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NT veRse - Bad End Guide 23 - Attract August

  • Distrust (Assert New Self) 3
  • Trust (Bring Out Maggie) 3
  • 2024-01-02
  • —2024-01-09
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'NT veRse - Bad End Guide 23 - Attract August', 'choices': [{'text': 'Distrust (Assert New Self)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Trust (Bring Out Maggie)', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 9, 6, 28, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 2, 22, 50, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


You thought out loud for the sake of brainstorming. “It seems like finding the doorman to August's Domain and getting his attention are very similar.”

Sphinx tapped his closed fan to his lips. “Two sides of the same coin, even. If you get that fellow's attention he will likely send his doorman to you. However, if you find the doorman you will have to impress upon them somehow that you should be meeting their master.”

“Uhm... Milk. You dealt with the woman before while you were Queen of the Minotaurs, right?”

Milk grimaced. She crossed her arms under her heavy chest as she tried to remember. They came to her, but they did not seem like pleasant memories.
“Once or twice for that woman. I didn't like her.”

“Why not!?” Sphinx questioned defensively.

“Why should I tell you?” Milk narrowed her eyes at the man. You weren't sure if he was just trying to trick Milk, or if he was genuinely becoming defensive for the sake of the Maggie person, but he backed down easily. Milk grumbled.
“She was basically a dog of the main guy, so it's not like we would ever meet on good terms. In my time they were just a bunch of upstarts vying for position. It wasn't nice being around them. They kept to themselves... They all spoke in a language that nobody else in the world could understand and they barely respected the order of things. I fought her once...” Milk, strangely, gave you an oddly perceptive look as she said that but quickly withdrew it.
“She's the craziest out of all of them.”


“Who knows?” Milk shook her head.
“Travelers are unpredictable because they all come from somewhere that nobody here would understand.”

Sphinx chuckled. “That's a surprisingly developed answer. No one can really understand their circumstances here. Why they feel and act the way they do. They are naturally a very prickly thing to us. 'Us' being the people of this world.” He opened his fan to hide his expression.
“As far as I know, this fellow makes all of his doors in the Underworld Alleyways across the world. If you shake things up a bit he may notice.” His eyes fell upon your guide.
“I think that your unique little book there would be a ticket.”

“I have the book.” You stated frankly.

“If he's watching, show him that it works by navigating the pitfalls of this place. It would be proof that you are something more than just an average denizen.”



You smiled sweetly. He kept his face behind his fan notably as you did. “Thanks for no longer intentionally trying to trap us.”

“I said I would.” He sounded as though he was smiling as he spoke.

“I guess it's time to start reading.” You opened the guide.

- In Another Time -

“Why are we going this way?” Sun asked.

“We're trying to figure out information about August without running into a particular blue hair and without going into some dangerous club, or a shop that feeds it's customers to carnivorous plants...”

Sun blinked. “Those were all oddly specific.”

Milk gave you a worried stare. “Remember to tell us if anything pops into that book of yours, Eve.”

“The reason we're going this way is because I'm telling you. I'm avoiding bad ends and so far nothing is written about this part of the alleyway is written so... It may be clear.”

“Or it may be an end that hasn't been written about yet.” Sun observed.
“According to your description of how it worked, there's no way for us to know in the present.

You gulped. He was correct. From your perspective all of the ends that you had been subjected to appeared in the book as passages, because you had resolved to tirelessly jot down everything you encountered. This meant that if there was nothing it was either safe... Or it was completely uncharted. You began to wonder if it was not better to try and navigate the evils you knew, rather than the ones you did not. The parts where nothing was written offered nothing in terms of information, which meant risk was high.
“Looks innocent en-” You stopped and looked around.
“I feel strange... I feel.” You blushed deeply.
“Hot.” Looking down, the top of your ropes were open and your small breasts were hanging out. There were hand marks over them as if they had recently been kneaded by someone with a good grip. You stumbled, noticing as well that your robe was hiked up over your hips and something was dripping down your thigh. You understood what it was. You felt as though you had just gone a few rounds with something... And it was not a fight. You drew from memory all the lewd possibilities from doujin's you had read back on earth.
“H-hold on! Time stop!? Is everyone okay?”

