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I hate to use the word "victim". But when the government took half of my income away as taxes, I felt like one.

It has been years that I struggled, for people to notice my art. I published books and few people bought it. It's unfair that the day I made money, government just took it away from me. I deserve that money! After discussions, we decide to fight back.

We went to see the advisors in local public finances. We went to consult with the accountant. We tried to find a solution. The advice I got is that, as an individual, there's no way I can reduce my taxes. In order to have the possibility to reduce taxes, I have to start an individual company.

Great... more paperwork. Now I also need to pay for the accountant, and the lawyers, and more paperworks to start a company. Suddenly, it just became... complicated... and not fun.

Everyone involved just looked at my comics like it's a merchandise.

The numbers, the justifications... suddenly it's not about my drawings anymore, it's about banks and numbers and laws and... stuff...

Like I said before, I'm not gonna cry and complain and say this is unfortunate. No! I was fortunate enough to get here, however, I just don't enjoy this situation at all.

It's no fun. After all, it's the life of being an adult. I can handle it. Meanwhile, Instagram started to change too.

With the instagram algorithm changes early this year. Suddenly, I'm not in the favour of Instagram any more. My comics stopped appearing on the Explore page, then it stopped appearing on the feed page of 60% of my subscribers. Suddenly, Instagram had a problem with my drawings, no matter how I censored it, it kept getting reported and deleted. And the comments are getting more and more negative.

I used to love reading comments. I enjoy the feedback and I enjoyed replying back on social media. It felt like... It was not that long ago. But the followers kept increasing and I found myself spending more and more time replying and I had less and less time to draw.

The day when one of my instagram post got 1000 comments, I was stunned.

Remember that Harvey Weinstein post? The comments on that instagram post went crazy. I was called a dickhead, rapist, sexist, all the bad names one could imagine. And I thought I was the gay sweetheart with an edgy sense of humour. Of course, I argued, I replied, I apologised, I said all I could but I'm still being called an asshole.

It really doesn't matter that I have replied nicely to thousands of people in the past. The moment I reply "fuck you, bitch" to a hateful comment full of false accusations, you bet someone's gonna screenshot it and show it to hundreds of people. The hater proudly showed it to everyone saying "See? This is real SongInkollo. A piece of shit with no respect. I have always known who he is and now I have proof!"

After that, I totally lost my interests for replying. But the negativity didn't stop there. Since then, no matter what I post, there's always negative feedbacks. I'm never correct: When I post about having fun on the beach wearing speedos, I'm a gay stereotype. When I post about how uncomfortable I'm on a nude beach, I was being rude to old people. When I talked about sugar in my diet, I'm fat shaming again and spread wrong informations.

And it started to affect my creative works. How would people perceive my comics suddenly weigh on my creation. Suddenly I'm not free to speak my opinion anymore, cause the numbers are going down, and negative comments are going up.

And I find myself spending more time looking at the numbers. I check my instagram statistics every 2 minutes. I become obsessed with my followers count. I'm obsessed with numbers of my Patreon. 

Less followers... Less Patrons... Less income...

Did I mention I dream of owning a house with my boyfriend? Nothing fancy, just maybe a two floors house with a small garden where Joe could plant flowers and I could plant vegetables (different priorities I guess). A small terrace where I could put a table and two chairs so we could have coffee or tea on a sunny day. Maybe we could get a cat... 

We even tried to borrow money from the bank. But no matter how much I earn with Patreon, it is considered "Not a real job" by the banker, thus no way to borrow anything. What if the site Patreon crashed tomorrow, let along the house, I wouldn't even be able to make a living. My anxiety grows as the numbers on my social media statistics are going down.

Ok, I lost 5 patrons yesterday... Oh I lost 10 patrons today...Oh my God... I lost 20 patrons, why...???

The doubt and anxiety starts to cloud my judgement. Should I draw this? Why is this post doing so poorly? Why this reader called me boring? Will this post offend anyone with a different political opinion?

Suddenly, I don't know what to create anymore, cause every idea I have seems to be wrong or not good enough. But one thing is for sure, I know certainly someone's gonna hate what I created with all my heart.

I'm tired. I really am. I have never worked this hard and felt this frustrated in my creative work.

If you paid attention to the details in my drawing, you certainly noticed that I bought a playstation a few months back. I can afford it now, remember?

I have only one game on it. And I still haven't finished the game, cause I have no time to play it.

I'm stressed and I don't know how to deal with it.



