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  • Most unit classes now have a special ability! Units belonging to a specific unit class (archer, infantry, etc) now each have an ability that is shared by all unit types of the same kind. Most of these abilities already existed in some form but are now more readily available to many units.

    • Classes with abilities: Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Spearmen, Archers, Cavalry, Monsters, Scholars, Mages, and Healers

  • A couple of new army battle abilities have been added that involve unit morale. Examples of which can be found on Heavy Infantry and Monster class units, with AoE morale boosts or banes centered on the units. These abilities recover and damage morale respectively, which can lead to units fleeing the battle prematurely.


  • A dialogue bug involving parsing english-formatted numbers from strings to integers on non-english systems has been fixed.

  • The end turn button now properly blocks the space behind it, even when the button is faded out and unable to be interacted with

  • Damage calculations have been fixed so that all damage sources respect all resistances and weaknesses.


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