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Astranaar in just a short amount of time turned from a quaint Elf town and center of power in the region to a factory that produced loyal Kaldorei sluts. The process was simple. First it began with wearing them down mentally. The sight of the once proud town being occupied by Orcs alone was enough to dishearten any prisoner that was transported there. The place that was once thought to be too defensible to take with it's natural moat had turned to the Orcs advantage and now became an inescapable prison. The was the first blow to any Kaldorei's psyche as they were brought in. The second was the display of the disparity between two sides. The Kaldorei living as pleasure servants and the ones living by licking Orc boots while wagging their asses obediently like dogs.

The service was humiliating and shameful. There was nothing that could convince a proud Kaldorei to take that route... Is what all of them would think. Only to be confronted with their Sisters, Mothers, Comrades in arms. It only took one relation to create the connection in their mind. The thought of

`If they could fall, why not me?` It was why Legends such as Anaris Windwood serving on their side was a such a boon to the Horde. Moreover, despite bringing shame upon themselves from the Kaldorei perspective, the turned Sentinels seemed to have a rejuvenated level of pride in their service to the Horde.

If that were not enough, the alternative was displayed out in the open. Bodies hanging as examples in the worst case. Punishment for crimes to grave to commit, such as being a male Elf, of all things. The women that were not able to serve the Horde were broken down and shown pleasures until they cracked. They were messed with, gaslit, brainwashed and trained out in the open. It served the same as letting the newcomers see the Sentinels. No matter how high status one was, or what position or skill one carried, if they were disobedient or stubborn or prideful they would without fail be turned into sexual servants. Any newcomers that came to Astranaar would have to think.

`If it could happen to them it could happen to me.` Nothing could save a Kaldorei from being punished for their pride or disobedience. That was an ever-present truth. To that end, juxtaposed with Anaris, Velene was a stunning example of what could happen. Once a proud and moral Sentinel, she was completely broken down until the only words she ever really uttered were 'cock' or however many words she needed to praise the Orc she happened to be seeing. It sent a strong message; what happened to Velene would happen to them, without fail.

Lokk was enjoying Velene personally, as he had a bit of time on his hands. His father, Braelyn and him arrived at the Horde camp off of Astranaar early. As promised, he delivered his report to Tarkan and as an aside, delivered the Blood Elf, Braelyn to him as well for whatever that was worth. He guessed not much, though thankfully the Orc did not seem unhappy to see her; just amused. Tarkan promised Braelyn that they could talk about getting her a ticket to Stonetalon Mountains if she did a few things for him. She sounded extremely belligerent of the idea, but ultimately agreed to talk.

Tarkan then promoted Lokk to Stone Guard, the first rung up the Horde Officer ladder. Satisfied with that, Lokk visited the Barracks in Astranaar. Since the camp that was used to invade the town was close to the town itself, Braelyn was able to make a portal for him upon request. That is how Lokk ended up cock-deep in a broken Kaldorei slut in the Breeding position.  Her legs were being held by her arms to her shoulders and her pumped up tits were framed by her calves. Her toes curled above her head as Lokk flattened her into the floor with the weight of his whole body.
“A-ah! I'm being squished!” She uttered excitedly.
“Master is squishing me and mating me!” Velene mewled pleasurably. Lokk gritted his teeth, her tight cunt serving as a pleasant, warm time. It was practically sucking him in and begging for Lokk to never pull out. She had the constitution and the mindset of a toy. It was an amusing contrast between her and the more 'useful' Elves.

There were definitely some he would like to see in such a way, just for the sake of revenge. To see Shandris mewling for cock like a whore, or better yet Tyrande Whisperwind herself. It would be quite a trip. He certainly wasn't sure if they would make good soldiers, but he wasn't sure any of them would at the start of all this so anything could happen.
“Damn... Cunt's too good. Got me thinking about other things now.” Lokk grunted, pounding down into Velene particularly hard. Her pussy made a pleasant squishing sound as the head of his cock bottomed out inside and kissed her cervix.

