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I feel these days Joe doesn't really wanna have sex with me, well... at least I don't see his effort in trying to spice things up. Maybe he's tired. Maybe I'm overthinking things. I don't know. 😞



Johan Huang

Hahaha.... What kind of lazy sex??? Give him vibrator and plug into his ass

Trevor Hale

I'm sure you're just overthinking things ☺. Spicing things up is great, and definitely should be encouraged! But it can feel like too much work to do those eccentric positions when you're not in the mood for it. Some good 'ol fashioned vanilla sex is all one needs sometimes.

Amanda Lee

Joe is so relatable to me. I'm too lazy to be adventurous anymore.


As long the love is there, sex of any kind is always good!

Jason Tock

Don’t give up Song. The seed is planted. Give Joe a little while to warm up to it. Everything should be okay.

Danny Provencio

Take it easy. You are having sex. A lot of gay couples aren’t having sex with each other at all.


Don't overthink it. You're still getting laid and its still healthy. If you're worried that he is losing interest talk to him about it I'm sure he will be open and honest

Wil Chaney

Paul and I have hit a serious dry spell in bed. I suffered from chronic migraines for decades and only recently found a cure. We need to rekindle our passion. Your problem really isn’t one, IMO.

Oliver Emmitt Smith

Overthinking. As long as you are close and having sex you can add variety slowly.

Dana Tudor

I don t see it as you at all, the fact that simple, lazy sex is enough for him it tells me he is more into you than ever. He doesn t need all the spicy, crazy stuff. It s probably just tiredness or work stress, don t over analize it. Also, am I the only one enjoying lazy sex, what s wrong with it😀🤔

Chris O.

I think it’s a both/and situation. You could be overthinking it a bit and he could indulge some of your ideas too. But as someone who worked for a porn company years ago, I can tell you that the first position you showed him only LOOKS hot. It’s actually super uncomfortable - according to the actors - and not something all that sexy.

Sébastien Godier

Peut-être que tu as des besoins plus accentués et des envies très exotiques.


As many said here love and lazy sex is coooooool too isn't it?? In special occasion sportive a d creative sex are wonderful.....

William Deutsch

Definitely overthinking, enjoy the cuddles & yes, from previous strips you have shared with us, your lovemaking is spicy 👍🏼👍🏼🤓


Looking at the pictures in the examples, as a bottom, my first thought is damn that first one looks really uncomforatable for me. I would be sliding and bent in an awkward way. And the second one my thought goes to, either my arms are going to be exhausted from lifting the person for so long that I'm not going to keep it up or I'm going to be too heavy to be held up for more than 5 minutes. So...I get what he means. Haha


Sometimes going vanilla is spicing it up, as long as there is passion, you have no need for worry

Eduardo Peret

Try vanilla once or twice, then spice things up a little more again. Go smoothly, let him take his time and do things at his own pace

Rood Inverse

Honestly, lazy sex is perfect for a relaxing evening.


Just positive thinkinh song. Maybe he is tired of have some prob in office.

Jorge Suarez

Oh boy! you are overthinking it. Sex and Love are going together but sometimes love prevails, and make more sense later on sex. Just enjoy the time where love is all around.

Adam Lunter

Sometimes it’s best to just keep it simple.