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Maddie was lead with the blinders on. She felt loyalty building within her as a result of the curse and it was jarring her for her body to move in response to the Goblin's desire's, rather than be fully in control. 'Should I log off? I am definitely under the restrained rules, right now so I can't even relay info. So I should just-'

“Oh! Is it another agent? This is great. This is really great. She'll be so happy.” An androgynous voice commented. There was a vague hint of a lack of excitement in their tone.
“They're dropping like flies.” The blinder was opened, treating her to the sight of a silver-haired beauty smiling down at her.
“Oh shit! You're still logged in?”

“W-what's it to you? You caught me just as I was about to log off.” She claimed.

“You spent a lot of time just casually getting ridden like a mount before now...” She seemed in awe at that fact.
“Maybe you're actually super into it?”

“You're the freak who's working with them.”

“I'm actually just doing this because of a girl I like...” The Elf claimed.

“Well I'm leaving. Enjoy whatever this is.” Maddie stated as the Elf leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Before she could log off she heard the Goblin relay.

“You not logging off!” Along with another firm snap to her rear from his riding crop.

Maddie yelped. 'Wait.. Can they do that?'

The Elf patted her on the head and smiled. “You're asking yourself right now: 'Can they do that?' The answer is a resounding yes! So long as someone is dumb enough to stay logged in with a curse like this on them. You can log off but it's a willpower test each attempt and you can only actually make one per hour. In other words. “

“I'm fucked for another hour...”

“Precisely.” The Elf tapped her chin.
“Maybe a mount isn't right. Maybe she's better as a pet or something? Should we transfer ownership to the tamer and really mess with her?” As she asked that the Goblin on her back hopped off. According to Maddie's estimations he was some simulacra of a Knight and had relations directly to the mount, however when it came to pets and animals and other followers a tamer was key. She felt an odd shift as ownership of her cursed items were passed on. She stared down at the unimposing figure of the little green man. She sneered.

“This isn't...” She gulped, feeling herself slip into a prostrating position with her ass raised.
“Going t-to...” Her ass wagged and her body shook.
“Work?” She felt less unsure as she brought herself low to the ground to the point that she was staring up submissively at the Goblin tamer.

“Do you know how pets work?” Nyle asked, squatting down next to her.

“No...” Pets were notoriously unreliable. There was no such thing as a respawning pet for monsters. If a creature was trained, raised and died somehow it would simply be gone and all the effort wasted. No one would ever have a pet, or a class focused on them, so she would never know anything.

“First of all... I think your master is disappointed that you're a human so I'll reach into my coffers and produce a Beastfolk elixir for him. Mostly... I think Luara will enjoy this as well.” She commented.

“W-what? How rich are you!?” The amount of money for one of those Elixirs was equivalent to five percent of their department budget in game.

“I said it was worth it, alright?” Nyle poured the elixir over her head, then down her spine. The elf then massaged it carefully into her scalp and rubbed it into her spine down to the tailbone. Slowly her body began to shake and contrort. She felt a pain and tightness in her ears as her human ones disappeared. New perky, fuzzy ears popped up on top of her head, twitching. She could suddenly hear so much more from the tunnels. There were moans coming from somewhere. Her back arched as a tail sprouted from her and began moving back and forth. She opened her mouth, feeling quite dazed. She was drooling on the floor somewhat uncontrollably.

“This is crazy...” She groaned.
“Beastfolk are-” She panted. Her body felt hot and the only thing that helped was to keep her mouth open. Letting her tongue hang out felt extra nice.
“Stronger... So why make your enemy stronger.”

“You're a pet, silly.”

Maddie grimaced. 'Shit, that's right.'

[Beastfolk: Dog. Effects that increase loyalty are now doubled. All physical stats improved.]

'There was that hidden effect, as well? All effects that increase loyalty...' To her knowledge, followers had a loyalty score that affected their ability to be made to follow orders. She wondered if it was the same for pets.

'But I'm not a pet, yet.'

[You have been registered as a pet by Grimbulb. The system will now engage PPP, Player Pet Protocol. If you do not approve of this designation avoid following any command or instruction over the next minute to deny the designation. Failure to deny designation will remove 'player' designation and replace it with 'pet' designation. This effect is Permanent. Do not contact the Admin concerning this change.]

“Wait wait wait! This is bullshit!” She screamed while being force to 'sit pretty.' She leaned up and lifted her hands into paw position while her legs spread in a squat.

“What's wrong?” Nyle asked.

“I- I can't deny commands so I can't avoid the designation! This isn't the intended way for this to happen!” Maddie argued.

“Oh shit...” Nyle covered their mouth mischievously.
“I guess it's an Exploit.”

Maddie's eyes widened. Her heart sunk as every small command was followed by her body. Her tail wagged, she lowered for pets, she walked with him and she even heeled.

'A minute left... I need to avoid following a single command and that's enough! All I have to do...' Her eyes lit up and chased a ball down a hall. She ran after it on all fours and picked it up with her mouth.

'Is not...' She moved independent of her thoughts.