I think your art is amazing 😊


Je suis vraiment dĂ©solĂ© de votre situation actuelle. Le gouvernement est tellement archaĂŻque, ils ne savent pas gerer les nouveaux mĂ©tiers d'Internet. Mais n'hĂ©sitent pas a se servir dans les proches de tout le monde. Etre indĂ©pendant en France de nos jours est trĂšs compliquĂ© et ne motive pas a le devenir. Je suit ton travail depuis un petit bout, toujours silencieuse, mais j'apprĂ©cie le partage de votre petit bout de vie. En espĂ©rant que tu continues de nous faire rire. Good luck. 🍀

Amanda Lee

You can't please everyone especially with a huge followers of 100k plus ppl. I suggest that u don't read the comments if is affecting you negatively. I hope things work out on the financial front, I'm no accountant and can't really advice on anything. Stay strong and i wish u all the best of luck and happiness with joe. Btw your post in IG always appears on my feed without fail.


Look not every single comic strip with be golden and not every joke with be a smash hit. I joined your patreon bc I saw you on webtoons and decided you were worthy of my support, so dont look at the patreons you lost look at the ones who stay and the ones who are loyal to you and want to see you succeed as much you do. So dont stress and just relax. Your efforts will be rewarded in due time


I love that you wrote this for the same reason I love your art. You put everything out there, of your relationship, of your life, of how you see things. I laugh at cute things you and your boyfriend do(as well as try to gain insight for when i get a relationship), I’m sad when y’all are sad, and so on. You are the only Patreon artist that i subscribe to and the whole reason i have an account actually. Please don’t despair don’t loose what makes you, you. Also, maybe find a team that really believes in your work, find a mentor that can push you further, and always remember why you are an artist. Lots of love from Texas

Tim Clements-Levin

Song, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I was glad to become one of your man Patreon supporters! BIB was/is fantastic fantasy for me, and I was sorry you stopped working on it, but I've stayed with you as I've enjoyed your & Joe's story. No, I haven't always liked a particular strip here and there, but it's YOUR story and YOUR work, and my opinion doesn't matter. It's only an opinion - it doesn't make it right. THAT is the problem with all those online haters. I VERY seriously doubt they would say the same to your face if you met in person. Too many people these days think their "opinion" is truth. I call them out on their bullshit! They need to keep their opinions to themselves. A favorite phrase I like: "What you think of me is none of MY business." Sending you love and support, Song. A big hug to Joe, too.


I saw your art on IG, and I wanted to support another artist. I enjoy the variety and different aspects of your art and the stories you're telling. I don't know the tax code in France, but can the donations on Patreon be considered gifts? In the states, a person can gift another person up to $10,000 per year, before it gets taxed. I wonder if there is a similar part of your tax code. It might require some restructuring. I really appreciate your art and creativity, and I want to continue to support it. Remember some people are just jerks, and it's more a reflection of them than you.


Hey song, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I started following you because I love your art and feel you bring something fresh to the table. There are many things people can say, that is a stereotype, that you're doing this or that, but it didn't matter. I love your work because you are sharing pieces of your real life, both good and bad. Don't forget it is YOUR life, so no one has the right to tell you how to live. Also, try not to live your life for the numbers. It is really easy to get sucked in to what numbers show up at the top of your profile say, but bottom line... That isn't a true measure of your worth. I am an artist as well and I understand having creative block, especially when it feels like the world is falling down in you. It's okay not to be ok sometimes. Just take your time and get back up. Take some time for you and find yourself and the reason why you love art again ❀ You deserve it. You're an amazing artist and you are loved. I hope it all works out in the best way possible. If you need a sympathetic ear, I'm @tomorrowsmystery on insta.

Jan Paiva

I'm not very good on putting my thoughts into words... But I wish I could give a hug now and thank you for the many moments you made me laugh about my daily life with my partner and how you made us feel good with your art. Don't let the negativity or the world bring you down.


this is just a setback. you will get back up. next time you will know that every income, regardless where it comes from, will be taxed, and you will be prepared. your patreon is successful, so maybe find other ways of making the same comics into money? think about a kickstarter for a book of your comics, doesnt have to be a big one, write to gay magazines if they can feature you from time to time, even german ones, english ones, which will give you more of an audience. or ask if people want comissions from you for an amount of money which you would be willing to work for.


Don’t listen to negative asshole! Also I think you need a hug and take a step back because sure you have “haters” but haters are always gonna hater and find every little thing to hater about but you also have people that love your art and you! I for one think you art is amazing and also you and your boyfriend are adorable! Your comic give me hope that one day I’ll find “the one” (if that happens) but not a lot of comics can do nowadays. Your an amazing person and artist so don’t give up! You made it this far!


Yeah thats the downside of "fame". People are very fickle. I have some of your books. Your work is very beautiful. Dont let the negative comments get to you. You cant please everyone. It is your life and you know your worth. To your fans, you are worth the time and money. Focus on this aspect. Dont let the naysayers win.


I’m so sad to read this. I can completely empathize with your struggles financially and artistically. As an opera singer, I am also a freelance, contracted worker and don’t have taxes automatically taken out of my payment. After this past year paying taxes, I am now anxious about how much I will owe since my teaching studio is growing and am getting more performing gigs. As an artist, especially as one who has had a lot of struggle in the beginning with my voice, I am now dealing with some former peers, who are envious of my success, spreading gossip about my professional endeavors. It’s hurtful, especially when you put yourself out there in a super vulnerable way like that. That being said, I just want to say how much I enjoy your art and look forward to the updates. I found your art a few months ago, and loved how it celebrated the life of a gay man (I am also gay) in all its facets. Your art inspires me.


