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AT LAST! After all these years, the Year of the Cat is here! I would like to thank my parents, my teachers, the Academy-

Huh? What do you mean "tiger"? Th-that's just a big cat! Don't ruin it for me! >.<

You know what? I don't want to talk about it anymore.... SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO!


Elves of Stellaris

So ANYWAYS, seeing as the Year of the Cat is cancelled and all, I guess we'll have to save Catelves of Stellaris for another year. What a shame... (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻

Oh well... is there anything else I can talk about today? Hmm... Oh... What's this folder?

Huh... this is an interesting-looking thingy. I can't for the life of me imagine what it could be? So... maybe let's look at it more closely ( ̄▽ ̄)

Oooh, that's unusual! It looks kinda like an Elven ship but appears to be quite a bit more... voluminous. I wonder what all this added space could be meant to be used for?

Oh! What's this?

Huh... someone took a red marker to this and drew what appear to be thruster slots!

Even more red marker on the top side! Four of these look a lot like prime locations for medium-sized gunports... huh... I have no idea how that very weirdly specific thought occurred to me... But wait... what are the two large circles?

We don't do turrets on our ships, right? That would be crazy! How would we preserve the sleek and slim build if we had some giant ugly dongles sticking out?

Unless... hmmmm...

Wa- No! Bad kitty, don't play with that!

Ooof... that tachyon beam was a few space klicks too close for comfort... Anyways, where was I?

Ah, right, I guess while we're here, we might as well take a closer look at that incredibly detailed deck that looks like it might fry a few old laptops?

That also looks a little unusual! We don't often dedicate so much space and detail to that part of our ships. This must mean this WIP is something special! I can't wait to see how it turns out... (─‿─)

MEC: Asari

As for our other stuck-up space snobs, you may have noticed things have been a little quiet around them for the past year. I've had a lot of plans (and still do!) but decided to set them aside in order to get my other big projects - Veiled Realms - finished faster.

However, none of those plans have been forgotten, so as soon as VR is out, I would love to come back and start implementing them! And there's a lot to do - more story content for the origins, the Tradition tree that has been on my mind for a while, and perhaps even taking advantage of the internal empire systems Stellaris has been updating recently to flesh out some of the Asari societal mechanics.

Oh... And I think Asari may be getting one of those big fancy ships this year as well? Elves are currently experimenting with a few ideas I'd love to adapt, once we had a chance to test them out.

Yes, I said it. Clip it and ship it! >.<

Aaaaand... while we're on the topic of things we are desperate to finally get around to in 2022...


Yes, the long-planned, forever-delayed bottleneck that has been keeping us from adding more outfits or making any improvements to our portraits is - hopefully - going to see the light of day this year.

I cannot overstate how much I want us to get this project underway so that we can get back to pumping out pretty clothes again! As much as we love ships (and need to finish the Jugs before we can call our shipsets complete) we've been stuck on them for years and we need a change of pace ASAP. Burnout is bad and that's not something we want to spend another year trying to overcome.

So! If the ships get shipped without issues, we are hoping to give Nessa Shipyards a well-deserved break for the rest of the year... and open up the Nessa Fashion House once again!

Veiled Realms

And while we're on the topic of things that have been dragging on for far too long, I would be remiss not to mention the star of the show!

I was hoping I'd be able to release it shortly after CK3's upcoming expansion, Royal Court, but a lot of distracting personal matters over the past few months and the continuing writer's block (which has thankfully been somewhat lifted thanks to alex_bindo's recent contributions to VR Community Writing <3 THANK YOU!) have pushed the projected release back once again.

But on the bright side, I don't think it will be that much longer! Although content production has been slow, the mechanical infrastructure I've managed to build up in the meantime is relatively complete!

Which... makes me wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to... attempt some form of limited public testing, with the aim of gathering targeted feedback and triaging the project's direction.
I've always been afraid of beta tests since the way I work is a bit chaotic so I tend to test features as I develop them, but seeing how long this project has lingered in a limbo, perhaps that's not the way to handle it.

I have not settled on the details yet, and I'm not sure when/if I will (please look out for an announcement!) but if I were to open Veiled Realms up for pre-release testing, would it be something anyone would be interested in?

Until then, thank you for continuing to follow and support us <3
Happy New Year and Happy Lunar New Year in which we hope we can repay your passion with more and better content that deserves it!

As always, please look forward to more news and teasers here, on my Twitter and Team Nessassity's Discord! And in the meantime... oh my gourd... Royal Court is coming out IN A WEEK? Uh... I guess let's have fun playing Paradox games forever! (・ヮ・)


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