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I need to finish sewing my costume.

Also we've got a moderately large patch this time around.  This version marks the 99% finished Glacier Keep, fully decorated, and the ability to save and then return to Canopy Cave with Kobold Princess.  Much of her dialogue has been parsed as well, and we've readded the ability to choose to speak with characters in your party.  And princess happiness.  And a bunch of other stuff as well.

With Glacier Keep out of the way I've been able to go hard on implimenting some quality of life features, such as tooltips in the character inspect menu and an 'all' category for items in the inventory, among other things.  We're getting very close to having Kobold Princess fully readded- we've just got a handful of small one-off dungeons and the Konvert Kompound remaining.  Once that is done we'll be crushing bugs, doing more quality of life changes, and maybe might make a proper charater creation menu at the start of the game.  Also then a proper demo and advertising for the first time.  We'll see how all of that goes.

Here's the patch notes, and have a very wonderful Halloween!

Towergirls 0.510

The Ratfolk quest no longer has missing dialogue and is fully completed

Added a parser conditional for characters being inside or outside the party

Conditionals can now be applied to the start of location dialogue entries

Much of Kobold Princess' dialogue has been parsed into the new system

Characters can be chatted with from the Character Inspector once again, thought we'd gotten that working already

The 'location' of characters are now loaded correctly when loading a save game

Fixed an issue that prevented 'location' conditionals from working in dialogue

Zooming and panning on the overmap is no longer possible while dialogue is open

Added a new overmap encounter room for encounters in and around Everharsh Glacier

Glacier Keep has been fully decorated, finally

Fixed a bug that would prevent clicking on character frames to inspect them after camping

Fixed a bug that overwrote the version number and enable cheatcodes cheatcode after the game initialized

Added a new overmap encounter room (WIP) for Endless Fields

When inside a territory, sublocations once again appear on the bottom bar and can be clicked on to enter them

Fixed an occasional error caused by Feybaths missing a reference on dungeon start

'Defending' shields now once again appear over character and enemy sprites in battle

Equiping a two-handed weapon will now unequip already held items, namely shields

Lootable dungeon containers have been added back into the game

Leylight particle systems now have the depth script applied

Parsed the High Forest conversation with Kobold Princess

Fixed an issue that prevented all conditions of starting overmap encounters from being required

Parsed the Konvert Encounter conversation, although it is missing a Jungle encounter room and visuals

Overmap encounters may once again have a battle included

Character disposition is now saved and loaded, as was intended

Princess disposition, love, and happiness is now saved and loaded, as was intended

Princess happiness is functional once again- currently only 'preferred' and 'incompatible' climates are tracked, but more soon to come

Purchasing Smuhg's wagon will once again be represented by a new Overmap Party icon and a slightly increased travel speed

Fixed the item tooltip for special activatable items and carvings; they should no longer have incorrect tooltip info

The pits in Glacier Keep should now correctly damage a party member and then return the player back to the upper level of their room

Added an 'all' item category to the inventory

Fixed an issue that would mess up the small character panels at the bottom of the screen after exiting an overmap encounter

Fixed an issue that prevented consecutive overmap encounters with 'encounter rooms' from happening

Overmap encounters can now proc when finishing overmap movement to a territory

Princesses are once again upset for a while after being knocked out in combat



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