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NTR Quest - Odyssey 18 - As a Guest

  • 'Make it the Right Time' 8
  • Leave it 8
  • 2023-11-03
  • —2023-11-10
  • 16 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 18 - As a Guest', 'choices': [{'text': "'Make it the Right Time'", 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Leave it', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 10, 18, 8, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 3, 22, 51, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 16}


You considered your position. Whether you should be trying to gather information to potentially protect Fiona in the future. If you should try to go as an infiltrator and gather as much information as possible. As you spooned with Jeane and had Teuta at your back in a comfortable bed, a situation handed to you by Djir, you felt content. The corner of your lips curled up happily. You tested to see if Jeane was still awake. Her long ear twitched as you blew on it. She turned her head.
“Treat it as a vacation.”

“That is your decision?”

“Why not enjoy ourselves?” You asked.

“I do not see a reason. However... Are we going with no mission at all?”

You considered the question and answered earnestly. “If there is a mission... Let's just soak up the hospitality of Garm. Keep our ears and eyes open to everything that is shown to us and use our judgment. If there is anything that pops out at us... Let's ask.”

“Hmm. Interesting. I will keep that in mind and...” She chuckles.
“Relax, I suppose.”

“Nothing wrong with that. I'll work on Djir.”


Djir met the party at the dock. He held his head up poudly. As least, as 'up' as he could with his Gnoll posture. As you approached he stepped forward attentively and offered his hand to you.
“Slept well, I hope.”

“Thanks to you.” You smiled, taking his hand. He helped you aboard the craft, then the others before taking up a spot beside you. Teuta sat beside Amun. You relaxed, getting the feeling that he was intent on ignoring her. Jeane sat on the other side and looked to be meditating.
“Does this boat take us all the way to Garm?”

“Garm sits on a river, but not this one. It's a day on the water. Before we even begin to see the end of the Lula we get off and take land transport inland for a about a weeks time.”

“It's not exactly close.”

“And the land isn't hospitable, either. Thankfully I'm with you, and my men are with me so there's no chance of tribals bothering us. Rest assured.”

“I wasn't worried.” You did not mean for it to be, but he looked flattered. His chest puffed out proudly.

“Glad I have your confidence. If anything happened to you and your group I may resign myself to labor instead of leadership.”

You looked at him. “What if t isn't your fault?”

“You're in my care. Who am I if I can't defend my guests?”

“Well now, that is comforting.” Jeane comments.

“I don't just have to worry about enemies. If I let guests die or break my word, what'll my allies have to think about me? I wish I could simply destroy everything in my path and it were that simple. I also have to focus on my image, and maintaining alliances.” He explains.
“I assume things are no different for you and your people.”

“You're right... I have to keep in mind how everyone feels and balance their behavior or things can end in disaster. Even from my own camp.” You frowned, remembering the culmination of Fiona's plan and the fighting between the Elves and the Orrans. Not many died in the grand scheme of things, but any deaths felt like more than were necessary.

Djir patted you on the shoulder. “That's why we need to work together.”

“We still need to talk about that.” You bring up.

“Soon.” He offers.
“I want you to see where I'm coming from, first. So you understand.”

“You've said that before.” You pondered the meaning.
“Are you experiencing problems back home?”

He grins. “What gives you that idea?”

“As the story goes, you were on the verge of conquering Aniyub but pulled back. Overextension isn't actually a concern unless you're afraid of someone taking advantage. At least... That's what I understand from training in dueling. You imagined your sword style, the one both you and your sister practiced from the Master in Cheshire. Reducing unnecessary actions, keeping necessary movements close to the body. When it becomes necessary, strike in a way the opponent can't strike back. It's the type of careful style that leaves no openings. If the opponent follows your rhythm they are bound to lose.

“You look like you just had a revelation.” Djir commented slyly.

“I was just thinking to myself.”

He leaned over and whispered, his breath washing over the side of your face and into your ear. “I hope in the future we will be able to share with each other like it's second nature.”

You looked at him curiously. 'He sounds earnest... Does he actually want to share, though?' You chose to smile politely.
“For now lets start with seeing how we get along.”

He looked surprised by the sudden assertion. “Of course!” Djir agreed.

The trip took you through the last Major city before Aniyub ended. It was a city far more subdued than both Xandria and the old capital. There were as many Gnolls. There were also others. All of it could be seen as the craft passed by the city.
“More people we haven't seen before.”

“Thought this place is not as impressive of a location, it does not need to be. It is more vast than those two cities. A trade hub where peoples gather. As much as we loath to admit it, the value for many goods sold and traded throughout the continent is decided here.”

“Decided here? Not in Garm?”

“Garm has many laws concerning the import of goods. It protects our people, but also stifles our growth.”

