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 Late afternoon on the Bitz Estate, the sun of dusk setting upon thirteen-thousand sq foot mansion. Walter Bitz is large and in charge in the energy circuit, contending with giants like NextEra energy and such. This in turn, brings in plenty of financial gain, which he happily spends with and on his loving wife, Regina, and his twin children, Samantha and Robert. Always trying to show off their wealth, the family decided to put on a major addition onto the already massive thirteen thousand sq foot home. Perhaps an indoor football field for Robert’s practicing, or an ice-skating rink for Samantha to figure skate on…maybe both. Either way, the family had money to burn, and burn it they would. 

Building had gone rather swimmingly so far, but Walter had to attend a trip to the company HQ, so he had to leave Regina in charge of the project. “Now darling, please be sure to let the workers in tomorrow morning, the contractor will be on site to go over their progress. I want to make sure that things go smoothly while I’m away in Washington D.C with the company, so be the absolute little angel that you always are, my darling.” Walter was packing his suitcase, smiling all the while at his wife. She was his treasure, they met and married before the company had started, doing so purely out of unbridled love for each other. The billions that came after were just a small bonus. “Oh, don’t worry, Wally! Things will go fine! I’ll be sure of it, I’ll make sure these dopes make their schedule!” Her main goals in life where to make sure that her husband and her kids were happy and healthy, everything else is second. Unfortunately, her zealousness to make sure her family is provided for gets rather, out of hand, to say the least. She walked slowly over to him, brushing her golden hair behind her ear, her hazel eyes locked on her lover. She snuck up behind him and hugged him, “Oh Wally, I wish you didn’t have to go, but that idiot partner of yours would screw up everything if you didn’t give him a verbal beating now and then…” He laughed at her, not wanting to admit that she was right, “Oh c’mon Reggie, that’s no fair, Bert puts in his time for the company…” She giggled and let him go, but not before placing a kiss on his cheek, “You’re too nice, you big softie. Hurry up and pack, I want to give you a little treat in bed…some good luck you could say.” She gave his ass a spank, and ran out of the room, leaving him to wish he could just stay home.~


“GET THE LEAD OUT! YOU PEOPLE NEED TO GET THIS SHIT DONE YESTERDAY!” Regina really meant it when she said she was going to make sure things would get done. It was about 10:00 am now, the building crew had been hustling about, doing their best to go at a pace that wouldn’t upset the lady of the house. Regina was the only Bitz in the manor for the day, the twins were off at the academy for classes and then after school activities. She took it upon herself to lead and rally these people to work efficiently as possible, even if that meant making them all extremely annoyed in the process. “BE CAREFUL WITH THAT MATERIAL! I DON’T WANT A DING OR DENT IN ANYTHING!”

At this time, the Contractor had been keeping his distance from Regina, as he knew it would just be trouble for him, and he didn’t have time for any of that. Going over the blueprints with the Architect, he gives out his plans on what they will focus on next, and what to allocate the manpower to, so they can stay on track and NOT get verbally berated. To his misfortune though, he can hear Regina getting much closer in her passionate rage, so he sends the architect off to another part of the site, so he doesn’t need to also suffer through this. “ALAN!! WHERE ARE YOU?” Regina is walking as fast as she can, toting her business casual outfit, skirt instead of pants, with semi-high heels so she can get around faster without fear of tripping. “Alan! There you are! Why are the electricians installing 5 lights in the store room? I specifically asked for 6! Don’t you know how fucking hard it is to see without proper lighting?!” Regina was close enough to Alan for him to smell the bitter scent of animosity and Chanel No. 5. “I’m sorry Mrs.Bitz, we will take care of it soon.” “SOON ISNT GOOD ENOUGH! YOU WILL HAVE SOMEONE FIX IT NOW!!!” She confidently walked away from him after that outburst, not before turning to him with a devilish smile on her face, “Otherwise, you can kiss your payment good bye.” With that, she sauntered away. Alan looked around with a biter face, his crew members looking at him with a bit of fear, wondering what he was going to do. He scratched his bearded face, and turned to Kim, his second in command. “Ok, you listen to me Blondie, gather the group up, we need to set this bitch straight so she understands she can’t just walk over all of us.” The smiled at each other as they planned out their dark deed.”


