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You shiver. “Why do I have to wear something like this?” You look to Lae'zel, a ball of nerves as she stares back at you as if you had just insulted her mother.

“Kchk.. You have no need for armor. Even if you were to use that meager magic of yours you would be wearing nothing of value.” Lae'zel reasoned.

“Even so, did it have to be-” Before you could finish speaking Lae'zel swings her arm down. Her hand slaps your rear and grips it. No armor value was correct. Forget a sword, her hands have easy access to every part of your body. The intent is clear. It is not for your comfort or defense. It is merely for her amusement. The clothing you wear is similar to the undergarments that Lae'zel chooses to wear. Tight black straps with metal rings. To be generous to her intent, you assumed she merely gave it to you because it was a design that was familiar to her. As she added a belt-thin skirt and a pair of high-heels to the ensemble you realized her intent was far different than you had guessed.

Lae'zel pulls on the strap... No, the collar around your neck and draws you into a deep, dominating kiss. Before it ends you feel her bite down on your lip, drawing blood. As she releases you, the Gith grins triumphantly, as if she were staring at a conquest.
“I give you permission to heal yourself, slave.”

“Th-thanks.” You swallow hard and touch your lip, letting out a healing word.

“I will enjoy showing you off once I rid myself of this worm. A servant such as you can bring a warrior great prestige. Prepare yourself. We will be entering a blighted village soon. I saw many Goblins when I went to scout it out before. We should be ready for a long fight. You will need to heal me with all of the spells that you have prepared.”

“Okay.” You bow, shrinking in front of her like a scared animal. She seems satisfied and walks off to her own preparations.

“I warned you about stroking that Gith's ego. Now we all have to deal with her pompous behavior. Though I suppose you don't mind. You must be loving the attention.” Shadowheart teases.

You pull at the straps you are forced to wear. “I was before.”

“Oh, what changed?”

“Nothing... I don't 'like' this... Well, maybe some part of me does.”

“I'm confused. Because it seems like you enjoy yourself quite a bit when you are being abused and used.”

It is difficult to explain your destroyed mind. You have to acknowledge that no one else would understand. But you try.
“It's like... Bad food.” Shadowheart perks a brow at you curiously. She is waiting for a further explanation, but you have her attention.
“Eating tasty, bad food. It feels good and you want to do it. Right?”

“I suppose.” She chuckles.
“Wine is nice.”

“But you have a glass of wine and though you enjoy it you stop. If someone offers it to you, you could say that you didn't want it.”

“Of course.” She nods.

“I can't... I feel strange instincts. Even if I want to, I have a perverse need to please and to be of use. It's  a weird thing because pain... It still hurts me, but I can't refuse. Blood makes me sick but I want to touch it; to have it on me... To drink it. To eat the fowl flesh. I feel that I've tasted things before.” You stare down at your hands, a sense that blood has washed over your pale skin many times and stained. Your nails a deep red.
“I don't know what is wrong with me. This... This thing that's being done to me. I don't actually like it. It makes me mad. There's an indignity mixed with the arousal. I want what's being done to me to stop, but I also don't want it to stop. My mind is a mess.”

Shadowheart looks at you with concern. “I- I thought you were enjoying yourself but you're suffering aren't you? That's- Ksh...” She inhales sharply and clutches her hand as if she had just been burned by touching the campfire stove.

“Your hand.” You reach out.

“It's nothing.” She quickly hides it.
“You can't fight your urges?”

“It's hard... I just wish someone would come along that could be nice to me. That I could trust.”

“What then?”

“If I trust them I don't have to worry about having to do things I hate. Even if I can't resist my urge, maybe I could still be happy?”

“You're thinking about it wrong.” Shadowheart shakes her head.
“You can't rely on someone else. You have to be able to set limits. If you don't do that then how will anyone know when they cross them? Surely you can't simply take every piece of abuse that anyone can give you?”

“I'm not sure.”

Shadowheart shrugs. “Well then I'm not sure either. I can't help someone that can't help themselves even a little.”


“It's fine.” She steps closer and winks.
“If it helps, I'll try not to be too mean to you, now that I know. But.. You have to be good for me as well and not just Lae'zel, alright?”

You smile widely. “Yes, of course.” She feels like a lifeline you can hold onto if things become too harsh, but she is still guarding something from you.


“The plan is simple. The slave will be used as bait.” Lae'zel begins to speak. She points to you as she says slave, and then points to the big overgrown gates to the blighted village.
“Since the other Cleric is quiet enough to be able to hold a dagger to ones throat in the night, she should be with the rogue on one flank-”

“The rogue has a name.” Astarion complained.
“Oh whatever.” He waved a hand dismissively as Lae'zel stared at him.
“It's like talking to a wall.”

