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The moment Nyle logged in the emotion he felt was an odd, foreign emotion. In his rational mind there was no basis for that feeling in reality. But, as the thoughts of his Avatar crept into those he himself held he figured that his rationality was not long for the world. “I -Give Up- …” His slender shoulders slumped. It was useless.
“Clever Goblin...”

The musings of Nial outside of One2One were that Goblins were weak because they were unable to effectively survive, or grow. If they were to survive, they would stagnate and to grow for the Species inherently meant death at the hands of stronger creatures. For the reason he thought Goblins to be weak. Only when he experienced the Shaman did he realize the truth. One2One was a game and Goblins were not weak because they could not survive, they were weak because they had to be weak. Otherwise the world would be completely... Unabashedly... Wholly unfair.

“Nyle, you're back!” Luara chimed. She stood on one side of the Shaman, her crescent-staff planted at her side. Yenna was behind them, her eyes focused, but with a vacant quality about them. The Smith seemed determined and proud.

'Amazing -Mind Control Magic?- Master!' He thought to himself.

The fundamentals of crafting meant that one could level up and increase the skill and quality through performing many, many deconstructions and constructions of products. The bodies in the slave pits were numerous and all their levels had been high before, so their equipment was not the type of thing that a Crafter would have access to. Her level was allowed to increase exponentially. What Nyle was able to assess with his Merchant's Appraisal skill was something that did not exist in the world. His eyes widened.

'Yenna became a Legendary Crafter? Having someone like that on our side -It's bad...- is great!' He glanced over Luara's stats.

'Even her?' She too had advanced to a tier that was only commonly seen by the top players in the game. It seemed that the Shaman was not just gifting levels to the Goblin warriors. Nyle found his own stats as he stood on the other side of the Shaman. A tiny hand rested on his rear and on Luara's. It was clear he had taken ownership of them, which would be sufficient to keep them apart. It was his most likely intention with having them on either side.

'Me too?' His stats had increased. No longer just a merchant. An advisor with stats equaling that of what was required to become a statesman within the game. His body had degenerated further into a more feminine form and his body was decorated in fine robes. It seemed there was no more hiding.

“You know what's happening, right?” Luara asked excitedly.

“Yep!” Nyle responded.
“Today's the day we -'Betray the world'- flip the script.” The plan entered his mind, or rather, it was always there. A new order where Goblins were not restrained by their programming. He looked down and saw the Tamer and his pet Fetcher. Looking back, the onahole of Gia was tied at the Shaman's side as a sort of totem and he smirked when he noticed she was still logged in.
“Looks like everything is -'almost over'- prepared.”

“There's still one more. We can't forget our friend Uma and her new BEST friend.”

“Huh?” Nyle's eyes widened as a mountain of meat rose up from a sea of putrid liquid that existed within the cistern.
“A hob!?” That was not the most interesting part. The 'Drooling Goddess' statue of Uma was tied embedded in a chest-piece. Her nethers were soft and in constant penetration from the Hob-Goblin's massive dong. Just as before she was dripping and drooling in constant pleasure and... Definitely on line. Everyone had logged in to experience being subjugated and he was no better.

“Now we're ready.” Luara smiled. He did not like Gia's body. Luara, looked like herself in real life originally, but he figured it was a small blessing. With this, things could be separated from reality in his mind. At least he hoped.


'Being a statue... Is not so bad. I used to only log in to check on things but found quickly that it was fun seeing my little worshipers running around in my name. I could see and hear things through the other versions of me when my divinity increased through the presence of the other statues. Graven imaged being distributed and created added to my acclaim. I knew that in reality I was no goddess, but a slave to that Goblin, but what does it actually matter? In function, I am the most important piece and that is Just. So. Arousing!' If Uma had eyes that could roll back they would as the Hob Goblin fucked her endlessly with his huge cock. Her insides were not a normal orifice anymore, so it was not dangerous. It just felt good.

'I am happy to see the scenery finally shift. In truth, I always wanted to be a part of tyranny. Of course, I wished it to be my own but it can't be helped. If it's for them it feels just as good. I'm almost there.' She moaned internally. The Hob burst through the surface like a battering ram. The street rose up and ruptured out like a wave into surrounding buildings. The Drooling Goddess looked on in awe and basked in the fearful eyes, because they were not just on the Hob, they were on her and more eyes on her in fear or love added to her strength as a Goddess. If her lips could smile they would have, instead they remained open, drool gushing from within plush lips as if she was a fountain. Her juices and saliva healed the Hob instantly of any wound.

