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LMAO could you imagine your boy shaking you like that while you're trying to aim your handgun and then he has the audacity to say you missed him 🤣🤣🤣


LONG before The Hunger Games , and MANY like it... On January 19th , 1924 Richard Connell published a little short story called The Most Dangerous Game , about a big game hunter who survives a shipwreck and is hunted for sport by the aristocrat. The 1st film adaptation was in 1932 by R.K.O. Pictures , and is IMO the most faithful to the story. (COOL FACT: the next year 4 of the actors and R.K.O. made a little film you may have heard of called King Kong. ) Made and remade for 100 years this past January. Battle Royale also adds a bit of Lord Of The Flies for "seasoning". BTW , I highly suggest checking out the 1932 film on youtube for free. Only a short 1:06:00 ish. Now , lets watch some Battle Royale with cheese. (See cause they got the metric system in Japan.)


You're talking about The Most Dangerous Game and that's not the same thing. Zaroff was the only hunter and it was more commentary on why humans are the most dangerous animal out there and our never ending thirst for dopaminergic satisfaction and thrill for our own satisfaction and selfishness. Battle Royale delt with the government control over society and how they want conformity and obedience. and then lord of the flies is about how easily power and authority is corrupted and about keeping society and the people in order. I would say they're all 3 very different stories that don't have much in common past very general categories and topics found in action and adventure type stories.