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Two clowns and a monstrosity, empires have been built by less🤣


Yup, I agree. She's nucking futs.

Brandon Tracy-Hurst

Glad you point out Daenerys being crazy. Her fans can never admit it.


Great reaction👍 It’s always good to turn up your brightness on the screen a bit. Lots of dark castle and night scenes from here on out. Season 8 is the worst for dark scenes those you will need more brightness adjustments for sure.


Awesome reaction, as usual. BTW Ollie, the boy who was hung, didn't just stab Jon Snow in the heart. He was also responsible for putting an arrow through the woman Jon Snow had loved.


personally, sansa is one of my favorites, i have a tattoo dedicated specifically to her. arya appeals to a wider audience bc she defies the norm for females in this situation. she’s just badass. however, sansa conforms more to what society expects women and girls to be like. what appeals to me about sansa is that she is like so many young girls even in modern days. she was naïve and trusting and a bit of a brat. but she comes into her own being badass in a different way than arya. she is forced to use her courtesy as armor just like she does with being ladylike. i personally sympathize with being in these abusive situations and not completely being able to fight with mean words and physical attacks. she and arya are both strong in their own ways and i love them both as if they were my daughters. i hope i explained why i like sansa a lot well!


I don't hate Sansa but I can't really relate to her like that. Maybe it is What you explained, she's more 'feminine' and my autistic brain can't understand that as easily as I relate with Arya. But I'm interested in Sansa's story still.


i completely understand. i guess my autism is different bc i’ve always felt like the way i approach situations is trying to be as nice as possible and things. sansa sort of does that but with subtle insults a lot of times, which i really wish i could do.


Autism and Asperger's specifically presents itself in different ways in females also, women tend to mask it and learn social cues much better than men can (generally). It still takes a toll. Correct me if I'm mistaken. But your explanation did help me understand better why I can't maybe relate to Sansa that much and I truly appreciate your thoughtful insight.


oh yes i agree 100% that it’s different depending on gender. i’ve always been classified as “high functioning” when that’s mostly because i’ve felt almost more pressured to be neurotypical than autistic men in my family. so yeah that’s part of why i respect sansa she has learned to mask things incredibly well, whether she is considered autistic or not!


You should check out jeepers creepers. Alot of practical affects, movie I think but would love


I kinda hate the actor who plays Loras Tyrell, he pretty much single handedly ruined the Netflix Marvel shows.


Thats like your opinion man. Dare Devil was so good that its coming back. Jessica Jones was awesome, Luke Cage was dope af. It all fell apart with Iron Fist because that actor never showed up to fight practice so he was horrible in action scenes even though the character he played was meant to be the greatest martial artist of all time. And next time consider not opening your mouth. Either say something meaningful or nothing at all.

Guy from the 80's

It’s not like the comment i replied to was meaningful. I’m free to disagree with you as much as I’d like. This isn’t your echo chamber.


I didn't say you couldn't. Just try to rub two braincells together and come up with a coherent thought.


I'm only challenging you to do better if your gonna be a hater at least put in some effort. I say this with all the love and compassion in the world.

Guy from the 80's

I'm not being a hater. You made a comment claiming that ONE actor ruined the Netflix Marvel shows, and I simply replied that you were wrong. That was enough for you to go all authoritarian, and that's why we are having this conversation.