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“Yeah? Am I a pig now, slut?” Lokk gave the Sentinel's rear a heavy smack, leaving a red print on her purple skin. She yelped. He slapped her other cheek, leaving a similar mark. Lingered on her like brand's almost.

“You... Are Pig.” She uttered in broken Orcish.

He grinned and hooked his muscular arm around her neck, pulling her back. Her hands were bound to the bar in the stables so her arms her stretched out forward as he pulled her against his body. She groaned, trying to endure the stretching as he positioned himself. While she remained in the headlock Lokk dropped the fiery Sentinel over his cock, skewering her. He could see her belly distend slightly as her voice escaped in a yelp.
“Still resisting.” His other hand rolled over her perky breasts and her toned stomach. Features that would both change over time. Her tits would grow and her muscles would fade, as it was with all of the Sentinels that came under their charge. He glanced over. The Orgy that was occurring nearby showed examples of that.

Many women that were soldiers had already been put well on the way to becoming mothers and those that were already soft, the civilians, were even softer and more malleable to the Orc's interests. It was a symphony of moans and groans from both sides off to Lokk's right as Orcs spit roasted, slapped around and simply ravished the Elves. It looked like pure entertainment, but Lokk was not sure why he was so preoccupied with a single defiant elf when he could have so many other pre-broken girls drooling over his shaft. As Lokk felt she was close to passing out so he let her fall forward. She could catch herself if he wanted to. If not, she would have an issue. As she gripped the bar to stop herself from falling she flared back at him over her shoulder and shouted.

Lokk laughed and rammed into her a few times to bring about those cute moans he had heard earlier. She was resilient, but her cunt was wet and there was nothing she could do about that. He pushed her down as she tried to stand up on her toes. Her feet were forced flat and her head bent down below the bar. Her collar finally clicked into place rendering her a fixture, rather than a slave. Until she learned her lesson she would lose the use of her arms and legs and instead become a hole along the side of the stable that any Orc could slide his member into at any point. The slaves that learned to behave were given to the orgies and allowed to serve. She was one in a short line of women that were close, but had not truly surrendered yet. Not even their former Commander's treacherous words could stop them from resisting.

Lokk rubbed his chin as he wiped his long member between her ass-cheeks and pushed into that tight hole without much consideration for if she were ready. She gasped, but still moved her hips defiantly and still tried her best to move out of position in vain. The bar held her hands and neck shackled like a stockade, so her ass and cunt stuck out helplessly and there was no chance of kicking with her ankles shackled loosely to the ground.

'She should just learn.' Lokk thought, but then he remembered why he seemed to like her. He reminded her of a particularly rare charge his father was given at the lumber mill.


Gokk had already waited a few minutes outside the Cage because he expected something would happen if he left the prisoner there alone. He was not sure exactly what, but he hoped it would be amusing. As he burst back in he caught the Draenei priestess with her back against the cage. Since her hands were ties and her hooves were not exactly made for gripping she had her tail poking out in an attempt to unhook the cage key from a nearby stump. Her tail stood up like it was a separate animal as the old Orc returned with a wide grin.
“Well well. What do we got here?”

“Nothing! I swear!” She tries to explain.

There was no chance that she escaped. In fact, the key was not to any cage that he guarded and was merely a spare he picked up from somewhere. But, he was impressed that the Draenei was thinking outside the box. She was going to be punished for it, of course, but he was impressed. Before she could  turn around he grabbed the tail that was outside the cage and yanked it so that her impressive ass cheeks were wrapped around one of the bars and poking through. Gokk licked his lips. Elves were one thing. A Draenei was something so special that he just had to have her for himself.

'Plump asses, big tits and slender little bodies... On hooves, to boot. Didn't know I was into that till I saw them.' He smirked, winding her nimble tail around his large hand.

“Let go!” she demanded.
“Light will not forgive you for capturing it's Anchorite.”

“Yeah? What's the light gonna do to me? You're wield it and you're in there and I'm out here so how's that goin' for ya so far?” He reasoned.

Macii did not have much to say to that. He was right. She was captured and she had not yet escaped and all of that was while the light felt strongest within her and her companions.
“Still, let go of my tail...”

“Or what?”

“Or I'll be angry.” She spoke Orcish pretty well, which was not surprising considering the Draenei's origin before coming to Azeroth.

“Oh no!” Gokk trembled sarcastically, waving his free hand before swinging it down to clap both of her cheeks as the stuck out from the bars. She screamed out in shock. As he pulled back, she felt her face beginning to burn with embarrassment. Since her ass was wrapped around one of the metal bars she could feel her sex grinding against it as well and it was starting to soak her underwear. To make it worse, Gokk dexterously reached in, undid her bindings, then redid them outside of the cage so that she was trapped against it with her rear and tail hanging out, ripe for pulling and slapping. Once she was properly secured he opened the gate and swung it open. Macii cringed as she was pulled along for the ride until the cage door slammed back against the nearby stump. She was outside the cage but not any closer to freedom. She glared at Gokk since she was facing him this time.

“Scum. How were you not satisfied with ruining one land that you have to come and let another be destroyed at your hands?”

“Way I see it, we're just takin' what's ours and hey... Who is it that brought the Legion in the first place, Goat?”

The Draenei huffed. “That was our fault... But we did not decide for you what you did when they got there.”

