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I lost a lot of patrons yesterday. And when I tell my babe about my frustration, he always remind me that I should see things in a more positive way. 😌




Well, it's true, sometimes I think about how difficult is to be a artist, in my country is SO difficult to work with PayPal or similar, so I had to live in another country :/ Your work is amazing, keep going!


Thank you very much, Jen. I may be overthinking things, but sometimes it's hard to stay positive when there are so much obstacles ahead for an independent artist.


I'm sorry to hear about your patreons but Joe's is right. You do an excellent work and for some of us your comics are the only pinch of a love story in our lives. Don't be sad Song. 😘

Danny Provencio

Am so sorry you lost the patrons. Know you were the beginning of supporting artists like you for me online. Am so proud of you. Watching some of your struggles makes mine so petty. Remember nothing lasts forever but for a time you will have joy. Enjoy the moment tomorrow will take care of itself.

Miguel Gómez Valente

You are grest, Song. Even your self judgement makes part of the special you are. Keep it up, people that you don’t even dream they exist, are touched and feel better thanks to your drawings (not only the technical quality, but also the emotion and message involved in it - that’s why it’s art!). 😘

Sébastien Godier

Ton homme est sage et plein de bons conseils. Et ne t'inquiète pas pour ceux que tu as perdus. Ceux qui restent sont ceux qui te soutiennent et qui aiment ton travail. Et ce n'est pas donné à tout le monde de pouvoir sortir quelque chose quotidiennement ou presque. Ça demande des heures de travail, même si déjà tu as tes bases. Et en même temps, tu travailles sur tes projets et nouveaux albums. Que dire de plus, à part de ce que tu fais est génial, que tu es génial, que votre couple transpire l'amour et le bonheur (même si quelques nuages peuvent apparaître, c'est un prétexte pour une bonne réconciliation). Tu es un artiste à parts entières et personne ne t'arrive à la cheville. À mes yeux, tu es un géant et un génie de la BD, tous genres confondus.


Merci beaucoup, Seb. Tu es vraiment très sympa. 😘

Brian Thougaard

I hope you both know how lucky you are


Some people may have to cut back because of their personal finances. I've had to before too, but never let it get you down or think it's a commentary on your work or worth. Many will be back. These things ebb and flow. *hugs*


That's really sweet. It's great to see him support your work so much

Tim Clements-Levin

Song, please have faith. Think of the stock market. It goes up & down, but staying the course is always the best. I think back to when you were trying to establish your Patreon and it was a rough time and Joe wasn't so supportive and you were having arguments. He's seen your growth and talent and is now totally in your corner, as are us fans who have always enjoyed your work!

Amanda Lee

I'm always envy of others, but sometimes is better to focus on what we do have. Like good health and loves one. I'm not sure what other side project you have, but based on your patrons number, you are definitely a successful one. Keep it up, Song.

Angie Kahler

Joe has a very good point.

Eduardo Peret

Think positive! At this moment you're the only artist I'm supporting on Patreon. I'm so glad to see your posts, even more so now with Brazil going through a conservative, far-right turn in politics. Keep up the good work!


I’m a new patron, starting just now! Keep it up ;)


You know Lolo, Joe is right. Since i have been following you i noticed that you are worrying way to much about your patreons and followers. I know you need the money but dont just focus on that. Do it for the passion that you enjoy posting the comics and so what if you lost patreons, you will get some more back eventually. You need to focus more on the positive and less on the negative. You are a great and REAL guy. I dont want to start getting the feeling that you are just posting and making comics for the benefits. If Joe is ok with what you bring, then dont fret. You are amazing and he is totally right. Keep moving foward Lolo and dont think negative....

Stephanie Martin

He's right! I am practicing all the time to become as good as you and my other favorite artists! You're amazing! I know it's heartbreaking to lose followers and patrons, but there are so many people who still support you and love what you do!


You’ll get new ones. Keep going (also, you’ve not been posting as much recently, maybe they thought you’d stopped?)


Honestly, it’s probably just that Christmas-time is coming up, and people might be wanting to save some money. You’ll get those patrons back after January, I’m sure!


Song... U know... When i finally can apply my own cc, i used it to register as ur patrons first. Dont be sad. I agreed witj ur joe...

Brendan Sumasar

Ups and down Song. Keep your eye on the craft.

Paul Fitz

Just found out that both my partner and I are Patreons of yours. Don’t let the bumps in the road get you down, you’re incredibly talented. We both look forward to what you continue doing, because we’re both continuing as patreons of yours.


We're still here and love you!!!

Kathryn Gynn

Your work is amazing. Absolutely! Joe is right, you’re doing great work ❤️

Sarah Pollock

Too right! Glass half full. A loss of 120 might seem like a lot in one day, but so many of us are still here, still love your work, and are still excited to be backing you, and eagerly await each new post. ❤️


Dude, don't be sad, dont despair! They'll come around, or others will come and support the fun/inspiring/amazing art you're creating! :D

Hoho Chan

I’m still here !! Good work !! ❤️❤️❤️

Jason Tock

I know watching the numbers can hurt, but true fans and supporters aren’t going anywhere.

Gino Ramos

Upped my patronage ;)


Joe is right! I’m one of those artists that wishes I was doing as great as you! ❤️❤️❤️


economy has been bad and general spare cash has dwindle that's why, STAY PUT KEEP POSTING and widen the PRs to attract new ones ! any chance for some crossover or may be product placing (calendar?) as well? ^^


People are saving for the holidays and traveling, I suppose, but if that is the case, then perhaps they will be back afterwards

Maksim Bolonkin

I got my credit card replaced by my bank because of data leakage at one website I'm using it on (I'm suspecting Patreon, cause I don't keep my credit card data on a lot of other sites). This might be the reason why you momentarily lost a lot of supporters (I myself updated my pledge though).


Proud to be a new supporter for your art!

Adam Lunter

Joe, you’re awesome! Thanks for being so supportive. And truth be told, your words are good for even me to live by too. Lolo, your man is all kinds of awesome.


Me and my partner are like Ying and Yang! He’s uber artistic which is amazing and he always impresses me and there is no end to his talents to which il proud of. I think we complement each other very well and true to form opposites attract in many many ways ❤️