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Neil almost threw up as the baton hit his stomach in the exact same spot. It this point it had begun to feel malicious but the calm expression of Amun, Cyyani's brother, betrayed any of those emotions. From a comfortable, shaded seat on the side-lines of the yard Cyyani watched with one leg crossed over the other. Her bare foot bounced subtly in enjoyment and anticipation as she observed the mock bout.

“Ow...” Neil held his side and almost collapsed to one knee but he managed to stay upright. The Tryskan was not a weak individual. He had training as most men in high society should, but it mostly surrounded the culture of dueling and not combat as Amun seemed particularly capable in. It was not just combat, though. It felt to Neil like he was being 'assassinated' with every strike of the baton. Amun, the lighter-skinned, purple haired jackal simply looked on innocently.

“Protect your vitals!” Cyyani shouted out advice to him in good spirits.

“He's too fast...” Neil complained, more or less to himself. Any complaint made to Cyyani directly would be met with discipline. He looked up at Amun as he raised his baton once again.
“Go easy on me, yeah?” No response.
“Brother in law?” A small smile crossed the Jackal's thin lips. He closed the distance quickly and stuck the same spot. Out of habit Neil placed his own training weapon over it in defense and deflected the blow with a loud, fearful gasp. In response to the block Cyyani clapped loudly.
“I asked you to go easy on me! Are you trying to kill me?”

Amun circled Neil. “I am. I could have hit you again but I slowed down.”

“This isn't fair.” He slowly turned to try and keep his eye on the elusive Amun.
“Can Cyyani even stand up to you? You move like a Graduated Knight, for crying out loud.”

“She can not.” Amun move in again, this time he hooked his arm around Neil's neck and poked the stick of the baton into the underside of Neil's chin, tilting the Human's head up in the process.

“Th-then what the hell am I doing? How does a society of women control a society of Men that are stronger than them, anyway? Why aren't you in charge of the army if you're stronger than her?” Neil muttered quietly. Amun's face was close to his so they could speak in such a way. Cyyani's ears across the yard barely twitched.

“Because you think in society we are adversaries. We are collaborators. I can not stop defending my Sisters, my mother and my land any more than they could stop being the wheat and soil of our future generations. A subtle shift in the axis would bring us to power, and the question would be... 'Why do women not simply deny the feminine duty of motherhood to us?' It is because we must all live together...”

“You sound bitter.” Neil identified.

Amun released him and corrected. “Tired.”

“Less chatting more hitting!” Cyyani demanded. Neil blinked and missed Amun moving up on him. His feet were taken out from beneath him and the wind knocked out of him as Neil landed hard on his back. While he was already vulnerable Amun struck Neil's stomach.

“Dead again.” Amun stated.

“Ow ow... Cyyani.” Neil begged.
“I'm hurt, please.” He eyed one of the pain-relieving salves that she had on a table at her side. He knew how well they worked.

“You want this?” She lifted the intricate glass vial and turned it over in her hand. Cyyani smiled warmly.
“Alright, come get it.”

Neil began to rise, and as he did his feet were taken out from beneath him again. This time he landed on his stomach.
“Dammit! Amun!” He looked up to Cyyani from the ground. She did nothing.

“Well... If you can walk I doubt you need this.” She teased. Neil got the idea. He began crawling up to her, his whole body aching. He felt like he would die, but that was not accurate. He would only feel it. There would be no actual death. He crawled up until he was directly in front of where she was seated in the shade. Her foot was quite close to his face.
“This...” She uncorked it.
“Is the last you'll receive for the day, Neil. Understand?” Neil nodded quickly.
“So if you waste a drop, or lose it, you will not have another opportunity to get more no matter how much you cry or beg.” She added. He began to become worried as she tilted the vial down over the top of her leg.

“But-” Neil whimpered.

