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NTR Quest - Odyssey 15 - Your Choice

  • Accept Apology (Fuck on your terms) 15
  • Accept Apology (Separate for the Night) 3
  • Refuse Apology 9
  • 2023-10-13
  • 27 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 15 - Your Choice', 'choices': [{'text': 'Accept Apology (Fuck on your terms)', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Accept Apology (Separate for the Night)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Refuse Apology ', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 13, 20, 38, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 27}


The fashion of the continent was unfamiliar to you. What you had observed so far were breezy clothes in light colors. Skin being shown was not a huge issue in Aniyub with women dressing to show the bronze skin of their arms and shoulders. Jewelry of gold and bronze around the areas of skin that were shown such as the neck and arms and wrist looked to play a big part. For Gnolls it was strangely minimalist. For Djir he wore something quite light, but at the same time the fabric was thick and solid white. The only color you saw on him was a sash of purple and a gold belt around his waist that was thin like a rope or chain. No weapon was on his person. The soldiers wore armored skirts and plating over their chest with long tunics underneath. The short tunic that hemmed around the thighs, with a belt to bring it in around the waist and some sort of sash or drape around the neck or over the shoulders looked to be the Gnoll style. Within the city, the Aniyub such as Amun wore robes that were far more breezy. Cloth that was almost insubstantial with solid undergarments only. Their bodies were more on display.

You saw a mix of everything and Amun was eager to show you all of the nice, loose, basically see-through clothing that hung like dresses or gowns. The things that he and his kind seemed to wear while compelled by Djir. Most of what you saw was either that or just Aniyub. You sighed, then a tunic caught your eye in white with gold threading. It was sized for a Gnoll.
“What about that?”

“Not your size.” Amun tried to shut you down quickly. He moved to block it with his body.

“Can it be resized?” You motioned for him to move, a command he reluctantly complied with. He stared at it with you, then turned and stared at you in annoyance.

“Could you possibly consider just wearing something here that will fit? You are Aniyub Royalty, no? At least just wear something that our kind would wear.”

“Our kind?” You smiled.

Amun closed his eyes briefly. “I miss-spoke. But yes. You and your sister consider yourselves rulers of me and my kind, no? You should at the very least consider us your kind.” He explained his relatively simple thought process.

You nodded slowly. “I'd consider you my kind, Amun. No more, no less. If it was me, anyway...” He was surprised by that, both brows lifting.

”It kind of caught my eye.” You shifted the subject back to the garb.

“That is because it is Garman Senatorial garb. I am sure it will be missed by some visiting Gnoll. We should-”

“I'd like it to be resized. Could we do that?” You smiled innocently, despite the unreasonable demand.
“I could also just not change...” You opened your arms.
“I think I look good. Would Djir agree?”

Amun threw his head back, then nodded and moved to the garment, lifting it off of the rack. He took at and pulled you along with him.
“Very well.” He glances back.
“Why are you being difficult?”

“I just feel like I'm telling you what I want. If I let you push me around and dress me, what would I be?”

Amun acknowledged that with a nod. “I see. That is your intent.”

You were brought into a side room with a few Aniyub girls. Amun spoke to them and called them over. They immediately got to work putting the garb over you and cutting it and sewing it to your size expertly. You could barely tell that it had been altered as they shortened and tightened certain areas. The end product looked on you the way it would look on a Gnoll. It was breezy. The legs were a little cold and the air got in underneath but perhaps that was the point. The belt pulling it in made it feel less like a short dress and the final touch of a blue sash that one of the girls threw over your shoulder brought it all together.
“This... Looks quite nice.” You smiled.

“I am glad you like it.” Amun offered unenthusiastically.

“Please do not blame me if Djir becomes upset.”

“Think he will? At this?” You did a little mock spin, eliciting a giggle from the Anayub maidens.

“He asked you to change.. He meant into something like this.” Amun motioned to his own colorful garb.
“Djir enjoys being in control, which he deserves to be, and you are taking that feeling from him. Please consider your actions.”

“We'll see.” You smiled.


Djir was waiting patiently in a small sitting room. He stood up as you entered and gasped audibly. He raised his hand to his maw and approached with a stunned stare.
“I told you...” Amun muttered, stepping away.

“Who's idea was this?” Djir asked.

“Mine.” You offered.

He rubbed his chin. “What drew you to it?”

“The fabric and the colors. I also just liked the shape of it compared to the other stuff.”

“Well of course!” He grinned proudly.
“Hehe. Those other garments are for Aniyub, not Gnolls. You look...” He exhaled to the extent that you could feel the hot breath from his nostrils.
“Haha... Sorry, Fin.” He was having trouble keeping it together but for the opposite reason than you expected.
“It's flattering. You look very good. I think you made the right choice. It almost feels like you naturally embraced my people's dress over yours.” He grinned widely and offered an approving nod to a blushing Amun. He rested his heavy paw on your back and ushered you towards a set of doors.
“Come. Are you tired?”

“Not particularly?” You responded truthfully. You were not. The day was not particularly rough.