'Here it comes!' As she came one more she saw the words of the system pop up.

[Divinity Level +++: Drooling Goddess Joins the lesser pantheon.]

[Proximity to holy idols may now have a chance to corrupt.]

'It should say convert. Is it because I am actually an evil goddess of monsters? That is fine, too.' Her pale, lifeless eyes searched in front.

'A mark... A mark... Haha!' She laughed internally at the sight of marks appearing on those players stepping forward to fight the Hob-Goblin.

'A mark is a sign of corruption that remains even after death and resurrection. So that means that even if they go miles away my influence can still spread. That is so brilliant for my Master...' She stopped herself.

'Even I am getting caught up in this worshipful thought process. Seriously, why is a goddess worshiping the Shaman? He is magnificent, but... Well, no buts. I am starting to sound like that pathetic blonde Elf.'

As she was pondering, a spear shattered the sound Barrier. Uma screamed internally. 'Move you idiot!' The lumbering behemoth could not. The spear collided with her body and broke her into many small pieces. The stone head rolled off and shattered. It roared, less from losing her and more from losing a hole to constantly plung his cock into. Looking across the way in the direction the spear came from he saw a new one to replace it. He began bounding towards a woman with long red hair in a ponytail. She had light, eastern clothing and as he was charging his primitive mind told him that she was an unarmed woman. Easy target. He saw a line in his mind, his arms raise and smash her into the ground. If her body is weak enough he picks her up and chains her to his chest in place of the statue. As he decided on that plan his eyes widened, then were gouged as her spear rematerialized in her hand.

As the Hob was felled by her in another swing of her spear rather easily, the spear-woman, Patricia, flicked off the blood and shouted to the other players.
“They're just Goblins! They can't respawn but we can, so fight to the death and don't let them capture anyone!” It was a good plan, probably the best plan as devised by a veteran player of the game. Dying was not as much of a threat as having a character that was captured. She clutched her chest.

'He didn't hit me so why...' She looked at her status.
'A Mark? Corruption? I'll worry about it later.' She continued slaying.


“It's a full-on Horde. You have to listen to me!” Wendie demanded. She had traveled to the mayors office. She was being held back by guards. The Mayer, a stern human player with Black hair and green eyes smirked. She waved her hand flippantly at Wendie.

“Yes yes. We were already alerted to the 'Gnome and Goblin' plot but Sherrie. Quite terrifying. But, Goblins can not do anything like what you describe and 'Gnomes' are also just Players.”

“Oh my god.” Wendie stopped fighting. She was so inconceivably upset that the last act of her 'mentor', the famed detective, was to poison the well against any future warning.

“We are aware of the Detective's antics. It is tolerated because she is a popular and amusing feature of Pridehale. I understand you've been following her around quite a bit but since you are new I will tell you that most know that character is not to be taken seriously.”

“But-” It was over, she remembered the conversation with Frita minutes earlier.

- -

“We need more agents. I think most of your people already fell. It just ended up giving them more supplies to work with.”

“Actually-” Frita came through the communicator with her fake German accent sounding quite disappointed.

“It is quite unfortunate. We are handling that on our end but we have also discovered that this incident is not cult related at all. So that is why I am pulling my people out quickly to avoid any more Agency resources being lost. I would advise you to go, too.”

- -

“Bullshit...” Wendie cursed.

“Mayor, you should listen to the assistant. There's actually a big problem. The whole city is being overrun.”

“You!” Wendie froze as she heard the familiar voice of Gia, but she knew for a fact that the woman was no longer in control of her own body. Luara winked at her.

“How did you get in here?” The Mayor asked.

“The issue is there's a bunch of really strong people running around killing guards.” Luara stated causally. As she said that the heads of the two men holding Wendie burst, covering her in blood. She shook and stumbled to the side of the room, out of Luara's way.

The Mayor stepped forward, a hand resting on her rapier. “So this is it? I am also a high-level Player. It seems like you're a Cleric. You can't fight with a dedicated duelist on even terms, missy. Cute magic, though.” She drew on Luara with one hand and turned her body while folding her other behind her back. The Mayor lunged forward and was stunned into silence when the blow was deflected.

“Cute physical attributes!” Luara teased, grinning like a child.
“But this character's a dedicated Fighter.” She turned her body while spinning the Crescent-staff like a baton and swiped it at the Mayor's feet.

