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Duke here, status update time!

We've been making good progress on Human Princess' quest.  It's been decided that you, Ser Knight, will pass a challenge in High Forest to speak with the king.  From there you are sent with Bard Knight over to the Forgotten Garden Kingdom to tackle the tower and save Human Princess.

Here is what we have completed:

First (main) maze floor of the tower and clutter

New mobs, with descriptions and unique behavior

Miniboss that chases you around the maze

Shops (:DDDD)

Assets for the second and third floors of the tower

Dialogue leading up to the King audience

Art for the High Forest throne room

Sketches for the human princess emotes

Sketches for splash art in Kingston

Debutante Knights dialogue

Some new consumable items

Here is what is remaining:

Human Princess lineart / coloring

Enchanted Tower boss mechanics

Final writing segments

Finished splash art

As always wrapping up everything is taking longer than expected, so I felt the need to give a status update.  It's possible we could just wrap up everything up through the first floor of the tower (i.e. challenge, human king audience, meeting bard knight, speaking with bard knight, and smashing furniture) and just release that as a patch of itself.  Otherwise there's probably at least another two weeks~ or so of other content to finish off floors two and three, and return with Human Princess.  I'll ask again if you would prefer a update sooner with what we have now, or the entirety of the quest.

It's also worth pointing out that we will be focusing on kingdom stuff after Human Princess is saveable, and finishing off both her and Kobold Princess' stories up through gaining control of their lands.  This will allow us to move forward with the other parts of the game and give players more stuff to do.

As always we'd love to hear your thoughts.





I don't believe I can speak for anyone else, however I say finish it all first, update second.

Robert Davis

eehh not a big fan of finish it all but at least finish off the 2 quests you got going on and maybe a few tweaks here and there to make the update super special. don't want it to end up like a certain unnamed text based game with quests to nowhere and the code is all broken.