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NTR Quest - Odyssey 20 - Djir's Lover

  • Amun 8
  • Jeane & Teuta 13
  • 2023-11-17
  • 21 votes
{'title': "NTR Quest - Odyssey 20 - Djir's Lover", 'choices': [{'text': 'Amun', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Jeane & Teuta', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 17, 22, 10, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 21}


You stared down at the aggressive politician with a cocky smile. No one, not even Djir or Amun could predict your response. There were guesses, for sure. The most obvious was to to tell the truth in any number of ways but in your mind you thought.

'Why not go bold?' You leaned back into Djir's chest comfortable and lifted a hand to touch the side of his muzzle as you said:
“I am Djir's Lover. What of it?” You felt the Gnoll General shaking behind you, so you immediately wondered if you said something of a particularly egregious or inconvenient nature. After a second of that uncertainty however his arms wrapped around you tightly and protectively. He leaned over your shoulder and sneered down at the stunned Pomdi.

“Elaborate!” Pomdi demanded. The crowd was all muttering and whispers. The Gnoll populace was uncertain and silent while the various slaves of all genders and species were exchanging pleased and happy words.

“You heard him.” Djir stated.
“What of it?” Without  giving the man a chance to respond he began riding forward on his massive mount, forcing the politician to step back out of the way of the procession. Rather than being upset, Djir was humming cheerily into your ear. It did not seem like he was intent on letting you go, even as you were carried beyond the sight of the raucous scene. You noticed out of the corner of your eye Amun's face in the crowd being left behind. He seemed floored.

As soon as it was over your face began to heat up and the true implications hit you. “Did I actually say something that was inconvenient for you?”

“Yeah.” He laughed.
“It was great!”

“You're saying it was inconvenient and you 'liked' it?” You questioned. It made no sense.


Djir was smiling as he explained. “It was a great introduction, Love. I liked it a lot. There's nothing wrong with annoying those old men. In fact...” He cackled lightly.
“Maybe this speeds up the timeline.”

You gave up worrying about how tightly Djir was holding you in his big arms and accepted that it was how things would be until you reached the destination.
“That guy has troops outside the capital waiting. Is that normal?”

“It isn't.”

“So in the end...” You thought out loud.

“There was never any reason to placate them from the beginning. That faction is just buying time. Even weakness is strength right now. They probably think I've gone mad but my Lover is a Hero.” He offered lovingly, licking your cheek once. You blushed deeply.
“But you know... Even if I'm just making excuses for you it doesn't change the fact that I so... So just LOVE the fact that you said that.”


The remainder of the trip was not long. The procession continued down the road and eventually the small group of you, Djir, your friends and Amun split off and entered. It was amazing to you because unlike Aniyufar all of the structures were built to house Gnolls. Large doorways, grand architecture and nothing that was not sturdy or thick. You imagined that an adult the size and strength of Djir could walk through most walls in Xandria. Here in Garm they were thick enough to you or Fiona. As you got inside and the gates shut you noticed Amun riding with Cyyani in the back while the other two were stepping off the cart already. Djir got off first, then helped you down graciously. He smirked at you and bowed with the addition of a wink as he said.
“My Prince.”

You covered your mouth and laughed. “Doesn't sound so bad.”


The others approached you two and you immediately felt a bit out in the open before Cyyani, Jeane and Teuta.
“W-well!” Jeane spoke awkwardly.
“That was certainly-”

“Interesting?” You interjected. Jeane nodded reluctantly.

“Was it true?”

You glanced back at Djir, then looked over your group. “I am not sure how accurate it is, but I feel it getting more true the more time passes.”

“Hmm.” Jeane crossed her arms.
“What about-”

Teuta stepped forward, seeming incredibly excited. “I don't know how I didn't see it! The light of affection is blinding. It is so... Holy.” She claimed.

Jeane, frustrated by the sudden interjection stepped forward and curled her arm under Teuta's. She tried to finish her thought.
“What about Teuta and I?”

“You two are still very important to me.”

Djir added. “If they are important to you, then they are important to me, as well. I think that maintaining the relationship you have with these women is important so just let me know, ladies, if there is anything I can do to ease your worries.” He offered graciously.

Jeane gulped. “We are not going to perform a-” A twitching eye glanced at Teuta. She amended her statement.
“I am not going to get involved in any type of Threesome or foursome with you...”

“I actually have no intention of touching either of you at all. Unless Fin asks me to for some reason... If that happens I will endure it.”

