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Kino's new master shows a few signs of its late '70s origins. First is the duller color, lacking in both saturation and density. It's fine, just bland. Second is print damage, the routine scrapes and dings minuscule if intrusive at times. Vertical banding happens in a few spots. Generally, Tarantulas stays spot free.

Pleasing definition indicates a modern scan, peppered with clean detail and minimal grain. Encoding remains error free, wholly transparent to the film stock. Facial texture shows in close, and wider shots certainly better any previous home presentation.

Bland black levels can't sell the depth. While dark, they lack bite. Contrast performs well though. Tarantulas' brightness holds things together, that and the detail the only things defying the age.


An Emmy winner for its audio, the suitable mono track handles the stock sound effects like lightning fairly. There's definite strain in the upper registers and no low-end to speak of as per the norm for something this vintage. Clear dialog doesn't leave any line unintelligible against the music or action.



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