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Pixar adds a not insignificant grain filter over Luca. It's a challenge, but handled well by the disc. Luca's images create substantial sharpness, and the texture bounces off surfaces en masse. Rocks, skin, bricks, plants, and other scenery showcase the monumental detail added by Pixar. This absolutely looks made for 4K.

Great as the fidelity is, color is better still. Sure, it's the ridiculously pure blue waters, but on land, the primaries erupt. All of the plant life drops infinite green, warm flesh tones pop from the absurdly bold skyline, and in town, paint brings further intensity. When the sunset hits? Deep color magic.

Underwater, sunlight drifts away, leaving behind potent black levels. Then on the surface, sunlight drives the contrast to impressive peaks. Luca certainly makes a case for HDR as light glistens off the water surface. Clouds sparkle, and fish scales reflect additional intensity too.


Luca doesn't present a hyper-active soundstage, but has moments. The ambient sound of rushing water subsists during numerous scenes. Action passes between channels smoothly, each speaker notably independent. Heights are used sparingly, although do find work.

Likewise, bass isn't prominent, used only when absolutely necessary. Like, the score, giving drums and brass sections power.



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