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Couple of things for you fine people today. First, the last week in August I'll be house/puppy sitting for a friend and probably won't get much of anything done, screenshots or reviews.

Second, Disney Movie Club has new exclusive discs on offer. While reviews for them tend to do pretty well in terms of traffic (no one else reviews them), they're costly and cut into the budget so I want to be sure they're wanted. If anyone wants/needs screens from the movies pictured below, let me know and I'll pick them up next time I make an order. And FYI, I'm watching The Kid right now so that's accounted for.

Thirdly, for those in the $5 tier, if you're having issues accessing the NAS, let me know. I have another option to log in that seems to work consistently.

And finally, as always, you all rock. Thank you for subscribing! We wouldn't be here anymore without the support.


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