Your situation feels the same for me as what happened to PewDiePie early this year. I saw on twitter you were watching some of these videos, and I hope you did watch those where he is doing real talk with his fan ( the last one for example ), because everything he says about handling fame, how creators are feeling more and more depressed are what is happening right now to you and it makes me feel really bad that you have the same type of struggle. Inkollo there is one thing you must remember, you worked really hard to get there. Remember that some of your fans have been inspired by your comics, you inspired me! I've been following you for almost 2 years and you helped me understand that being gay is not a problem anymore that you could live as a gay couple today, thanks to you I did my coming out to my friends and it all want quite well even though there is still much people I have to tell, I'm starting to be proud of what I am. So remember that your comics did something and helped some people like me to be proud of what they are. I am now able to support your comics and I will support you as long as I can because I feel that you deserve it, you helped me and maybe more people. Pense Ă  toi et Ă  Joe c'est le plus important, je vous envoie de l'amour de la CorrĂšze đŸŒˆâ€ïžâ€ïž

Alexis Mobley

The struggle, as they say, is real. I’ve been where you are, sorta. Except I never was brave enough to eschew traditional methods of employment. I’ve always kept a steady job while shoving my artistic pursuits in a corner. It wasn’t so much that I wasn’t being creative - the job I had had me creating everyday, but I was really just solving the same puzzle over and over again. I wasn’t interacting with other creative people as I should, and everything became so myopic that, even when I had more creative freedom, I was too burnt out to be expansive. I ended up getting let go, and during the first month or so of my employment, I didn’t even look at my computer crosseyed - I was just too sick of it. I’m at the point now where I’m excited about being creative again, and my new job is a lot less stressful and not so creative, so I’m not exhausted. Point blank, be kind to yourself and your talent. It’s ok to put the pencil down for a second to center yourself.


I am so sorry. We are all here if you need help or want to talk. We will listen. We will try to help.

Oliver Emmitt Smith

I for one love your work and am proud of supporting you. It makes me feel special to know I am supporting someone so creative and a positive influence in the world, especially gay relationships. I see a lot of me and my husband in your work. I have commented a few times and you have responded!! It is hard for me to believe you do this with so many comments. I understand your desire to comment but also understand the time it must take. The reason I mention this is how special it makes me feel when you do reply. While I do not know you, it makes me feel we have a connection and that I know someone in France just as you are aware of someone in Savannah, Ga, USA. You have to do what makes you happy. Just know there are people who respect you and truly enjoy your art. Thanks for being part of my world.


Stay strong. I'm your loyal fan.

Michele McMahon

I won't fill you with platitudes. As nice as they might be to hear, they aren't really helpful to you. I'm a follower, not a creator, so I can only imagine how disheartening all of this is for you. I do want to say this: I love your work. I love how you let a bunch of strangers in and show us parts of your life with Joe. And I hate that despite all of your hard work you seem to be getting bit in the ass (and not in the fun-sexy-times way). More than anything, I want you and Joe to be happy. You deserve to be happy. I want you to enjoy being an artist, because that is a part of you. Maybe you need to step back for a minute and just find your happy energy again. If you can't find the energy or inclination to draw because of the stress of all the outside pressures, then don't... step back. None of us who truly enjoy what you give to us will fault you for it. You will never find a resolution for haters. They will always exist, no matter who you are, where you go, or what you do. They are evil little monkeys and their only joy in life is bringing other people down so they can feel bigger than what they are. With that being said, I hope those of us who love and support you will overshadow their negativity. Whatever resolution you need to make so that you are less stressed, we will support you. If you need to take a break to work things out with the taxes, and find ways around IG stupidity, do so with blessings. I, for one, will be waiting with open arms to welcome you back. Do what you need to do, but know that you are loved. **BIG HUG**


It sounds like you need a break, I would hope that your patrons understand that you have a life outside of your work and won't leave you if you do take one. Those Internet idiots will always try to pull you down, but only because they want you down at their level. I really hope you feel better soon! Your work is much loved, please try not to forget that <3


Remember all of us that love you and support you. Dont let the negativity take over. Like you said there's always going to be haters. You just cant let them get to you. You are loved and admired by many. Dont ever forget that!!!❀

Marc Guo

Hello Song, I would not to say anything to comfort you. This is the real life, remember? Like, In French, you guys like to say "C'est la vie". You are pissed off by the taxes and negative comments, but please remember the good side, you have more incomes than before. I guess all the problems are the side effects as well. Therefore try to embrace and solve them. In Chinese, we have a joke for this situation. "Life is like a raper. If you cannot bear it, try to enjoy it". I know it's not very appropriate, but i think it's a good attitude at least.

