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Content and clean, Winners & Sinners satisfying, even recently done master shows a well handled, preserved grain structure. It's sharp enough to indicate a likely 2K scan, the detail flourishing given the encode's ability work with the source grain.

Surprisingly vibrant color enhances flesh tones, then nicely dabbles in raising the primaries. Reds show special extravagance.

The only whiff comes back to the flatter black levels, and that is more likely the overexposed source. Shadows fail to achieve any density, resting at a flat gray. Thankfully, contrast doesn't suffer any similar problems, remaining bright, rich, and bold.


Five (!) audio tracks show in the menu. Defaulting to Mandarin DTS-HD mono, additional choices include two Cantonese mono tracks, an English dub mono, and the only compressed track is a Mandarin 5.1 mix that's at best sloppy.

Fuzzy, dated dialog accompanies each track, revealing the source material's age. The soundtrack adds a slight range, but this is otherwise all early '80s material and that's audible whether knowing the release date or not.



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