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NT Rangers - Lad 15 - Going in Together

  • Both (Spite Sebek) 11
  • Both (Chill) 13
  • Yeong 3
  • Kai 0
  • 2023-10-05
  • 27 votes
{'title': 'NT Rangers - Lad 15 - Going in Together', 'choices': [{'text': 'Both (Spite Sebek)', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Both (Chill)', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Yeong', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Kai', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 5, 19, 37, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 27}


Kai looked at Lad strangely. “Any reason why I shouldn't go in? We can go in together if it makes you feel better.” It was ill advised but a pulling on Lad's soul drove him towards the option as a way of causing discord in his Lord's favor. He did not feel it intentionally, and he hated it, but he also felt the pressure both from that and from Kai's own prodding. It was enough.

“Sure. Maybe we go in together.” He offered. He was reluctant to go back in at all, knowing what the two inside were doing. Lad was not sure the effect it would have on Kai to see that, but he stepped aside to let her through, then followed her into the medical room. Kai stepped inside and Lad stopped beside her. Within the room, as could be expected, Yeong was still getting used up like a common onahole by Sebek. He looked surprised to see Lad and Kai enter, but not deterred.

“Hey! Interested in joining? Either of you.” Sebek coaxed. Lad looked especially surprised and her pleasure quickly turned to worry that seemed to rest solely on Kai's presence. Sebek held her hips down so she was stuck with his thick cock stuffed inside of her. It had the look of a hand trying to get into a glove that didn't fit, but forced it's way in anyway meaning so much of the spare skin and fat and whatever else was thickened at the base.

Kai stared at them, then looked at Lad, then back at them before speaking. “What. The. Fuck.”

“Huh?” Sebek looked surprised, as did Yeong.

She stepped forward and grabbed Yeong by the ear, harshly pulling her off. The girl had all the ability to resist but in the moment she cringed and let herself be pulled off like a scolded child. Sebek's cock bounced free as Yeong was pulled back between Lad and Kai.
“What are you doing!?” Yeong asked.

“What are YOU doing?” Kai released Yeong's ear and rested her hands on her own hips. She leaned back and looked down on the Aoian.
“Number one, he tried to date-drug you. Number two, the drugging was for the purpose of kidnapping you to some secret evil organization. Three, he's literally NOT the guy you remember from your time so if you think about it you're actually cheating on him with a WORSE version, right?”

“N-now hold on-” Sebek tried to interject but Kai stared him down harshly.

“But-” Yeong stared up at her with wide eyes. Lad as well was stunned because he expected something far more troubling to happen.

“No buts. Am I right or am I right?” Kai inquired.

“You...” Yeong looked to her, then back at a confused Sebek. She looked deep in thought before reluctantly returning her gaze to Kai.

“I think you might be right.”

“Wait, what!?” Sebek grunted. His cock started to go soft.
“A worse version?”

“He's still a bit charismatic but he doesn't have the same powers as mine.” Yeong claimed.
“I checked.”

“What powers? Stop talking about me like I'm not here!” He demanded.

“Exactly.” Kai smiled.
“It's pretty much confirmed that he only got into the auxiliary program due to the Jackal's interference.” She smirked, finding an avenue to pick on.
“So isn't he just, like... A huge loser in comparison?”

“He's not even as nice as the Sebek I knew. I just got hypnotized by myself since I thought I found him again.” Yeong admitted.

“Let's be real, the only thing that brought him close to us was probably that fact. They manipulated you into meeting him, probably. Echo punks...”

Sebek cleared his throat warily. “That's actually not true I, uh...”

Kai rounded Yeong to return to Lad's side. “In comparison, this fellow here made it all the way up to join the team on his own merits. Sure, he has a trait that makes us like him but the trait is HIS and that means HE has something.” Kai leaned on Lad very closely. Lad was completely floored by the scene, so much so that he could not move. Sebek stared at him, in a similar amount of shock.

Yeong huffed. “When you're right you're right.” She moved to lean on the opposite side of Lad to Kai. Both girls were basically on his arm. She smirked over at Kai.
“You know, when you came in and saw us I was worried that you'd actually join and he'd fall for you. Because that's what happened in my own. He liked you more than me.”

Kai rolled her eyes. “I wouldn't compete for that loser. What kind of crazy porn plots are in your head? Think of all the shit he did to you and tried to do to us. There's a reason he's basically a prisoner still.” Kai hugged Lad tightly and smooched his cheek.
“In contrast... Lad brought me in here to expose you two. It took a lot of decisiveness.”