Sun looked fine, but he noticed you were in a state and became concerned. “Oh my god, Eve!” He desperately tried to help you fix your clothes and support you.
“Are you okay? What happened?”

“I- I think someone stopped time to mess with me! Stay on guard.”

Milk gritted her teeth. She was also untouched. “If someone's stopping time they're too dangerous for us to handle.” She raised her guard.

“I do not think it is a time stop...” A male voice claimed. A young man, younger than Sun with brown hair cut into a bowl walked out from a nearby alley with his hands folded behind his back. He had on attire that seemed to befit a student of some sort.

“Hey, stop!” He strolled past you towards Milk and raised his hand with just his finger pointing up towards her.

“The problem is, there seems to be a button between all of your eyes that you really want someone to press. Strange...” He reached up. To your surprise Milk did not move, but shook as his finger got closer. Her eyes followed it, crossing as it got closer. Slowly as it was close to touching her, like it was mechanical, Milk's mouth open and her tongue fell out. The corners of her lips curled up forcefully and she blushed as he finally pressed between her eyes. You and Sun could only look on in horror. He chuckled and played with her face, gripping her nose, then grabbing her tongue and pulling. He then pulled on her horn to show she was completely immobile.
“This is odd... We need to figure this out. She is completely paused.” He grinned.

“You-” You began.

Sun yelled “Stop fucking with us! You're doing this!”

“No...” He said, frowning innocently.
“I am merely trying to figure this out as much as you are.” He inspected Milk, rubbing his chin.
“Hm. I'm not sure but when I push that button again she should come back and she'll be unable to do anything against me.” He pressed it again, as if tapping a key.

Milk woke up and wound a punch back. She brought her fist forward but it stopped in front of his face. The boy chuckled to himself.
“Huh... Interesting. It seems I was right. We should find the culprit. All of us.”

Milk shook. “You- You bastard!”

You quietly began jotting things down in the guide. You had developed a skill to move ink on page without opening the book or needing a pen. Thought to paper. It was something you wished you had on Earth.
“It's obviously you! Stop this.” You begged.

“I am as clueless as you are, I assure you.” He said calmly, pressing the button again. Milk paused with the same ridiculous expression.
“Okay... That works somehow?” He gasped.
“Oh, this is bad.”

“What?” Sun questioned through gritted teeth. He whispered to you.
“Can you not move either?”

“I can't.” You shook your head.
“I can only watch.”

“When I press the button again she's going to suddenly betray you both.”

“Then don't press it.” You asked in an annoyed tone.

He grinned and shrugged. “Uh oh! I can not seem to control my own body. I suppose he has me too!” He pressed the 'button' between Milk's eyes.

Her eyes blinked, tehn rested on him. Her face reddened further. She looked at you all rather shamefully, then back at him.
“This is gonna sound strange but... Can I please serve you?” She was pleading and seemed desperate, like her life depended on it. Though you knew that Milk would not normally do such a thing, even if her life really did depend on it. You knew that she would have given her life if she had been allowed to. You shook, knowing she was being controlled by him. As he did not answer she asked again.
“Can I serve you?” And again.
“Can I serve you Master, please!”

“Oh fine. I do not really want to but if you insist.” He snapped his fingers, putting her in a skimpy maid outfit. The line of the blouse was low enough that her nipples were peaking out, and the skirt was short enough to show the bottom of her rear. With the black skirt, white apron and white stockings even you had to admit it was cute with her big horns and her Minotaur appearance. She obviously did not get to wear heels, but her hooves provided the natural aesthetic. Milk smiled happily.
“What is your name, dear?”


“Hah? That's more humiliating than any name I- I mean the one responsible would've given you. Let's keep it.”

“Stop pretending!” You chided.

He sighed. “I am as much a victim here as you are. Right, Milky?”