'Bring it back!' She struggled and attempted to pool all her willpower. All of the effort she could muster culminated in her obediently dropping the ball soaked in her saliva in front of the tamer's feet while panting and wagging her tail excitedly.

“This is bullshit I-”

[Player designation permanently altered to 'Pet'.]
[Education & Knowledge is automatically set to zero and is replaced with Training. Intelligence is Dramatically reduced.]
[Problem Solving is automatically set to 0 and is replaced with Instinct.]
[Social Ability is removed. All social skills are moot and replaced with Likability & Cuteness]

[Internal Thought Process removed.]

Her eyes lit up innocently. “Hope he throws it again!” She stopped.
“Wait, what?” Her eyes, whether she wanted them to be or not, were locked on the ball. He threw it, or at least pretended to before hiding it behind his back.
“Who would fall for that... But wait... The ball isn't there anymore.” She panted as her body sweat.
“What if he actually threw it!” She turned and rushed off to try and look for it.
“Ball... Ball...” She felt slighted that there was no actual ball in sight. She turned around at a whistle and rushed back, sitting at attention with a wide, dopey grin.
“Wait, why am I-”

[Play has increased Loyalty.]

“No no... This can't actually work. Loyalty can't make my mind work l-less.”

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]

Her brain felt numb. “Master.” She mumbled while looking upon the cocky Goblin Tamer. She shook it off.
“No! This is... It's not hopeless yet. I can-”

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]

“There's no way...” The boxes then multiplied in front of her eyes, making her head spin.
“In...finite exploit.”

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]
[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]
[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]
[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]
[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]
[Loyalty effects doubled due to Goblin Tamer.]

[Loyalty effects doubled due to Beastfolk: Dog.]

Her lips curled up in an insane smile.

[Loyalty effects have reached maximum levels]

“I'm through.” She said giddily.


Sherrie rounded the corner and was surprised to find a Beastfolk girl gnawing in a rather stereotypical fashion on an old monster bone with meat hanging off of it. Despite the fact that she had hands that looked quite effective, even with the long claws, she held it up and awkwardly chewed at it while mostly using her mouth and sharp teeth.
'Wait a minute... That Agent?'
“Grr... Nom...” The Beastfolk looked up and guarded her bone as Sherrie approached.

“Aren't you that Agent? Maddie?”

“I'm Fetcher...” The woman offered in a frank tone.
“You here for Master?”

“Uh, no?”

“Oh.” She went back to her bone.

“Can I get through this passage? What's in there.”

“I dunno... No get through though. Guarding.” She stated proudly.

“Okay. But then who's that behind you?” Sherrie asked.

“Huh?” She turned, twisting her whole body to look like a dog circling their bed before circling back in time to see the bone being tossed down the way Sherrie came from.
“My treat!” She bounded after it cluelessly, not even giving acknowledgment to the one who likely threw it.

Sherrie sighed and slipped past. “We have... A Goblin Warren.” She observed, based on the things strewn about. There were also a few banners, hung.
“Too bad I'm looking for Gnomes. Still strange for them to be down here. Could be working together. I'll investigate just in case.” She explored the Warren. Sherries ability to wander around unseen, guided by dumb luck and innate intuition meant that she was able to get a good idea of exactly where the Warren sat on a map of the sewer. She grabbed a piece of actual meat in her hands from a stockpile and left the way she came.
“They're not Gnomes, but a Goblin warren still deserves to be dealt with. Better report it to the city authority.” She reached the entrance where 'Fetcher' was guarding. She turned and growled angrily at Sherrie.

“Tricker! You bad!” She bared fangs. Her ears were stuck up and flared back with the fur standing up and her tail was on end as well.

Sherrie smiled warmly and tossed her the steak. “Catch!”

“Oooh!” Fetcher pounced on it, letting Sherrie pass unhindered.

Sherrie lifted a hand to her chin in thought. “Those girls are actually obsessed with Goblins, right? No wonder they got caught... I wonder if it's intentional. In any case, I can't also get side-tracked. I'll just make a quick note of it to the authorities and get back to me hunt for the Gnome culprits responsible for all these disappearances.” She climbed up and out of the nearest manhole.


Madison finally came to in her office sweating. The system finally kicked her out due to hunger and other vitals. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot and her clothes were soaked. She was glad she had her own space, away from the others. She stared at the screen and was surprised to see that nothing was obscured.
“What?” She leaned in close and turned bright red as she watched a Beastfolk Simulacra of herself scratching her ears with her foot while wagging her tail. She had on a a cute spiked collar and nothing else.
“Ohfuck! I'm not restrained!” She held her head in her hands.
“H-how am I ever going to explain this.” She slammed her head into her desk, agonizing and cringing. She lifted it, peeking at the screen where Grimbulb was approaching to scratch her ears for her. Her expression softened in game and outside of it unconsciously.
“Master...” She muttered without thinking. When she realized what she said she covered her mouth. She sat and watched in silence for a full minute before thinking.

'I can actually record the inside like this... Maybe I should go eat and get back to being logged in so that I can try to gather more info for the team.' A mad, guilt-warped smirk crossed her lips.



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