Eduardo Peret

Did you hear that Demi Lovato went to the hospital because of a suspected overdose? Yesterday I watched, stunned, as hundreds of people manifested their hatred for her on Twitter and Facebook. Celebrities suffer backlashes all the time. Be it because of envy, homophobia or any other stupid reason, famous people receive negative comments, unprovoked attacks and even threats. If anything, this should be a sign that their fame is bothering people. And when it comes for LGBT artists, the hatred is even more apparent. Don't let these attacks let you down! You are a winner! You have come so far! You can go even further, you can reach the stars! We are by your side! Rest assured that you have thousands of fans all over the world. We love you and we are here for you. Be proud! Be happy! ❀


What I wanted to say, have already been said by multiple people. But I wanted you to know that I love your comic and your art style, your content is very relatable to a huge gay geek like me. I hope you could rise above the negativity that comes with the internet. Don't worry about your content, we all came here and support you because we love the things you do.

Danny Provencio

Please don’t give up. Being politically correct is one of the hardest things to be. Of all the guys am patron to you were the first and of all you would be the last one to drop. Banks are looking for steady income like actors you have to prove you can bring in a steady income year after year can save money and pay taxes. Welcome to being a grownup.


I love your work, Song. I hope you continue to draw and do what you love to do. I think it may help to consider merchandizing specific comics, images, and sketches. They can be ones you’ve shared via Patreon, or ones you create specifically to sell. This is how many artists make a living in the US. Start creating products with an online print store where others can buy shirts, bags, and whatever else with *your* designs on it. Sites like Society6 allow you to upload images and only takes 10% in royalties at most. And you still maintain the right’s to the images. Let your images do more for you. Aside from that, don’t get caught up in the haters on IG or in the comments. There will always be someone that doesn’t like something about the work you do. The best thing you can do is ignore the hate and keep creating and expanding your work into other things. That hater isn’t paying your bills, so pay him/her no mind. Keep your head up! You are a beloved artist to so many fans around the world. Don’t give up hope.


My friend, I hear you. The only advice I have - unsolicited! - is the same I use for all online articles: ‘never read the comments!’ Or, at least, assume that even your good energy, when grown larger and better-known, attracts crazy energy from internetville, where some people always have to nitpick or know better or feel terribly offended quickly. Let it all recede, and stay with your art. The ‘incorporation’ bit: exactly what a number of artists I know have chosen — not because they’re evil corporatists, but because it is a good, thoughtful way to protect their creative space in a world that has always been avaricious, stupid, and clumsy in its mechanisms. Do not fear! Keep going! You’re doing good stuff!


Hey Song!


I'm so sorry you're encounting such ignorance and hatred. If I may offer some advice, RuPaul has said many times,"Unless they're paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind." If it helps you, the people on Instagram are probably not your paying fans. Pay attention to the love you're getting here on Patreon because we are the ones who love you and support you. There are always going to be haters and those haters believe they have a stronger voice veiled behind their anonymity. You keep doing what you are doing. On a side note, how does France view Art? You mentioned their taxes view your comics as a commodity but would they feel the same if it was in a different medium like a canvas or a fresco? If so, how would the tax rate change? It sounds to me like France's tax structure delegitimizes your art because of the medium.


I'm so sorry to knew what u feel. And i feel u boo. But keep ur head high. U know, me and some my friends which is i openly my sexuality, praised ur hard work. I borrow my friend credit card so i can be ur patron till i got mine last december... Please dont loose ur self. Drawing is ur passion. Justvtake a break from ur daily activity. Why some negative people trying to brough u down.? Because they all jealous for ur success. So, dump them in the mud. They not worth ur attention. Keep drawing ur daily life. Thats amazing and really really relevant in not just my life but many ur patrons too. I hug u far from Indonesia by pray. Hope u will rise up soon boo.. Love 😘😘😘😘


Hmm... perhaps try mindfulness exercises? Not be connected to any electronic device for at least an hour every day and use that time to meditate or relaxation exercises? Hope you feel better and get out of your creative funk!

Yu-Chiang Hsu

I think that every post has been well chosen and drawn, maybe those so called negative posts we're pretty fun too (I might need more of those). Thank you for being here.


Don't give up 😘


I’m really concerned about you. You know? Sometimes when you see the creations of an artist, you’re pretty sure that this person has a wonderful and problemless life. And now I’m finding that there’s no such thing. I really appreciate your art. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You make my life as a partnered gay man an easy and fun one. Because we share similar experiences. Don’t give up. It’s hard to be an adult. It’s hard to realize that for some people we’re not more than numbers and money. You’re a great artist. Don’t forget that. And keep on fight for your dreams. It took me almost 20 years to start paying for my own house, now I’m 40, and my government take almost half of my payment every year. I got two jobs so we can live in a decent way. I send you a big hug. And hope you can find your light and get off of all these negative situations. I know you can do it.


