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A whole heap of bug fixes and other neat stuff (TM), namely allowing you to select a gender, finally.  We've still got to determine what conversations, if any, need changes or alternate text paths.  Gameplay changes like that based on gender will be rare, as a rule, but it'd also be very fitting for the Nerd Scion in particular.  We will see.  Note that the enable cheats cheatcode has been changed.

Golem still under production.  Waiting on art.


Major Changes:

You can now choose Ser Knight's gender during character creation in the Tavern.  We are considering which conversations should have alternate dialogue, if any.

Minor Changes:

Disabled being able to save right before a special battle/boss battle occurs.  The option in the menu should be grayed out during those occasions.

The Mimic Injured fight conclusion dialogue does not keep repeating after battles, after the Injured Mimic fight.

A BBoS entry has been added for the Mimic Injured.

Serums and similar buffs now have their duration tick down each turn, as intended.

Fixed a broken dialogue path when speaking with Kobold King.

You can no longer warp to a new dungeon room when a special encounter or boss is present.

Fixed a broken dialogue path in the Kobold Mine, speaking with Insect Noble.

Convincing a pack of Insect Recruits to leave the mine will no longer despawn other types of Insect.

Fixed the 'none of my business' option with Boar Knight not having new dialogue proc when speaking to her consecutive times.

Fixed a broken dialogue path when appreciating Boar Knight's weapon enthusiasm.

You can no longer glitch the Roasted P'orc into spawning a second Boar Knight.  :D

Losing the siege in Glacier Fields is actually possible now.

Kobold Princess and Kobold Knight dialogue will now only proc in Kobold Mine if they are in the party.

Ser Knight will now properly elaborate on the Mendicant background to Kobold Princess instead of the incorrect Ward origin.

Saving is no longer possible if there is an essential item on the floor needing to be picked up.

Fixed the collar of Ser Knight in emotes and menus.  It no longer warps off to stick to the acual sprite.

Loading with dialogue up should no longer freeze some menu interactions.

Glacier Tower's floor 4 to floor 3 transition now returns the player to the right room.

Glacier Tower's floor 3 to floor 4 is now a left passageway rather than upward.

Leftward stairs in dungeons should not be more responsive and work under all conditions.

Roll Tower's floor 5 to floor 4 transition now returns the player to the correct room.

Fixed the placement of Ser Knight's animation relative to his origin; collision and dungeon clutter depth should be more accurate now.

Fixed a broken dialogue path when meeting Mysterious Knight and asking if they are one of the Band of the Moon.

Fixed speaking about the Dragon Slave origin to both Kobold Princess and Human Princess; the dialogue should work now.

Going into the Attack/Specials/Magick menu in battle, and then backing out, no longer sets the attack range parameters to the wrong character.

As the prior bugfix, the Specials and Magick buttons will now stay greyed out if the character has no valid abilities or spells.

Fixed a broken dialogue path when speaking with Mysterious Knight with a High Forest background.

Talking sound effects are now modified by the volume settings for sound effects in the settings menu.

Bandit Tower has had the floor 3 to floor 2 connection restored.

Bandits of Bandit Tower have had their sprites flipped so they are facing the right detection, for spotting purposes.

Got the base idle animation set up in battles; will be replaced by various stances in the future.

More territories are now flagged as allowing the 'Select Territory' button to spawn when highlighting over them.

The temporary Kobold army spawned in Glacier Fields should no longer have resource upkeep.

Foreshore Harpoon has been added, courtesy of a patron.  Can be bought from Forge Knight and the Kobold Crafter.

Poleaxes, Diplomacy, and other similar axes should periodically apply Bleeds now, as was intended.

Axes now correctly Bleed on a critical hit

Maces now Stun for one turn on a critical hit.

Fixed a bug that was clearing on-hit effects from character objects and preventing them from working.

If Ser Knight is level four or higher, Doctor Knight may be encountered on the overmap for a friendly duel.  Courtesy of a Patron.


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