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Wholly unique Cinecolor produces a restricted palette similar to two-strip Technicolor, but but more dynamic in its hues. Enriched reds clash against the heavily dominate blues. Somewhere in the middle, flesh tones protrude, almost natural in an otherwise unreal output. It's quite fantastic in a vintage way.

The print itself is practically spotless. Restoration catches nearly all specks, scratches, and dings. Also preserved, the precise grain structure, a little noisy but controlled by the encoding. Striking resolution can deliver capable texture, sharpness, and definition. Nothing grand, but enough to let Flight to Mars breathe in the HD era.

Emboldening the shadows adds some weight, but the nature of the film stock itself appears to limit density. Overall blue-ish tones take energy from pure black; often the darkest corners carry a small glow. It's perky in contrast though, pure white crisp, and pure.

Note the first reel displays a noted difference to the rest. Afterward, grain shrinks in thickness, detail improves, and clarity increases. Both look fine in their own way.


Average fidelity renders the soundtrack's treble with fair crispness given the age. Slight distortion at the peaks fare better than expected. There's no bass support, so rocket boosters come through with a primitive thinness. That said, it's pure, accurate, and satisfying.



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