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“Where is she!” Sam shouted. Raithe and Kara stepped back, both raising their hands. Neither of them knew, much to their chagrin. But, deep down even in their dominated minds they knew that they were not the ones that lost her. However, they knew that they could very easily become responsible.

“Master we-” Kara began.

“Both left to gather the things that you asked.” Finished Raithe. They were like one at some points, like they somehow shared a connection after erasure.

Sam took a few seconds to breath and rub his head. “You're right. I got sloppy...” He admitted, much to the girls surprise.

“Only one place to look, really.”

They of course found the Hero in Malik's camp nursing the Orc's flaccid member delicately; her mouth was so close to the steamy cock that her lips never seemed to live it, even as she moved to different portions of it. She was lounged over his lap. The man stroked her hair affectionately like she were a cat. She did look up as Sam and the other two approached, however her attention was quickly diverted back down by Malik's firm hand guiding her gaze away, and back towards his member. She drooled over it and continued kissing and licking absentmindedly
“Knew it! Give her back, dammit!”

“Or what?” Malik shrugged. He offered a smug smirk that infuriated Sam. He thought  the wreath protected him from provocation, but that was just the magical variety. It could not account for general hate he would have for an adversary. The Human was actually mad. The Orc continued.
“Interesting thing is, you're maids are quite a bit stronger than my entourage combined. But that's only in a fight, which of course is not allowed. When it comes to just the two of us, I'm stronger than you Sam.” Malik taunted, causing Sam to seethe further. But the human resisted the magical portion of the Orc's taunting.
“Unless you want to wrestle and find out.”

Sam calculated in his head. The vial in his sleeve could be applied, but who knows what would happen in the mean time. Furthermore, it was an outcome that Malik wanted, as he was coaxing him with his provocation for Sam to gladly accept. He psyched himself into denying the Orcs request, despite the fact that it was his best chance to get close.
“Not a chance.”

“Coward.” Malik sneered. However, deep down he felt disappointment that his provocation did not work and searched the Human for answers.
“What is going on?” He narrowed his eyes and peered at Sam similarly to how he did when they first met.
“Oh I see...  We're both being played to some extent.” Malik cocked his head to one side.
“Alright, I have a deal for you.”

“A deal?”

“That pink mixture.” Sam blinked as Malik mentioned it. Only he and Cerius knew Sam had it.
“Drink half and you get your Hero back right away. Soon as you chug half that mixture, if you haven't consumed the other half within a weeks time you go free and do whatever you like.”

“No.” Sam narrowed his eyes at the man. Malik was surprised by the refusal.

“When the week is up, I don't just leave. You also have to take the other half.” Malik rolled his dull green eyes.


Sam laughed. “That tells me it's reversible, and that this is an easy choice.”

“How'd you come to that conclusion?”

“I doubt you'd agree if there was a chance that it was permanent.”

Malik huffed. “Maybe I'm just confident.”

“Maybe.” Sam smirked.
“The Hero, now.” He thoughts clearly for a moment, though the mixture was beginning to fog his mind.
“Reverse whatever you have on her, as well... I don't want her running back to you of her own accord. That would be a breach of the deal. Got it?”

“Got it.” Malik clicked his tongue. He ran his large hand through her hair, stroking it for a few moments. As he did she shuddered, her eyes rolling back. When he was done she seemed suddenly aware of where she was and what she was doing. She blushed and stared up at a grinning Malik, then looked over pleadingly at Sam for forgiveness.

“Just come here, fool.” Sam motioned her over. She stumbled off of the love seat and back to Sam's side.
“Let's go.” Sam wanted to leave quickly before the mixture, whatever it was, began to take effect on him. Just half, but he had no idea what that half would even do.
“I agreed to quickly...” He muttered to himself.

“W-what, daddy?”

“Never you mind.” He glared down at her, shrinking her underneath his gaze. Sam pulled on her arm so that she would not suddenly spirit away once more somehow.


By the time they reached the camp Sam was sweating through his clothes. He stumbled into Raithe and Kara. The two girls panicked.
“Master! What is this sweat?”

“It's sweat...” He grumbled derisively.
“What do you think it is?”