“Master is a victim!” She insisted. It would've been better if she was completely blank, but Milk smiled at you and shrugged.
“Sorry, Eve.”

You sighed. It hurt, but you knew. “I know you can't control yourself right now.” Milk smirked as you said that.

“Milky, go restrain the blondie.” He ordered, pointing at Sun. Milk obediently walked behind Sun and put him in a lock. Only you would have been able to adequately match her strength. Sun would not stand a chance. The boy approached casually.
“Kind of pretty for a guy.”

“Fuck off.” Sun struggled.

“Uh oh! My finger is moving again.” He pressed between Sun's eyes. His handsome features twisted, eyes crossing and his mouth falling open with his tongue out.
“Damn...” He said mockingly.
“Is there really no way to figure this out?” He thought for a moment.
“This one is jealous of Milky for being my maid. He really wishes he was female. Desperate to be a maid with a  Master. Trained all his life in a Sect who's goal is to guide their disciples into finding a male human to worship as their Master. To activate this fate he knows there is a button on his head that I can press. He wants it more than anything but is embarrassed and ashamed that he will have to betray you to achieve his dream.” He tapped Sun.
“This one... You may actually have a chance to convince him.”

Sun gulped. “Eve...”

“Sun! Don't give in.” You begged.

“What? What is going on?” The boy feigned ignorance.


“Sun!” You snapped.
“Was all that for nothing? This is just a lie. He's controlling you.”

His eyes widened and moved side to side rapidly. “It- It feels so real...”

“Think of who you are and where you are.” You explained calmly.

Sun looked down, then smiled weakly and nervously at the boy. “Th- the truth is there's a button on my forehead.” He admitted, his face awash with shame.

The boy looked at you triumphantly. “A button?”

“If you press it my brain will turn off and I'll devote myself to you completely... My whole life and brain will change in that instant.”

“You want me to press it?”

“Sun...” You grimaced.

'Is there really no escape?'

“No.” He says sternly. The boy looked surprised as Sun said that.
“I am loyal to Eve.” He was struggling to say that.

The boy clicked his tongue and pressed the button anyway. Sun began smiling happily. Milk released him and allowed him to stand up straight with a  loyal, vacant expression as a similarly skimpy maid costume wrapped around his trained form. Surprisingly it seemed to work quite well with his figure.
“You bastard! He said no.”

“What do you want me to do?” The boy uttered gravely.
“I already told you I can not control myself.” Sun's answer had shaken him.

You exhaled. Both Sun and Milk moved to hold each arm as he sauntered over. “What's the point of this? You already had all of us from the start.”

He laughed. “Well, yes. Obviously. I fucked you a bit while you were all hypnotized.”

“How'd you do it? I'm already done for, so why don't you tell me.” You asked. You were still writing in the guide with your mind.

He smirked, lifting his chin proudly. “Yes. Sure. It is a form of hypnotism aided by Aura. I developed it myself. I come here to test it on worthless people that exist here in the Underworld. You see... Anyone that comes here is considered lost anyway so there is no chance I am going to get into trouble.”

“Who are you?”

“Ah. I am a child of the Merchant Alliance leader. Just so you know, even if you were to get one over on me you would still wind up dead.”

“I see... Is that your sister that runs that club?”

He looked surprised. “How did you know? Truthfully, I am here without asking. This is her stomping ground. I was just visiting by chance and came across you all.”

“What are the conditions of the hypnotism?”

“I just have to touch you between the eyes once. That alone will freeze you. Then I can make whatever suggestions I want.”

You cringed. “How did you touch us like that initially? It's not like any of us are weak.”

He laughed. “Well, I am a child of the Merchant Alliance.” He moved quickly, disappearing in one place and appearing in the next.
“Using Aura to move is a simple trick. Since my hypnotism is all-powerful the only abilities I need are that and to blink short distances. It even works on strong people like you, since nobody can expect this.” He chuckles.
“Anyway.... Good night.” He smiled widely and reached up.

You grinned. “You're going to die next time.” You said before he touched your forehead between the eyes. Everything went dark.