“What? You'd better get it all...” Cyyani said in a sweet tone. Neil shuddered, his eyes becoming misty as he watched his relieve drip down her smooth bronze skin towards her foot. If he did nothing it would drip onto the ground and she was still pouring so there was more and more dripping down like raindrops on a leaf. He gave in and pressed his tongue to the lower drip as it passed her ankle. He licked it and felt just a tiny bit of sweet relief. With it, if it were the drugs or what he was feeling he could not be sure, he felt aroused. She tilted her foot forward so that all of the liquid would flow down to her toes. Neil caught it at first by licking over the top of her foot but the moment he found a rhythm she poured all of the vial out which forced him to hold his tongue out below her toes and allow the cascade of pleasant liquid to flow onto it, into his mouth.
“There's some left.” She advised. He saw it. Her perfect bronze toes had liquid lingering on them from surface tension. He lost himself for just a moment, enough time for him to suck them between his mouth without thinking and lick around them to 'dry' them of any tonic. It mind-blowing in part due to the feelings he was managing that caused a distinct rock hardness between his legs coupled with the very real feeling of pain relief that he was granted in those moments. Whether he wanted to or not, his mind could not separate the relief from the act of licking her foot and sucking her toes.
“What do you say?”

“Thank you, Cyyani.” Neil said obediently. He was very slightly high, so he caressed her foot and calf, much to her amusement and repeated breathily.
“Thank you...”

“You're actually becoming such a good boy, Neil.” He looked up with wide, still misty, eyes as she said that. Both of her hands came down as she leaned forward and closed around his cheeks. She caressed them, then pulled him up and kissed him deeply on the lips. Her tongue pressed into his mouth and pushed his around within. He felt helplessly aroused and when she ended the kiss he could tell by her blush that she was aroused as well. Neil was leaned over her lap and realized he reached a slight crossroad. There was a type of thing that his former self could ask for while he knew both she and him were horny. Then there was the type of thing that he knew that Cyyani would want. He surrendered to that side and slide down between her legs. She nodded slowly and spread her legs.

Neil lifted the cloth and pulled aside the thong covering that she wore, He inhaled her scent and shuddered. Her hand was weaving into the hair on the back of his skull so there was no longer any pulling back. He went in and lapped between her folds affectionately. There was a sense of satisfaction in feeling the affect he had directly on her body. She moved to certain things he did to her with his tongue. He heard her breaths and her moans. It was not really 'control' but it was something.  It was fantastic. He wanted more. He found his own way around and realized her reactions around a very specific little button had a good effect on her, so he circled it with his tongue. Cyyani threw her head back and covered her mouth with her free hand. In an instead Neil felt himself being pulled and held to her nethers forcefully in a similar way to how he would hold a woman's head down while he came. He realized that she had really just orgasmed.

Cyyani release Neil and stared down at him contentedly. Her cheeks were flushed as she took his hand and pulled him away from the Yard and from Amun. She took him back to their room. He expected to be thrown down onto the bed and fucked rather aggressively with the tables still turned but surprisingly it did not happen. She released him and shed clothes on her way to the bed then laid down while staring at Neil seductively. He wasted do time removing his own clothes and climbing on top of her. His cock was solid, lengthy and very faintly curved so there was no issue as he guided it to her folds and prodded the tip inside.

She closed her eyes and smiled widely beneath him. “Yes...” There were no minced words. The very dominant Cyyani wanted it so Neil obliged. He pushed his full length into her wet and ready cunt and started thrusting like he would have a normal woman. Her body moved with his and she even draped an arm up around his neck while the other rubbed along his side. Her legs curled around his and her voice escaped as it did when he was licking her.
“Good...” She encouraged.

“Cyyani.” Neil grunted.
“You're so tight I'm-”

“Go ahead.” She breathed.
“Do it.” It was an order, but a light order.

“Cumming!” Neil warned as his member throbbed and twitched inside and began to unload into her. He was about to pull out but she strengthened her grip much to his surprise and pulled him down. She leaned up and kissed him as his balls emptied, but she also bit his lip like an animal, shocking him. Her hand that had been at his side was on his ass seeing to it that he did not pull out. When his cock stopped pumping out seed and became soft, then she allowed Neil to pull free of her tight sex. Very little of what he gave her seeped from her. Neil gulped.
“Y-you wanted to get-”

“How it's supposed to be. So long as you do your duty as a man I will do mine as a woman.” Cyyani claimed.
“Plus.” She shrugged.
“I... Felt like I wanted to just then so I pulled you away to do it.”

“I didn't know if you'd actually want a child with me.” Neil said in amazement.

“I chose you. Of course I want to bring about a child with you, fool.” She chuckled, tapping his nose. He realized he was still on top of her and it felt very wrong. Neil rolled over. Cyyani rolled over as well, her breasts resting on his arm and chest. It felt to him like a partnership in those moments, as strange as it had been before. It felt faintly wrong. He wanted to bring it back to how it had been as much as he wished that the instance of her affection could last forever. It was a testament to how broken he had become.

