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Doodling up a general lineup of the races that reside in this world. This may not be all of them, and some races have subraces within them. Each race has 1 or 2 traits unique to them that spice things up in bed! I will share those soon!

If you got ideas for other monsters, leave em in the comments!




Jeremy Joanes

I'm a sucker for shortstack goblinlike people. Maybe something like that?


We need caesar to smash at least one female of every race


Let's go Into the Dandyverse! If I'd give a suggestion maybe something with more than one set of breasts? Or maybe something bovine, though I guess devilchildren kinda fit that niche.


You’re taking suggestions for another race? In that case… I do have a concept for an avian/celestial race Icarian: Derived from Icarus —The males generally have brighter plumage than the females and are slightly larger unless an exception is made for the subrace —They vary greatly in size based on their subrace —Feathers can fluff out either on purpose for warmth or by accident/instinct when angry or flustered —They don’t necessarily hate demons, but they are generally distrusting and ignorant of most other races Subraces Songbird —Most diverse and common —Very small, average size 4’6”- 5’0” —Generally built thin and lithe —Dark colored eyes, usually brown with round pupils —Very social, most love to sing (and are good at it!) —Likely to avoid interaction with demons, timid around any non-Icarian —Can be found living anywhere —Based on common songbirds (cardinals, robins, blue jays, finches, etc) Tropical —The brightest feathers, with no difference between genders —Average height, 5’4” - 5’ 10” —Usually built thin —Any eye color —Chatty, charismatic, and playful! They love to just shoot the shit but will talk your ear off if you let them —Social with other races, but still ignorant as all hell —Usually found living in warmer areas —Based on parrots Masked —Males have subtle patterns such as spots or stripes, females do not —Average height, 5’4” - 5’ 10” —Usually toned muscle, but not too beefy —Eyes are normally dilated but slit pupils will present when angry or in bright light, ranging from red to yellow. —Quiet, soft, sweet voices… Will completely switch and screech when angry (long fused, so some people don’t think they actually can screech) —Nocturnal and somewhat shy, almost always seen working third shift somewhere. —Can be found living anywhere —Based on owls (especially barn owls) Hunter —No difference between genders in markings, females are slightly larger. —Larger than average, 5’10” - 6’4” —Usually built muscular —Eyes range from yellow to blue, slit pupils visible unless it is dark. —Hates everyone equally, even other Icarians —Great when working alone —Usually found living in rural areas as they actually love nature —Based on raptors, falcons, etc. Fallen —Males have dark jewel-toned feathers, females do not —Average height, 5’4” - 5’10” —Usually built chubby —Eyes range from blue to red, with slit pupils —Rowdy and sociable, usually seen in a group or gang of close friends (Icarian or not —The most well adjusted, can mingle with demons flawlessly, distrusted by most other Icarians —Can be found anywhere, most common in larger cities/suburbs —Based on corvids (crows, ravens, magpies, etc)

Big Yoshi

A subspecies of carasecs that’s bees. With the men usually capping around 3-4’ in height. But the woman being upwards of 8-9’. Get some good good Big Lady action