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Hey everyone, I have a bit of unfortunate news. I was on the way to my  parents for the weekend on Friday on my motorcycle and had a wipe out. (More details about that on FA)

I'm a pro gear rider, so I had everything on which ultimately saved my butt! I have a bad fabric burn on my knee and multiple bruises across my body, sprained left wrist but worst of it all is my fractured right wrist. I'm right handed so that's uh...not ideal. Doctor I saw day of told me it'd likely be 6 weeks heal time but thankfully it is a tiny fracture so I'm hoping it'll heal faster. They said it'll heal up beautifully. I'm taking all the calcium and vitamin D I can! But in the  meantime I'm unable to draw :c It's one of my worst fears, having my ability taken away from me so suddenly. So I'm definitely feeling like I'm nothing at this point and feeling pretty worthless...depression hitting hard but I'm going to do my best to be kind and patient with myself.

I'm staying at my parents until I see a fracture specialist (should be this week) that will confirm the fracture and put me in a permanent cast. Once that's on I'll head back home until I have to go back and get it taken off. I do get married next month (about 5 weeks from now) so I'm hoping they can take it off early for me..and maybe at the most have me in a soft cast I can take off and on. Fingers crossed!

So to reiterate, I can't draw until I'm healed up, so in regards to this page, I'll have to put a hold on all drawn rewards. Prints are really the only thing I can deliver right now so I'll be adding a few more Nub Club tier slots for those that'd like to upgrade their pledges. I will not be rotating new people into the Bean Tier (pinup illustration) club from this point on wards until I can return to drawing. Those currently in their cycles will still get their forms to fill out at the beginning of next month, I just can't work on them till I'm able to (November, most likely). I will still announce sketch reward receivers and continue with the pinup polls. They'll all just be put on the back burner for now.

I'm definitely relying on Patreon and shop orders to keep me afloat. I have both my normal stuff and Moto Yote stuff available. Digital content also available! I have shinies (on FA) and kofi, but I'd much prefer folks supporting me via shop or Patreon so you can get stuff in return! Any sort of support would help a ton! Of course, if this news is upsetting, you're welcome to un-pledge. I by all means won't hold anything against anyone who does. The next month will be slow, and I get most of you are here to see stuff happening.

I'll keep you all updated the next few weeks. Feel free to recommend any  shows/movies below that you really like! I need to keep myself occupied  for the next little while :')

Love you all <3 I'm so sorry to share this news ;w;


Rizer Stake

Omg so sorry to hear! I hope you heal up well and take good care of yourself! Much love, stay safe! Also hope your bike wasn't too damaged.


oh gosh, hope everything heals up quick!!! :( &lt;3

David Bee

That sucks :&lt; you take care and you'll be healed back up in no time! Some feelings of depression would be very normal in this situation but it sounds like you have a good plan to manage them :) you got this! ❤️


As mentioned on Twitter, wishing you the speediest of recoveries, and just glad you're overall okay! 💛 I'd planned to hold onto my spot in the Bean tier at least through the October cycle, so I'm more than happy to stand pat and wait! Can't scare me or most of your pledgers off so easily! 😉 But, most of all, yes, do be kind to yourself. This is an understandably frustrating, but temporary setback just the same. Rest easy and heal, we got your back, cat. :) As to entertainment, don't know if you're much of a sci-fi fan, but I can't speak highly enough of the new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds series! Season one is available in full on Paramount+, and I'm also getting caught up on Star Trek: Discovery, currently on the third season there! 🖖🏻


Oh damn, I'm glad you are (mostly) ok hopefully your wrist heals up alright fairly quickly. Worst thing I found after having a minor accident myself years back was being over cautious/nervous about coming off again for a long time after. Hope your bike isn't too expensive a repair either


I really hope you recover from this! It must have been terrifying event when this happened to you. A full time artists worst nightmare.. :C

Diesel Benson

Only thing I can think of I liked watching was Mobile Suit Gundam shows recently. And make sure you give yourself time to heal fully, no matter how hard it is. Most of us won't be going anywhere despite this injury and the reduced content for a little bit while you heal up so you can go back to doing what you love.