“True 'nuff.” He crossed his arms and looked over her half-naked body. She had been stripped of all except her underwear. Her fancy robes were strewn off to the side with her holy symbols and her prayer book. They were soon to be used as rags for oiling weapons and armor and the books and symbols made good kindling. She was a busty woman, which was to be expected, and had a matronly figure around her waist and hips. He had seen her ass and how the big thing bubbled out from between the bars temptingly. When she was facing him he also grinned as he saw her panties soaked through.
“That my fault, too?” Gokk rubbed his chin.

“Yes!” She argued before thinking about her words.
“But not for any flattering reason.”

“Hoh...” He tore at her bra and pulled it down beneath her voluptuous chest. He wasted no time digging into her tits with his hands. He tested them like ripe melons, then tasted them by running his tongue all over them and around her dark nipples. Her skin was clean, with savory hints of salt from sweat. She was light blue, a fetching color. He enjoyed it far more than purple or even deep blue. As his tongue circled her nipples she arced her back and leaned away but there was no escape. Gokk thought she hated it, which was fine, but she was moaning.

“Sensitive thing.”

'Get off!” She kicked up with one of her hooves but the girl obviously did not expect him to catch it and lift it up uncomfortably.
“Hey hey! Stop!” She hopped on one as he stuffed the captured leg under his arm tightly, then grabbed the other to do the same. Once he had them both and could hold and manipulated them Gokk grinned and watched her expression closely as he further lifted her legs to the cage and fastened them up so that they were spread and she was bent up like a pretzel.
“You beast!” There was no struggling anymore. She was a fixture of the cage door. As he swung it, she swung with it.

Gokk licked his lips sloppily. “Now I can just do whatever I want with ya. Should be nice to me.” he warned.

Realization struck her. She thought about it for a few seconds then shook her head and spat at him. It landed on his cheek.

“No!” She uttered in her cute, accented tone.

“Good.” He wiped his cheek and brought out his cock. It was already hard. He tore away her panties and teased her cunt with his cock-head by slapping it, rubbing between it and poking just inside. She was not a virgin, surprisingly and she was a Draenei so large insertions were probably not unusual for her. As she squirmed and sweat under the treatment he finally just plunged his dick inside and started hammering into her while holding the gate bars for leverage. Her cunt gushed as he punished her sex, then pulled all the way out. It was an arc of fluid that he stepped aside to avoid while chuckling.

“D-damn...” She gasped, looking dazed.
“Just-” He ignored her and went back to it, completely ravaging her with hard thrusts. If he couldn't split her like an Elf he'd fuck her hard like an animal. He'd endure the 'Goatfucker' remarks. As he felt himself loosening up and letting go he imagined a little half-Draenei and cringed. Too close to an Orc to mistreat but too much like a Draenei to really like. Besides, he already had a son. Gokk pulled free at the last second to more spurting and dripping and released all over her bare chest and belly. It was so much that it was as if he was 'painting' on her with his seed. He admired his work. She was dazed, but not broken and best of all he'd managed to gape her cunt quite a bit.

“Alright, well...” He clicked his tongue.
“Enjoy your stay.” He swung the door closed and locked her inside like that.

“Hey wait! Wait! Let me down, do not leave me in a state such as this!”

Gokk smirked and began to walk away. “It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.” He was wiping his hands together contentedly.

“I'll do anything!”

He stopped and turned around. “Anything?”


Scout Lokk entered the command tent and observed Tarkan with a troll. They were each fucking one of the Broken Kaldorei commanders. The girls had not only lost their will to fight but had completely lost the will to even fight for what they formerly thought was right. They swapped sides for better treatment . He knew in small part they were scared of reprisal from their own side. He could not blame them. One of the Kaldorei in revealing red armor was bent over a map while the Troll bent over her and pushed into her from behind. She wore a mask over her eyes in what seemed to be a mockery of Shandris, their former general, but within the holes Lokk saw her pupils rolled up in pleasure. The other Kaldorei was holding on to Tarkan and riding him vertically. She had her arms draped over his shoulders. Her lips pressed against his skin submissively as her ass slapped down over his cock. He was impressed with how tightly her legs were locked around the Orc. He was a bit jealous.

Tarkan noticed Lokk enter after a  few second. “Scout. I need you to send a missive to Warsong Lumber Camp.” He ordered, handing the sealed item over.
“I have faith in your abilities by this point. You may be looking at a promotion. Just keep doing your job well. Got it?”

Lokk grinned and offered a short, disciplined nod along with an orc salute. “Of course!” As he turned to leave while securing the letter, Lokk wondered what his father would think of the two Commanders. It was not unlike his plans for the Draenei, so he may be interested.

Once the Scout was gone the two Officers continued looking over the map. “High Elves, mon? Better dan dis.” He motioned down towards  Duriel as he made use of her. Anaris's ears perked in response to the claim.

“M-master!” She panted.

“No high elf would serve the Horde as eagerly as we do!” She almost spat out the words,, but not into him, of course. Over his shoulder.

“Girl's got a point, Razgal. Maybe you used to fuck your perky little elves you got over there after a good haul like this, but now I bet they don't even give you the time of day? Should never have let those prissy things in.” Tarkan shuddered, imagining Blood Elves in his command. They had started by pretending to be able to be paladins and only recently he heard rumors that they were pretending to be warriors as well. The idea of one in a Grunt uniform almost made him lose his erection inside Anaris.

“Nah nah.” Razgal insisted.
“Tellin ya. Those girls be stuck up as anyting, but they be tight and soft.” He offered gleefully.
“Not like deez. Gotta tenderize 'em a bit, dontcha?”

Tarkan laughed. “Tenderize, huh?”



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