“Guh!” Her eyes rolled back and she had to let go of her legs, but it did not matter because her heels were caught by his shoulders and she was kept in the same bent down, squished position that he had put her in from the start.

“You know what this is called?”

“C-cock?” She mumbled happily, her pussy twitching as it was used remorselessly by the Orc even while speaking.

“No... It's called a 'Mating Press.' This is the Elf-slaying position. The secret move.” He grinned. It was a half-joke.

“Secret move...” She moaned, repeating his words.

“That's right. Whenever an Orc sees a proud Elf warrior out in the wild we grab ya by the neck, push ya down, bend you up like this and imprison you beneath our bigger bodies till we get our fill. Pure defeat!”

“Defeat!” She drooled excitedly. She practically had hearts floating from her head with how much love she was projecting with her stare.

“Instant loss and it works on all elves, even the leaders.” He said, bullshitting.
“Once an Orc gets an Elf under him, that's it. They're done.”

“Done...” Velene shuddered and came. Lokk chuckled. He had cum a few times already. He did not care when the toys enjoyed themselves, though some seemed to.

On the other side of town a portal opened in front of the Inn. Tarkan, after 'speaking' with Braelyn a bit he convinced her to open a portal to make it easier for him to perform his daily rounds, which ultimately amounted to his daily entertainment. As he exited the round, blue portal he was surprised to find the Elite. Anaris Windwood. She was the biggest surprise of the operation. A legend among elves. It was her that told Tarkan that even high-ranking elves were not too proud to be broken down and tamed. He looked upon her with a perverse grin as she stood in front of him in a military stance with her head and eyes low.
“Greetings, Master.” She offered humbly.

Tarkan nodded, tossing a letter back through the portal to Braelyn, as promised. It closed soon after. “What're you doing here? You're supposed to be following Shandris around and hindering her forces.” It was a terrible thing that the needed elves to fight elves, but it was truly the case that there was no one aside from Sylvanas Windrunner on the Horde end that could match Shandris arrow-for-arrow. Anaris could and she did so happily. It seemed to give her purpose to be allowed to do something so important, even if that thing was betrayal of her own kind in the worst way. Each act she committed sunk her deeper and deeper, and it was amusing for Tarkan to see it more and more on her face as time went by. He guessed that she would be begging to be made a pleasure addict once the war was done, just to get away from her own crimes.

“Reporting, Master, that Shandris has set her sights on Astranaar. A desperate battle is looming.” She explained.


“For them.”

Tarkan laughed loudly. He swung his hand around to catch her ass with a loud smacking sound. He pulled her body into his and bent down to kiss her deeply. Even if they were being used as soldiers, they were still able to be used in such a way on a moments notice. They were happy to. It had become a part of their identity. He stopped kissing and groping her to glance back towards the open space of the Inn.
“What's the status in there?”

“We have separated those who are resisting from those who have given up. Those who have given up are being distributed while those in a state of resistance are still being held in the Inn for training.”

“Heh. Alright. Well, we might as well show them an example.” He remarked, walking in with her at his side. There was an orgy going on, as was common. Someone was almost always getting fucked, or sucking, or having to do something humiliating. It was part of the training. No rest. As Anaris and Tarkan walked in and looked around at the scene Tarkan cleared his throat loudly. Everyone stopped and presented the unbroken women to him in a neat line. Tarkan grinned and nodded at the display. Bodies in varying shapes and sizes, but all attractive and slender. Some toned, some stacked, some flat and skinny... There were all shapes and sizes for whatever any Orc could want.

The Kaldorei looked up at him hatefully, but the thing he noticed was the way they looked upon Anaris, a familiar face, with shock and worry.
“I get the picture, here...” He muttered, rubbing his chin.
“Gods, all these girls look heartbroken seeing you!” He cackled. Anaris simply stood at attention.
“You know what to do?”

“I believe I know. These women will not speak the correct tongue, so I will have to dirty my mouth with it. Will you forgive me for doing so?” Anaris asked respectfully.