“Were you hoping to get a piece of the trade without sacrificing the protection of your own people by controlling this city?” You wondered out loud.

“Ho.” Djir chuckled and tapped his house.
“How are you so smart?”

You blushed. “I was just guessing.”

He nodded. “Goods can flow in without being affected by tariffs because they are coming out of a province, not a separate land.”

“Oh... And I'm guessing whoever's in charge is dragging their feet on figuring out the tariff amount for goods coming into this new province.”

Djir cackled. “Wonder who that could be? It's a controversial topic.”

“Laws aren't laws unless they are followed.” Cyyani commented.

Djir showed her a bemused smirk. “The Senate is deadlocked. We make laws, but what can we do when a decision can't be made?”

She turned up her nose. “Oh, and the indecision just happens to benefit you. How interesting.”

“It is, isn't it.” He returned his attention to you, solely to explain.
“The duty of a Dictator is to step in at a time of crisis and establish order where there is none. When the crisis ends I will step down, naturally.” He paused and scratched his chin.
“Though, I wonder if the people will have other ideas. We are, after all, a city that values the opinions of all.”

“How long has the crisis lasted?”

“A good question to ask.” Cyyani complimented.

Djir leaned over to you. “We still face threats from our south and from within. Your presence seems proof of that, no?”

It was a good answer, in your mind. “I suppose. We do present a threat, don't we?”

“There's this one sly Human I've got my eye on. He's a real talent.” Djir grinned at his own statement. You laughed lightly. Out of the corner of your eye Cyyani looked possitively ill over the way the two of you were treating one-another, but there was another you did not expect. Amun as well seemed to have a look that was just a bit too intense for your liking. You were faintly worried about a new faction forming, but remembered that Amun was deathly loyal to Djir and Cyyani and Amun did not get along at all.

'It would take a lot for those two to want to team up.'


The craft stopped at a small walled outpost. Surprisingly, beyond that there was a moderately well-trod road that was roughly as wide as the transport you all rode on. A wagon dragged by beast of burden. However, Djir insisted you ride on his beast with him, as opposed to the bumpy ride of the wagon that the rest of the party was exposed to. He promised it would give the two of you a lot of time to talk without any eavesdroppers. While you sat at the front, Djir was behind on the saddle and whether intentionally or not, your rear was constantly sliding back into his crotch. On more than one occasion you felt his member pressing into you, or growing up and resting against your back.
“Are you just constantly excited?”

“I wonder why... Something about being in this position.” He let out a short cackle that you knew he could not stop. Djir covered his mouth.

A grin crossed your lips. “Control yourself.” As you said that you playfully let yourself fall back against his chest and into the notch in his lap. You could feel his heart thumping quickly.

“Are- Are you asking me to control myself or...” As he asked that you could feel him shaking around you. The ride was normally a bit bumpy but it was definitely his body.

“Figure it out.” You said cheekily.

“You're actually toying with me?” He muttered, licking his chops.

“Something wrong with that?” You looked over your should to ask as you nestled comfortably into his chest and relaxed.

“Nothing at all.” Djir remarked.
“I think this is adorable, actually.”

“Pfft. Well I'll have to stop then. I am NOT adorable.”

“Sorry! I meant to say brave. Very very 'brave' to toy with my like this.” he leaned into your ear and whispered.
“Makes me want to take you right here... Do you fully get what you're doing to me right now?”

“I don't just get it, I feel it... So hard. Make it less obvious.” You joked.

“Now is not the right time for us.” He said, motioning towards the cart just a ways back. On either side a rolling grassland with few trees. There was an oasis that you could see in the distance with vegetation surrounding it.
“But I'll remember this for later.”

“Hm...” You wondered.


Roland Taranis

I think we should wait and keep our relationship with Djir out of prying eyes. As stated, among the greatest "inside" danger that we are subjected to would be to push Amun & Cyanni together against us. Cyanni won't be content unless we act like she does, openly and brashly opposing Djir at the very least. I can only hope that the results we manage to get will be recognized and appease her down the line. If she decides to act, I will advocate to chastise her deeply. We can't afford her sowing discord, which wouldn't make Fiona happy in the slightest either. At least her combat prowess are "moderate to high" and if things come to it, we should have the advantage. Amun is much more dangerous in my opinion, and is the one to appease first and foremost. His combat prowess are very high, and since he built himself as Djir's "right hand man", we should make clear we aren't trying to take his place nor harm Djir. This should be enough to ensure no shenanigans, and I'd advocate to befriend him while asserting our independent will if we can. To content both these objectives, keeping the "steamiest" part of our relationship with Djir contained is an absolute first. Behind closed doors, everything can happen, but out in the open, it would be inviting disaster.


The community seems torn between wanting to take your good advice and being horny for Djir and Fin to finally payoff the tension from way back in the original Quest story. XD