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Hi guys. There's no easy way to say it, so I just put it in the title. Now that's out of the way...

Really, I don't know how to say this... but I want to be honest with you: it hasn't been... easy for me.

These past few weeks, I find myself spending hours... really hours... doing nothing but just staring at a blank page.

It's not even about not having ideas or inspiration. I have ideas, living with my babe is a great inspiration. I just... don't have that desire to draw anymore... it's almost like... I hate drawing...

What happened?

I remember when I first started, I had a very small following, but almost all the feedback I got were positive. I had lots of ideas in my head, I can't wait to get them out on paper so people can read it. I used to reply to every single comment. It felt wonderful to get feedback from my readers...

These were also the days I earned the least. I wasn't happy being in poverty, but I love drawing. I made like 40 dollars per month while I was spending 8 hours drawing comics only a few people read. I remember I used to post my drawing on a forum and there was a thread about teaching newbies how to draw (Basically some anonymous beginner artist would post his drawing there for people to criticize). In that thread, I gave out a few drawing tips in a very raw and honest way, and the newbie artist was not having it...

he replied... I will never forget what he wrote... He wrote: you only have 10 patrons on Patreon and you made 40 bucks per month, you think you are better than me? Why are you even here telling me what should I draw when you are just a piece of crap...

Needless to say, I was very hurt...

Somehow, all changed when my instagram followers exploded.

My Instagram went from 100 followers to 100, 000 followers. And along the way, things changed. I started to get more and more negative comments, some of them are just pure insult.

I'm not going to sit here and cry and say that's a bad thing. No it's not. It's a great thing, it changed my life. My boyfriend and I used to fight about paying bills. With the instagram growth, my Patreon also grew a lot, my finances have improved a lot. We were both happy about the change.

And I wanted to make more money. You know, I have a dream, I wanna have a house, I wanna travel. So I worked harder and harder, sometimes more than 10 hours per day. My Patreon earning also grows proportionally, until the day my Patreon earning reached 9000 dollars per month. (That's about 8000 euros)

Remember, Joe is a simple employee and I was struggling to make a living as an artist. 9000 dollars per month was and still is a lot of money, I never thought I would make that much money. It blew my mind when I received that payment from Patreon. That number scared me and also made me jumping in joy.

I was like: FINALLY! Now I can afford our stupid rent. I can afford that drawing tablet I dream of! Joe and I never have to argue about our electricity bills anymore. Finally! After years of struggle, I made it.

Well, that happiness didn't last very long...

The first shocking surprise came from the government. Apparently, despite my years and years of struggling to make a living as an artist, the day I started to make a decent living, the government wanted a share of my cake.

With a yearly income of 80,000 dollars per year, I had to pay taxes which equals 40% of my entire income. Also, since online crowd founding like Patreon is still a new territory for the government, the Taxes also informed us that I should pay 20% of VAT of my whole income.

Like that, the government took half of my last year's income.

Suddenly, I just felt... stupid. 

And that was just the beginning of my bad fortune.

To be continued...



Please continue drawing! I only just discover you and enjoyed the past month so much! Love from Singapore!


Thank you for being vulnerable and honest about your feelings. I would never want to be a demanding consumer of your work which is no longer a passion or love. The concerns of your finances are also so so so valid. I’m thankful to see your success, but sadly that’s where hardship gets harder. Please take time to focus on you and the love around you. If and when you feel propelled to produce art, please do. But if you don’t, please don’t be concerned about us. You’ve provided countless creations that encourage and entertain us, and surely we will understand. With love, Luke ♥️


That’s si sad to hear, it’s one of the reason I left France, stupid gouvernement and their taxes and it’s not getting better. The best way for you is to made your business register in another country. There is few good one with lots less taxes. A lot of company are doing it. But still a shame ! I love your work don’t stop drawing !!!

Kathryn Gynn

Your art is so wonderful, but your happiness is more important. I’m glad that you are doing well financially, and it sucks that the government have taken so much from you. You are such an open and giving person, and that can be tiring. You have brought so much joy to people, and I’m sure no one would be annoyed if you needed to take a break. Your health and happiness should always be first. ❤️


Please continue drawing song. U are so amazing talented. What i live about that its all relevant in my daily lifr and experience. Dont waste ur talent and dream coz the stupid goverment. I beliwve u can pass all of this.. Im fron Indonesia cheering u up.. Love n hug, Michael 😘


I echo others' sentiments... I enjoy your work, and i dont want you to come to lose your passion. If you need a break, take it. Taxes suck, and now you know what to expect for next year, plan your finances out so you wont be blindsided on the financial aspect.

Amanda Lee

I'm sorry to hear about this, Song, but nonetheless I hope u have some great breakthrough in your career.

Kaye Wairau

So sorry to hear about this! Your an amazing artist hope everything works out for you. I'll continue to support you 😚❤


Song,you are amazing.When I first started to read your comics, I felt hope for the first time in years that maybe I can have something like you and Joe have. I hated myself for the longest considering myself not "normal",but this comic has made me see that I can be myself,and do things everyone else does. So thank you for all your hard work.


You’re an amazing artist. I still remember when I first came across your art and I knew I needed to follow you. Always do what’s best for you and know people truly care about you . 🤗


I love you art. I am always waiting on pins and needles for whatever you put out next. I am sorry you feel this way. It will get better.