The woman jumped, avoiding  the attack by a hair. A thin slice was cut from the bottom of her shoes to the extent that when she landed one heel was shorter than the other.
“But-” She closed the distance and lunged at the open form of Luara, but the Rapier collided with a strong barrier. The Mayor's face went red.
“You can't have magic this strong as a dedicated fighter!” She snapped back.
“It's unfair, you hacker!”

“Not a hack, an exploit, hehe.” Luara covered her mouth and laughed.
“Speaking of unfair, though...”

Wendie watched in horror as the Mayor dropped her sword and went dead in the eyes. She was looking straight at something through the door behind Luara that she couldn't see due to the angle she was standing at.
“So-” The Mayor began.
“Unfair...” The woman trailed off after the second word and straightened her posture, as if standing at attention before some higher authority. Even Wendie began to cover her mouth and nose as she felt a sickening presence. The Shaman, stepped through the door, walked past Luara and the Mayor and sat down behind the desk that was the center for all governance in the region.

“Damn!” Wendie sprinted past Luara and dove out the door, only to feel herself being restrained. 'They caught me?' She looked back and began to sweat as she saw the only thing restraining her were her tensed muscles. She stood up and began walking back into the room.
'I have no control over my body.' She moved forward steadily until she was beside the Mayor, then both woman moved in opposite directions around the desk to either side of the Shamen. Wendie knelt, as did the mayor. She watched him draw with his finger on her forehead. It left a trail behind and once the symbol was complete both it and the Mayor's eyes began to grow pink. Her formerly emerald orbs widened reverently up at the Goblin Shaman.

'Is she completely gone?' Wendie then felt the finger on her forehead. As soon as he started:

[Beginner Slave Seal Active.] A small dot placed on the forehead. It forced one to not do harm to the creator of the Seal. But that was simply active from the moment he touched her head, As his finger dragged down in a precise manner she felt different.

[Slave Seal +: Intermediate] The end of the ability to disobey commands and weakness of body in the face of disobedience. For whatever resistance Wendie had, a dizziness and a heaviness fell over her in response to any desire to get away. She looked over and saw the Mayor looking up with wide, pink eyes drooling.

'Is that me, soon? No!' She mustered every ounce of willpower she had. Wendy gritted her teeth and tasted blood.

'Consume levels if you have to!' A feature of most games as Luck, or at least some method to bypass the limits. An additional 'dice' in some sense. In One2One a player could permanently spend their experience to such an end. It was such a drastic measure for a game where dying simply meant a timely respawn in a safe place. She knew she would not respawn from this. Wendie used the power gained from consuming three levels worth of experience to whip her arm up and slap his hand away before he could upgrade the seal to it's final form. She mustered all the strength in her weakened body to run. She closed her eyes, since Luara stood confidently in the way. Where she expected to be held she was let by without issue.

“So... You wanna go out there in this state?” Luara asked.

“Yes!” She kept forcing herself to move. The door was close.

“Down there you get captured by the rabble. Up here you can be in a waaaay better spot. Trust me.” It did not sound like Luara was lying, but at the same time, all she was promising was a 'better' form of servitude. She kept moving.
“Besides. He's impressed by you.” Wendie stopped in the door and looked back. Nothing had moved. The goblin was sitting in the chair with the sun descending behind the walls to Pridhale behind him. He was clapping his small hands for her.
“Inner circle, honey. Think about it...” Luara shrugged.
“Or I guess you can lose your character to the breeding pits permanently.”

Wendie turned on her heel and began pitifully walking back. She did not think she could escape. She did not think she could win. There was only one shot. In one motion she gripped Luara's Crescent-staff and pulled her hand-crossbow free of it's holster. Status flooded in as she held the staff.
“Just as I thought!”

[Crescent-staff of the Goddess: Physical and Mental Attributes mirrored. Health is Mirrored as Mana.]

'Such a Bullshit weapon.' Wendie laughed. She was a mental character. Her stats were balanced but she had no Mana, until now. She infused the bolt with all the Mana she gained and shot it. The numbers that mirrored her Mental increased her speed and accuracy. There was no chance she could miss.

“No!” Luara swung to cut her down, and Wendie was indeed killed in an instant, but it was an instant after the bolt had already found it's mark in the Shaman's chest. He gasped and clutched the bolt, looking at Luara in shock.
“No no!” She rushed to his side.

