea. I’d love to...”

Betty bit her bottom lip as she weighed her options. Sure a ride home would be a life saver, but did she really want to spend a car ride with Lana? Especially after what happened between them? Her body still shivered from the sensations....

“Weeeeeeeeell?~” Lana sang, knowing she had this loser cornered. “What’s it gonna be? Tick tock, tick tock.”

The adorable dork grimaced as the decision was dangled over her head. She didn’t know what to do, but she was afraid they’d leave her in their dust if she took too long to respond.

“Ooooookay!~ See ya later Bet-“

“NO WAIT!... I-I mean. Thanks Lana. A ride home would really help...” Betty thanked shyly.

“Then come on! We’d be tickled to help you...~<3” Lana gave a Cheshire like grin as Betty got into the car.

They had her. And with that, they drove off.


Once Betty was in their custody Lana didn’t wait to strike. Devin had his orders and followed them to the letter, pulling into the school parking lot as he helped his friend tie her up.

Before Betty knew it she was trusted up in the back seat of Devin’s car. Miles of restricting jump rope were used to hold her completely still as her bound feed laid stuck between her two captors. All the while Lana snorted obnoxiously at her trapped nerd’s plight.

“Hope your comfortable Betty, cause it’s going to be a LONG trip.~” The cheerleader teased. Her voice dripping with malice and superiority.

“L-let me go Lana! Devin come on, tell her to l-let me go!Please!!!” Betty tried her best to convince them, but they both seemingly ignored her.

“Sorry Betty.” Devin said calmly. “But there’s no way I’m passing without those answers. So your Lana’s till further notice.”

“NO!” Betty whined. Those were the last word she wanted to hear in this situation. All the while the evil cheerleader only laughed.

“Oh come on Betty, we don’t want to upset you! Why don’t I tell Devin that special way I found to make you happy?<3” Lana gloated as she toyed with her captives sneakers. Ever so gently pulling the laces loose until they could be easily removed, revealing precious neon pink socks.

“NO! LANA PLEASE!!!” Betty got frantic as she could feel her shoes being taken away. “THIS ISN’T FUNNY! STOP! LET ME OUT!!!”

“What an interesting choice of words. Considering your little secret!~” Lana went for her socks after. Slipping them off slowly as she dragged out the moment.

“What are you talking about?” Devin asked, not picking up on the game of cat and mouse.

“Well, ‘Tree Branch Tracey’ was making this dweeb jump for her book in the locker room again like always, then I decided to come in from behind...~” Lana recalled as The handsome swimmer looked interested in what she was saying for the first time all day.

Meanwhile in the back Betty was beside herself. She knew exactly where this was going and she didn’t like it one bit.

“See, she was reaching SO far up for her textbook, that someones armpits were left wiiiiiiiiiide open.<3 So I just thought it be funny if I....” instead of saying the dreaded “T word” Lana worked her fingers around Betty’s bare soles. Proving her point.

The nerdy girl’s squeals echoed from the back of the car. Devin himself was in awe, a smile forming on his face as things were getting much more interesting.

“No way!” He shouted in disbelief, holding back his own laughter.

Annoyed, the cheerleader only rolled her eyes at her friend’s realization. He was completely oblivious that she had told him about the plan hours ago.

Instead of chastising him, she opted for making Betty’s feet be the target of her displeasure. Mercilessly raking her ready talons up and down her nerds bound, bare tootsies. Making her howl in ticklish anguish.

Betty’s feet were far more ticklish than her underarms ever were. Practically bursting at the seems with tender nerves just waiting to be caressed and teased into submission. Her face practically flared red as the embarrassment was insufferable.


“Awwwwww, did you hear that Devin? She’ll give us anything.~” The cheerleader suddenly switched her tactics to only slowly dragging her index finger repeatedly down her captive’s soles. “Drive.”

Without another word Devin put the car out of park

and started to pull out of the school’s parking lot. Hitting the road for what was going to be a ride the young stud was never going to forget.


The first 15 minutes of the trip were accompanied by Betty’s nonstop laughter as both Devin and Lana took it in turns to tickle her adorably sensitive soles.

Try as she might, the academic overachiever wasn’t strong enough wiggle in her binds, let alone break out of them. The only free movement she was able to do was the wiggling of her adorable toes for any kind of mercy they could garner.