You closed the guide and took a deep, shaky breath to steady yourself and calm your nerves. You reached back and motioned Sun close, he was back to front with you practically. You reached back and found the position of his sword at his side and smiled.
“Don't move, just follow me.” You whispered. He seemed confused but nodded. You took another step, sensed a sudden flow of Aura and gripped the handle of Sun's sword, drawing it and slashing out in one motion. A hand was lopped off before the extended finger could touch your forehead. It's owner screamed, clutching the bleeding stump.

“My haaand! You bitch!”

You smiled down at him, pointing Sun's sword at his neck. “Don't try to blink. I'll know and I'll be faster.”

“You can't do this! Do you know who I am!?”

Sphinx stepped out behind him from the shadows and asked in a voice that was not his. “Hah. Who are you?” The fan covered his mouth but you could tell he was smiling.

“I'm the son of the Merchant Alliance Leader!” He stopped, his eyes going blank. Sphinx closed his fan and knocked the boy on the head.
“All I see is a fool.” You looked at Sun. He shrugged at you.
“If the consequences follow me and not you it will be better. I can avoid them more easily. Besides... He will not be looked upon kindly for ending up like this. His brothers and sisters and family do not value talentless individuals. He licked his lips.
“Delicious knowledge rolling around in that young mind of his, though.”

“Scary...” You had not seen it personally, only known through writing. It was a scary ability.
“Let's keep going. There's more of this place we have to clear.”

You began walking. It took a few days but gradually the entire alleyway had been made your bitch with the help of the guide. You truly had died a dozen times in this place at least. You were thankful that you did not have to remember them except through writing, otherwise you would go mad. You stopped and finally allowed yourself time to rest. There was quite a bit of blood on your hands at this point.
“I'll know if I have August's attention.” You looked at Sphinx, trying not to phrase the sentence as not a question. He seemed to appreciate it and understood your meaning.

“You will. I believe the doorman should get a message from him and call upon you shortly.” Sphinx stated. He waited and closed his eyes. An impish smile crossed his thin lips and his eyes narrowed happily before he could cover his mouth with his fan.
“He is ready to see you.”

You blinked. “You!?”

“Is that a question?” He mocked.

“Sorry... It was you. Doorman.”

“I still prefer 'Sphinx.'” He chuckled, fanning himself. He wandered to a nearby wall and placed his hand over it. A red door appeared from the stone with a gold handle.

“You are not human.” You hated the odd way you had to speak with him, but it was necessary.

“Correct. Before he calls me a 'lizard' or something else that is demeaning, I am a proud Sapphire Drake.”

You blinked. “That's like a dragon!”

“A Drake is a young Dragon.” He said bashfully.
“I only left the nest just a few hundred years ago, so I am still just a little one.” He jokes.

“Haha... A little one of a few hundred years.”

Sphinx motioned towards the door. “Honored guest.”

You opened it and stepped inside. Everyone else stepped in after you and Sphinx entered last, closing the door.
“You are the only doorman.”

“Actually, I am one of a few. I can not be everywhere at once yet.” He explained cheerfully.

“You revealed yourself to me...”

“Correct. I am not sure why but there is something about you that I like, my future wife.”

You sighed. “The word for that is fiance.”

“I can consider that I proposal.”

“You can not!”  Both you and Sun said at the same time. You both looked at each other awkwardly.

The inside of the space was done up like a temple with high arches and stained glass windows that did not have any light outside of them, just a blue glow. It seemed to have Christian tones to it. It was unmistakable.

“Oh my. How would you know that?” A soft male voice echoed behind you. You turned to see a ghostly figure. Like the white women of horror stories the figure in front of you had long black hair, parted away from his pale face. It ran down his robes and behind his backs, almost reaching his waist. He was dressed like a priest from the middle ages and carried himself with a similar air. Though he was definitely male he had a very androgynous quality to him. He had a pretty face and jet-like eyes. His slender frame was hidden within his robes.


“Have you met a Traveler before?”