You are an artist and therefore subject to criticism, but you don’t have to accept it from everyone. Stop reading comments and for sure stop replying! Find a handful of artists similar to you and only accept criticism from them. You can’t accept artistic feedback from any regular joe blow. I really look forward every day to your drawings. I didn’t even know you were on IG. I will join you on there!

SĂ©bastien Godier

Hey Song Ne te laisse pas abattre, on peut toujours trouver des solutions. 2018 est une année blanche pour les impÎts. Ils ne pourront rien faire, sauf en 2019 avec le prélÚvement à la source. L'état français est un pays de pourris et de corrompus dans les plus hautes instances gouvernementales, on en voit actuellement un exemple aux actualités. Et les haineux qui dénigrent ton art, ils sont jaloux et incapables de faire ce que tu fais. Je te soutiens et tous tes patreons qui restent te soutiendront aussi. Je ne veux pas que tu disparaisses. S'il faut compléter avec la TVA, Je n'hésiterai pas à te soutenir là-dessus. Ce que je trouve injuste, c'est l'impÎt sur le revenu qui te bouffe plus qu'un salarié normal. Je ne peux dire qu'une chose certaine, nous t'aimons, nous vous aimons et nous vous soutenons.

Antolin Aler

Love you Song. Your my favorite webcomic out there. "Fuck the Haters" is easy to say but they will always be there, trying to bring you down to their trolling level. And yes Instagram aka Facebook extension fucked up everything with their Algorithms. I was so happy to have find you prior to changes. Please take a break if you need to. Look at what Katya of RPDR had done, she needed mental break this year. Please know I love your art work. You and Joe are the Best

Hamish McColm

I love and appreciate your honesty. Sexy honesty is all I expect from your art. I’m sorry about the financial stress though


Sorry, but - I could be your father - you have to react differently. You are young, handsome, skilled, in love with a wonderful guy ... it is absurd you don’t realize how lucky you are. So, please stop with this drama queen stuff and go to work (hard words, but said with empathy, son ;-) )

Hoho Chan

I love your work ! I don’t always agree with what you say, but I hope that I’m courteous / sensitive enough to voice my view politely ... As everyone is saying, if you need to take a break, go ahead, we’ll be here waiting for you when you come back ... ❀ and đŸ€—


Fuck them! Now people care more about political correctness than the truth. I love your work because it tells your life with honesty, and gives me strength and remembers me the special aspects of being gay. Please don’t stop being honest, don’t stop of being an artist. Hope you get some rest and get ready to keep walking, l love your work and I love your humor. Love.

Wiliam Kibler

You are one of the most gifted artists on the web. I love your comics and find your ideas fun and exciting. I hope you will not give up. I am heartbroken to read of your difficulties with the government (taxes) and your rude "fans". I've enjoyed all your comics, from the silly to the risque. You're an amazing talent who deserves a huge audience. I hope and wish for only good things to come your way in the future. XO


I’ve been one of your fans for years, long before I started subscribing to your Patreon account. I hope that you are only tired IN your work, not tired of it. You are creative, talented and create great work! Take a break to recharge and take care of yourself and Joe. We will be here. đŸ˜ŠđŸ€—â€ïž

Maksim Bolonkin

Please don't stop drawing! You and Joe are one of the few reminders that there's hope in finding a loving partner and be happy with personal life. And please don't be discouraged by haters - unfortunately that is the inevitable companion of success. The better your work is, the more people like it - the more haters you gonna get No matter how politically correct you are, someone will find something to blame you for.. I really hope you can get through those troubles with taxes and stupid instagram policies (maybe you can find someone trustworthy who could run your paperwork and all business background for you). maybe you can even publish a book of your comics (like Husband&Husband did). And whenever you feel down and doubtful about your work, please remember that there're tons of people for whom you make life better and more bright with showing them how happy you can be when in love with someone. Actually you are the first artist I ever sincerely wanted and started to support (even though I'm not making a cashloads of money). Best wishes!


I’m so sorry to hear all of this. I love you and your work so much. I love your stylistic choices, I feel like you’re fun and free. Most importantly though, you’re so vulnerable and transparent in your work; a quality that most people do not have. I LOVE your comic strips, they remind me so much of my relationship down to the bone on every level: Flirting, sex, arguing, agreements and disagreements. I connect to your art and story on a personable level and because of that, I will always be a devoted Patreon. I’ll be increasing my pledge soon, because your work matters to me and a plethora of others 💕

Bryan Langley

You are learning a harsh lesson when it comes to followers. Don't respond to the negative comments, it only feeds them. I love your work!