In the front seat the popular kids were having the time of their lives. The way Betty’s toes curled and flex from each touch of their fingers never stopped being funny. And all of her feet were ticklish. Devin joked that she had to have never taken her socks off before. They could practically feel her nerves quivering under their fingers.

“What was that Betty? I can’t understand a word you’re saying with all that laughing you’re doing lol!~” Lana teased, as happy as a kitten with a cornered mouse.

Betty tried again to beg but all that came out was hysterics, snorting, and Unintelligible attempts to do whatever the two wanted of her. Finally though, they gave her a respite. She rocked in the back seat sucked down air as they giggled.

“I got to hand it to you Betty, I think you may have even nicer feet then Lana! Haha!” Devin blurted out, genuinely meaning it as a compliment. Not even thinking for a minute how his friend might have reacted to such a comment.

Lana just sat there stunned by the hunk’s “compliment”. Scornfully she looked back at Betty, who was blushing from such a blunt statement about her feet.

“Ohhhh ho ho! What? You think that’s cute? Well let’s see how cute they are when they’re tied up and tickled by all the cheerleaders!” Lana spat spitefully. Enjoying the look of fear on her captives face.

“What?!” Was all Betty could respond with. She was in disbelief.

“What?” Devin asked only a millisecond slower then Betty. Just as shocked, but nowhere near as scared. In fact the thought made him kinda excited.

“That’s right Betty, that’s where this ride ends. Rebecca’s cabin is only an hour and a half away and the whole squad is coming for a ‘study session’. And her aunt and uncle won’t be back until Monday. Now we can either study an answer sheet, or we can study what spots make this loser scream the loudest!” The masochistic cheerleader said, reviling in Betty’s fear.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Betty screamed desperately. “DEVIN DON’t let her do it!” She begged. Hoping to god the handsome lug would turn this car around.

“What? Haha no way! That actually does sound pretty cute, not gonna lie. Eh, sorry Betty. You’re on your own, Poindexter haha! They’re gonna eat you alive!” Devin laughed cruelly. Now 100% happy to have skipped practice foe this.


“And you know what, when we get there we’ll leave it to Devin who’s got the cutest feet out of all of us. Let’s see how you feel about those compliments then!” Lana kept going. Throwing more and more gasoline on the fire as Betty turned white as a ghost.

“You’re choice nerd. What are me and the girls studying this weekend???” Lana asked, stopping Devin’s assault.

“I-I’ll give you the answers.” Betty said quickly as she wheezed. “I’ll give you whatever you want! *wheeze* J-just please don’t take me there! Please god no. I-I’m t-too ticklish....”

Lana tapped a nail to her cheek as she thought. “Idk dork. We’ve been driving for awhile now. Might just be easier to take you there instead of driving back to school and get the papers.~l

“NO! PLEASE! I HAVE THEM WITH ME! Y-y-you don’t even have to turn around. J-just take me home!” Her toes curled anxiously.

“No way! He actually gave them to you?! Lol! Mmmm, Where are they?” She asked. Not believing this girl’s luck.

“T-they’re in my folder! M-my green folder in my back...p-p-pack.” Betty’s face went blank as the words left her lips. Both her captors looked back at her with wide eyes and big smiles. Lana especially, who looked like she had just one the lottery.

“No...” Betty muttered

“Yes.” Lana stated.

N-nO!” Betty begged.

“YES.” Lana stated. “Looks like we have everything we need. Devin, let’s get on home. Start heading to the address!” She giggled as she bit her lip.

“Wow, you sure?” Devin asked amazed at this turn of events.

“NO PLEASE! NO NO NO I CAN RIGHT THEM DOWN! I CAN REMEMBER! HONEST! QUESTION ONE IS... no.. w-wait no Q-Q-QUESTION... O-on is...” Betty stammered. Willing to sell her soul for things to stop.

“Give it a rest Book Worm. We have what we need. Time to go, before the girls start wondering what’s taking so long.~” Lana laughed as she started to tickle Betty’s feet again. Crawling her nails all around the inside of her toes.

Betty would have cried if the laughing didn’t keep her in high spirits. Whenever she did get a word out it would’ve a beg for freedom as the two only responded with my tickling and jokes at her expense.

