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Graded with a deep, heavy warmth, the summer-like visual environment adds an amber glow to the visual space. Flesh tones steer toward unnaturally bold hues, if not in a distracting or unattractive way. Primaries, like greens filling the overgrown weeds, likewise take on the excess digital heft.

Primarily a film-based production, Paramount's disc resolves a natural grain structure with few problems. While noisier scenes do happen (chroma noise an issue in spots too), compression holds out overall, keeping the look organic and transparent to the source. This means plentiful detail from the 4K finish, some softer cinematography choices aside. Texture swells even in medium shots even as the film stock spikes in grain structure intensity.

Spending time underground, black levels drop to crushing depth, but appropriately so considering the circumstances. Lit only by candles, shadows eat some detail to set the visual tone. Compared to the Blu-ray, this Dolby Vision offering boasts obviously wider dynamics even at a glance. Highlights take on spectacular brightness, both ends of the spectrum accounted for and bolstered to impressive peaks.


For a movie designed around staying quiet, the Atmos track doesn't seem to care. It's beastly. Bass adds ridiculously deep, powerful jolts when creatures attack or guns fire. This is the type that rattles walls and given enough volume, can easily knock something off a shelf. Quiet Place II becomes a dominating, forceful test for any subwoofer.

Mixing utilizes the soundstage just as well, executed with precision as monsters jump around or roar. Subtle elements like water dripping or a crowd at a baseball game in the beginning beautifully use each speaker flawlessly. Positional touches even consider a soft breeze, blowing dried leaves through the rears to ensure any alien-triggering sound is audible, increasing tension. Quiet Place II makes for a great case study on what sound can add to a movie when in the proper theater environment.



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