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Great reaction. This is the remastered version of the movie, so most of the modern looking CG scenes were done in the early 2000's I believe.

David Melo

It's ok to feel as if you have missed something, after all, the title lets you know that this is Episode 4 of a much larger story. There's three trilogies in what they call the Skywalker Saga. Episodes 4, 5, 6 (The Original Trilogy) (1977-1983) Episodes 1, 2, 3 (The Prequel Trilogy) (1999-2005) Episodes 7, 8, 9 (The Sequel Trilogy) (2015-2019) + Rogue 1 (2016) I think specifically with Episode 4, what keeps people coming back to it and getting swept up is the classic Hero's Journey or the monomyth tropes that are the core of many stories since the beginning of time.

Matthew Langley

The Expanse, Farscape, and Stargate is my holy trinity of TV Shows. Don't get me wrong, love all the others too like Star Trek, Firefly, etc. Though when it comes to full universes Star Wars is amazing. Especially love the Knights of the Old Republic games, The Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian etc tv shows.

Molly McAllister

When you were asking about, "What is the purpose of these robots, who are they to her(leia?), who are they to him (vader?)... I... I thought it was pretty obvious in-context. The opening crawl said the rebels (who Leia is obviously working for) found the plans to the Galactic Empire(who Vader is obviously working for)'s ultimate weapon. Vader was interested in 'The Plans' and was looking to search Leia's ship stem-to-stern to find and secure them. We see Leia slip something, obviously some kind of hard-media, into R2-D2 (the blue/white trashcan) under it's main optical lens. I don't know how you couldn't interpret that as her loading the plans onto the droid and then having the droid shoot it'sself out of the ship in the escape pod. Vader himself said, "They launched an escape pod and there were no life-signs aboard? Obviously they loaded the plans onto it somehow." I... I just... Help me out here, how was this not obvious? Do movies nowadays just not do foreshadowing like they did in 1977 anymore?

matt Henning

The scene where you commented on the special effects and how they did't look 70's tech , was because that scene wasn't in the original. It was added later . Lucas went back after he developed the technology and added some scenes . originally, this was just Star Wars. Lucas went on to develop the special effects we see today in many other movies.

matt Henning

Dude , you can't look in sci fi and try and put Earth tech and compare with other technologies. It may not be electric. those guys could have been cooling the engines until lift off. they could have been un plugging the electric wires. The could be mixing water and milk for some new power source. Dont think that hard. NO LORE...It was all built from here. Sometimes they build backwards. Empire Strikes back will answer questions.

David Nettles

I think the ships are powered by crystals. I’m not super into it or well versed in the lore, perhaps someone that is can elaborate on that


George Lucas loved WWII movies and wanted to replicate the pilots getting ready for a bombing run. So, he copied the things done in the WWII movies. For someone not thinking scientifically, it's awesome to see and build the energy of a pre-fight very well. However, to answer your question, they use a variety of power sources, including photon and electrical and ion. Depends on the object and purpose on what they use. (I, myself, prefer to have my character carry an ion blaster in any situation to knock out electronics in an area, including armored suites and droids. But that is during an Star Wars TTRPG game.)

Maryanne Murphy

George Lucas wrote the story, I have the original books. He started at the 4th episode because they came to the conclusion that having the first chapters released the movie would fail because it was mostly laying the foundations of the story and there would not be very much action so, they released IV, V and VI then went to 1 and onwards.


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