“I-Is there anything you need from me right now?”

“Yes. Keep still and quiet.”

Neil gulped and did as she asked. The woman curled up to him and laid her head down near him while cuddling up against him. Cyyani even seemed to fall asleep but at no point did Neil move or make a sound. He allowed himself a minor infraction. A hand over her smooth skin as she slept and a kiss on her forehead with her face so close to his.

'She is still a woman. She clearly has a feminine side. I guess I have found it.' Neil thought.

'Or... I guess the feminine side has always been there. They are in power but they are still women... It is like what has been said to me this whole time. As a man is it my role to work hard for them with thankless labor and to sacrifice for them?' As he thought that he remembered back to his mother.
'Ah...' With that Neil simply lay back and fell asleep with her.

When he awoke it was dusk out and Cyyani was no longer beside him. He stretched out and looked to the balcony. She was seated there looking out over the seat as she commonly did. Neil forced himself from the comfort of the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder as he passed. She did not look at him until he knelt in from of her. Cyyani smiled as she stared down at him and stroked his hair.
“You're starting to understand.”

“I think so.” Neil admitted.

“You aren't trying or pretending?” She extended a hand. Neil took it and kissed it.

“No, I think... I think maybe this is how it's meant to be.”

“How's that?” She cocked her head curiously.

“Me below you and you above me and then in some special moments we come together and share something. But...” Neil considered his words.
“That doesn't change the way that things are. The way they should be.”

“How is that?” She asked. Neil lowered his head further. He kissed the inside of her thigh, down her calf, then to her foot. “Do you need a cookie?” Cyyani smirked.

Shakily, but with determination he spoke against his interest. “I shouldn't have to be encouraged to simply do what's expected of me.” Ironically, with that she gave him a soothing pat on the head. His heart swelled with excitement, beating loudly in response to the simple gesture.

“There it is...” She cooed.
“Euphoria. This is you, Neil. This is what wishing to be controlled, regimented looks and feels like. Soon this wont hurt for you at all. In fact... It will only feel normal and natural as it does for our men.” As she said that Neil became frightened. He looked up anxiously.
“Shh.. Don't be scared. It doesn't feel bad, does it? To surrender. To obey.”

“Is it me, though?” He wondered out loud.
“I've felt you in my dreams. In my head. I feel like- like I'm being molded. Do I actually want this, or does the version of me that you've molded me into want it?” He questioned.

“YOU want this.” Cyyani insisted, reaching down to tilt is chin up so that Neil was staring into her eyes. He felt weakness flow through his body while he was within her stern gaze. He whimpered pathetically, wanting so bad to shrink or to look away.

“Y-yes Cyyani.”

“Say it.” She commanded.

“I want this, Cyyani.” It was the strangest thing. He could not close his eyes. It felt as if everything she was had wrapped around him and pulled him into her. She controlled his ability to blink, to move. His muscles were not his.

“I am going to be honest with you. You've set yourself back with these questions.”

Neil gulped and felt pain at her disapproval. Not the pain from the yard. It was not a soreness it was a sickness that enveloped him. He needed release from it but he felt deeply that the only relief he would find was with her.
“Please forgive me, Cyyani.”

“Wrong. You do not WANT forgiveness.” She corrected.

Neil nodded his understanding. “Please p-punish me, Cyyani.”

Her plush lips curled up at the corners proudly. It was no minor correction like he was used to. Cyyani moved her fingers on her dominant hand and with that movement Neil felt them prodding into his sore muscles. He felt them around his neck and around his balls. His eyes rolled back and he let out a deep gasp.
“Please stop...” He begged. As he asked, she complied and it stopped but the empty, nagging sickness remained in his mind and on his body. He realized what that meant.
“I'm- I'm sorry. I was weak to ask you to stop.” Cyyani nodded and continued her punishment. Neil's eyes rolled back and his body shook from small shocks all throughout his system. As strong as if felt as it was happening in an instant, after a time it ceased instantly. With it the Sickness and the regret. There was no pain but he was panting and sweating. Neil could move his own body again. With that freedom of movement he made a very important choice. The Human bowed his head obediently.
“Thank you, Cyyani...” She stared down at him with a wide smile.



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