“Heh. Of course. Dirty it as much as you want so long as it's for the Horde.” He was a mused. The brainwashing had taken hold so deeply in some of their shattered brains that they disdained their own kind. Their own language. Their own culture. It was all so disgusting to them. As disgusting as an Orc cock was to an uninitiated Kaldorei.

“Attention. You all know who I am, I do not need to introduce myself. This is important to hear. It pertains to your very survival so listen close!” She spoke in a martial tone. Before she could even say what it was the Kaldorei looked up to her with some hope that she would be imparting some knowledge upon them that they could use to escape. That was not the case. Anaris motioned to Tarkan.
“This man? He is a 'Master' to you.” She lowered her hand.
“This hard member. Throbbing and strong and smelling like an animal? It is your God.” She smiled widely as their faces turned.
“Even if you do not need my introduction, I will tell you. My name is Anaris Windwood, the former Commander of this region before it rightfully fell to our Masters, the Orcs. I am a proud slave, to the extent that I would kiss his feet just to please him. This is the natural state for our kind. This is the end that all of you will reach eventually, regardless of how much you fight or beg. It is over. The world has already ended and you are merely a wisp within it.” She bowed.
“That is all. Oh...” She paused.
“Engrave these humble words into your skulls, ladies. Submission or Death.”

“Wow, you really shook them up. They don't even believe it.” The various Elves were in shock. Some of them were crying, others were shaking their heads in denial. Seeing Anaris say those things was like seeing the High Priestess, or Shandris herself say them. She was that important of a person.
“I know how we can prove it to them.”

Anaris adopted a gross, wide, perverted smile. She licked her lips, her eyes becoming dark and lustful. “Yes, Master?” She gasped as he picked her up under her thighs and spread her legs. She was spread in front of them, legs wide as he held her in upright reverse-cowgirl. He kept her up with one hand and she also helped him fish his cock free. The hard member managed to slide right into her wet, waiting cunt. He practically dropped her on it, then lifted her, then dropped her again. Anaris moaned lewdly, making a show to make as much noise for the girls as possible so that the would feel absolute despair.

One of the women bit their nails. “That... That is the toned, skilled, experienced body of Anaris Windwood being defiled by a mere Orc... She is thousands of years old and this man is likely less than thirty...”

“How do they conquer us like we are nothing!?” Another lamented, holding her head in her hands.

Anaris giggled happily at all the lamentations of the other Kaldorei. Words she could of course understand.
“They- Th-” She panted. It really was rough. She was essentially being skewered on each drop and it was beginning to take its toll.
“They are cracking.” As they looked up, Anaris stared down unsympathetically, winked and rubbed her drool all over her breasts in front of them erotically. It was not enough that she was reduced to a toy in front of them with barely enough agency to even fuck the Orc herself. She had to be dropped, lowered, raised over his cock like an object without any will. It was mind-bending. Anaris squealed as she came.
“For the Horde! Submission or Death!” She glared down at them.
“Say it, you swine! Are you too good to surrender your pride? Better than me!? You think so?”

One by one the women gave in while trading nervous, submissive glances. They sounded off. “For the Horde!” Some said while the others mixed in a chant of.
“Submission or Death!”

“Turn around...” Anaris panted.
“Turn them around, to the North. They can see it. Shandris who is camped on her hill can see and hear you all, but you are still hear. Let her know how you are doing!” She demanded, getting let down onto all fours so that Tarkan could finish himself off by simply rutting into her hard from behind. She gasped and mewled as her pussy was quickly filled to the point of spilling around his cock, even with the incredibly tight seal.

The girls turned around and yelled at the top of their lungs. “For the Horde! Submission or Death!”

The Orcs shouted at the top of their lungs proudly. “For the Horde! Victory or Death!”


Far away Shandris stood with her hands clenched into fists. The voices carried on the winds. She could hear them when she closed her eyes. She at least thought she could. She turned.
“Raene. Raene Wolfrunner!”

“Yes my Lady?” The woman knelt down.

“You escaped. What is the best approach with the least resistance? We will hurry our plans along and follow your route of escape for the greatest results.”

Raene smiled. If she were not compromised, it would have been the best plan.



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