You gulped. “I... Am a traveler.” You looked to Sun, his surprised expression.
“Sort of! I don't really get it, myself.”

“No. You are a denizen of this world, my dear. You must be mistaken.”

“But I remember Earth! I remember living there. I had a whole like there...”

He looked to be in deep thought as he wandered to one of the pews and sat. “Sit with me here.” he asked, patting the spot next to him. You walked over and sat down.
“What do you remember?” August asked attentively.  

“I was just a student... I was in a bad place but I never felt like things were hopeless. I was just about to get back on my feet, in fact. The hospital decided they didn't need insurance for some reason so-”

“Sorry?” August interrupted.
“Hospital and Insurance? Though it was never my time these are terms I've heard before. What did you study, my dear? Was it in a University?”

“Yeah. Latin and History. I-” You stopped, because August was looking at you very strangely. He said something to you in Latin that you could vaguely understand.

“You are quite a unique child, aren't you?”

“I- I suppose.” You responded. The language was difficult to use, but you still managed to respond in kind.

He seemed grave. “I can not doubt it at this point.” He leaned back in the pew.
“I feel as though my faith is being tested right now. What did you come here for?”

“Things are happening that I can't explain. I'm a traveler but I ended up in this body. I have a guide that shows me things that I've apparently already experience.” She opened it and looked down. There were no entries concerning the Cathedral they were in. She was either safe, or on her way to a bad end.

“Th-there's a person inside me that's bloodthirsty and wants to kill people.”

He looked at you sympathetically, resting his thin pale hand over your own. “You truly don't remember anything except coming here from your home?”

“No.” You shook your head.

“Can I tell you my story... What is your name?” He stared at you in anticipation.

“Eve, Evelyn.” He was surprised for some reason.

“I see.” He continued after being taken aback.
“I was a Priest in the Holy Roman Empire during the 14thcenturey. Do you understand what that means?”

“What state were you from?”

He chuckled. “Interesting question... I do not think it matters too much now.” He paused.
“Ulm.” He allowed the brief diversion before going on with his story.
“When I came to this world I was not sure of anything. I had nothing except my faith, but that did nothing for me at the time so I lost it quickly. I learned to survive and find new Gods. I struggled to be recognized. It was a rare thing for a traveler, but I felt... Driven. I was intent on finding a figure that I could worship and bring me meaning.”

“What did you end up finding?”

“Irisia. Though her light seemed to simply seek followers and offered no guidance or structure. As I strove to find the limits of what faith to her would allow I found that I could create my own boundaries and rules. I founded a temple where my own faith back home served as a guideline and it seems as though others decided to catch on and copy that template. Though... There were some differences that developed. Rings instead of crosses.” He chuckled, motioning towards the stained glass.
“I kept the saints and the cross... As foolish as that was, though that faith abandoned me, I could not truly abandon it.”

“That- That's an amazing story.”

“It goes on. The faith I established captured the attention of a fellow. The Cappadocian. He came to me and spoke in a tongue that I recognized. It was the first time. His hair was short and curly and blonde like the sun. His face was dyed by it as well. He had the appearance of some type of pagan symbol when he approached me but his faith was powerful. Do you want to know something interesting?”

“Yes, of course.”

August paused, touching his lip nervously. “I do not know what this will mean to you, but his faith did not leave him when he crossed over. He had the powers of divinity and he also already had the benefit of Aura and Soma that we must establish ourselves after we cross over. According to him, he could do all that before he arrived. Imagine my shock when he introduced himself and gave me the name of Gorgius, the Saint.” He motioned towards a specific stained glass pane. A man standing atop a crude depiction Wyrm. Sphinx shifted uncomfortably behind you.

“Saint George?” You clarified. In disbelief.

“In the flesh.” He nodded.

“With him there was a girl. Hair like fire. Someone he referred to as his first follower. She stared at everything cautiously and spoke in the same tongue that both of us could speak in, albeit crudely, as if it was not natural to her. She spoke of a strange world that was new to both of us, despite being on the same world. A word with Hospitals and Insurance and a pitiful story about a sick mother.”

