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Hey everyone,

It's finally time! I'm happy to say that my cast is finally off my hand! I got it removed and had a few more x-rays done Wednesday of this week. The carpal bone under my thumb is completely healed, however I'm experiencing some stiff and sore/tender areas around the thumb very much so. My wrist is also in pretty rough shape still..I have a hard time flexing it back and forwards and I'm having troubles holding things like a full glass of water or coffee mug in that hand as well. Basically to sum up...it's still gonna take some time for my hand to heal fully. But it's healing! And that's all that matters.

Having the cast off has definitely given me the ability to use two hands again though..even if I'm still limited to what I can do. Really proud of my left hand and my ability of being able to use it pretty much effortlessly during this entire month and a bit! It's definitely worth being kinda both handed, in some ways! 

My doctor recommended squeezing a stress ball and flexing the wrist to get strength back, so I started doing that today (Thursday) and plan to carry on with that multiple times throughout the day from this point on, until it's no longer needed. He also found out I draw for a living, which he also said is great therapy for my hand! Definitely relieved hearing that, haha! 

I'm not going to jump back on the horse right away though, which leads me to my next update. I'm getting married to Foxjump on Saturday! Our long awaited wedding <3 In between letting my hand heal, I've been working vigorously on wedding things. I guess it kinda worked out I broke my hand so I had a bunch of extra time to put towards wedding stuff (though not being able to take commissions was a huge financial blow..but we were able to squeak by, thankfully)

Everything's ready to go now, my family comes into town Friday and I'll be doing a few mini events during the day with my sisters and some friends before checking into a hotel for Friday and Saturday night so...busy busy. But I wanted to get this update out asap so you all know what's up! 

I know I didn't send out reward emails at the beginning of this month; I apologize! I'm getting those out as soon as this is posted. For those who get drawn rewards, I'll add you to the queue once the forms are filled out (and pick the names for this months sketch rewards) but they won't be worked on until November. For those in the print reward club, your prints will be mailed out next week! 

Update for Bean Club Members: I know I usually cycle in people once their 3 months are up, but I'm probably going to let everyone cycle out and start fresh once everyone's out of the tier. Just with all that's gone on, I've kinda lost track, and it's much easier cycling all 3 vs having 2 one month and one another month, like how it's been going for a bit! 

So I think that's it! I'm eagerly looking forward to drawing again. I've NEVER gone this long without drawing but luckily doing wedding signage and name cards was able to satisfy my creative mind, even if I didn't get to do any drawing. I'm thankful the 4 weeks flew by u_u

Once again, thank you ALL for continuing to support me and your continued patience while I'm in recovery. It means SO so much <3 Hope you all have a great weekend! 



Congrats on the wedding! They can be a ton of fun and once all the planning if off your plate its not a huge stressball to deal with! So have a blast :D


Great news! Wish you all a great weekend :).