“Good! Then we have time to talk and trade stories.” You looked back and saw that Amun was not moving. You were lead into a palatial room overlooking the canal. As soon as Djir entered and shut the doors he removed his purple and gold sash and tossed it over a cushioned seat. He pulled his tunic apart somewhat, showing off the fur over his chest and strong arms more prominently. Once that was done Djir plopped down on the seat and motioned for you to come over. You sat with a good foot and a half of space between the two of you only to have Djir spread out and close the space as soon as you settled in. He draped his arm around the back of the sofa like he did on the boat, and leaned close as he spoke. It was closer than he did in public early. You blushed awkwardly since you could smell his breath better than ever. Surprisingly not bad, but less favorable than air. You smiled politely and rather forwardly reached up and pressed your hand into the soft fur on his chest, pushing him back a little. As you did that you felt the beat of his heart go from a walk to a bit of a jog in pace.
“Haha... Tell me if I'm in your space, of course.” Djir offered.

“No problem. Can we talk about your plans?”

“I'd rather talk about you.” Djir stated.


“Of course. You... As soon as I saw you. Hah.” He tilted his head back and inhaled as he gathered his thought.
“There concepts of 'at sight' and such... Love, Hate, things of that sort?”

You cringed faintly. “You claiming... What at first sight exactly?”

“What I felt at first sight was 'missed opportunity...' How odd is that? With someone I've never met before I felt a sense of preemptive 'loss.' Haha...” He cackled a little, almost seeming nervous and a bit vulnerable to admit what he had felt.
“Regret for things that never happened. Or haven't happened yet? Who knows.”

“I... Have heard that before. I don't get it. People are talking about feeling echoes of feelings... I don't understand. I haven't felt anything like that.”

“To me it's like the feeling of remembering and reliving an embarrassing event, just without the event.   It's almost more troubling that way. I am usually very in control of... Everything concerning myself. You understand?”

You looked at him. “Do you feel embarrassed.”

He gulped. “I feel... Embarrassed. Regretful. Lost. All of that around you.” He leaned closer.
“I changed my mind about you slightly. You aren't the same as Amun. You aren't screaming out for belonging and purpose you are reaching out for impact and expression!” You watched as his hand slid around you fully to your opposite shoulder, squeezing.
“I want to make you see what I see. The way I see it.”

“What made you change your mind? Even a little bit?”

“It was you. I thought you were a timid thing ruled by your sister, just like Amun and just like the Aniyub in general. I thought I could free you from her and make you happy with me.” He leveled a serious gaze at you.
“Because I do know what is best for people. My people, Amun's people... All the lands I've taken so far have been to make a better world for all of them.”

You scoffed. “Every conqueror would say that.”

“I mean it.” He closed the distance fully and licked from your neck up to your cheek and then almost over your mouth. You shuddered and turned your head.

“No.” You uttered assertively.

“Please...” Djir kept going. He brought his body close to your and reached under his Tunic to stroke something as the large Gnoll loomed over you. You were fully engulfed in his hot breath as he very forwardly attempted to proceed.
“I'll be gentle with you, Fin.” He offered it as a promise, but you were not sure how much you could be sure of his word. He tried to add softly.
“I lo-”

“No!” It took all of your strength to push him off of you. You got the impression that he was not fighting back with all of his own strength, as he was tossed off of the seat and onto the floor. You panted, staring down at him. Many things ran through your mind; worry over reprisal, plans for how to get away quickly and gather your people. You watched carefully as Djir got up, took a deep breath, then dropped to one knee in front of you. Even down on a knee the Gnoll was still bigger and loomed over than you but he offered a look that you gathered to be of humility.

“Forgive me. I just- Hehe... I wanted you so badly. I was wrong.” You stared at him quizzically. His short ears drooped down and his eyes seemed misty with worry and regret.
“Forgive me...” He repeated as Djir of all Gnolls bowed his head.


Roland Taranis

Here is my analysis. The most important things to me right now is Fin's capability to self-determine & the safety of our entourage. Djir have some echoes of is relationship with the Hero from Quest. I think refusing the apology ourtight is a mistake that would put everyone in danger. I cannot know how sincere Djir is, but showing him that much disrespect in a moment of weakness, feinted or otherwise, might resonate with what happened in Quest, pushing Djir to take much more direct and impactful measures against Fin & the others. And even if it doesn't come to blows, his political influence is so great here that we wouldn't be "envoys" anymore but hostages. So I think accepting the apology is the correct way. Separating for the night would be a rather neutral move, no bridge burned but no real gain either. Fucking with Djir could appear as an act of submission. Fin falling to the "enemy". It can be, I cannot predict what Winter can come up with, but here is why I think it won't come to this and why it is the best way forward right now. We are in control of the situation, and it is on OUR terms that we can have a bond with Djir. Hell, since we would fuck on our terms, we could refuse him penetrating Fin, our characters don't have to be on the receiving end all the time. We have the control here. There is no denial of Fin's determination here, and as easy as we could refuse anything, accepting that bond might turn Djir into a steadfast ally, and through him the whole Garm Republic and even the Aniyub "refugees", as we saw with the overture towards Amun. We could even, down the line, "take control" of Djir if he is genuinely infatuated with Fin. As long as Fin doesn't become the puppet of anyone anymore I'm ready to go to that length, even if I don't like gay sex.


Yandere Gnoll is on my mind

Roland Taranis

And what do yandere do when you tell them to f off ? It's not some crazy chick with a knife we're talking about, repercussions would be severe.