You gulped. “I-I'm sorry?”

He clutched your hand in both of his and stared at you excitedly. “Maggie? This is you, is it not? Even if you do not remember... There is too much. Too many coincidences.”

“That's enough!” Milk interjected.

“Quiet, you!” August snapped back in a tone he had not yet used. Sharp and angry.
“I am speaking with- with my sister in faith...” he began to weep.
“You did not die! It was his plan was it not? I feel ashamed that I doubted him...”

“G-get off! I don't know that name! I'm Eve!” You yanked your hand back and left the pew out the side.
“M-Maggie wait!” He tried to follow but Sphinx stepped in his way.

“Master... If it is really her we should be more gentle.”

August sneered. “You of all people should be overjoyed by this news!” He turned to you with a desperate expression.
“Maggie... If you are still alive that means he is close. He was not lying. Georgius found a method to return.”

You stopped. “Wait, what? To Earth?”

“Yes!” He smiled warmly.
“We can go home. Maggie, I know you do not remember but... Do you trust me?”

“How can I trust you if I don't know what you want?”

“I want you back.” He admitted sadly.
“I want that before anything else. I consider you above family...”

“What else? Above faith?”

He did not seem to be able to answer. Instead he added. “You said that someone came out. Someone that wanted to kill and be wild. That means that you are still in there. You can become her again. I can try my best to help you.”

You nervously stared down at the guide. There was nothing.


Roland Taranis

I think now is a good time to share my updated theories about Maggie and everything surrounding her circumstances. So, quite some time ago, Maggie was transferred as a Traveler, with the backstory we know of. Already a digression, it is now confirmed that Earth & Turaise are completely time-disynchronized. A modern day Earth human can end up as early as any other Core Beast within Turaise. Maggie comes from the modern age, August the 14th Century & St George was from the 4th. That early Maggie joined with August & the Cappadocian, St George, to become the last part of the Triumvirate. Their goal was to find a way to get home, as can be expected, spearheaded by St George, the Aurar of the group. What I've learned by asking Winter over DMs is that Aura is, well, all powerful, as long as you've got enough of it. Primals, who are being of pure Aura, can mess up with timelines, intercept beings between worlds, mess up with spirits & bodies etc... And the evolution of other higher beings, such as Elementals, mostly involve growing Aura. The initial "abduction" that get beings from Earth to Turaise involve Aura too. So at some point, maybe in their attempts to find a way back to Earth or as they were coming back to Turaise after a successful attempt, Maggie got intercepted by Synra. Using her own power, she "sealed" Maggie's memories along the body transfer, having her behave as would a fresh Traveler within a native body. And against the Centaurs, the "parallel existance" of Maggie with all her previous experience but no knowledge of recent events was brought out. As for now, we can deduce that the old Maggie & the new MaggiEvelyn do not really cohexist but are stored separately within the body of Evelyn. For our choice, I'd rather shake the status quo rather than enforce it. However, I'd like for the result to have its own nuance. I think permanently "overwriting" MaggiEvelyn would be... shaky. Maybe linking the two ? Have MaggiEvelyn progressivly partake in Maggie's ecperience while retaining her own self ? Or go for a "reunion", where every bit of her personnalities would be hers again, making a rougher MaggiEvelyn but at the same time a softer Maggie ? That is, if that awakening would be permanent.

Tanya Wormald

The timelines may be roughly synchronized but you're also right that aura can do a lot of things so maybe the phenomenon that bring people back and forth don't need to care about that. Also there are three individuals. Maggie, Evelyn (Cultivator), and the current dominant personality that is the MC is A combo of Original-Maggie and Some memories of Evelyn, though her name was 'rewritten' to just Evelyn.

Tanya Wormald

Who wants to see more of the assorted Bad Ends from Underworld Alley? If people like it I may add it to the list of bonus chapters to write.

Roland Taranis

Would be very intertaining to me, I'm in ^^ And BEG is the perfect place to explore really hardcore situations, so no need to hold back ;-)