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Convulsion Gaming

So the doom was absolutely the culmination of 14 volcanoes erupting at once. The valyrians used blood and fire magic to keep the volcanoes at bay and to keep them from erupting as they mined them. The theory is that the faceless men were hired by the slaves to kill the mages which in turn caused the volcanoes to erupt. Bravos was created by former slaves of old valyria long b4 doom. There is several theories that cersi and jamie are actually the mad kings children and until we get the rest of the books we will never know but in the books Cersi is often referred to in similar terms as the mad king and when lannisters are described they always have emerald eyes but cersi I referred as green as wildfire. Cersi is absolutely insane and runs off of pure emotion. She gets mad or scared and she retaliates not thinking about the consequences believing she is untouchable as queen. And when it comes to varys and littlefinger littlefinger absolutely has more power than varys everything that has happened in this show was started by littlefinger. Him and lyza killed her husband and blamed it on the lannisters starting a war between the lannisters and starks he married lyza and got control of the vail. His main goal has always been to get the throne and he knows what he needs to do to try and make that possible and will do anything to achieve it. Varys has his spies yes but that's all they are is spies littlefinger has actual power not to mention he can still father children which already makes him more powerful than varys by westerosie tradition. Greyscale is passed by direct contact with the infected area or in the princesses case a doll so no jorrah is not extremely contagious just that particular spot on his arm is, and what happens is it slowly tlcovers the entire body and eventually into the brain which causes them to go mad like the stone men seen in this episode. If u are ever confused by the lore there are several videos that explain the lore season by season so it doesn't spoil upcoming seasons and episodes.

David Nettles

Now that you’re more familiar with Tyrion, look back to the James Bond/Austin Powers ERB and one of the Connery Bond lines will shine in a new light lol. “I’m an extraordinary gentleman, I’m distinguished. If they want a mini me, they’ll have to cast Peter Dinklage.” That line was specifically about this character


that scene with stannis and shireen almost makes me cry. so the sand snake that ran up to ellaria and embraced her was her and oberyn’s daughter, but the other two (nymeria and obara) are oberyn’s children with other women! it’s not clarified well in the show. i hate that barristan and the unsullied were taken out so easily too. i understand daenerys doing that to the masters and the great families. it was one man that in all reality probably did have something to do with it. i understand that they are men, but they were also slavers. i don’t care what happens to slavers personally. most of the time i agree with her actions even now, but i didn’t agree with her executing that man that killed the son of the harpy without her leave a few episodes ago. i understand that just as i do now except i think she was right in this i feel no sympathy for that man. i love that you smiled at stannis correcting bowen marsh by saying “fewer” instead of “less.” it’s super funny to me. it’s really hard to not feel bad for theon during the dinner scene. the story about how ramsay was conceived is AWFUL. roose did this bc he wanted to claim “the lords right to the first night” which gives their lord a common woman’s maidenhead before her new husband can claim it. this was banned but obviously roose does not care. no wonder ramsay is so fucked up. i like ramsay bolton because he is actually interesting unlike joffrey and the actor does such an outstanding job. i also LOVE lady walda frey-bolton, can’t explain it but i do. it’s winter because they are super up north, the north even gets snow in summer!


so sorry for the long comment but sometimes i have a lot to say!


I like long comments, I particularly enjoy reading all the thoughts and the explanations you guys give me.


i appreciate that so much! just don’t want to annoy anyone :)

Maggie Jordan

My goodness, you are very perceptive, aren’t you?


Can't help it. My Asperger's makes me focus a lot on details and 90% of the time is completely useless but I'll still remember


It's so interesting watching this show with someone who is incredibly open minded in the way the story is taking them. What I've learned is that you do not make predictions, you immerse yourself in every minute you're watching. That is definitely how this show should be consumed. Watching it as it was released from the start really messed with my head because all I could think about was the next episode and what we could potentially see


Appreciate your words. I can't imagine having to wait a week or a year for the next episode


Oh bro you can't even imagine! because the cliffhangers in most of the episodes are CRAZY so I was itching for the next episode every time

Jay Owin

I think the unsullied were more easily taken out because the other people know the area and used stealth and numbers to force the unsullied into managable battles and slowly gnaw at their ranks. Kind of like a flash mob. They can hide in plain sight and then ambush at a predetermined time and place.

Shawn Leaf

Just wait till you finish the series, and come revisit this moment, this transition... I figured out of through context clues further into the series than now, but I also didn't know enough about cinematography to pick up the more subtle clue like you. My art lies in the story telling, where as yours seems to be with how the story is told. I asked my kids and family all the time but guessing endings about a quarter of the way through. I'm starting to see the same trait in you as we watch more movies and such together. As always, great reaction. Love the details you pick up on that went unnoticed when u watched this by myself. Showed me how much more heat the writing and directing were.

Phill Millennial

@47:45 Sons of the Harpy are a grassroots, salt-of-the-earth, guerrilla warfare cult. They can attack and pick at a smaller band of Unsullied, then disappear without a trace - much akin to Hannibal of Carthage against the Romans. Their whole shtick is hiding among the people and *being* the people - which means, unfortunately for the Unsullied, that they are the antithesis for an invading force. The Unsullied are excellent warriors and warfighters - they aren't trained police, and they have next to zero people-reading, empathy-reliant skills. Think about what just happened, and what we've seen so far! The Unsullied couldn't find people that were hiding in the most basic of hiding places a few episodes ago. They have eternally been horrendous at reading a room, or at using any kind of cunning and wit. They don't place any value on their own lives. They don't trust anybody, but they have never been taught to take that distrust and make any executive decisions; when the woman was crying and pointing at where she said the Sons of the Harpy went, they took her at her word and never assumed to even entertain the thought that maybe she was lying and they were headed into an ambush. There is a lot of crap that I will give them, but I will give it to the show writers in that they nailed, "Show, don't tell.", when it comes to the character of the Unsullied as a whole.


Mr Boyd, the next few episodes left this into Season 5 are great. But Season 6 is greater!!! Stay tuned! Can't wait for this week's two reactions. It's getting spicy and we think you'll be further intrigued!

Nicholas Johnson

Nobody likes Ramsey Bolton.....nobody.