“If speaking to a wall will satisfy your need to prattle on endlessly then you should do so.” She remarks before continuing.
“I will take the other flank myself.”

“She's confident, I'll give her that.” Asterion rolled his eyes.

“Did you say I was bait?”

“Yes. Simply walks down the road unaware. You have the look of a lost doe about you, so you will naturally attract the attention of the Goblins.”

“What if they start shooting at me!?” You complain on pointed-green, deaf ears.

“You should heal yourself.”

“But you said all the healing spells are for you.”

Lae'zel looks up in thought. “Indeed. You are correct. Then I suppose you will have to wait until I am able to retrieve your body. Now go, Slave.”

“Y-yes mistress.” You cautiously walk through the overgrown arch between the two structures that flank the road. You know that tiny, malicious death awaits you in every shadow, and on rooftops just out of sight. You can only have faith in your companions ability to dispatch them before you come to too much harm.

“Oi! Who goes there!” A tiny female voice called out from the rooftop.

“Uh...” You look up in the direction of the voice and stare into the face of a Goblin. Little black eyes and a pointed nose. Green skin with big hands and feet. A creature that seems far too ridiculous for the threat that it really poses. You know that in large numbers Goblins are dangerous, and they are at least smart enough to set traps and ambushes, such as the one you have walked into. But, before you can say another word that creature you fear looks down at you with a mirrored expression of worry.

“S-sooorry, my Lady. Please forgive us!” She bows down perplexingly. You see Asterion behind her with a dagger ready to slide into her back. He looks at you with confusion you stare back at him. As the Goblin pleads, he waves.
“Please have mercy. We didn't mean to offend ya!” Asterion motions towards you and makes a rolling motion with his hand, urging you to play along. You are not much of an actor, you think.

“I should... Have- have you killed for such insolence.”

“Oh please no! Just one eye. No! One eye and a finger. I'll cut em off and give em over if you let me live this once!”

You look to Asterion. He grins and gives a firm thumbs up. You shrug. “Yes... Okay. Give me those things and I'll consider it.” As soon as you say that you flinch. The Goblin has one of her companions scoop her eye from it's socket with a loud tearing sound and a scream. She then offers her fingers to the Goblin's knife. They take one more than is necessary by mistake. She hands them to you personally. You take them and look down at them in your hand. Without thinking you pop the eye into your mouth in front of it's former owner and bite down. The liquid fills your mouth. You swallow it easily. More Goblins come to see what the commotion is.

“What's all this about!?” A warrior asks loudly before seeing you.

The Goblin that lost her eye holds her bleeding hand over the socket and screeches. “It's another Drow! Show respect!”

“Another Drow!? S-sorry Milady!”

The female Goblin asks. “Wou-would ya like some seasonings for my fingies my ladyship?”

“I'll eat them later.” You say casually, stowing the digits in your bag. The fowl aftertaste of Goblin eye fills your mouth. You wipe your lips. There is nothing worse. Though perhaps you can not say that. You have barely tried the fingers. Your mouth begins to water at the thought. You shake yourself out of your blood lust. When you blink you are being lifted by more Warriors.

“Drow! Drow! Drow!” They cheer and shout, carrying you further inside.
“An offerin for my Ladyship!” They carry you to a windmill in motion. There is a small man tied to one of the arms. He is screaming. The Goblin in charge of the rabble that tied him up removes his hat and lowers his head.

“You want to give that to me?”

“If it pleases you.”

“Uh... Thanks. I'll eat it later so just clear out.” It is the first thing that came to mind for you to get them out of your hair. The Goblins all scatter and run as soon as they are dismissed. You find and stop the windmill arms from spinning as the others find you.

“That is impressive.” Asterion comments.
“You seem to have enchanted them.”

“Most unexpected... I will have to change my assessment of your value in this mission.” Lae'zel admits.  “In any case, you are a worthy servant, indeed.”

“I suppose these Goblins have an instinct to serve Drow for some reason.” Shadowheart observed.

“I suppose...” You untie the dizzy Deep Gnome and let him down.

“Don't eat me!” He squeals in a way that is satisfying to you.

“Oh, you heard that?”

“Yes!” He says.

You blush. “I said I would eat you later so you're safe for now.”

“Let me go.” He demands nervously.

You nod. “Okay.”

“If you won't let me-” He stops.
“That simple?”

You nod again. Asterion jokes. “You have good taste, my friend. Aged Gnome does tend to taste better. Though they aren't as well fed as Halflings.”

The Deep Gnome runs off after hearing that. You turn towards the party, and then look upon the empty village.
“I guess we can loot this place?”



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