Even the Hero looked at him strangely. “No, Daddy it's-”

Sam looked down to see grayish-black sweat seeping through his skin, almost like dye but it did not seem to stain immediately. Sam grimaced.
“Ba-bath! Run a bath!” He grunted. He was feeling quite ill and a bath would do him well, regardless, he reasoned. He sat and watched impatiently as Kara, Raithe and the Hero all carried heavy buckets of warm water into a procured wooden bath within their camp. He could feel himself drifting off. When the water was high enough he decided to just strip down and slip his slovenly body inside. The water was comfortable, and more was being added steadily. He began to relax. Sam tilted his head back in the water and felt himself drift off. He hoped they would have at least enough sense to not let him drown.

When he awoke who-knows-how-long later he grimaced. The water was lukewarm and he had no idea what time it was. He looked down to see that he was wading in a pool of black.
“What!? Disgusting...” He uttered derisively, beginning to stand to leave the small wooden tub. It felt far bigger than it was when he entered. Before it was almost like a pot that he was stewing in. As he stood up the warm black water sloughed off of his light skin. He felt lighter in general.
“Wait.” He looked down. His hands and arms were more slender, less worn by the sun. Less hairy. But only where he checked his body. Cascading over his shoulders and down his back was smooth dark hair as if he had grown it out for years. He panicked slightly and looked over his body to see if the worst had happened. Sam exhaled relief as, mercifully, his cock was smoother and less dark but still as big as he was used to. He still had his balls, which he checked; each of them to see that they were still there. Once that was sorted he ran his hand carefully over his body. Smooth, but not soft.

Sam laughed madly. “I-Idiot!” He flexed and looked over his new form. It was like he had been granted a new body. More specifically, it felt like his body when he was still young and attractive. Before the food, before the indulgence, before everything. Same inhaled through what felt like fresh lungs and stretched limber muscles. When he had gotten over the fact that he was practically a new man he glanced over at the surprised faces of the girls.

“Master you-” Kara began.

“You look amazing!” Raithe added.

“Where's the Hero?” He was quick to ask.

“She's over there sleeping next to your things.” Raithe claimed.

“She's guarding them.” Kara corrected.

“Right.” Sam saw the remainder of the pink potion. He felt tempted to chug the rest. Driven to, even, but he shook off that feeling. He could guess that he was half-way through a transformation, give what half of the mixture had done to him. He was no stranger to feminizing procedures so he would not become careless. This one was simply new to him. He did not even know if this new body was the end of it so he steadied his emotions and decided to slow his roll.
“It's not a blessing...” He told himself.
“It just is.” With that he felt as though he had conquered the first portion of Malik's challenge. The second part, to him, was making sure everything worked. He grinned at Kara.
“Come here.”

Kara mewled under him as his fresh, large member squeezed into her tight cunt with some effort. Her face was a mask of pleasure with her eyes rolled back and her mouth stuck open. She was close to drooling. Sam could guess that he had not lost his touch. He may have even gained a boost due to his limber frame.
“You're s-so good!” Kara moaned. In the background Raithe looked on jealously, her thighs clenched tightly with her hands between them. The Hero woke up as well to the moaning and found herself staring. Sam grinned with satisfaction as he rammed into her, her legs spread wide. He looked up and lifted his arm, flexing it as he thrust.

“I am, aren't I?” He laughed, finishing inside of Kara with one last deep thrust. He pulled out to see that his load had not been affected either. It was still the same thick, yellowish white that they were all used to tolerating. He pulled free and found a seat. He stared expectantly at Raith and the Hero. The two girls rushed forward, shoulder to should in front of him. They began cooperating to clean Sam's slicked member of juices and seed. He tilted his head back, sighing happily.
“How... How was this supposed to be difficult?” He grinned. It hit him.
“How.. How?” He felt his head as he went soft within the girls lips during the cleaning.
“He wouldn't do this if it would only benefit me so what's the trick? What's the game?” He was no stranger to these games as he was an avid player. It felt natural. Give someone what seemed like a blessing and lull them into a state of complacency while the actual effects worked in the background. It worried him.


“Mhmm?” The Tanuki appeared behind him in his lush purple robes and opulent body bouncing. Suddenly Sam felt quite small in front of the man where before he was at least on the Beastfolk's level physically. He strained his brain.

'Is that it, or is it simply that I AM smaller? I am smaller, aren't I?' Sam reasoned in his head.
“What is it my friend?” Serius asked.

“Stuff it, Raccoon... What is this mixture?”

“Should I tell you?” He wondered out loud.
“You're doing pretty well with it, lad. Maybe it's for the best.”

“What would happen if I drank the whole thing?”

Serius lifted a brow. “I think you know, don't you?”

“So... What happens with only half?”