“AND IT BETTER BE SPARKLING WHEN IT GETS HERE!!” It was now 2 in the afternoon, and Regina was just as fired up as she was this morning, taking charge of the project, as unnecessary as it was. However, now she had felt as though she had gotten everyone on track, on track to meeting her expectations. “Well, it seems you morons have things under control…I’m off to take a little R&R after that long day…so you all better be quiet and not FUCK anything up!” She walked away from them, a little spring in her step as she did. She walked into the guest room, as it was the closet place with a bed. Unfortunately, as she walked it, the bed that was there was gone, replaced with a bed to fit a large doll, most likely for her daughter’s doll collection. Reluctantly, she went over to the bed, and laid down in it, the soft down feathers conforming to her figure. “Dammit…it’s a bit small…I’ll have to have a talk with Samantha, she’s too old for dolls for Pete’s sake,” she thought to herself, letting her legs and feet dangle of the edge of the less than adequate bed. She lifted her feet up and used each foot to remove her size 9 shoes, each making a clacking sound on the wood floor. She scrunched her now freed feet, tired from being cooped up in those tight heels; wiggling her toes and looking at her blue toenails, before returning them to the floor. After a few minutes, she dozed off, sleeping deeper than the blue sea and unfazed by the sound of construction going on in the rest of the house. So deep, she didn’t stir to the sound of angry workers sneaking into the room.~


Some people say that the best way to brighten anyone’s mood, is to get them to smile, or even laugh; putting them in a mindset that’s more jovial and happier. Alan and Kim thought this way the entire time they tied down the sleeping Regina, completely oblivious to her surroundings. They stacked up boxes of material at the foot of her bed, propping her feet up in a make shift wall, and tied her tightly with pink string. When all was said and done, they looked at their work; sure, this will most likely get them fired, but the two workers didn’t care, she was a bitch and deserved this. Alan took the honors of the first stroke, his finger trailing down her left sole. Regina’s foot twitched in response and elicited a sleepy giggle from it. Alan and Kim smiled devilishly as she repeated the movement on the right sole, getting the same reaction. They both attacked with the same move a few more times, until Regina started to come to through her sleep, her unconsciousness screaming at her to wake up and find out what was torturing her body. As she woke, she tried to move, but couldn’t move any part of her body up from the bed. She snapped out of it and looked around, seeing herself wrapped down in pink rope, with her legs going straight into a wall of boxes, which she tried to kick out of in vain. “W-WHAT IS GOING ON HER?!” She got no verbal answer, but rather a physical one, as she felt two fingers going down her soles. “NOOOOHOOOHOOO WHAT THE FUHAHAHAHACK??” Regina hated tickling, she was always pinned down by her older brother and sister, who tickled the daylights out of her when they were younger. Just simple nail drags caused her to through a fit, her body trying to break free from the slow but repeated movement down her arches, her toes scrunching in vain hopes of some soft of relief. Alan and Kim where as happy as could be, not so much as Regina of course. The started to play more with her feet, getting into the valleys created by the wrinkles, methodically getting into each one as to not leave any out. As Alan moved to focus on her arch, Kim went up to Regina’s toes, using her finger to tease both her scrunched toe and the top of her foot at the same time, them being so close. Wanting to test her victim, Kim pulled back the toes, using her nails to dig into the sensitive skin. Regina in response to the two of them, was screaming now, tensing up her whole body, trying to brace herself for the unpredictable tickling, waving her feet any way she can. “What’s the matter Regina? No harsh words? No threats? This seems very out of character for you,” Alan said to his victim, arrogance in his voice and scratching her heels. “It’s amazing how someone so loud and strong willed can be taken done to something so pathetic, and just from a wittle bit of the tiggles, koochi koochi!” Kim teases, using both hands to assault the slender foot under her nails. “YOUHOOO ASSSHOOHOHOHOHLES!!! I’LL KIHIHIHIL YOUHOHOHOHO!!!” Tears were now forming in her eyes, trying not to panic, its just tickling she thought to herself, it will stop. Easier thought of than experienced, because she wanted it to stop now! “Don’t worry Regina, my crew will be able to stay on track, everything will get done. But Kim and I will be tending to you, and heck, maybe some of the crew will come in and join us!” The tickling stopped, but in its stead, something else assaulted her soles. Kim and Alan leaned in, and starting licking her feet, lubing them up. They both kissed all over, moving up to her toes to suck each one. Regina was in a mixed place of both pleasure and agony. On one hand, the tickling resulted in her feet being sensitive to all touch, so the tongues just tickled like crazy. On the other hand, their tongues swirling around each digit was not an unfamiliar experience, Walter being the one that usually does this sort of thing. Of course, she didn’t want those two fuckers to know, so she just screamed like it wasn’t turning her on. Kim stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Alan to lickle one foot, and tickle the other. A few agonizing minutes later, she came back with a drill with some feathers on the end of the bit, rather than a standard drill bit. “Move over Alan, I want to see how she reacts to this! Also, I brought a few others with me, you all can get her up top, these feet are all mine!” Regina just sat there in a hysterical mess, cursing herself for being such an ass to these people, she was so going to fire their asses…hell, maybe sue. A crowd of male and female workers crowded around her body, looking down at her, waiting for Kim to give the signal. Regina sat for what felt like hours, waiting in despair to see what Kim was going to do. She didn’t have to wait for long, as she heard a drill spin up, freaking her out. The furiously spinning feathers contacted her soles, and she almost bucked out of the bondage she was in, screaming at the new sensation. That’s all the sign the rest of the group needed, all seven of them began to tickle her. Under and over her knees, squeezing her thighs, poking her belly, spidering her ribs, digging into her pits, and tracing her neck. No part of the woman was safe, and she knew it. She was laughing, she was crying, and she was turned on. She could only sit there and take it, hoping the rest of the crew would finish the job and these assholes could go and fuck off to court and jail. Alan leaned in close to her ear, a smile on his face, “I hope you’ll think next time before you treat other people like shit, you bitch. Don’t worry, we will make sure to make an impression on you.”