Jeane looked annoyed by the answer, both the claim that he was as disinterested in them as she was in him, and then by the sentiment that he would 'endure' and encounter. She huffed and did not saying anything more on the matter before Cyyani stepped in.
“Relax, girls. Djir only has an interest in cute boys. You both are completely safe because what he wants... What he's already done is place the Hero under his thumb and press him down into a submissive little mold.” She grinned.
“Like Amun.”

Djir shook his head. He did not seem impressed by the assessment. “I'd advise you all not to take the advice of a degenerate former queen. What you're describing, little Jackal, is what you aimed to do any failed.” Djir placed an arm around your shoulder and stated vehemently.
“I actually like MY Hero just the way he is.” With that he smooched you on the cheek before releasing you. You watched and noted Amun hanging back, his head lowered and his fists clenched. Djir took your hand in his and asked.
“Do we want to head inside and get some privacy, Love.”

“Uh-” You looked back. The truth was... You really really did.

“They going to be alright?” You asked as he pulled you inside the Manor. The inside was as Grand as the outside and surprisingly, Amun appeared within to meet you two. He bowed his head.

“Master, should I-”

“Shut the front door, Amun.” Djir asked. Amun nodded and closed the front door. Through the crack as it shut you could see other servants assisting them. You felt Djir's heart beat speed up, signifying something was about to happen, but you did not expect that the moment the door shut Djir would lunge forward and lift the Aniyub boy by the neck, pinning him to the sturdy frame. Amun had on his face an amalgam of shock and fear. You could see his hand seriously squeezing into the soft neck. The thing that surprised and frightened you the most however was:

'I didn't see him move.' His heart beat quickly, then he was pinning Amun against the door. Amun who had seemingly teleported from outside to inside. You guessed he was not intending to resist, but still the shock on his face said much more than any guess you could make.

“M... aster?”

“Amun.” Djir sighed, cocking his head. His maw with all it's sharp, gnarly teeth opened in front of Amun's face menacingly as Djir spoke.
“What're you doing? What's this behavior you're showing? The faces you're making and the little things you're adding on to my orders to affect Fin. What is it, Amun?” His eyes rolled up, you could see that Amun was choking. You rushed forward.

“Djir. Djir!” You pulled on his arm. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply like someone trying to manage their emotions. He looked down at you, managing a friendly smile while his servant was still being choked against the door.
“He can't answer you if you choke him...” You protested.

“Hah... Hahaha!” Djir covered his muzzle with his free hand as he cackled like the Hyena he was.
“Right. Of course.” He slowly let the shaking form of Amun down in front of the door.

Amun bowed and prostrated himself the moment he was free. “Master I- I-”

You sighed and interjected. “Doesn't it seem like he was giving me the opportunity to help you? I could've said anything and you liked it, so it wasn't exactly a big deal even if it put me on the spot. Plus, Amun is used to serving just you. He needs to get used to things as they are now. It's completely understandable.”

Djir knelt down. It was uncertain if he had take in what you said. You felt relieved as he patted Amun on the back and smiled at you. His raging gold eyes had softened and become kind once again.
“Amun...” He whispered, though you could hear him clearly. The Beastfolk's ears twitched and swiveled up to hear.
“You know how I am. Your lifeline was cut the moment you acted against me. Fin is the one that retied it just now. You need to remember that, okay?”

“I will never forgot.” Amun promised dejectedly, he was sobbing in the way that he spoke. He raised his head. Sweat covered his face and mixed with tears rolling down his cheek.

“Forgive me Master, Forgive me Fin.” He bowed a few more times to both you and Djir in intense apology.

You gulped as a thought crossed your mind. 'I was worried about Amun doing something to me or my friends. I was hoping that this deadly assassin would not turn against us and I hoped there was something that we would be able to do against him if he did but...' You shivered.

'That was never a worry.' You stared down at his small, shaking form.
'This guy is completely and utterly broken...' You trailed your gaze up to an expression that sat on Djir's face that was far too calm and proud for you both to be looking down at the same sight. Djir was the one that broke Amun so completely that he, who you found frightening, was a weak blubbering mess on the floor. Amun could do nothing and only your words saved him from being killed over something so small.

“Fin?” Djir asked. You saw a menacing bend behind his smile and a deep dark depth to even the kind eyes that he wore while he looked at you. He held out his hand.
“Is something wrong?” He spoke gently, standing up.
“Now that it's settled, this mess is going to clean itself up.”