“Looks like you found out.” The Tanuki teased with his short maw's lips pulled back into a grin.

“It wasn't meant for you...” He offered sarcastically.
“Not sure if that part was clear. Don't worry, you'll be fine.”

“Thanks!” Sam grunted, rolling his eyes.

“No problem!” With that the Tanuki disappeared.

'Bastard!” Sam slammed his fist against the side of the water drum. Staring inside, the water was entirely black, as if it had been inundated with a deep, dark ink. His anger subsided and he became morbidly curious.
“What is this?”

The twins approached cautiously and stared inside as one. The looked into the murky basin for a total of a minute before looking to Sam with uncertainty.

“It looks like...” Kara began.

“Impurities have been washed out of your system, Master.”

“Impurities?” Sam flexed his muscles. His body was toned and limber. He was no taller than he was, which meant he was just slightly taller than the Hero, but that was fine.
“I'm still 'me' so it can't that true, can it?” He chuckled, then a scary thought crossed his mind.
“Wait... Wait wait.”

“Master what is it?” Kara approached with a worried look on her face.

“Get away from me for now!” He demanded, retreating into a private tent. After a moment inside he poked his head out and added.
“But don't leave the camp, any of you.”

Sam sat down cross-legged and inhaled deeply. He realized very much that the body he had now was his younger self, but also something else. It was the spitting image of a portrait that existed in a very important Patron's collection. Sam closed his eyes and reached out as hard as he could. It was not something he did often, or even ever but the situation demanded it. As silence rang out in his mind he began to sweat clear beads. Finally Sam opened his eyes. He was not sure if he should cheer or feel deeply disturbed. His connection to his Patron, the Painter had been lost. The ink in the basin was clearly something that he had accumulated not just from a life of debauchery, but like of it in someone's name. He had thought that he had gotten away from that name later on into his life but it seemed it was following him without even realizing.

Sam stood up and left the tent, confused. He ignored the girls and panned a gaze across the circus, as it was called. Such a land of debauchery should  have been rife with the devil's influence but within the canopy there was nothing. It was something else's domain.  

“What is Serius?” Sam asked Kara and Raithe.

“Old.” They said as one with a shrug.
“Old as mother.” Raithe added.

Sam rolled his eyes. “Good talk. Anything else?” They looked at each other.
“Fine. Wipe me down. I need new clothes, as well. Hero, come help.”

The girl smiled cheerily. “Should I get a cloth?”

“You got a cloth, idiot! In your mouth.” He stared at the three of them.
“What're you waiting for?”

The trio began licking around Sam's new body as he held his arms out. In his pits, around his cock and between his toned cheeks. A concession was made to allow kara to use some actual mixture in his hair to make it smooth, since he actually had hair. No bald spot and no rough, dead ends. He stared at his nails. Not trimmed, but clear and immaculate in comparison to the yellow nails that he had never bothered to looked at. As he inspected himself and as Kara worked on soaking his balls in her mouth he grimaced. Even more so as Raithe looked at his nails after sucking his fingers between her lips.

“We... Could time these.”

“Preen your hair...” The Hero offered, running her hand through it.

Sam shook his head and brushed the woman off of him except Kara, who was between his legs. “Fuck off! You think I care about my hair and nails?” Kara dragged her tongue over his cock and sniffed. Her nose wrinkled.
“What?” Sam asked.
“What is it now.”

“N-nothing.” She averted her gaze.

“Tell me.” He stared her down, forcing the Fox to cave instantly.

“Your smell is different. It's less strong, Master.” She was referring to his musk, the thing that left many girls dizzy in his presence. It was not like the drugs he used to his advantage, no. There was not much else to it, it was just a powerful scent that he had emitted almost persistently. It was something he likened to leaking masculinity out into the world constantly. It was gone.

“Find me a robe or something.” Sam ordered. The girls gathered together and found a loose satin robe to drape over his shoulders. He tied it at the waist, leaving his bare chest open to the warm air of the circus. He walked over to his things and picked up the half-full pink vial.
“I should just dump this out.” He reasoned.
“If I do that... The challenge is impossible to lose.” Same smirked and uncorked the vial. He began to tip it, but the pink liquid caught the light in a very specific way and the smell wafted over him. Sweet. It was a fine flavor when he tasted it. The Human gritted his teeth and recorked the vial.

“Master?” Kara questioned.

“Don't look at me like that.” He uttered defensively.
“Still want to use this on the Orc. Maybe even that damn Raccoon. Give him a taste of his own medicine.”



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