Who knows how long she was there, it felt like days, mainly because there weren’t any clocks Regina could look at, or any windows she could look out of. Not that it mattered, it wouldn’t have stopped the tickling. The rest of the crew had left, and only Alan and Kim remained. Kim was only wearing her work vest, hat, and some panties, her blonde hair in a ponytail, obvious having too much fun in this scenario. Alan wasn’t any better. Regina was wearing the same clothes, but they were soaked with sweat. Thank goodness she didn’t have any fluids in her because they would have been out at this point. “Well Regina, I think you learned your lesson…But for posterity, Kim, grab the drill and pose, I want to remember this.” Alan snapped a pic, so they all could remember this horrible situation for Mrs.Bitz. “Don’t you worry sweetcakes, if you want, Alan and I could always come back and further your lessons,” Kim said, planting a kiss on her toys soles, “Just act like a stuck-up bitch again and we will be right back to play with you.” The two of them got up and gathered their stuff, turning to leave that room. “Don’t worry, we’ll leave the door open and the light on so one of your maids or butlers can find you…hopefully you treat them better than you do us and they let you go…” Alan smiled and left, Kim flickered the light just to taunt the helpless woman, “Your staff should have no problem, since they are the most experienced with taking out the trash.” Regina just sat there, tired and horrified, a bit giggly too. Never again would she mistreat anyone, this was too much for her to handle. She was just stuck in the bed, hot and bothered and in need of release. “Lord…I really need Walter to do this to me…”


This story was written by a good and talented friend of mine, Freetzo. If you haven't already please check him out. He's been nothing but great.






So happy to have written it! Thanks for the opportunity!