On the way Lana continued to craft different scenarios and things to try once they got to their destination. All of which made the poor book worm’s stomach drop. It all involved them taking turns. Tickling and tormenting her feet like their own personal play things. Having other groups do the same to her.

Betty’s head was spinning with ticklish anxiety. All coming to a head in one earth shattering scream in protest. A scream so loud even Lana had to cover her ears. Still giggling, the two popular kids sat and waited for their tickle slave to calm down. As she thrashed and squirmed for freedom from her situation.

Things were quite for a bit after that. Betty just sat blankly looking out the window as the two captors chatted to themselves. Once Lana saw were they were on the GPS, she began to slowly run the soft pad of her finger over her tied, taut soles.

Slowly Betty started to stir, but it was a different kind of sensation. It would still make her toes curl but in a completely different way. That lone finger dragged luxuriously around her foot until it was joined by a second. And then a third.

Devin looked quickly at what was happening and reached to start to tickle again, only to have his hand slapped away. He tried again, only for it to happen a second time. Without paying attention to him Lana only pointed at the road with her other hand, signaling that was all he was allowed to do right now.

Meanwhile the sensations on Betty’s feet escalated, as well as her reactions. Moans were as frequent as laughter at this point as the sensual petting on her feet brought the ginger cutie to new heights.

Then came the mouth. Out of nowhere Lana placed a sensual kiss at the top of Betty’s big toe. The dumbfounded nerd only looked at her with confusion. And then moaned as she did it again. And then again.

“Do I have your attention now Betty? I have a deal for you.” The sexy cheerleader said between kisses on her feet. “Don’t want to get tickled by all the mean cheerleaders? Then you’re gonna have me over your place next week. Got it?” Before her victim could even process she ran her wet tongue up her naked soles.

Betty’s eyes almost popped out of her head. Without thinking she immediately complied. Anything to save her feet from such a ticklish fate, and anything to have Lana keep going. It all felt so indescribable.

“Mmmmm? Gonna do what I want? Are you?” Lana asked again, continuing her oral assault.

“OH GAWD YESSSS! PLEASE I’LL DO ANYTHIIIIIIIIIING!!” The ginger nerd whined wanting it all so bad.

“Good. Cause if you don’t these cute feet of yours are fucked. You hear me? Give me a F. Give me a U. Give me a C K E D, FUCKED.” Lana said evilly. Knowing the exact cords to pull, like a leash.

“Ok.” Devin interjected. “We’re here.”

Betty’s eyes snapped back into focus. She couldn’t believe it. Worse then that, Lana had stopped licking her feet. Quickly the poor girl was crashing back to reality and not liking what she saw.

“Did you hear that?” Lana cheered, starting to untie poor Betty’s feet. “Time to get going. You’re going to be a busy girl I’m sure.”

“LANA NO! I SAID YES! I SAID YES! D-don’t stop...” Betty begged. God she begged like a madwoman.

“Oh I know dork, and I’m still holding you to it.” She winked.

“NO!” Betty screamed as the door flew opened. It was Devin coming to untie her and pull her out. “NO! NO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS! YOU CAN’T!” You.... can’t?” As soon as her surroundings hit her she suddenly calmed down.

She was home. Right in front of her house. She turned to look at Lana, confused.

“We already have your backpack, Poindexter.... who do you think took it in the first place? Now get going. I’m sure you’re busy.. or whatever...” Lana quickly looked ahead. “Get her books Devin.”

“Um... sure.” Devin said, confused by all of this. “Uh like, sorry? By the... way? I don’t know if that helps, I mean. I didn’t know this was.. um..”

“DEVIN! HELP HER!” A shout came from the passengers seat of the car.

“Yep, yep. Sorry.” Devin said quickly and red faced. He carried all of Betty’s books to her house as best he could, all while she herself just looked around stunned.


Before Betty’s front door closed she took one last look at Lana. There eyes met for a brief second before the cheerleader pulled her’s away.

In the car Lana turned to see Devin smiling at her knowingly.

“So, got a date next Friday? Haha!” He laughed.

“SHUT UP AND DRIVE.” Lana yelled pouting in her seat as the car drove off the Rebecca’s. All of them passing the test the following Monday.





