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Best guess says Tiger Cage II's Blu-ray comes from an older master as the visible noise reduction and edge enhancement reduce visible detail to almost nothing. The further back the camera, the worse it is. Halos further intrude, lowering the natural texture further. Grain does remain, but it's reduced to mush. Tiger Cage II looks like viewing the movie through a thin layer of oil.

Color fares better, giving flesh tones decent depth. Natural replication provides primaries with warmth and saturation.

The print itself appears almost completely spotless. Ages hasn't reduced the contrast's pep or the shadow's density; mastering doesn't cause either to lose detail when at their best.


Neither the Cantonese or English dub tracks impress with their fidelity. Both reveal their dated origins with dull dialog reproduction, flat music, and stock sound effects. Remaining in mono regardless of the track choice, DTS-HD doesn't impede the aural quality, but mastering doesn't appear to help either.



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