You looked down and thought. 'This is just a mess to him?' You tried to keep your cool.
“Y-yeah! I'm fine. Let's go.” You gasped, feeling yourself being picked up off your feet.

“Relax. Why should your feet have to be dirtied by the floor while I'm with you?” He said lovingly. Djir carried you up the stairs to the second level of the Manor. Looking back you did not see Amun move until a moment before the door opened. Cyyani came through and knelt by her brother's side. She glared up at you harshly before you left their sight. You felt guilty and excited and worried. A wash of various emotions and a question: 'Have I fallen for a horrible Tyrant? I was worried about so much happening around me but the most dangerous one is holding me in his arms...'


“And then he said-” Merit whispered the last part into Fiona's ear, triggering the lady to spit out her wine onto her husband that had been sitting on her lap. Innad shifted uncomfortably and fretted.

“Ah! Ah... It got in my ears...” They began moving wildly.
“It's all over me. Fiona Whyyy...” He started to tear up.

Fiona ignored him and leaned in to address Merit's report. “Are you sure there wasn't some kind of mistake?” She threw her hands up.
“What am I saying! Of course not. It's MY brother we're talking about.”

“W-we have to consider the possibility that the Prince has switched sides.” Merit broached delicately.

“You... You're Cyyani's-”

“Younger sister, my Queen.”

Fiona smiled. “I was thinking about killing you since you're a woman, but you're actually pretty meek and cute... I like this a lot better than that overbearing sister of yours.”

“The way you say it sounds like you are insulting me and complimenting me at the same time, my Queen.” She comments pitifully.

“Never mind.” She watched in amusement as her twink husband tried to wring wine from his ears. She leaned back comfortably and lifted a finger to her chin in thought.
“Something good has come out of this. The Gnolls pulling their forces out of the captured territories means they must be preparing for another internal conflict. I am guessing that Djir's thinking on the matter was that we wouldn't dare attack since my dear brother made himself a hostage without thinking.” She grinned widely and wickedly, her eyes passing over the Elite she had put together over a number of weeks in power. All of the female warriors in the kingdom who had any acclaim whatsoever. “It's clear now based off your report, Merit, that Djir has no intention whatsoever in harming my Brother.”

“My Queen?” Merit questioned.

Fiona pushed Innad off of her and stood up. “Ladies!” There was a cry of honor in Aniyufaran from the assembled guard. They slapped the flat of their hooked swords against their solid armor and gold jewelry.
“We're going to war!”

The Aniyub woman of former royalty that had somehow landed herself an advisory position with the new ruler looked over the assembled force nervously. Fiona's statement about Cyyani was clear and disheartening. Only Fin's safety was at the forefront of her mind. If her sister or anyone else happened to be caught in the crossfire and killed it would only serve Fiona's purposes.
“What is your order, my Queen?”

“Assemble the conscripts and mobilize the army guarding the border immediately. Surprise attack into the old Capital. Reinforce as needed. They'll never expect the defensive force to turn into an attacking one so quickly, especially while they are retreating.”

“Should we let the Gnolls retreat?” Merit asked.

Fiona clicked her tongue. “We shouldn't... But if Djir's faction looses too much too quickly Fin will also be in danger. Encourage them to go. Make it clear that we wont chase them into the grasslands beyond our original territory. Yet.”


Djir let you down on his bed nicely. The room that he lived in had very little personality. It was likely decorated by someone simply as a matter of procedure with things that looked like a Gnoll Politician would have. Art, fine rugs and smooth stone walls of marble. The only thing with some interesting implications was the large canopy bed. It was close to the ground, likely so that it could have multiple points of support to distribute the Gnoll's incredible wait. Sheets were red and felt insubstantial like you were laying on smoke, or warm soft snow. Unlike before, as soon as you were on your back Djir climbed over you. His arms on either side created a kind of cage that locked you beneath him.
“All your teasing has lead to this, Fin.” He licked his chops.
“I don't know how well I can restrain myself at this point. You have made me so, so hungry for your body but...” He seemed pained to add.
“If you truly want to wait I will... I am weak to you in a number of ways.” His claw brushed over your cheek.

“I kind of want this, too.” You admitted.
“I just don't know what to expect.”

“It'll hurt. I am not going to lie, this is more for me than it is for you, but I will make it as nice for you as I can.” He leaned down and pulled apart your Tunic, licking over your chest and around your neck up to your cheek. You shuddered.