Kaye Wairau

We as your patreons love you and the drawings you do hence our support 😚😋 but yes there will always be negative with the positive comments focus on the postivies take time out and have a break when you need too! We will still be here for you! Stay stong much love đŸ˜šâ€đŸ‘


I love your work! Artists express themselves through their work...true art admirers understand that. Take a break and refocus on what YOU love to draw, and do THAT! You will have fans, regardless. You will also have critics, we all will, so try and keep your focus on what you enjoy because there are plenty of us out there who enjoy it right along with you!! ❀


Hey Song. I normally don't leave comments but I felt this would be better than just a heart. Your stuff has been amazing to see, it has been real with some humor and depth. Even my husband takes the time to enjoy your work since it makes is smile. This should be fun for you, make you just as happy as us. I do my own comics and art so I know that it's hard to watch what you struggle to earn get taken away and the comments to just drag you down. I know it helps me to actually have my friend look at comments with me to weed through the negativity and find out where a response or just a like is best. I wish you all the happiness possible as you work through figuring out what you want to do, what route you will go and what will make you happiest.

Afan Huang

Just go have a vacation with Joe. Like 1 month relaxing vacation. I won’t leave or stop support you just because you need a break or vacation. :)


Dude you cant please everyone. Everyone is so sensitive nowadays that you cant even sneeze without hurting someones feelings. JUST DO YOU YOU! Negative comments read them if you want but and at the end of it all the stupid people that take time out of their pathetic lives to say hurtful shit are only making you more relevant! Keep pushing bitch!


I'm here for you guys. If I lived in France I'd help you with income and let you live at my place for free. I love you guys.


The darkest hour is just before the dawn 🙂

Inna Gerber

I believe this is the reality of a working artist. You have to deal with it becoming a business venture, as well. One of the best examples of someone who truly believed his art was a message and a commodity was Keith Haring. You need to focus on your art. Someone will love it, some will hate it. It’s difficult not to take it personally. Breathe. Don’t stop believing in yourself. Ask Joe to hold you. Just keep going. Don’t give up.

Josh Evans

Song! As someone who lives in America, and someone who's deeply involved in foreign policy I can't tell you how much I empathize. It is tough, I don't know you personally, but through your comics I feel that your work has become a part of my life. If someone is leaving your patreon, they're not worth of your art. You are a good person, a great artist, and your work brings hope, at the very least to me. Your work makes a difference!!! People are idiots, and there's always going to bitch about something and be offended about the other. You be you! With your great attributes and with your faults, that's who makes you who you are and most importantly, the person we've come to appreciate. They say that from the mouths comes the evil within. Let them poison themselves in their hate and you stay as the wonderful AF individual that you are. You're deeply appreciated! Stay classy my good fellow!


People who take the time to comment rude or horrible things to you don't deserve your time. You are doing something for you and you want to share with others( I for one fucking love your comics) and you can't please everyone. So in the end of the day, block out the haters and do you boo


Okay so firstly, big virtual hug, I really love your cartoons and your energy and passion for your work. Now some more focused advice - get in place some regular wellbeing and rebalancing activity, whether its physical activity or mindfulness or both, doesn't matter but be religious with the regime, on the business front have you thought about a kick-starter to help get some capital behind you to do the business stuff - crowd funding a book and offering some higher cost rewards for personalised drawings, etc. Illustrators like Joe Phillips have done it recently so also know you're not alone in facing the financial ups and downs of creativity. Also think about taking commissions - you might already do this but not sure. Anyway just some thoughts and do reach out directly if you want to discuss more. Big hug Justin

Katie H

I love your art. And I love getting a glimpse into your life with Joe, but I understand if you need a break. I’m not going anywhere and will wait for you to come back.


My partner and I love reading your comics. We are continually astonished by how similar some things are to our own relationship - we keep telling each other “they’re just like us!” :) I know if it were me, I would struggle to not read all the comments and take the negativity personally, but there do just seem to be a lot of people out there who get their kicks by being vile anonymously. Don’t let them pull you down xxx


You were the first person I ever contributed to on Patreon. I did it because I have grown tired with the news and the craziness of the world and have enjoyed having an outlet that actually is representative of my life and humor. You are appreciated.

David Proby

I really wish I was in Nantes to take a walk with you and just be the friendly shoulder to lean on. If I had the money, I would send you money through PayPal to help with some of the income. Life is a tough road to follow. My mom always tells me that we may not win every fight, but we get back up to continue to fight. And as Uncle Iroh said it best in Avatar Season 2 finale “Life is like this dark tunnel. You may not always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving... you’ll come to a better place.” There will always people who will be very cynical and condescending towards your work, but there are us fans who have been supporting you since the beginning like myself. I saw your page when it was a little over 30k nearly 2 years ago and have watched it grown beautifully. You’re one of my favorite artists out there who isn’t afraid to put themselves out there. And as a college wrestler who’s had some wins and losses, there will be days where you want to give up. But you need to keep fighting. Show the naysayers that despite their negativity, you can turn that negative energy to something positive. Keep your head up and if you ever need to take a month off and even go take a trip with Joe to see your parents, then go do that. I’ll be waiting here and not going anywhere. If you ever need a ear to listen, I’m all ears. We loyal Inkollo fans will stand by you no matter what. Love from Seattle


