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“GET THE LEAD OUT! YOU PEOPLE NEED TO GET THIS SHIT DONE YESTERDAY!” Regina really meant it when she said she was going to make sure things would get done. It was about 10:00 am now, the building crew had been hustling about, doing their best to go at a pace that wouldn’t upset the lady of the house. Regina was the only Bitz in the manor for the day, the twins were off at the academy for classes and then after school activities. She took it upon herself to lead and rally these people to work efficiently as possible, even if that meant making them all extremely annoyed in the process. “BE CAREFUL WITH THAT MATERIAL! I DON’T WANT A DING OR DENT IN ANYTHING!”

At this time, the Contractor had been keeping his distance from Regina, as he knew it would just be trouble for him, and he didn’t have time for any of that. Going over the blueprints with the Architect, he gives out his plans on what they will focus on next, and what to allocate the manpower to, so they can stay on track and NOT get verbally berated. To his misfortune though, he can hear Regina getting much closer in her passionate rage, so he sends the architect off to another part of the site, so he doesn’t need to also suffer through this. “ALAN!! WHERE ARE YOU?” Regina is walking as fast as she can, toting her business casual outfit, skirt instead of pants, with semi-high heels so she can get around faster without fear of tripping. “Alan! There you are! Why are the electricians installing 5 lights in the store room? I specifically asked for 6! Don’t you know how fucking hard it is to see without proper lighting?!” Regina was close enough to Alan for him to smell the bitter scent of animosity and Chanel No. 5. “I’m sorry Mrs.Bitz, we will take care of it soon.” “SOON ISNT GOOD ENOUGH! YOU WILL HAVE SOMEONE FIX IT NOW!!!” She confidently walked away from him after that outburst, not before turning to him with a devilish smile on her face, “Otherwise, you can kiss your payment good bye.” With that, she sauntered away. Alan looked around with a biter face, his crew members looking at him with a bit of fear, wondering what he was going to do. He scratched his bearded face, and turned to Kim, his second in command. “Ok, you listen to me Blondie, gather the group up, we need to set this bitch straight so she understands she can’t just walk over all of us.” The smiled at each other as they planned out their dark deed.”




This story was written by a good and talented friend of mine, Freetzo. If you haven't already please check him out. He's been nothing but great.








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