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Progress has been going nicely, which means that we've been able to add most of Kobold Princess' loyalty segments to the game.  They're in slightly rough of a state, but I thought it'd be best to patch for Christmas and then polish it up (and add any missing dialogue, namely with choosing-to-speak-with Kobold Princess) after the short holiday break, toward New Years.

This patch marks the re-addition of the Kobold King audience, Canopy Cave stores and council members, Moa hunting, and the Sandy Roots Kobold Mine dungeon.  In addition to these bits we've fixed numerous bugs (:D) and made some general improvements to the game.   Also the enable cheats cheat has been changed again. 

While you'd think I'd know better than to give an ETA by now, we don't have much content missing from Kobold Princess' bits.  Most of what remains is just polishing up her existing content, adding some missing dialogue, and getting the Konvert/Kompound bits added.  Once all of those are completed we'll be able to focus on qualify of life, polish, proper character creation, and releasing the official demo.  That is looking potentially possible in a few weeks time*, which will be exciting.   More on that coming soon. 

Merry Christmas to you all and happy holidays!


Ser Knight's sprites are effected by dungeon lighting

The Everharsh Glacier snow appears over distant enemies once again

Territory names and information are now hidden when entering a dungeon/encounter/battle/siege and returned when leaving, oops

Massively optimized the rain and snow particle systems- on lower end machines there should be a noticeable improvement in FPS

The stamina bar on the mini character panels smoothly fills and empties out and avoids jittering in the process

A new tileset for Canopy Cave Jungle has been created, courtesy of Unyin

An overmap encounter room for Canopy Cave has been added

Quests can now have subquests, or individual little tasks that are contained within a particular quest

Added a new parser function for checking how many subquests in a quest are completed or not

A ton of old dialogue for Kobold Princess has been parsed for Unity, courtesy of Skymont

When removing a character from the party in the characters screen their mini char frame at the bottom bar now disappears

When adding a character to the party from the characters screen their mini char frame now correctly appears near the bottom bar

You can no longer click overmap elements through the characters screen on the overmap

When loading a save game, and the party is in a territory, the sublocations will be displayed on the bottom bar right away

Some 3d objects will now partially fade out when interposted between the camera and Ser Knight

Cave Canopy's throne room has been readded and decorated

Added a new parser function for locking and unlocking specified dungeons

Zooming on the overmap is no longer possible while the game is paused

When clicking to view quests, from the quest tracker, all the possible entries will correctly be displayed on the left page

Leylights no longer play their activation animation when entering a dungeon or exiting a battle back to the dungeon

The Kobold Mine dungeon has been readded to the game

The Moa hunt has been readded to the game

Kobold Crafter and Kobold Shaman shops have been readded to Canopy Cave

Ability particle effects are correctly flipped when being used by enemies on the party

A particle effect has been added for the Burning Hands spell

The snow golem in-battle sprite has been increased in size

NPC's can no longer be highlighted and clicked on for an instant before the screen starts fading to a battle



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