I love your art and the content you upload. Whenever I need a laugh or a distraction from my life, I read some of your comics. They are filled with what I hope to have in a future relationship and I really enjoy that. I saw your comic on Webtoon and I really got into your comics, I made a Patreon account just so I could support you. I believe that we as a community, need more gay artists like you as role models. I hope things get a lot better for you in the future so that you can keep telling your story. Big hugs from Indiana


Stay strong. You can take a break and it’s not your responsibility to fulfill everyone’s interest because you absolutely never will but you have dedicated followers who support you. What matters is that those core supporters keep you motivated because they’re the ones who care. So maybe they don’t love every single post but they definitely won’t be the ones leaving the hateful comments. Use your block button more frequently, it doesn’t make you weak, it’s part of self care. Feel better


I’m sorry for what happened, your art is truly an inspiration, I’m always looking forward to a new post, you are talented and you validate same sex relationships, I’m so happy I came across your page. Fuck all haters fuck them all! You can’t please everyone, I’m sure we all will understand if you need to take a break, we want to support you

Malik M.L. Williams

Song, sending you love and support in whatever you decide to do. Following your work has brought me (and obviously many others) a great deal of happiness. But what good is it if YOU’RE not happy doing it? I hope you find your way back to “your bliss” soon.

Malik M.L. Williams

P.S. Have you ever read “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss? It might provide some unexpected insights for you.


What a tough time. I truly wish you the best through this and know how tough it is to go through multiple stages of difficulty and drama. I hope you can find time to draw for fun and post and express yourself without a feeling of pending doom behind you. I guess we all hope for that. I hope this drives you to grow stronger, you are strong, Song.


You are so talented and there is no doubt about that at all. Even though you only drew comics on Patreon, you had it in so many styles, the lines, the colors, the shadow, I don’t even know where to start. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing your personal life in comics with us, I had a lot of fun reading them. Let’s not give those shit like haters power so they feel like they can stop you from creating.

Keanu Gonzales

I'll always support your art, Song. As a fellow artist, I know how sensitive your creativity can be, and I hope you find stress relief soon. Whatever you happens, I hope you find you find enjoyment in your art again!


As a fellow creative person, I understand the struggle. But never forget your love of the art! I appreciate all of your work and the amount of effort and thought you put into it. Always here to support you, Song! I really hope my patronage makes a difference, despite how small it is


Hi honey, I feel the same way. I’m a Mexican LGBT Youtuber and I feel that exact same anxiety. I’ve started to think that maybe is our globalized economy and our tech and social media what put us to the edge. I also have to pay lots of taxes and it’s frustrating... and about the house, the exact same hung happens to me, my job is not on the list of jobs to get a house... :(


Draw for yourself, draw because you have something to say, draw because you have talent - but don't draw because you want please us. Finished a course on Van Gogh - he didn't sell anything in his lifetime, had tons of critics, and was broke. Yet, he continued to draw and paint.


Draw for yourself. Draw because you have something to say. Draw because it makes you happy or gives you sense of purpose. Draw because have talent and can draw. BUT don't draw to please us. You will never succeed at pleasing others. Instagram, Facebook, and other social media are not real. I just finished a course on Vincent Van Gogh - he never sold a painting in his life, he was always broke, and he had tons of critics. Yet - he still continued to paint. Creativity and growth come at a cost, and talent creates jealousy and envy in others. So draw, paint, and create anyways.


I love your comics. They actually bring me joy and make me laugh. But it doesn't matter what I like or don't like. What matters is you. You need to do things for yourself and if that means taking a break then that's what you have to do. Your 1st goal in life is to make sure you're in a good place.

Wil Chaney

Song, you must continue! I, for one, look forward to seeing your posts and read them religiously. I also like or respond on each platform so that your numbers continue to climb. Your life is the art and I feel that mine is better with you in it. I hope things turn around for you and that we patrons can continue to enjoy your life through your art. đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—


I wish I could give you a hug! I look forward to your comics every day! Maybe you should only look at the patreon comments and ignore the ones on insta haha


One of the great things about the internet is that it does not discriminate. Anyone can be on the internet, but that also means the bitter angry homophobic people can be on here too. It doesnt mean that people dont enjoy your comics. There will always be people who need to break someone down to make themselves feel better, but it doesnt mean that your comics dont help people. With the new age of social media artists are no longer just artists. Youre the talent the management and the PR all in one. Its not easy, but going through these steps to become a company is kind of a new thing for all growing channels. Please dont give up we are here for you.


I love your work and you may be having a rough time but those that love your work will always support you!!! Sending you all the positive vibes!!!


