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Whole lot of Kobolds edition.

I was hoping to get a quick patch out after our last release, as the Kobold Mines were in a pretty rough state, and managed to just in time for New Years.  We've fixed a bunch of the wonkiness and errors in this version, but more importantly we've completely revamped the battles.  Unyin has been wanting us to change from a turn-based-one-action-per-turn battle system to using Action Points instead.  This has been done.  Now, each character has a pool of Action Points each turn in battle, and can perform actions until they are expended, or until the player decides to skip that character's turn.  Hopefully this should spice up the small scale battles somewhat.

In addition to a heap of fixes and improvements we've also added in some avatars for the Kobold Council, courtesy of Unyin.  All the various dialogues with Kobold Princess in Canopy Cave feel a lot less empty, now, which is nice.

We're hoping to get the Kompound and the rest of Kobold Princess' content added in the next few weeks, along with a bunch of game polish and quality of life improvements.  Proper demo will be out relatively soon.

Also cheatcodes have been updated for January.  Happy New Years!


Battles now use an Action Point system, replacing Stamina- actions take a certain number of AP points, which partially refill each turn.  The maximum AP increases with the character's level.

The help banner occasionally displayed in battle will now definitely be closed out of at the end of a battle

Adjusted the Kobold Mine start position so Ser wil be within bounds :O

Insects in the Kobold Mine now have ambient lighting applied

A new torch item has been added, lootable in the Kobold Mine

Leylights have had their size and collision size adjusted

Adjusted the positions and colliders of the mushrooms in the sinkhole area of Kobold Mine

The invisible wall near the front Insect Soldiers in Kobold Mine has been adjusted to prevent clipping

The Kobold Mine battle background has been adjusted to better accommodate full parties

Fixed an oversight that prevented a princess' last happiness modifier from expiring

Defending will no longer finish that character's turn regardless of remaining Action Points

The exit dungeon button can no longer appear in battles, oops

When returning to the Kobold Mine at a later time all the insects will be gone

Upon exiting a dungeon the character panels near the bottom bar will correctly be refreshed and reloaded

Hitting Spacebar or Enter in battle while entering a cheat will no longer end that character's turn

Items can once again be used in battle

Fixed the Exit Dungeon button so that it will appear in one-room dungeons, but only while close to the entrance point

Added a new parser function for setting up character avatar/talk sprites/speaking SFX while outside of a dungeon

Clicking on an NPC to start a dialogue while already in a dialogue is no longer possible

Added a new dialogue function for fading out NPC's

Completing quests and/or dungeons once again sets the save game's song name to something silly

Talent tooltips can no longer appear partly off the right side of the screen

When right clicking on an item in the inventory, on the overmap, the mouse can no longer click through onto a territory

Looted container states are now saved and loaded correctly

Kobold Mine insects now drop random loot

Fixed a small exploit in the Murderhobo talent tree that allowed infinite talent points

Reckless Swing has been nerfed slightly

The Kobold Council members now all have sprites and talking avatars, courtesy of Unyin

Kobold Princess now has a talk avatar



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