“So unfortunate. Was not expecting that at all!” A voice came through something on Wendie's person. With the Goblin still dying in her arms Luara ignored it and tried her best to stop his health from going down.
“Mana Poison is the most simple ability one without training can use through a hand-crossbow. It seems like your Shaman will die if nothing is done.” Frita explained callously.

“Shut up! What do you want? Are you just gloating?”

“Actually, I was thinking of helping but you are being very rude.”

“Why would you help?” Luara asked, pulling the device to her with levitation.

“I do not actually care about wether or not you win, because you are not related to the Cult and therefore not related to any of my markers for success or failure. However, if I am able to return our Agency's property, then that will be a GREAT marker for MY success.”

Luara sighed. “Fine, just tell me what you want.”

“Good gal!”


[Would've been better if he died.] Nial claimed.

[Oh shut up. You think this is fun, too, I know it.]

[He completely BRAINWASHED my character into a femboy worshiper!]

[Oh come on, that's hot!] Laura argued.

[Is that what you want out of what we have in real life?] Behind the screen he was nervous. Nial always guessed that this obsession would take over her life. If it extended to her trying to spread it to him, that was the boundary he decided for himself.

[As cute as I think it is I'm satisfied.]


[Yeah. I feel like I got it out of my system and the fact that I can log in at any time to keep getting it out of my system means I feel pretty good about doing 'normal' boyfriend/girlfriend stuff with you outside.]

[Well] Nial blushed and hesitated to type.

[I guess it wouldn't hurt to indulge a bit in game since it means we can do more normal stuff out of game.] He relented.

'It seems like it'll be fine. We can make this work.'

[Exactly.] Laura snorted. 'He's so easy. I've seen his cute side and I really do like him. Something that chick said stuck with me though. I guess there's a cult? I didn't know about this. We can keep acting normal for the time being. The longer he plays that character the more willing he'll be to come over to my way of thinking.'


“Congratulations on getting your body back!” Frita congratulated, patting Gia on the shoulder. The girl jumped from simply being touched. Her entire being had been subsumed by sexual pleasure as a toy over an unreasonable span of time, much of which she was logged into. She could still remember the feeling of being stretched around a cock that was roughly the same size as her. Gia wiped a bit of drool from her lip and nodded.

“Th-thanks... I didn't get my staff back, though.”

“Negotiations do not always go the way we want, right 'Fetcher?'”

'Maddie's cheeks flushed deeply. “Ruff-” She pinched herself and tried again.

“I mean right.” It was extremely difficult bringing herself out of her animal mindset. The Beastfolk Species in game was inherently erratic and weak-willed to the extent that their increased Strength and Speed were not worth it at all. Before she could say another word Frita scratched behind Maddie's floppy ears, causing the girl to almost melt back down onto all fours.
“Ahh... Ahhh!” She snapped at her by trying to bite.
“I said don't do that!” Despite her anger, the Plague Doctor noted her tail was wagging obediently.

“Sorry! You are just so cute.” Frita laughed.


Sherrie fanned herself. “I can't believe they didn't believe me. It would've saved them an invasion. Still... It seemed to be mostly Goblins. I guess the Gnomes were controlling things from the shadows.


Sherrie turned, smiling since she heard a familiar scream. It was Dr. Wendie, her faithful assistant. Sherrie had planted herself by the Graveyard outside of the city in case anyone inside was going to respawn. There were a surprising few. She watched proudly as Wendie came trouncing over, fists clenched. She had no intuition and no sense of danger.
“You have some explaining to do concerning the loss of my Manor and those strange people, but I'm glad you're alright!” Sherrie opened her arms.

Wendie closed the distance and decked Sherrie square on the jaw. She held her chest and breathed. “That... Felt so good.”

Sherrie whined from the ground. “Doctor, why!?” She squinted at the other woman.
“What's that on your forehead?”

“Oh- Oh no! It's still there!?” She rubbed her forehead, feeling the slightly raised skin of the mark. Wendie began running for her life away from Pridehale. If it was still on her, it meant the Goblin was still alive and if he was still alive it meant that he could control her if he ever got close enough.

“Dr. Wendie, wait! Why are you like this?” Sherrie began giving chase.



Tanya Wormald

This is the 'Last' Chapter of Goblin Lover, as promised however it isn't necessarily the end. We are taking a short break to see what people would like out of the Monday slot.