Hi, I love your work. You should be very proud of yourself that you are capable to contribute more to the society as a whole. You’re not only showing your beautiful drawing to the public but also can help to make Your country better in paying taxes. There are so many human parasites nowadays only taking from the societies without contributions, but on the contrary you are actually making good impacts to your personal life, in turn, the life of people in the society! That says, you are now making this world a better place in many aspects. I think you should be very proud of yourself that you can do much more nowadays than you think :)

Justin Allen

I love your artwork. I obviously can't speak to your situation specifically, but I've followed several Patreons and people in similar situations and I can relay what has worked for them. As soon as you open yourself up to more than 5 people, some will shit on you (being talentless, like me, means not having to deal with negative comments, or positive ones, about my work. I still get loads of negative comments about my looks, the things illness and surgeries have done to my body, and not being exactly what the other person thinks I should somehow be. I don't get any positive comments, though). I could never do it, but those I've read about who have have managed to somehow ignore the negative responses. Some had to ignore all responses to ignore the negative ones and some were able to just ignore the negative ones. But no matter what you do, NEVER, EVER engage the people who respond negatively. A group forum is no place to have a conversation. I wish I could be more helpful and I really hope you can find a way to not let the negative aspects of fame affect you or your work. Maybe there needs to be a Patreon support group. I'm sure 99% of them are experiencing the same issues you are. Anyway, good luck and again, you're very talented and I love your work.

Ryan M

Sending you good energy. Do what brings you joy. I could write more, but it's all stuff you know. Hugs!

Sarah Pollock

I’m so happy you’re here. I know this is a two-sided coin. Being an artist in the social media/internet age has huge potential for success and exposure! It also opens the door for random trolls to wander in and exploit your hard work and the vulnerable sharing of your passion for creation to get their superiority fix with hateful comments and disparagement. There’s a difference between useful critical feedback and hate. There’s a difference between intellectual and open dialogue about disparate perspective, and gossiping pettiness and categorical disparagement. Look for the former always. Ignore the latter. It’s only shallowness and never creative, only destructive. Becoming an ‘entity’ to protect you financially is a big step and a sign you have indeed made it! And also, it changes things and as you say your creations, pieces of your heart, final products of your work and sacrifice or time, sharing of your time, talents, and joys are looked at with much different lenses by the people in the process necessary to make the transformation from freelance to establishment happen. Your creations risk becoming simple commodities, losing the love and hunger and honest emotion that so clearly infused everything you do, when viewed with business only perspective. As swords go, being a connected artist in the Information Age - in almost any medium - is a double edged sword and those edges can be sharp. Don’t lose your passion and don’t lose hope. Breathe. Find your center and hang onto the amazing and colorful flare for creation you have. Try not to second guess. We, your patrons, are hear because we love what you do. We are here because we feel connection to and find joy and love the honesty and emotion you convey. I’m so sorry you are struggling with the balance and with the crushing financial shift that seems to hit just when things pick up for the better. On that note, though, I appreciate your honesty in this post. It helps us all stay connected as humans, and that is the most important thing.


Well I like your work and just signed up as a Patron. It’s wonderful to see your work about your life - you don’t see much like what you do out there! There are many times I smile when I read your comics as some are just like me and my Husband! ❀


So I know this is really really late, but I wanted to add my two cents in here, too. I've put myself out there on the internet before and the hurtful comments can be *crushing*. It's been hard but I've had to learn to just dismiss them. People will be offended with absolutely *everything*. My response lately is "I support your right to be offended" and just leave it at that (but I don't change a thing about what I'm doing). Sometimes that's not enough for them and they go on the attack - that's when I ignore them. Part of me wants to unblock them and read what they're saying but I force myself to let it all go. One thing I will say to you is, my husband and I really, genuinely love your comic strip. It means a lot to us and the way you present you and Joe - just so natural and human - it gives us hope that we can weather anything. I know we're just another faceless couple in another country but you definitely reach us with your work. Hopefully that knowledge helps a little bit when the trolls come prowling around. (Stupid trolls).

Andy Q

I Had no idea how tough it was for you. It's sad because in mass media, it's just as easy for someone with an opposite opinion to find you as it is someone who likes what you create / say. And some really get off on taking a negative position. I'm sorry. And I like your art and don't care if you say something provocative.

Sam SidĂšre

Remember, paying tax means earning money. I m French too and I had that same feeling when the startup I worked for was bought and the money we got from that transaction was taxed. But I realized that when I was younger, tax other people paid helped me to study engineering when I was poor. In one of your episode you telled how you were happy not to pay tax because you didn't earn enough money. At this time period some other guys were probably complaining about how much tax they had to pay. It's the way it is. Probably someone in a near future will be able to graduate thanks to that effort you've made. :-)


Sorry this happened. I/ we love your work, your relatable life and for sharing. Life isn’t easy and you’d think from what you’ve achieved you’d be rewarded. I hope you secure your dreams! Owning your own home is a huge achievement and one both me and my partner appreciate every day - come rain, sun or snow ❀