Song first of all you are a great artist..maybe i know nothing about art and drawing but i know that art is being creative and you are creative. I am sorry about the 40% taxe, unfortunately it s the case here in France. I am a dentist , after 6 or more years of studying hard at the university, we share the half of our income with the government and the society but it's not a reson do stop working. I discovered you on Instagram months ago and i follow you daily. Moreover Joe n you do lots of things the same time my boyfriend and I do it. I hope our words give you some encouragement and i hope to see your drawings again. Kisses to you n Joe

Craig H

The emails I get with your art in are truly one of the highlights of my day. I hope you get through your current slump, and I wish you and your partner the very best

Stephanie Martin

Art block can make you feel that way. It usually passes. I truly love your art, your stories, and your humor. I'm so sorry that you're sad, hon. *hug* I'd give you a real hug if I could.

Eduardo Peret

Please, do continue to draw, to live, to love, to travel with Joe, and to share, these lovely moments with us through your art. I wish I had the opportunity to improve on my own drawing skills. I'm a public employee, currently finishing my PhD in the hopes of starting a career as a professor at some university, while still struggling to begin a writing career as well. Also, I'm 50, a not-so-minor detail that complicates everything. Seeing your daily comics is a great source of inspiration for me. In Brazil, I give back about 30-35 percent of my income to the government, both as income taxes and social security fees. It's already tough, so I don't know how I would feel if I had to pay even more. Stay cool, my friend. Everything will be alright.

Diyendo Notsomuch

You probably go through a low phase, it’s often temporary... You’re talented and I just love your work so much, it really does entertain me a lot. Take some time off to figure out all the silly financial details and stuff. Success has the tendency to come abruptly and one needs time to grow and adjust to that. Wish you all the best buddy ♥️🍷😘


Hope this doesn’t come off as disingenuous but I fell into the same hole at one point. I used to love to draw and was going to school for fashion design. Through a couple really sad and frustrating situations I tried doing it in my own. Got my first client, got my first order and was super excited. To say it went horrible was an understatement. It wasn’t a big deal but they said something along the lines of “it’s ok, we didn’t expect you to really succeed”.. It’s been almost 5-9 years and I have yet to pick up a pencil or a needle since. Everyday my family tells me what a shame I wasted my talent but I just hear that comment every time I even think about starting back up. Fuck the negative comments, if they don’t like what you do they can unsubscribe. Your comics are so funny and cute and really inspire his fat gay guy that one day I’ll find a relationship and happiness like yours. Take the time you need but know you are awesome and what you do is amazing, but you can only do it for you, to make you happy and enjoy.


C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que je viens de lire ce dernier post. Et du dégoût aussi je dois dire... pas de toi bien-sur, mais de toutes ces taxes et ces impôts qui transforment ce côté créatif en une guerre financière. Au delà du côté rentable pour le gouvernement, tes dessins représentent aussi et surtout pour moi (et beaucoup d’autres qui te suivent) une jolie aventure quotidienne, pleine d’humour et d’autodérision, et aussi quelque chose de très inspirant. Voilà un couple homo au quotidien qui donne envie et qui n’est pas entièrement fictif. Ces histoires quotidiennes qui sentent le vécu étaient un vrai petit cadeau qui tombait chaque jour! Bonne continuation à tous les 2 pour la suite, et si jamais tu te décides à ressortir tes crayons, il y a du monde qui sera content de te revoir. Tu sais vers quels projets tu vas te diriger pour la suite?

Hoho Chan

I just want to give you hugs 🤗 I wish I could be a knight in shining armour and take away all your troubles, but I’m not able to do that ... I’m sorry ... 😢


Don’t worry about us, you have to do what it’s best for you 😘 we will survive but i hope you will still do what you love and if one day you wanted to share it again we will be there ♥️

Danny Provencio

Poor baby. Take it easy. It’s just a reality check. You’ll start to make more money. We all have to pay taxes.

Danny Provencio

Please don’t give up now. Negative comments are part of art too. We either grow from them or ignore them. Doesn’t matter which you do except take it personally. Critics say things about others that they can’t face in themselves. They could care less if you take them seriously. The toughest part is really excepting our success and the trappings that come with it. Taxes, life style change you go into the land of wants unprepared. Verses someone who is wealthy all their lives.


Song I don't know how to start, as a lot of people told you before you're such a great artist, the details in your drawings are amazing but the most wonderful thing about your comics is that you make us part of your life, you make us believe or at least you make me believe that true love still exist in the world. I don't want to see you quit but if you think is the best for your own health, do it, I can assure you that we'll be here waiting to hear or read about you again. Don't be sad Song. Greetings from Mexico.

Stefen C

I think what you should do or if you have been already doing it, you need to make a post in your patron to address the haters to leave. Or if they are providing you even more $$$ just by being a patron to you, well... if you like it that way , then I’m all for it. You and one other patron are the only ones I follow actually. Keep in mind however... that I am very particular in what I spend my money on. So you’re a very special person ☺️. I love your work, and I only hope for your success and stay down to earth at the same time. Now yes, finance isn’t gonna be all good at first... but just keep pushing. The moment you start giving up is the moment things won’t progress until you make them progress. I’m going through a similar situation.. however only in my case, I’m still trying to find what way in life I will find enjoyment in and make good money to actually survive on then a normal hourly job. I saw you on WEBTOON and when I saw that you had a patron , I wanted to see more of what you offer as a upcoming comic artist. Keep up with following your dream!! Your one of the reasons I go on my phone to take my mind off of life for a certain time period!🌈💖

Stefen C

Also to say that you will always no matter what, need time off and need a break. The government being annoying as they are with their taxes being around, I hope that you don’t let the government stop you! I hope the sailor moon girls assist and make your troubles go away!☺️