If you ever had an inkling to deny Djir. If you ever had a thought that you did not want to do this it would have come up, but thinking back you were shameless in tempting him and you too wanted to try it to some extent. You were not sure why.
“It's okay.” Djir smiled and got up.
“I- I said it's okay.” You reiterated, removing your sandals and pants so that only your loose, open tunic was left.

“Oh, I know. But like I said, I don't want to hurt you.” He searched through one of his cabinets and found a sealed jar which he carried over to the stand next to the bed. He removed the top of the jar and dipped two fingers in. As they pulled out it looked as though they were covered in some slick, dark oil.

“What is it?”

“This oil-” He said slipping is fingers down over your rear. It was slick, one want in and it was a jolt, like fire. You inhaled sharply and Djir leaned close and kissed you for a distraction.
“It is slick. There is an herb for faint numbing but too much is bad.”

“Why?” You groaned.
“Feels like more would be good...”

He shook his head. “You need to be able to fill it so that if something hurts particularly bad you can tell me.” Djir then grinned and added.
“We feel pain for a reason.” He closed his maw gently around your neck. It felt dangerous and dominating, like he could snap it, but was choosing to simply hold like that. You ran your hand over his large head to his ears and stroked up them, unsure of what else to do. As there was a fain pressure with tiny pressure marks from his teeth showing up on your neck he pulled back and licked over them, showing the contrast he was capable of.

Your face was incredibly red after that and your body was hot. You almost forgot that he had a large finger inside of you. It was deep and after remaining there he pulled out and ran the oiled hand over his member. It was frighteningly large, much larger than a finger or even two.
“Will that thing even fit?”

“Mhm. Your body can do amazing things. Things you didn't even know. It will fit. It may even feel good if I do it right and you are particularly... Loose.”

You closed your eyes and nodded. Another shock as his huge member pushed in abruptly. You covered your mouth to stifle the groans you were feeling the need to let out but Djir pulled the hand away and kissed you. As his cock pushed in deeper you felt a shock through your own member, or rather, beneath it. Somewhere nearby. It was like  string being tugged from inside your rear that lead directly to the nerves in your member. Your eyes rolled back as Djir pressed your member into your belly with his thumb and rubbed over it sensually as he thrust. It went a little deeper each time, and each time it went a particular depth and ran up against a particular spot it stimulated your cock. His rubbing on your member then stimulated the spot inside.
“Ooh...” You moaned.

It went on sensually for a minute before you finally came over your stomach from the rubbing and the stimulation inside. You flushed deeply, as that particular orgasm was something that resonated up your spine, into your brain, across your whole body. It was not something you had felt before. Once Djir saw you were taken care of and panting from exhaustion he began rutting, rather than pushing. You grunted and tensed with each harsh push until finally it stopped. Warmth flushed your insides. You laid back and breathed deeply and slowly. Djir eventually rolled over and laid beside you. He slid an arm under you so that he could act as a pillow and pulled you into his warm chest further.

“It's fine to rest. It gets easier every time, by the way.” He advised. Without much thought you passed out in his arms.


When you awoke it was not quite dark, rather twilight. That meant that there was still quite a bit of time, and you had ruined your nightly rest by napping, anyway. You chuckled to yourself and looked to Djir. He was nowhere. As you got up your butt was still sore. Terribly sore.

'Did he say it got better? I hope so.' You blushed, then wondered.
'Wait... How often are we planning to do that?'

After the trip, the reveal and what you saw down in the entryway with Amun you realized that there would probably need to be some maintenance to your relationships. Or, if possible some repairing to wounds freshly opened. You considered the fact that Amun was a wreck. He was broken and far more pitiful than you could have guessed. Cyyani hated Djir and possibly did not hate her brother as much as you thought, but the plans she would have undoubtedly were not in your favor unless you planned to oppose Djir. Next there were Jeane and Teuta; grouped in your mind because they were gentle and faithful. You knew they could be trusted, but wondered if they were doing well with the announcement. You at least knew Teuta was completely fine.



Completely agree with your point about characters. Being decisive and active are necessary qualities for a protagonist. Otherwise you're just the POV character for someone else's story. That's actually part of why I've been liking the direction Winter took Odyssey and Rangers in. While it took them a bit to get there, Lad and Finn feel like more active protagonists than Yeong and the Hero did. Though in fairness, after reaching Demonkine, the Hero started being far more pro-active in how they addressed their situation and challenges. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out, both with Fiona's invasion and a potential confrontation between the siblings later.

Jane Hexum

Ok sis gone cra cra and sexy furry caesar need to be nicer to his Sporus lol