Yeong chuckled and leaned in, kissing around Lad's neck. “I guess so... You know. He's actually way cuter than some Orc. Especially now that I've come to my senses. He's NOT Sebek.” She glared pointedly at Sebek as she said that.

“I am! I am Sebek!” He motioned to himself angrily.
“What the hell!?”

“Wait wait... I thought you both were angry with me?”

Kai shook her head. “That was before we knew why your arrow didn't affect us. When I thought about it, I thought if it hit me I would've lost my Mama and Papa. One or both... Those are the people I love most.”

Yeong looked down in thought. “I wouldn't have lost Sebek, I'd lose my Halmeoni Kara. It's lucky it never hit me.”

“So it's fine?” Lad asked hesitantly.

“More than fine.” Kai giggled.
“We're still on track.” As she got closer Lad noticed Yeong's face redden. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her ass without any question or indication that it was coming. Lad squeezed instinctively, just due to the fact that the pillow cheek touched his palm.
“Hey!” Kai warned her off. The fur on her tail and ears stood up. The feeling it gave off was that she thought Lad was her territory.

Yeong clicked her tongue and pulled on your arm. “I'm not going to lose to you in this timeline, too! I'm actually going to win this one.” With that she turned herself so that she was in front and backed Lad against the wall as she tried to edge Kai out.
“You can't beat me. I'm too strong.” She pressed herself up against Lad covetously. Lad felt her perky tits against his chest and the warmth between her legs as she did a grind up and down over his leg.

“Yeong...” Sebek reached out shakily. He sounded choked up.
“Think about this! That kid's got a TRAIT that's making you like him! How's that worse than what we got? At least THINK about not immediately fucking him. Come on!”

Yeong shook her head and barely looked back over her shoulder as she spoke. “When you speak now it feels like you have the trait of a loser. At least Lad has something. Also... He's actually nice. He was the one that helped me when you tried to drug me. He was the one that looked after me when he sensed you were up to no good. He kept his cool and got me out of that party. Come to think of it... Our new Black Ranger is a complete BEAST!” She gushed.

“Oh for gods sake.. She's hopeless.” Kai groaned. She stared down at her HanComm.
“May not be stronger but I'm smarter.” As she said that she clicked one key on her screen, causing Yeong to convulse in a mix of pain and pleasure. It looked like something between an orgasm and an electric shock and Lad could see that it still left her wet as if it was one over the other.
“Think about what you're wearing, stupid.”

“Hold on! Could you do that to me?” Lad uttered nervously.

“Do you want me to?” Kai smiled, leaning forward and walking her two fingers up his chest intimately.

“No! But...” Dark thoughts from the Lord swam through Lad's mind. He felt compelled to ask.
“Could... Anyone with the right access do that?”

“Nope. It's something I can do and... Don't tell Mama because it damages the devices...” She pulled Yeong off of him and took her onto her shoulder.
“I'll fix hers myself so Mama doesn't find out.” She stopped as she was about to leave.
“Shit, I forgot to question that guy...” She shrugged.
“Oh well, he's not that important. I'll do it later. Coming Lad?”

“In a minute.” Lad waited for them to walk out. He stared at Sebek who looked like he had just been bowled over.

“It's not fair...” He muttered.
“I'm an Orc. I'm not supposed to get-”

“Cucked?” Lad asked. He wished he could feel bad for the boy, but Sebek did what he did. Lad felt further dark thoughts rise up inside of him.
“Serves you right for fucking with Leto, pig.” Lad spat on the ground.

“Wait wait wait...” Sebek stopped him as he turned to go.
“I'm not a bad guy. I was just like you. I wanted any opportunity to get out of the slums. You know you're under some influence right now... Shouldn't you hold back? At least leave Yeong. That Kai chick is cute and she's into you.” Sebek looked to Lad beseechingly. He added humbly.
“I'm ready to try and do better.”

“No part of doing better involves you getting back with Yeong.” Lad reasoned.

“Okay fine.” Sebek relented.
“Do whatever you want. Just think about what they did to your head and why you should probably chill.”

Lad was not sure if it was his thought, or another one from Echo leaking into his mind but he stared at Sebek and asked.
“Would you 'chill' if you were me?”

Sebek paused. “No...” He offered honestly.
“But maybe I am a bad guy.” Sebek switched gears.
“And- and maybe you don't wanna be me.”



My expectations were cucked! Unbelievable! How could this happen to me... You're so cruel Wintergreen😭

Jane Hexum

wow kai at 0%

Tanya Wormald

Apparently She's french fries and Yeong is Ketchup. People just need to have them together.